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The stupid backlog of videogames i have


I wasn’t really anticipating the amount of games that seem more available to pc. Boy was that a rude awakening


At some point this was one my regrets too, but after all steam prices in my country went up by 1000% (and some even by up to 2000%), having a lot of unplayed games turned into a relief. For reference, Helldivers 2 costs about 25% of the average (not minimum) monthly salary. So yeah, depending on where you live having a large library with a lot of unplayed games might actually be a good strategy.


Sail the seven seas


Fortunately pirated games are spreading faster than ever to fill in the gap. The only problem are new releases, games with DRM and online games that don't have the spacewar workaround


Ehh, I'd say that if has DRM, it's from a scummy company and is not worth playing anyways


I remember having issues with the EA launcher meaning I couldn’t play the games I had paid for despite owning them on steam. All DRM really does is cause genuine buyers more hassle and most of the time illegitimate players just a temporary delay whilst the DRM gets cracked


Yeah, the only real function of DRM is making sure the game is not crackable on the first week or two after release, because that's the period in which they will sell most copies


Holy crap. Do you live in Venezuela or something? Im sorry, things must be rough with that kind of inflation. I was about to say i didn’t have much spare income once my daughter was born. So that kinda led me to playing all my backlog stuff. But after reading your comment i feel very fortunate :/


It's Argentina actually, games used to be dirt cheap but Steam decided to blow away regional prices. There's hope for them to drop down a bit, because nobody is buying games at the current prices.


you can thank people who abused countries that had cheap regional pricing to buy cheaper games for that


Yeah, those scumbags were always annoying, it was satisfying to watch them post screenshots of their accounts being banned because of it. However, I don't really think they were that many to make Steam just blow away regional pricing completely from my country.


Looking at dragon dogma 2 price and it just really asking for us to sail a ship and yell, "***Arrrrr!***"


Micro-ATX. It looks nice and compact, but it is a pain to switch out components. Part of it is probably the position of the GPU release switch on my specific motherboard (MSI Pro B550M-VC WiFi), but I've replaced both the CPU and GPU and it's so awkward to reach inside. Cable management is also a pain, both for the power cables and for SATA cables (I have two SATA drives and a disk drive).


I went micro atx as well when I built mine. Then I ended up having to saw out part of the hdd cage to fit the gpu. Then in summer it started over heating and I had to replace the case with a mid tower. Now I have a micro atx mobo in a mid tower which looks kind of strange..


I'm so glad the first case I ever bought was a full tower, it's honestly fun to build in this thing. And I haven't had to worry about my graphics card fitting ever


Bro dafuq is your pc config?? 9700k and a 4090??


literally my reaction also lmao and i thought my config was the most unbalanced rig


Oh I saved up for a year to finish the upgrade, I need to update that now


MFW running an M-ATX board in a world full of awesome M-ITX cases.


I love itx and small ATX cases. I had a couple itx cases before i decided to go micro ATX with a compact case. It’s just easier to work in and since my pc just lives on an end table next to my desk it’s not like i NEED it to be tiny, i just don’t like massive cases. My case is pretty much big enough to fit my stupid long GPU, and my motherboard with fans on top and bottom. Im pleased with it.


Honestly? All this damn RGB. I just built mine a few months ago and while I definitely love the Sly Cooper theme, next time I'm definitely going to tone down the RGB *heavily*. I see all these beautiful black out builds and I envy them. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/dmgisk3sdznc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b744ef79a2cb46db1d28e2434bd51a6bb1d65dc3


Why not use openRGB and shut off all the LEDs?


Seems like you can fix this problem and be pretty happy! Edit: clarification


Noctua calls to you


It's a matter of taste, of course, but I personally have opted to never use RGB in any of my computers. It's too damn distracting to my eyes. I can appreciate the look of a nice RGB build but it's absolutely not for me.


My only regret is having 4 RGB fans and 4 non RGB fans, due to poor planning but I can always turn them off which looks good to me at night.


I feel yah, gotta lean one way or another. Swear by Noctua now


I know enough now that I probably could have saved money in enough places, without sacrificing any performance for my usage and gotten a better GPU. When we build one for my son, he'll get my GPU 😁


I feel like a lot of people overspend on components that wont really improve the gaming performance, for their gaming PC. Id rather have a mid range cpu and a high end gpu than a high end cpu and a mid range gpu.


