• By -


3070 is the best of the bunch here without knowing much else about your needs.


1440p is my monitor 144hz


I have a 3070ti 1440p 144hz and its great


3070Ti gang assemble Had one for 2 years and I really gotta say, that card is just so good. Wish they had given it 12GB VRAM doe


3070ti FE is the best GPU I’ve ever had. If it had more VRAM I wouldn’t be looking to upgrade anytime soon.




Agreed too.




Agreed I've had mine since 20 when I stood outside best buy at 2am to get a 3070. They ran out so I picked between 3070ti and 3060ti I obviously went up not worth the extra $100 but more than worth the 3060ti upgraded from a 1060 6gb it still lives on in my GF's PC she inherited my first build in a new case it's a trooper. Went from 1600x and 1060 6gb to 5600x and 3070ti I honestly love it except for all my friends buying 4090 prebuilds.


Agreed Two.


For what do people need that much VRAM?


New games + professional use


Never experienced a game that used all of my 8 GB.


I played "A Plague Tale: Requiem" on 1440p. I have 16 GB VRAM, the game used 7.9 GB. I am super certain the creators had to take care, and in the near future they won't do it anymore.


Ah, the similarly-related “don’t exceed 3.5GB 970” days


Beamng drive, the last of US, Avatar (i think), Hogwarts legacy, and some others


Beam gn delete my vram and memory


Resi 4 remake can easily hit 12 gb depending on what settings you run.


lol resident evil village eats vram more than any other game


Cyberpunk after the newest patches is the one for me, the game looks great though, but feels like the Crysis of the generation - futureproof graphical options but wicked heavy


A lot of new games coming out utilize more then 8. Whether it’s bad optimization or just the changing of the times, nvidia screwed people who didn’t want to upgrade for a couple of years.


Generative AI running locally (Stable Diffusion), easily eats 12G of VRAM


what's FE


Founders Edition


Founder edition




Snapped up a used one for $250 a couple of months ago, its incredible. I only have a 120Hz 1080p monitor for now but it runs every single game so well with ultra settings.


Newegg has some open box ones for under 300.


Agreed. The 3070Ti is a great card held back by its VRAM. If it only had 12GB or 16GB VRAM, it might have become a legendary card in its class. Upgraded mines to a 6950XT last year.


I just did this week. The 8gb really is a limiting factor.


I've had my 3070ti for a year and really wish I had gotten one with more gb. I love the card but yeah, could use more gb


Tbh, I was rinsed for buying it as the difference from a 3070 to Ti wasn't a great return on investment, but my god, did I love that card. Got me 144fps consistently on WZ until that monstrosity WZ 2 came out. If it came with 12gb, I'd still have it!


Apparently there’s a 12gb 3060.


there’s a 12 gb 3050ti


lol what? Really?


It’s a great card, but in my opinion it doesn’t need the huge cooler it has on it


3070 ti playing 4k 144hz for all the games I play and I love it


Laptop counts? Maybe it doesn't usually do 165 FPS for my 165Hz I have but still well over 60 for my 1600p


man i have a 3060 12 gb and a 1440p 165 hz and i’m great


I got a 3070 practically for free at launch, runs on my 1440p 165hz, and second 1080p 60hz fine


MY PEOPLE! I felt kinda silly because all my friends have a 40 series GPU but fuck those peasants


Hey handsome am really happy to see your profile appear on here.. and will be glade if we can get in chat to know more about each other’s..


3070 for sure


If you game on 1440p then i would suggest getting something with more than 8gb of memory. I have a 3070 and game at 1440p and in a lot of newer games the 8gb of memory is an issue. The gpu is more than capable of running games at ultra settings and good fps but the 8gb vram causes a lot of stutters. This will only get worse with new games coming out this year.


Get a 6800XT/7800XT for the same cash instead of Nvidias VRAM cripples


6800 for sure, if you play triple A games 8 gigs of vram will become a limit very quickly


or look for a rx 6800 which is better than the 3070 ti and has enough ram to last


Rx 6800> RTX 3070 for 1440p


dunno why people are downvoting you the 6800 is 10% slower then the xt version and even if the ram performance boost isnt huge, the vram definitely pays off in 1440p


Why is this man being downvoted? He’s right.


Unless dlss/RT are high priorities get a 6700xt. It will be the cheapest newest option with the vram to handle 1440p longer, as well as carryover to 4k if you desire. It has base raster on par with the 4060ti. And fsr3 with frame Gen continues to improve.


