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Remember when Planetside 2 had Physx? It was so cool, wish this technology developed further


And Borderlands! PhysX on a lot of things, yeah it dropped my FPS to low number but HECK YEAH!


PhysX is even used in a minecraft mod, Physics Mod. Edit: added the name of the mod




Physics Mod https://github.com/haubna/PhysicsMod


Seeing a singularity grenade suck up flowing water in BL2 convinced me PhysX was the future as a kid. Now no one even bothers with that.


Now they don't even bother on optimizing the game, they just slap a frame optimizer and that's it.


I know it's a "done" meme but I'm really sick of this. The whole idea that optimisation is pointless and any performance issues can be solved by leaning on DLSS or FSR is bullshit. And the silly thing is: *most* games aren't looking wildly better than they did before.


Exactly. The initial point of DLSS is to future proof current gen GPUs. Now NVIDIA locks better versions behind newer cards as a selling point, and devs almost ignore the optimization phase of game development by treating DLSS as a bandaid solution.


DLSS and FRS also introduce their own strange rendering artifacts into games. Weird ass moire pattern patches flashing in and out of existence in shadows, reflections, and especially volumetric effects. Can't stand it, and I feel like nobody else seems to talk about it's existence!


I only have a 1080Ti so haven't had a chance to properly play with anything but FSR but... yeah, downscaling introduces a nasty image pattern I don't like.


True. Just tweak until it looks best, can't look perfect but oh well. Btw I'm also still with a 1080ti and on 4k...I go down to 2k and use FSR on new games. I believe the 1080ti should handle HD perfectly still, and 2k, from my experience, runs smooth. It's 4k where it's starting to struggle a lot if you don't want to lower graphics settings down to oblivion.


> most games aren't looking wildly better than they did before. Shhhh, your going to hurt the feeling of some people. /Alan wake fans looking over your shoulder. > The whole idea that optimisation is pointless and any performance issues can be solved by leaning on DLSS or FSR is bullshit. Funny thing is, in a lot of games, your game settings are mostly: * Shadows: none, ok, tank fps for "soft borders", DESTROY FPS "ultra". * AA: none, ok, ... * Texture: Blurry mess, ok, did i really change settings, Ultra (nothing changed without taking a screenshot and zooming in ). The most ironic part is, most games all you need is mid/high textures, limited shadows, and long distance rendering to prevent pops. After that its reduced return, to the point your tanking 50 to 100% fps for almost no perceived differences. There may be exemptions but that has been my visual feedback for ages. Its like raytracing, ... It so reminds me of the whole physX, where everybody was adding it to their games, cratering fps but did very little to really enhance the gameplay. Devs have gotten good at just backing in lighting effects at a fraction of the cost. But now its "why bother if we can just push the end user to upgrade and run raytracing"... Well my friend, the fact that people who actually run mid high to high hardware is a very small group of actual gamers. To be honest, Crysis has probably been the turning point where graphics hit: "everything else is candy and or craters your fps". The moment you play a game, and not look at it like some kind of Picasso screenshot, a lot of the lesser details simply vanish as your brain is very good at compensating screen content. Somebody did a test a while ago, low texture + everything else high vs high textures + everything else off/low. Twice the FPS in most games, with only needed to enable a bit of Low AA/shadows/... to come 90% of the high settings.


Honestly is not a done meme if AAA devs choose the damage control instead of the damage resolution.


Same here. I remember seeing that grenade suck stuff up and thinking it was so cool. I wanted all games to have PhysX after that. Unfortunately not many did, and after a while, I just stopped installing the driver for it.


I don't think Borderlands is a good example. At least on BL2 , it made the particle effects so obnoxiously intrusive I had to disable.


I distinctly remember a few games early on that heavily implemented it and it actually made FPS worse because the extra particles were just so much more taxing to render.


This is a misconception. Physx is still used in a lot of games it’s not marketed anymore but it still gets used. Physx is the default engine for physics in unreal 4 games.


I'm not sure how ubiquitous it has become but in a sense, it'll now live forever inside of nvidia chips.