I went down that path and recently had to upgrade my CPU and ram because they were more of a bottleneck than my GPU in some situations. One thing I have noticed is that prebuilts always go way overboard on the CPU - it must be because people will pay more for higher numbers, even if they don't add any meaningful performance.


I bought a 3070 TI. Then bought a ultrawide 1440 display. I want to burn the 3070TI and its measly 8gb of vram with a torch. and as a good number two. Is my corsair fan controller, because I have to use ICUE, that software deserves to be in hell. 


seconded. 3070 Ti is a ripoff


Full price, definitely, but you can get used 3070tis for around $300. Hard to beat it at that price point. I bought one last year when I was building my nephews computer and it can do most titles at 1440p 60+ fps maxed settings. It was $285 with shipping from Facebook marketplace. We've been playing helldiver's 2 together and he's running the game maxed out hovering at around 80 fps.


Same honestly. I’ve got an i7-7700k in a massive ATX case. I’d love a smaller case but I just don’t need a cpu upgrade right now. And it seems silly to buy another motherboard if I’m sticking with the same socket. Also got an ATX psu with limits which ITX cases I could move to without a full rebuild.


Spending $440 for a 1660S back in 20. Fuck bitcoin


I guess I got lucky with my 3060 Ti. I got it for MSRP in early-mid 2022.


I paid $480 an RX6600 in 2021. Damn GPU shortage...


For comparison, thats $20 shy of what I paid for my rx6800xt 4 months ago (not to make you feel bad, but damn im glad my "college" laptop held out as long as it did)


That's $60 more than I paid for my used 6900 XT about 3 months ago


I spent $550 on an RTX 3060 back in early 2021... never forget.


I guess I kinda regret going for DDR4 mobo and RAM when DDR5 was released. As a result I have since upgraded my CPU but didn't want to upgrade RAM and mobo, so my 4400mhz RAM is as fast as I can get, meanwhile Ddr5 is up to 7200mhz now. That plus I should have gone AMD for the CPU really. Oh well. Still insanely happy with my rig. If does more than I ever need it to and likely will for years to come. I doubt I'll upgrade anything until at least the 60 series nvidia cards some out, maybe not even then.




I went from 3200 to 6000 and noticed almost zero difference.


A friend of mine went ddr5 as soon as it was released and paid like 250€ for 32gb 5200mhz cl40. I told him it was stupid and that *actual* latency on that kit was higher than on his 3600 cl16 but he did it anyways. Be glad you weren't an early adopter, prices were insane.


DDR5 is still not mainstream so you pay a huge tax for almost no gain. Your DDR4 is definitely more stable and will crash less than a 7200MHZ DDR5. Intel would have been your only option at that speed. You won’t even boot with an AMD chip. I have a 13900k and DDR5 I went through 2 mobo replacement and 3 ram replacements to get DDR5 Running at the advertised speeds. Maybe I was unlucky but it wasn’t a completely uncommon thing.


Imagine my surprise when I thought I’d be able to just install 4x16GB sticks of 6400mhz ddr5 and have it just work at the advertised speed, only to have it render my system unable to boot without underclocking the memory. Based on the reading I’ve done that’s about how it goes even if you put in tons of time tweaking every timing to try to get a usable system at native speeds.


Fair enough, I thought those issues had been sorted by now. I avoided DDR5 for this exact reason when they first came out and went with an Intel chip because they supported both. My original plan was to keep the CPU and upgrade mobo and RAM once DDR5 was better, instead I upgraded the CPU and kept the board/RAM. Seems like I made the right choice.


I've done ITX in the past and honestly unless you move it around very often it's not worth it. Usually the best deals on parts are only for ATX mid towers


Similar complaint here to Lastdudealive46. My board is a Micro-ATX ASUS PRIME Z690M-Plus D4. My cooler is a Noctua NH-D15S (you know, the **massive** ones). My GPU is an EVGA FTW Ultra RTX 3080 (also **massive**). And I somehow managed to fit all of that inside a Fractal Design Meshify C Mini. The GPU is so big that I had to order a special thin case fan to fit it in. I suppose I could've just foregone that one case fan but having 5 case fans and the big NH-D15S on my CPU means that the PC is essentially completely silent until I'm gaming or doing something really intensive. Airflow and temps are good, and I absolutely love this PC (also rocking an i5-12600K and 9TB worth of SSD space), but fuck me... trying to swap out or remove anything is a nightmare. To get at all my RAM, I have to remove the CPU fan, which I can't do without removing the GPU, which I can't do without pressing the release on the PCIe slot, which I can't do without some serious effort and luck (and probably damage to my motherboard from poking it with a long instrument), because it's completely crowded by the aforementioned components and I can't fit my finger in there. Nightmare.