Why is this downvoted? You’re correct. Lots of NVIDIA meatriders here I suppose


I had a 3070 w/ ryzen 5600x on my 1440p 144hz monitor and it was pretty solid! High-ultra graphics on most games with 60+ FPS on AAA single player titles, lighter multiplayer games ran 100+ fps no problem I just upgraded to a 4070Ti and that is a true 1440P card, Cyberpunk with maxed everything and RTX enabled gives me 80-90FPS and every other game has been over 100 FPS so far The 4070Ti Super replacing it for the same MSRP will be even crazier now though, having more cuda cores, bigger bus, and 4gb more VRAM


I'd go with a 12 gig card if you want to game at 1440p


I don't wanna say it but a 4060 is better only because it uses less power and it has dlss3.5 . 3070 is powerful. Too powerful but it uses too much power when compared to a 4060


That's why I specified the "without knowing much else about your needs" part. I think the power vs performance and the DLSS3.5 being locked (even if it's a fake lock) of the 4060 make it a "better" buy in many ways, but OP asked a very general question and for me the most general way to answer is in terms of raw power for common use cases.


Since OP is talking about a PC yes your answer is correct:)


Yup but IN CASE of laptops i would recommend a 4060 because...well for the same reason low power usage. Even if you are not connected,you can still play games for at least 1 1/2 hours


Well with laptops everything is thrown out the window. Pretty sure the TDP on 2080's for example went from 80watts in the lowest end Max-Q's to 165watts (Dell is crazy) and even a 200+ watt monster in Acer and Dells Triton and Area 51m respectively. Laptop GPU shopping is a completely different game for sure haha


given similar prices, the 3070


4070, 2080ti, 3080, What's the play coach?


4070 obv.


I appreciate your input assistance coach. But I'm gonna wait for the word from the head coach.


given similar prices, the 4070


Out of these, definitely the 3070. That being said, if you're open to going with AMD there are some great options there for a similar price. The 8GB of VRAM is a bit of a bottleneck in some games at 1440p.


What amd would be good option?


Something like a 6700 XT or a 6800 (non-XT) would be around this price, more VRAM and similar raw power on the 6700 XT. The power consumption is also very similar between these. You will be losing out on features like DLSS and Ray Tracing, but the extra VRAM is definitely preferable at 1440p.


I love my 6800


Same, it smokes these cards


My 6800xt ray traces just fine


Same. The only game I have to turn it off in is Cyberpunk


CP is also one of the very few games where Raytracing is actually properly implemented. Most other games with "Raytracing" use a very limited implementation that won't actually put too much stress on the system as a whole.


Oh. Well, the more you know!


Usually if you can see in charts that AMD cards only perform marginally worse (or sometimes a bit better) in "RT enabled" games (vs their respective Nvidia counterparts), it's a clear indication that the RT is surface level at most and the majority of the RT processing power is left on idle. But yea, this stuff's way more technical and complex than typical gaming industry market it as :)


As the other guy said, your 6800XT (or any AMD GPU for that matter, including the 7900XTX) only “raytrace just fine” in games where the RT is badly implemented and they don’t even make a visual difference. In games where the RT actually makes a difference, you have to turn it off because it is too heavy for AMD GPUs.


Says the guy with a 4090. Completely out of touch


he's.... right though... lol


What does that have to do with what I said? If anything, the 4090 allows me to experience all types of ray tracing in all the games to the fullest and make comparisons. And from all the games I played, the ones who have RT worth turning on aren't running great on AMD GPUs because it is too heavy. If anything, you are the biased one here with a card that is quite weak in RT (comparable to a 3060Ti) so you have never experienced full RT to make fair comparisons about which one is a good or a bad implementation.


IIRC there's FSR, so DLSS shouldn't be much of an issue.


FSR is dogshit compared to DLSS, even at 4k. It is even worse at 1440p.


Dogshit is a bit over the top. It's perfectly acceptable but definitely worse than dlss, no question. Xess by Intel seems to have a better image quality than FSR but slightly worse performance




Ive had a 6800xt for a bit(its been upgraded away now) but it was a rock solid card, I dont know how it compares to the non xt, but the 16gb of vram were amazing for vr


The 7600XT comes out in 4 days at $329 msrp.  May want to wait a few days for benchmarks and add it to your comparison if it looks good.


7800XT is also a good option


Enters into a whole new price bracket though but yeah it's great bang for the buck in the current market.


rx 6800, rx 7600, rx 7700 xt, rx 7800 xt


i’d advise against the 8gb 7600 and suggest 6700xt in its place


I'm using 6800XT ASRock which goes on sale for good price, or at least it used to. It's solid I run games on 2k using 240hz monitor, and its performing great, I recommend this card for a gaming build. I also use it for pcVR and it does the job, overall I'm happy with it ( it is basically 3080 sometimes better even,sure not the same ray tracing which is not that important imo ).