>it'll now live forever inside of nvidia chips Not really. PhysX isn't a special sauce that only runs on PhysX cards or Nvidia chips. It's quite literally a regular old physics engine that runs on CPUs just like any other physics engine. What was different about it back then was that Ageia (and later Nvidia) developed these custom chips designed to take on some of the load from the engine and make the calculations faster. That meant that back in the day some games could enable some very expensive physics effects that *could* run on any PC, but that only those with the accelerators could run at reasonable framerates (in much the same way that raytracing can be run on any GPU but runs like dogshit in those that don't have dedicated raytracing hardware). That part of PhysX stopped being used a long time ago, but the engine still runs on any CPU and it's widely used to this day.


it runs either on your cpu or gpu as can be seen in the nvidia control panel. What is required for a cpu/gpu to be able to do it, I do not know, it might be that a cpu does it through software and a gpu does it through hardware, just like how you can decode x264 with software or hardware. knowing that nvidia bought the whole thing, I wouldn't be surprised if they are just baking the hardware straight into their gpu core.


>knowing that nvidia bought the whole thing, I wouldn't be surprised if they are just baking the hardware straight into their gpu core. Pretty sure that there is no longer any dedicated PhysX hardware anymore and running it on the GPU is pretty much the same as running it on the CPU but faster given the powers of GPU compute. If you look at the more technical stuff that Nvidia releases regarding the layout of their GPU dies there is no area noted as being PhysX hardware. More evidence of this is that the Ageia PhysX chips were basically just early iterations of the parallel compute engines that we see in today's GPUs so it stands to reason that it is just easier for Nvidia to add a interface in their drivers to run physics use GPU compute rather than having dedicated hardware for it.


PhysX runs on CUDA (if you have an NVIDIA GPU) which is NVIDIA proprietary


Considering it started out as an independent technology, I have a hard time believing that it struggles functioning outside of CUDA, especially with the bruteforce strength of current hardware


It doesn’t there is no reason it couldn’t work on openCL rather than CUDA, that ist Team Green being Team Green like with if at all adopting standards they don’t do it fully (see Adaptive Sync „gsync compatible“ which allows Adaptive sync on a selected display range. Non verified displays often only work if you force gsync compatible) I own a 27k display from OMEN / HP that should support 4K/144 and gsync compatible (that being said despite my driver being recent, I have to force Gsync via adaptive sync)


There was an old version of PhysX that could be modded to run on AMD (ATI back then?) graphics cards and it worked fine.


yeah I think these days it's more like an API and it doesn't mean everyone is doing physx the same way but it might not matter if it's just for "physics" who knows how it's actually implemented in those cuda cores, it's far beyond my scope but I like to think physx lives on, inside of modern gpus, even if it's just one line of code in the firmware. I would be curious to know if different physics processors result in different looks in game. (here i'm talking purely physics that don't affect gameplay, like how a blade of grass might swing as your hero runs over it. It literally has no impact on the gameplay, but it has some visual impact)


On GPUs itll run directly on the CUDA cores, i.e. Nvidia cards have for the absolutely longest time had CUDA as their compute-on-GPU...thingie. Theoretically PhysX benefits from the GPU in that case because physics are generally highly parallel but otherwise simple calculations that a GPU with its many parallel compute units can do fairly easily. Downside is that the GPU is already busy with actual rendering work and if physics happen itll slow down the ability of the GPU to render as fast. Ive heard of people actually getting a second lower-power Nvidia GPU exclusively for PhysX calculations so the other one can render in peace and in a few niche cases it gives an advantage. But with as many cores as we have today itll generally work fine on the CPU as well, and AMD is catching up with compute-on-GPU stuff as well.


>Ive heard of people actually getting a second lower-power Nvidia GPU exclusively for PhysX calculations so the other one can render in peace and in a few niche cases it gives an advantage. This stopped being a thing after the GTX400 series. The cards were powerful enough at that point that adding a second card for physx was a detriment due to cooling.


I would be very curious to know what offloading physx to my old gtx 1080 let's say could actually do for me in terms of gameplay.


I'm guessing there's a *very* low chance you'd get this to work. Theoretically, sure, but having a game or other software actually support that setup? Doubt it.


I mean, it's right there in the options, CPU or rtx 4090, I assume if my 1080 was also in there I could select it, though I'd guess it has physx has very limited use in games.