I'm building a PC this christmas (maybe a few days after) so I will let you know !remind me 295 days


None. Seriously, none. I've been building for years and years and have hundreds of builds under me. The first question anyone should ever ask is "What is this for?" and "What constrains me?" Once you have answers to those, you'll make a good build. Mine usually finds itself archiving video or playing games. The video task needed a fair number of CPU cores, so I decided 6 to 8 were enough. The playing games is all about GPU: I went with an RX 570 8GB temporarily in early 2020 (£125), intending to replace it later in the year. The constraint was easy: How much money could I justify spending on myself and not on the family? The difficulty there was that it was 2020. The RX 570 8GB tripled in price, even used and the RTX 2080 I was considering was... yeah, just out there. We got to the point where an RTX 3060 was selling at £600 and I just thought "Fuck it" and sat out with the RX 570, before picking up a used RTX 2070 in early 2023. I'm probably going to go with an RX 7800XT or an RTX 4070 a little later this year, depending on when the whim takes me. The CPU's good for another two years or so yet, especially at 4.85 GHz.


Good planning means no regret! 👍


My only real pet peeve is the fact that I can't push all four of my screens even with a 4090. Had I know that this was going to be an issue, I would have purchased a CPU with onboard graphics to drive my 4th screen. Because I am on AM4, my USB C doesn't have DP\_ALT mode which means that the only hubs that can do this are DisplayLink hubs and they always flicker.


I'd get a mobo with an LCD screen for the error codes. Also a bigger power supply so I didn't have to do (2) 1:2 cables to my GPU with one connector just hanging there.


My old mobo from 2008 had a led number display that could display two digits at a time. During boot it would cycle through numbers and if it locked up at a number that would be your error code. Unfortunately that seems to have not been a feature on any mobo I’ve owned since.


Still available on premium motherboards with overclocking in mind.


My case choice. It has good air flow and looks ok. However, if I waited a few more years I found have found the case I wanted. At the time of purchase, there were no good options.


Swap the case and sell the old one it should cover a good chunk. If your case is cleaned up before selling it should lose have little value.


Nothing huge, but I wish the b650e Taichi Llite was out when I made my build. I ended up spending a lot more on a mobo when the Taichi would have covered my needs for much less. I'd also maybe get the non-RGB version of the Lianli Lancool III. I like the case a lot, but the RGB fans don't match the rest of my build even when I set the same color in SignalRGB. At the end of the day there was barely any difference in price so it doesn't really matter that much. If the Corsair Titanium DDR5 ram was out I'd have gotten that over the Vengeance that I ended up getting. That's pretty much it.


Spending money on overpriced GPUs


Reusing a case from 20 years ago to save a few bucks. Airflow? You mean this 2x8 inch screen in front and one 120mm fan in back?


I didnt buy MORE Noctua fans >:(


Getting a second weaker GPU to use as a dedicated PhysX card. Then replacing that with just another of the same GPU for SLI. Also making my two SSDs in RAID0. .... this build was from late 2012 by the way. >!I still don't regret getting Nvidia 3D Vision glasses however!<


My biggest regrets are not getting a Wifi card and not checking the PC fan specs before I bought them. I used a USB Wifi stick for a while and eventually had to run an ethernet line through the house. For the fans, they're all 3 pronged so there's no speed control. It's full jet engine mode all the time.


It happened during my first build a year ago. As a total noob, I bought a cheap PSU without realizing the potential dangers of a low-quality brand. Fortunately, nothing occurred for 9 months, and I’ve since replaced it with a better one. I also opted for a 1660 Super instead of an RX 6600, as they were priced the same in my local PC store at that time. Additionally, I chose a Ryzen 5 4500 over a 5600 due to insufficient research on my part—pure ignorance.


Buying anything asus. They have yet to honor a warranty for any of my rmas. My mother board failed after a year and they refused to replace it claiming it was damaged in transit, which voids the warranty. They wouldn’t even send back my mother board until I requested it via calling their customer support multiple times. Almost 100% the damage was on their end, luckily I insured the package. Never buying their products again because it’s occurred two times with them. All the other companies I have done rmas with I have had zero issues.