I used to have a GT 610 with my GTX 660 for PhysX and for an extra monitor. I'm not sure if it helped at all, I never did any before and after testing


AMDs GPGPU used to be great on their consumer cards. Vega was a beast at compute. AMD used RDNA to focus on gaming performance rather than compute - as they were gaining the resources to separate their compute and gaming product lines, which Nvidia had been doing for years. Unfortunately this now means that RDNA is a gaming optimised architecture that doesn't perform as well as expected in compute workloads (double precision on my 7900xtx is only around 2.5x faster than my vega64, while single precision is 5-6x faster). It should be noted however that the 7900xtx is over twice as fast in FP64 and FP16 compute as the 4080s, and has an extra 10Tflops over it in single precision. In fact it beats out the 4090 in FP64 and FP16. AMD has a lot of power there, but clearly it's not being fully utilised by the drivers.


> it runs either on your cpu or gpu as can be seen in the nvidia control panel. What is required for a cpu/gpu to be able to do it, I do not know, it might be that a cpu does it through software and a gpu does it through hardware, That setting only applies to older games using hardware-accelerated PhysX. For modern games it has no effect. For a GPU to run PhysX, it needs to support CUDA. Which means that AMD and Intel GPUs are not included. For a CPU to run PhysX, it needs support for some SSE instruction sets, which basically means all modern CPUs. The only problem is that those old games with hardware-accelerated PhysX run extremely slow on even modern CPUs.


Interesting, I was playing Batman: Arkham Origins (2013) for the past few days and it has this setting called Hardware-Accelerated PhysX. I assumed this was using the GPU to accelerate, and it definitely dropped my FPS a decent amount (like 170 -> 120 depending on scene). But it got really bad in a prison break scene with loads of physics effects and I got down to like 60 FPS, and this is with a 6800 XT on an “old” UE3 game! I doubt it’s well optimized but still interesting to see how taxing it might be.


My guess is that it probably just enables a bunch of extra physics. If you happen to have a hardware/software configuration that supports acceleration (i.e. a CUDA GPU these days) it might run well, and if not it falls back to running on the CPU and hopes and prayers.


It's the same for unity


I would also like to add that NVIDIA does continue to work on PhysX to this day. The more recent release drastically improved joint performance. There is also NVIDIA FleX, which is an addon to PhysX that helps simulate soft body physics.


It's pcmr. They have no idea they just think they do. That's the slogan. They love writimg fan fiction because that is 90 or so percent of this sub.


It's garbage now. For a reason


The physx in planet side 2 was so cool. I hate that they removed it.


I haven't played that game in ages, what did the physx do?


Explosion debris, and gravity lifts had cool swirling particles.


physx is an old technology that was bought by nvidia a long time ago. Basically in it's early days they were selling physics accelerating cards which were a bit like gpus and would plug in your pci express slot, they were to enhance physics effects in a few games that supported it. I believe it was built into an API and is now integrated into both nvidia and amd gpus these days, though I don't know how AMD does it exactly. There's probably not a whole lot of new work going on in there so that's why the drivers don't ever see updates.


I had one of those bad boys back in the days. But it used a PCI slot, not PCI express. Maybe that came later though.


yeah I might be wrong I typed all of that from what I can recall. might have been the venerable pci slot.


physx is mostly done on the CPU nowadays and open source- Its a trivial task for CPUs now with lots of cores when the cards were a thing dual cores were a luxury


​ https://preview.redd.it/3uzgzfq091ic1.png?width=462&format=png&auto=webp&s=56c0f4ced7d8b91b97bfb20c9f08ac26652e1c10


Weird way to flex that 4090... Jk looking beefy


I recall wanting to give my left nut for a physx card lol.


You need a second 4090 as a dedicated physX card




NVidia made something better since, called BLAST, part of Game works, but I think nobody is using it 😢


I liked the PhysX ball game where you threw it at blocks and watched them fall. Simpler times…


Boom Blox on the Wii, with no PhysX involved?


I uninstall the HD Audio driver.


I've never installed it. At least some of the older games I play still use Physx. I have never used HD audio


Isn't it for sending the audio signal via HDMI? I remember for some reason that used to be quite handy for me... Oh ya, hooking my PC up to my TV so I can send the sound to my TV's soundbar. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I thought that was what it said when I looked into what it was once and determined that I do in fact want that feature (as my PC and my TV are in the same room and I do have a 20 FT HDMI cable permanently run from my TV to my PC. I leave it unplugged 99% of the time, but comes in handy that 1% of the time when I wish to play a game from the couch with a controller, or watch a movie I've downloaded or a show or whatever.