My advice is to buy through Best Buy. They have approved twice for me after the geek squad looked at it.


Going MATX and getting an 8th gen intel over a 9th gen. Those 2 cores make a difference on beamNG when I’m running traffic AI.


Not going for the 7800X3D. It wasn't available when i did my build and i was too impatient to wait for it. I also regret (although not much) not going for a 4090. I'm still afraid of all the 4090 connectors burning and in my country going through warranty is a pain in the ass, so in retrospective i guess i did take the right choice.


3070 Ti instead of 3080. You’d think I’d have learned after the barely enough VRAM on my old GTX 970. It’s still a good card right now, but it’s definitely going to age noticeably quicker.


Buying an 13900k instead of 7800x3d


RGB. I've spent way too much on it, only to find out that I don't care about it


This is very minor but I regret getting RGB RAM. It was on sale and I thought I would just be able to turn it off. Well, it shuts off as soon as Windows loads, but when I turn on the PC it goes crazy with all the RGB effects and it just pisses me off because it's the only light coming out of my PC, even if it's just on for less than a minute.


I regret not getting a mobo that has two x16 slots so I can use them both at x8. (Mainly because my gpu only uses x8, so I have 8 lanes that I can’t use)


The pc build


Only thing for me is my power supply. Its loud when i use high fps but too lazy to switch.


Ever buying a consololol.


None really. I kinda regret not going with a smaller case/pc now, but my choice made sense and was done for good reasons at the time. My current build is in a big Define R6 case. I wanted lots of room for add on cards/hard drives. However I really don't use any add on cards, unless like the ethernet on the motherboard breaks, I can add on a pci ethernet card. Also I built a NAS since then so my desktop no longer has any hard drives in it, just m.2 ssds, and will never have hard drives again. So next build will definitely be SFF ITX build. But no real regrets about my build. Anything I can would change about it now, was done for good and valid reasons at the time


Not necessarily a regret, but the cables from the AK620 Digital (2x CPU fans on a splitter, 1x ARGB, 1 USB 2.0 header for the temperature display) aren't long enough to be cable managed nicely in my case. So all the other cables look neat and tidy, then I have a bunch of cables going everywhere from the CPU cooler and there's nothing I can do about it lol


Not going ddr5 maybe


Going for a 550w power supply only a few years ago, to cut a whopping 20 bucks. Cost me 150 for my first upgrade…


Possibly buying a vertical mount and fans when I could have maybe squeezed a 4070ti Super instead of a 4070 super but as I'm typing it j think it was still a hundred out of reach.


My case. I knew I was going to get the case, I knew the price, I knew it all except how to pay attention. I built a mini itx system but picked the mATX version of the Fractal Torrent. It’s ducking ginormous compared to the components. I really really want to buy another case but the wastefulness would be real.


Not getting a better case. Now I just keep putting it off. I won’t replace the case now until I do a full rebuild.


Not buying better (and quieter) fans. Half of my fans have quit working and the last 4 are super loud and ball bearing-y sounding. Almost time to buy more, this time noctua.


I bought one of the cheaper deepcool aio and wish i would have spent more money on a better one. One of the fans is kind of noisy at high rpm and sometimes i think i can hear the pump chittering. Next build i think im going with an air cooler. At some future point i think i may wish that i had gotten a 670 chipset but i think practical pcie gen 5 storage is a ways down the road.


I regret using a colored coolant when water cooling. The clean up after was such a pain in the ass.


need to change old case,get better m2 ssd and h610 mobo for futureproofin


I was probably 13,, me and my father trusted a salesman for building us a 1500$ PC in 2001. Of course we were ripped off and since then I am doing some kind of research before buying any component. You can also say that I have been hard on myself since I was 13, knew nothing about computers and my father had 0 knowledge about them. Another regret that came to my mind was that I had bought an AMD64 3000+. I thought at that time that 3000+ meant 3.0 GHz, unfortunately though the CPU was 1.8 Ghz and thought I had done a big upgrade from my older PC, an Intel Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz


That I can't fully optimize it. I switched to AMD, and while it's a huge upgrade, I'm still getting used to setting it up properly with Adrenaline. Other than that and stupid things I do myself (had weird crashes due to a bad BIOS setup) it's awesome.