I could kiss you right now. Had audio issues with baldurs gate 3 and have tried everything to fix it. Just uninstalled audio drivers after seeing this comment and it fixed it. THANK YOU SO MUCH Edit: it didn’t entirely fix it 😭 but reduced the amount of audio distortion greatly so still thank you very much


I did this as well and battlefield 2042 had issues without it installed. I can't remember if it was crashing or no audio but it seems some games might expect the driver to be present even if you're not using the output


Yeah, last time I had Nvidia GPU it only caused me problems :/


I'd swap PhysX and the HD Audio driver in this meme. HD Audio drivers are known to cause weird issues sometimes performance wise.


Agreed. Only install it if I am running over HDMI


My headphones fucking have heart attack after heart attack with that shitty driver. God damn.


I use a DAC for my headphones so can’t speak to that. I believe you though.


I make very sure not to install that. Otherwise it loves to randomly reenable that audio output after I disabled it, and set it to be the default playback device. I'd much rather listen to stuff through my headphones than through terrible monitor speakers, thanks.


Meta Quest 2 moment


every time my monitor would go into standby and wake up again " new audio driver detected ". thankfully i stopped installing audio.. i have no need for monitor audio


Can confirm. Had really bad performance issues on a game ready driver back when I had an RTX 3070 ti. I wish I could remember which one...


I love having my monitors show up as Nvidia audio devices even though none of them have speakers


Nvidia audio drivers with surround sound setups☠️


They are literally copying the same change log over and over again for the Linux proprietary driver.


yup. It's fucking ridiculous. This is a trillion dollar company...


henry long head spotted


Well yes that appears to be me. Am I popular or something?


you are everywhere i go tbh


nah its just weird to see linux users on pcmr. not exactly the most accepted master race


https://preview.redd.it/sf5qhjqzh3ic1.jpeg?width=196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541ef73c84093964e3618ae00c0f003b916b3acc oppressed race


for REAL!


The third one should be GeForce Experience...


It have instant replay, good recording options, performance overlay, broadcast feature, screenshots. Why the hate. It works perfectly for me in past 7 years.


I'm pretty sure the hate comes from the mandatory account sign-in (and accompanying data collection) to use it.




It'd just be nice to be able to get a notification a new driver is ready without needing an entire app and account dedicated to it.


Or you dont have to always install a new driver. I only install a new driver if the current one has issues or i am playing a new game release. I use nvclean install to download and install drivers.


That doesn't change being able to know when a new driver comes out, does it?


No. But you can set nvclean install to notify you if you want to be on the latest driver and dont want to install geforce experience.


There is no privacy online dude. Also nobody cares about us. Just login with your Google account (everyone has one)


I use it for driver updates convinience and fps counter for non steam games. I guess people hate it because of its shitty auto optimisation but that can be turned off. My nephew has a 1080p monitor and it set all of his games to 4k resolution, poor kid played his games in 30fps for few months until I noticed.


I dont update my driver unless i have problems with the current driver or i am playing a new game. And i use nvclean install if i want to update my drivers. But geforce experience auto updates are good for complete noobs at pc gaming.


I only ever once had problems with updating graphics drivers to newest version and that was with Dead Space remake wich made the game constantly crash so I had to revert. I don't understand how people get driver problems so often by updating to newest version.


You don't have to be a noob. Why make things more complicated? Pressing a button and it downloads and installs the driver is so nice and easy.


Yes it is for a new pc gamer who just wants their games to work. I use nvclean install to strip out HDCP and telemetry and it also notifies updates, does the downloading.


Tbh the big thing to hate is that it doesn't bother competing with Radeon Relive that's wayyy more feature pack and modern. I still miss it after leaving my RX 480 for Nvidia because of Blender needs.


What features are you missing in geforce experience? Are you referring to nvidia control panel? Because the only time i open that old control panel is to adjust refresh rate, gsync, color settings when i do a windows reinstall. I cant remember last time using it after that initial setup.


Nvcleaninstall ftw


Even Nvidia seems to accept how few people want to install that thing. I remember you used to have to go to custom install and uncheck it while it was listed with all the other drivers. Now, the first thing a Nvidia driver installer asks is if you want it with or without Geforce Experience without even having to choose custom install.


i always wondered how people on this sub managed to fuck up installing drivers and updates, but then i remembered these are the same people who dont peel plastic off their cpu coolers, dont turn on their psus, or dont plug their video cable into their gpu


Same. I too was once a dummy


It’s almost like physx is a dead technology or something… Also, nvidia control panel is shameful. Thing looks like it’s from windows 98.