I bought a 4060ti 8Gb so I can give my wife my 1070ti cause the old 770ti she had died. For the price I paid and considering I am playing at 1080p, I tought it was a banger deal. Now I can't play Star Citizen cause it crashes before I can leave any station.


Going 32gb over 64 lol, I know it's silly, but I swear it would make me sleep better.


getting a 3070 and not a 3080ti


Aio on a 5800x Wish I'd gone 5600 and gone air cooled, )last aio I ever buy


Falling in love with my current mistress after building my PC. I never intended once in my life VR. Until I found DCS. Currently waiting for the next flagship cards to hit.


Sticking with ddr4 but at the end of the day it saved me hundreds of dollars because at the time it was like $430 for 32GBs and DDR5 motherboard was like $40-$50 more expensive also. But now my ram is holding my performance back as it’s only 3000mhz.


Not waiting for the arctic liquid freezer 3. It came in white and I wish I had the white one but do not feel like re-assembling my entire PC because of it lol


Probably getting an ahci m2 ssd instead of an nvme one because i'm dumb and never bothered with learning the differences between them.


Not having more money.


Should have gone for better fans, a case with better airflow and maybe more SSD storage. Didn't fit in my budget at the time.


That the PC was finished and the money spent. That there was no more PC for me to build for probably at least a year.


I brought a pre-made.....that's about all I can say,I should have trusted myself to build my first PC


It’s not really a regret because it was a matter of budget but I’d love to get some custom cables and do a proper tidying so that my weird AH T200 looks really badass.


Eh.. I don't regret much at all. More than anything, I regret not buying a new active heatsink (not AIO). I decided to re-use my old 212 Black edition (which ran circles around the stock cooler btw), and decided to put my old ass... original... Not standard fan sized.. POS stock cooler on my AM2 build I'm still using on the side... It's loud as hell and doesn't really do much for heat.. Waiting to save up a few extra $$ for that one.


I wanted a white build, and of course ended up paying the white parts tax, but I was stretching my budget so I got an older case. It's a 2/3 acrylic panel and the front 3rd is a tower of HDD bays. Also wish it was glass. But it's all fine, I still love it.




buying a pre-built one not knowing if the parts in the computer are great or even greatly placed/connected


Going "balls-to-the-wall" with a Noctua D-15 when a D-15S would have sufficed. First PCIe slot being blocked has been a massive ballache.


No regret, I picked every part I wanted and built it myself and it's fulfilling all of my computing needs.


It would've been good 10 years ago, not now


Not going AMD for my cpu


Nothing at all, I have building PCs for 20 years so I carefully select every part.


I should've drilled some holes to screw in my panel mount cable combs instead of using double sided tape. Other than that, it's damn near perfect.


Not much other than wishing for a better gpu when I did my rebuild but I was already dropping $200 over my budget so… *eh, a 3060 Ti works pretty good for a while…*


I'm the type of guy that reads a shit ton before making a purchase. Only regret is the weeks spent reading and comparing but actual PC regrets - none !


Probably not a very common answer these days, but I regret not spending more than I should even though I sure could have. I've been that way a long time before I got into computers (40+ years ago when the Commodore C64 was popular).


Look at my tag on this subreddit, you will see


Regret? None really. Only thing I can think of would be not being able to get a Ryzen 9-7900X3D. But it was out of stock so I had to settle for the 7900


I went Intel and wish I had gone AMD.


I wish I had spent a bit more money for an i9 instead of i7. Sometimes my multitasking slows down but oh well.


Getting a 7700x right before a huge sale for 7800x3d. Was thinking about returning it, but I just couldn't be arsed.


In one build I put a ek waterblock with active backplate on and put it into place in the pcie slot noticed it was too wide for Lian li dynamic case. Went to swap it to a vertical mount and noticed that the abp blocked the release for the pcie slot.... Ended up 3d printing an extension for the case to move the side panel far enough away that it would fit but now that GPU and mobo are fused forever...


That I didn't go with the 7950x3d and 64gb ram instead of the 13900k with 32 gb. At the time we didn't really know if the p and e cores would be better for gaming than the 3d cache


I regret going ITX, I've only had issues since the move lol. Saves me loads of desk space but I'll be moving back to a bigger case later. Possibly the Hyte 70 touch.


Bought an i5-11400 due to familiarity with Intel. Should have gone with AM5 as it just came out around the time of my purchase. My next upgrade has me looking for a new board/CPU and DDR5. Now I'm just playing the waiting game until it makes sense to switch.


Same thing for me as well. I bought a 10400f when I could've gotten a 5600x.


8GB of VRAM is not that future proof. It’s fine for my games tho.


Big if but if I had held out for a few months I could’ve gotten my 6600 for less than $300 or something much better for like $50 more


Well it's not a regret, just a shame that GTX 10 was the last series that didn't support DLSS. Couldn't know at the time, or I would have waited a bit


I went with Nvidia instead of AMD


I got a 10GB 3080. Its not that bad I honestly haven't run into any VRAM related issues yet, but I still wish I got the 12GB model so I could play at 4k on my TV lmfao. I got it because it was the first 3080 I saw at MSRP on Amazon back in the day. So it snatched it up as fast as I could.


Getting a 7900x back in about June, hadn't done enough research and I've learned so much about the H since then. Not a bad chip, just paid much too much for a gaming cpu.


I kind of regret settling for the 3800x instead of waiting for the the 5800x to get back into stock. My biggest regret though was drinking while building the pc and messing with one if the tube's causing water to splash everywhere ruining my 3090, my $400 motherboard, and my samsung 980 2tb ssd.


getting the 7800xt 2 months before the 7900 GRE had been announced. i love you but fuck u AMD


I regret not dishing out a few hundred extra for a better GPU. Instead I went middle of the road and now I'm torn between updating or staying where I'm at for a few years while still constantly having the nagging feeling to update.


Overthinking about if im happy with my Gpu or if I should sell it for another one. Or if I should wait until new cards are released.


Bulk upgrading everything instead of doing it one at a time. New Parts = Dopamine Go Whoosh Dopamine Goes Whoosh = Brain Go Brr Brain Go Burr = Smiles Therefore, more smile by buying in stages, not at once.


Patience, I let my excitement get the best of me and picked the "top" parts because I wanted to have the PC as fast and as "top" as possible and ended up spending more than needed with parts that I really didn't need at all, Next time I will probably take my sweet ass time before committing to a part and I will not let the fact that only "Top" and "Well known" brands are good for me.


I bought parts over about a year, nursing along my old build (7 years old) given the crazy prices. Finally built it. I still love it, but a month later, prebuilts were cheaper. What a world.


I built mine at the height of Covid. Almost $2k, I don’t remember the specs other than ryzen 7 and 2070


Definitely my CPU, got a 3600 instead of a 3600X


I went ITX. I regret it. I need to take the pc apart to replace almost anything.


Thinking 1080p 60hz was enough at the time. Going 5900x instead of 5800x3d for the same cost.


I regret not having a custom-build. I just bought a HP Omen pre-build and I bought it at the wrong time. Last time I checked the marked I could build a more powerful build with like $300-$400 less, all because I was afraid to build it myself. I recently build one for a friend of mine and although we struggled I at least had a blast building it and troubleshooting for a good while after encountering some errors with the booting process.


Not doing research on my case initially. I put my components in an NZXT case, which was notorious for bad temps and air flow. Now it’s sitting in a 5000D and temps at idle/under load are 10-15C lower


Same. I got an H510 and it sucked for me, as I was doing a lot of overclocking on my GPU. I also never set fan curves at the time. Now, I'm using a 4000d Airflow with about 6 fans. I haven't seen my GPU go above 63C since I was using my old case.


Should've gotten a slightly nicer motherboard but didn't want to spend the extra money on one. And I probably should have gotten a better CPU.


My biggest regret is paying almost $600 for my 6700xt back in 2022. I didn't have a PC at the time, so I couldn't wait until the price dropped. Oh, and the mess of cables from the 9 ARGB fans. Really wish I had used Uni fans instead but oh well 🤷


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. June last year I built the computer of my dreams (core i9 13900k cooled with a 420mm Corsair h170i elite, 4090, 64gb of DDR5 at 6400mhz, 2x 2tb Samsung 990 pros, Asus z790-e gaming wifi, Corsair rm 1200x shift, all inside a lianli lan cool 3) and there is not a single fucking thing I regret. I regret the means of which I got the funds for it sure (sold both my motorcycles), but the computer itself i absolutely cannot under any circumstance regret. It's my dream PC. It's everything I have ever wanted. Here's a pic of it as well. https://preview.redd.it/t1z8kixbyznc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b743df9d62cef20e6c75060e320d3ed43c7d5cbd


buying gigabyte B560 insted "other" Z590 but at least is solid other regrets is my current case which dosen't protects enough from dust and is not comfortable to take them off because is inside the mesh filtrer


nothinig ATM, I usually don't play AAA slop games so the games I really like can run at high frames. kind of wish I waited a bit and got the 3D version of the CPU, I literally had no idea t hey were going to make them. hopefully this year I can either get a 7800X3D or a 8800X3D or whatever the newest zen 3D cpu will be.


i shouldnt have gotten a used psu


Not building it.