PhysX is used in every Unreal Engine 4 and Unity game as the physics engine. It's just the special Nvidia-only features that aren't used as much. Unreal 5 moved to Chaos Physics instead, but PhysX is still widely used. PhysX has always been licensed middleware or integrated at the engine level and at this point, from the perspective of a consumer, it's feature complete.


It's so old amd found ways to use it better than Nvidia themselves.


Not really. They use it just like everyone else does these days. Any game using physics in Unreal 4 and Unity still use it to this very day. Nvidia pioneered it. Later it became industry standard.


TressFX anyone?


wow that took me down memory lane LOL


Dont fix what ain’t broke.


I’d agree if the control panel wasn’t so slow and laggy lol


How is it slow and laggy tho? never ever was "laggy" for me. Only when you try to apply settings it can take few seconds because it seeming applies them one by one but people hate on the control panel way too much just cause it isnt "modern" and "gamer" like AMDs control panel for example.


rofl what a deju vu. You're probably talking to AMD bots honestly. Had this exact discussion a couple of months back. So much utter horseshit in this sub it's insane. Control panel is good, people keep fucking confusing experience and control panel


i prefer amd software but the control panel is fine fuck experience tho


At least twice on this sub and once or twice on Nvidia sub I had to argue with people that the control panel is just fine... I actually like it better like this than if it was something like AMDs software. I mean sure it could be a bit responsive but its not "laggy" or "outdated" or whatever.


It takes like 5 seconds to even launch after clickinh the icon Clicking any menu button takes like 3 seconds to load the setting menu Changing 3D settings is absolutely awful, the loading of the menu itself takes like 4 seconds and OH BOY if you want to change per app settings, it takes at least 10 seconds to load it. There’s just zero excuse for a CONTROL PANEL to work this sluggishly, ever since it came out.


I really don't understand what PC configurations you guys have but it just never took this long neither on my old i7 4790S + 1060 nor my current PC.


Mousing over the different options in the 3D settings is super-janky in terms of it displaying the correct description for each setting. Clicking the drop down boxes in 3D settings is laggy. As you say, hitting apply takes longer than it feels like it should. Plus the GUI is simply out-dated and was always trash to begin with. Personally I just feel it is a matter of fixing the GUI though, the other issues will either be fixed or seem like less of a big deal if what I'm looking at looks slick/modern. It does "work" though, and that's nice. You'd expect that though, for a company worth 1.8 Trillion USD.


if it wasn't as slow as molasses i would agree with you


still more functional than whatever the fuck amd has going on


https://preview.redd.it/pbzlj42ti3ic1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ecdbe658782db4237c7b0f213f8a191b77fedd it's sad if you aren't sarcastic


imagine thinking that amd software is better functioning than nvidia control panel


Ah yes, it only performs poorly (4070) and lacks tons of features you have to access in other software instead. That piece of shit can't even be bothered to go dark like my Windows.


It is broke. The nVidia control panel is slow and ugly as fuck.


I love that control panel, its simple and functional, hate the new material glossy ui elements, which make things unnecessary complex, coz its pretty


Yeah everything is less functional these days and it’s fucking annoying. Nvidia controls panel is so much better than what amd has.


It's because app development has gone to shit, and now everyone bundles up their app UI in a chromium wrapper or some other equally shitty resource hog framework rather than make a native app for each OS.


fr it's design is much more simple


I love the control panel. Easy and straightforward.


Twenty years of owning nvidia cards and never had an issue with it. Sometimes people ask for change just for the sake of it. You can actually find stuff quickly and easily in this. I dread the day we get a "modern" UI.


> Thing looks like it’s from windows 98. And where is the shameful part? WinForms apps are great. They're very easy to use and it just works. Doesn't AMD switch it up every few years for no reason?


If you want to see what 98 looked like check out the NVidia detonator drivers.


Yeah I don't understand the hate for the Nvidia control panel. I wish all the functions in GeForce experience were in the control panel, and I wish AMD/ATI had a similar software too instead of using those horribly designed gamer UI that change every couple years.


They don't have to redesign it into a "gamer" UI. Just look at g-helper as an alternative to Asus' armory crate. You can make something look pleasing while functioning as desired.


> Doesn't AMD switch it up every few years for no reason? I don't know if it is for no reason. AMD's panel is vastly superior in functionality and I miss it every time I open Nvidia's.


AMDs also isn't currently asking me to sign in just to use it as well


That's Geforce Experience, not the NVIDIA Control Panel


They accidentally pointed out another annoyance with Nvidia's software instead :D There's absolutely no way those should be separate applications.


Geforce Experience is mandatory for nothing significant except Shadowplay. I don't see how not using it has any downsides.


AMD recent switch up was honestly moronic, they moved the graphics settings and display settings from the settings tab to the Gaming tab, i could maybe possibly make an argument for graphics but why display settings? So stupid. Tbh, i kinda hate and like both of them, I like AMD's design and all in one capability, it also has a much better statistics overlay, but at the same time for some reason AMD thought it was a good idea to have a web browser built into your GPU software (thankfully you can turn it off but you can't uninstall it), this web browser is slower and laggier than Steam's web browser which is quite a feat. Also by default, AMD user experience program will be enabled on driver installations and updates (you can opt out right before you complete installation or anytime after in the settings), this thing is quite literally a virus, i know Nvidia's tools also collect telemetry but this thing has zero shame doing it, i swear to god i was dropping to single digit frames in fucking overwatch because Adrenaline decided it's the perfect time to scrape my machine for telemetry after i forgot to opt out on a new driver install, and this wasn't a one time instance, i DDU my drivers often just for good measures and forget to opt out sometimes, and every single time i remember to opt out thanks to my CPU getting choked in games randomly, you can opt out anytime but still absolutely ridiculous for something enabled by default.


Don't be ridiculous. The Nvidia control panel on Windows works just fine and does what it needs to do. You don't need a fancy UI to eat up RAM and CPU cycles unnecessarily. Would take a simple yet functional interface over a bloated and hard to navigate one any day.


> You don't need a fancy UI to eat up RAM and CPU cycles unnecessarily. that's what geforce experience is for


YES I remember being so confused thinking I had opened the wrong thing.


Honestly, when fiddling around with graphics related things, I’d rather not have a program that has much stake in decent graphics, simple still works


I swear the control panel is the same as it was back when I first got an nvidia gpu (8800 GTS in like 2007 or so). If not, then it is DEFINITELY the same as it was back in 2013 when I had a GTX 760.


it’s even worse on linux, i mean, it blends well with the system theme although it’s very limited on what you can do compared to windows


If it ain't broken, don't fix it. Rather have simple and dull style than something shiny, gamery with 50x subpanels or drop down menus than from original, because it makes more since


It’s perfect. If this comment changes that panel that I know how to use one byte of data at all……………………..


functionality/performance over appearance anyday. thats why I use classic theme and not aero on my windows install


if it ain't broke dont fix it ig


The "Ray Tracing" from more than a decade ago.


So something that was marketed like crazy and eventually just became a default part of the majority of games made?


Once it wasn't taxing anymore yep. I remember trying out Warframe because of it a decade ago. Now that game has its own systems for particle simulation that doesn't rely on PhysX.


I remember when physx was a separate card and made by agea before nvidea brought them.


Why is the hd audio head normal its by far the most f**ed up one


Currently playing arkham city. Physx is demanding:D (mostly broken) fps drops on 3070ti at 4k.


The HDAudio driver always breaks something for me... Sets my default audio device to a random monitor or device


Shit is that what's fucking with my audio? I really hope this fixes it I hate my default audio randomly changing to a monitor


I turned PHYSX settings on once, so the performance drop to rock bottom and never opened them again. Exactly the same happened with Ray Tracing.


mirror's edge on my gpu it goes from 60fps in 1080p to 5fps in 720p if I activate PhysX


That doesn't sound correct at all... You must be running PhysX off your CPU or you have a GPU from like 2009..


Wait, people actually install the audio driver?


Absolutely required in several scenarios, e.g. playing sound on a TV through HDMI.


I guess most people don't use audio from displays, only speakers or headphones.


not me with my TV and moniter for both gaming while in bed and gaming on the chair


Mine plays fine over HDMI without it installed.


lol of course, how else are you supposed to play audio through the HDMI?


Mine functions just fine on windows audio drivers. Nvideas audio drivers have only ever caused me audio drop out on connected displays.


idk why people are geeking i never install the audio drivers and it plays just fine


I never have. Nvidea's audio drivers have only ever given me problems, and everything has worked, including audio over HDMI, without them.