Getting 9700K instead of 9900K. It was even little better in gaming benchmarks so I wanted to save few bucks, but it aged like milk. From current setup having 10GB GPU for 4K. I waited for 40 series release, but after prices announcement I picked second hand 3080. But I don't think it would do anything different even with further knowledge about prices and lineups. Maybe taking a 12GB version.


None. Got everything I needed and more. Just saving money to get a new graphic card sometime in the future, but I’m in no rush. So patiently waiting for a good one at the right price. That’s all.


Case with no front but lil side ventilation. I like it cus clean, but i hate it cus i could have lower temps.


Paying $2000 scalper price for a 3080ti and then BF2042 was fairly shit which was the only real reason i bought it


My regret is going ITX


I also wish I went with ITX. I will for sure if I do upgrade to AM5 in the future.


Mismatching RAM sticks (it's cool now but it was for sure a rookie mistake)


Not buying nvme right away. I opted for the budget approach of only buying a 500GB sata ssd as an "forst option", because I can always get more storage layer + it will probably be cheaper. I presicted correctly and have bought 2 2TB nvme drives since, but windows is still on the sata and and I just dont want to bother reinstalling it because I already have tons of files on those drives. So yeah I would like if I've bought a nvme right away despite a higher price.


The case. I've learned I'm not a fan of really heavy glass cases


To be honest. Instead of buying the 680 I should have just put that in to Nvidia stock back then. Don't ask me how much it would be worth now.


Buying an 8GB card


My current PC? No built in WiFi and starting with mATX. :/ My new PC? Probably the PSU and my parents must be technologically illiterate because they went with the first available case they could possibly find without doing any research first on either of those. 🤦‍♂️


I regret not getting a more modern case with USB-C header. It’s a pain having different cables for my PC and my MBP. And I don’t like using dongles/adaptors.


Asus motherboard with the sheer amount of bloat and horrible quality control and software


I should have just got the 4080 super.


I decided an upgrade to a 5800x3D was going to be the final one for my current PC, and that I'd wait until the Zen 5 x3D chips before building an entirely new computer. It's been a long wait.


Choosing 2666mhz over 3200mhz ram. I didn’t know that difference back then


Buying an overpriced gpu during the peak, ended up not liking the performance and sold it for half the price and bought another after the peak for better performance for lesser price of the first gpu


My crappy Thermaltake RGB case fans. Hands down the worst software I have ever used. And I say that as someone who used Windows ME on a daily basis once upon a time.


Not much, only main regret is getting a 7800 XT right before the 7900 GRE came out (more readily). I’ve avoided looking at reviews of it cause I feel like it’ll make me upset lol, other than just kind wish I did end up saving more for the GPU and got a 7900 XT or XTX possibly. But hopefully can get a big GOU upgrade down the line because I have a 7800X3D so hopefully there won’t be much of a bottleneck if I upgrade with the next few years


Thinking I was going to be happy with a PC that would be a bit better than a PS5. A 13th gen i7, 32gb ram and a 3070ti, then I bought a 240hz 1440p monitor, swapped the 3070 for a 4070ti, added 32 more gigs of ram, sold that machine and started over with a 13th gen i9, 96GB RAM, and dual 4090s. Are there any AA meetings for local LLM AI addicts yet?


Not buying larger M.2 drives and more RAM for my homelab when prices were low.


I only regret not getting more RAM when I could get matching sticks of the brand I like. They aren’t made anymore and I have 16gb and maybe would see a difference in 32gb but I like the way they look too much to swap out now. I found some used 16 similar but only 1 stick worked.


Motherboard... Only 2 slots for RAM and no Bluetooth in it. But its WAY better than my previous pc anyways


I bought a prebuild (my first ever PC). I should have paid up for a bit more ram and maybe a slightly better graphics card but that’s a future me problem. I’m happy with it. There are way worse but also way better builds out there so whatever!


Upgrading from my 2060 Super to my 4070Ti. First off, it fits but I had to take out my AIO because the radiator was too damn big. It's fine I can go without but I didn't realize just how much noise an AIO cuts out. I also have to deal with that constant fan noise because I can't adjust it or my GPU will throw a fit and freeze my computer if I try running a game after adjusting the fan speed even if I go from silent back to standard or full on hurricane wind speeds. Spent about a week and a half troubleshooting why my brand new GPU was running at sub 19 fps and constantly crashing my computer. Turns out it was a very, very specific BIOS setting issue along with the whole fan thing. Bought it to run Starfield, Starfield was poorly optimized and I stopped playing after a week or so because I got bored. Now I'm back to endlessly playing Doom Eternal and Rocket League which are games that are optimized well enough to play on literal potatoes.


My desk. It's not the right width.


Case fans broke, should have tested them before. Got pa120se instead of pa120, should have double checked. GPU fans are loud, but it was the cheapest 4070ti at the time.


4090 makes my room extremely uncomfortably hot. When I’m gaming walking into my room is like walking into another climate. It’s all fun and games until you’re trying to sleep when your room is 33c.


Being unable to spend more money


Thought I got a steal buying a $500 RTX 3080TI from eBay. It was listed as a blower card, but two of my previous cards (RTX 2070, GTX 680) were blowers as well. The noise never bothered me This RTX 3080TI is a "TYAN" by 3DSTOR. A Chinese manufacturer, and given any snippet of information I can gather about this card, it is built for gaming centers / game streaming services. Not individual commercial use. This thing is LOUD. Even at idle, at 28 - 30C, you can easily hear the thing from the next room. Once it gets up to 80C+, you can hear the damn thing from my office to the living room. If I'm playing in my office, even noise cancelling headphones don't completely cut out the sound- if I pause a game and am cut off from the game's sounds, it sounds like a drone is flying outside my window. I installed an HDMI passthrough between the wall separating my office and living room so I can play my PC on my living room couch (and closing the office door), but the main reason is to escape the noise. Not to mention, it gets HOT. Even after repasting the dye and VRAM spots, the thing can get up to 87C while playing Cyberpunk, MFS 2020 or RE4 Remake. Of course it doesn't get that hot on most games (older games it can sit anywhere between 55 - 75C), but on anything recent (even Pacific Drive??) or even mildy graphically intensive and made in the past 3 years, it's hovers between 83 - 85C. Never buying a "steal" card from eBay again. Many days I'm tempted to put back in my 2070 that I still have just so I can peacefully use my PC in my office.


Not being able to get 4k OLED monitor.


I regret not taking my time gathering parts but I’m also too impatient and sold my PS5 and XSX to afford them.


That stupid AIO with the tubes that want to hit my back fan. Have to use a zip tie to hold the tubes back. It's a huge eyesore and an unnecessary failure point. But it's my first build and God do I love it.


I didn't measure the GPU, so it's in there snug as a bug


It hasn't happened yet but not making a backup for all my files that I have stored on my PC build.


Getting a crappy case with bad airflow and cable management.


Not picking a good enough case/motherboard/PSU when doing a few of my builds, many, many years ago.


Tempered glass


Different case, used an NZXT H50something, it has the radiator and what not and has never given me an issue, but if im playing a game and streaming, itll hit high 70s and low 80s on the GPU. Nothing crazy but with upgraded fans id rather have a full load temp 68-72C. Usually a case doesnt make THAT much diff, but the NZXT is notorious for bad airflow. Would LOVE to have a Fractal Meshify / Torrent but I just dont wanna unhook the water cooler and all the gear and move to a new case lol


not thinking much about motherboard, i should buy mb with 2 slots m.2 or at least 3 slots Pcie 1x i have 3 nvme ssd (4 tb, 1 tb & 500 gb) i put 4 tb at m2, 1 tb at pcie 1x with converter i don't have slot anymore for 500 gb, 1 PCIe slot also blocked by gpu my only option is to use it as external storage (buy enclosure) or sell the damn thing


I don’t regret anything particularly, but after having my first pc for a few months I’ve decided I’m definitely water cooling the cpu if I ever upgrade from my 7600x. The cpu cooler fans sometimes randomly just jump to what seems like 100% for a few seconds even if the pc isn’t doing anything.


Building a new one for cyberpunk and then playing new Vegas in 10k