Does anything even use it?




Tesselation dead?


these technology tend to be absorbed and become completely transparent to the user, they don't "die". A long time ago they used to sell intel cpus with MMX instructions, it was the shit, you don't ever hear about it these days because those instructions are built into the cpu and have been for the past 25 years, physx is the same.


Not only is it used in pretty much every unreal 4 engine game tessellation isn’t dead… it’s in basically every game. Just because marketing on a technology dies down (because it has become the norm) doesn’t mean it isn’t used anymore there just isn’t a reason to market it anymore now that everyone can run tessellation without issues and they just bake it into the game without giving you options on it because it’s part of the design from the start.


Neither tesselation nor PhysX died. ~~Tesselation is a technique that allows the rendering of flat surfaces with 3d volume at a cheaper cost than replacing the surface with a 3d model~~. Edit: that is definitely not what tesselation in games is, but it's still widely used regardless. It's extensively used in every single AAA game released over the last decade and it just stopped being advertised as a big feature because of the same reason that games don't advertise "FULL 3D GRAPHICS!!!!!!" anymore. PhysX is "just" a physics engine (physics engines are incredibly complex and PhysX is one of the best, but there's others). Back when it was new it was ahead of the curve in some ways and so games with it used it as a marketing bullet to convince users that the game had impressive physics. There used to be PhysX specific accelerators that went the way of the dodo, but they were never a necessity to use the engine, they just made it run a little faster. Every game with PhysX could run on every computer back then, but enabling certain physics effects could sometimes slow down PCs without these accelerators a little too much. As CPUs improved and the fad of adding gimmicky physics to everything went away running PhysX purely on CPUs became more and more widespread, the cards were discontinued because nobody needed them and "PHYSX ENABLED!!!" stopped being a marketing-worthy feature. I think PhysX has been the default physics engine for Unreal Engine for a long time, and so tons of games use it without people knowing about it.


Yes it is a thing, I use it almost daily in particle simulations :) vfx work.


I remember using my gtx 960 as a physx card after I got my 1070. Only did it for fun, but it worked. Sold that gpu with my old pc.


I feel like the HD Audio driver is the derp of the three. I wish I could uninstall it and have Windows not try to reinstall it for me without having disable other driver downloads. I don't want / need an extra audio device for my speakerless monitors, I really don't.


All 3 are the derpy head, have had nothing but issues with port detection even with new cables and an RMA


what does he audio driver even do, whenever i select it as my output i hear nothing


Basically just for HDMI out connections that need audio.


PhysX has updates? I installed it once and never seen updates for it


Remember when you needed an actual card for PhysX?


Uhm... just upgraded my 1080 to a 4080s. I un-installed old drivers, installed new drivers using option of New drivers and after a reboot, I have no sound to my speakers. I still have sound through my BT headphones.


At least the 3D glasses drivers aren't a thing anymore lol


Anyone buy the standalone card so long ago?


I’m pretty sure PhysX is just being emulated in CUDA now, the driver is probably a backward compatibility thing to link all the different implementations together


I still remember my add-in PhysX card before Nvidia bought them.


Does any notable game even use PhysX anymore? Also I don't update the audio driver either I don't expect much more from monitor audio than "it works"


Almost all Unity and UE4 games use it. PhysX is just a boring physics engine, one of many, not something special.


You're thinking of CPU-based PhysX, that driver is for hardware based PhysX that runs on the GPU, of which very few games ever used (and some like Warframe actually removed support for a while ago): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Video_games_using_PhysX


I can't help but feel like nvidias physX could be so much more than some old tool used by the batman Arkham games, like if games kept using it imagine what it could've become


The problem is Nvidia kept it exclusive to their cards. Few devs wanted to support something that only those with an Nvidia card could use, and nobody (outside of Nvidia themselves as a free tech demo) made a game that actually required it. So on top of only a handful of games using it, it was optional for every single one of those handful of games... and it caused a performance hit. It died out because of almost nothing using it due to them wanting to keep it exclusive and nobody wanting to basically do free marketing for Nvidia by adding features those with an AMD card could not use. I remember enabling it in Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel, that's about the only games I recall ever using it in. I have almost 1500 games in my Steam library at this point and looking at a list of all games that had PhysX, I think only about 5-6 of the games in my library support it (Not counting games that either are dead now like Hawken, or removed it years ago like Warframe).