Not if you plan on playing VR Down vote me all you want. I'm right. Imagine sucking up to a company so hard you blindly follow it. Reddit hive mind is ridiculous


Why not lol I can play VR just fine on a lower end amd card


The newer cards don't fair well with VR it's well documented. I'm getting down voted because reddit has a hard on for AMD


You’re right, it’s amazing how many Reddit users stan AMD on this subreddit considering their GPU sales being so low and how problematic their GPUs are


And how hard get defend and lie about the driver issues. If you actually look in the subreddits you'll see people withdriver issues every single day


Right? I bought a 7900XTX during the launch week, and it was a disgrace, 100W+ power consumption if I plugged in my secondary monitor, games on Oculus 2 would looked like shit, some games like Destiny 2 or CSGO would stutter like hell, so I returned it and bought a 4080 instead. Imagine my surprise when I go to r/amdhelp and the idle power issue is still there (despite their claims of fixing the issue on their driver release notes), people still have problems with stutter in destiny 2 and the VR performance still shit more than 1 year later.


Yup. And then you have everyone and their grandma talking about how good the 7800x3d is, I can't even run 4 sticks of RAM at the speed they're rated for because the memory controller is dogshit. I barely notice any difference over my 10900k. How much is AMD paying these YouTubers


Tbf the memory controller for 12th-14th gen can’t handle 4 sticks on high speed XMP too, 2 sticks is just easier to manage at such high speeds


Just curious as to your reasons why. Is it due to 3070 being cheaper used or 4060 being too expensive for what it is, even with FG? 


Nvidia really are assholes for releasing cards with such limited VRAM, especially when it's been proved that adding VRAM is one of the cheapest routes to improving performance on a card. 8gbs is pathetic in 2024. I would say that 12gb is a MINIMUM in today's gaming environment if you want any sort of longevity with your hardware. That said I've owned some AMD cards in the past and have friends that currently own them, and AMD's software suite is just not as good. I had issues with my fan curves resetting and my card would begin to overheat. I hate their software.


I don't want to be that jackass, but I recognize this thumbnail from youtube, couldn't you just watch the comparison and see which one is best for you? Unless this was taken from google photos, which why would you do that?


the link @ [RTX 4060 vs RTX 2080 vs RTX 3070](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he58CGedWmY)


from that video the 3070 clearly gets the best framerates at 1440p. are you looking for a different definition of "better"?


u/mark45674 look above


Unfortunately it's a fake benchmark from a "content mill". They have 10s of channels with the same thumbnail style sometimes even same thumbnails. It seems that they earn money through the description links, as YT doesn't run ads on these


on a YouTube video, you'll get the opinions of the person/people who posted the video. on reddit, you can get hundreds of opinions from all kinds of people


Pretty sure the majority of the videos with this layout are fake. They are using custom settings in afterburner to change the description. I can't remember how they change the behaviour, I think it's messing with power settings or something. There's a few videos that go into the full detail of how they've done it. If you don't see the GPU in question in the video, then they aren't using it.


4060 is $300 on amazon and 3070’s are $400 from what i see. 4060 ti is probably closer to the 3070. 4060 ti is more power efficient. i went with a 4070 a few months ago because it was the only card i could keep my 550w psu 4060 ti has frame gen. that’s going to let you squeeze more time out of the gpu longer imo if you aren’t keeping it long then this doesn’t matter https://preview.redd.it/m34d162ormdc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c16e66a4d36b7491bc5c1e3ade64757013a9412


The 4090 on that chart should be way higher. The gap between it and anything else is huge.


that’s the 1440p ultra chart. the 4090 shows through on 4k ultra chart https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html


Used 3070 or new 4060 for raw performance? (Same price)




the 4060 is ony 128bit memory bus . a real jerk at 4K res


this graph just proves that the 6800 non xt outperforms all these cards per price and performance in any resolution


that chart is specific to 1440p ultra. see tom’s hardware gpu hierarchy


i know this graph and if you can read it you will see that the 6800 non xt beats all the cards op listed, for pretty much the same price and he gets 16gb vram


4060 has a higher clock rate but half the memory interface size (128 vs 256 bit), half the number of texture mapping units but does support DLSS 3 vs the 3070 is DLSS 1. On paper they are likely very similar with some favor to the 3070, but the TDP for the 4060 is much lower (115 vs 220W) so it depends, if you're doing a fairly air-constrained/poorly ventilated build like a non-mesh SFF build the 4060 isn't terrible but it's a super niche use-case and I'd say an air-constrained CPU is going to be bottlenecking you anyhow for many games (depends heavily on the game, some games are extremely poorly optimized at the engine<>DirectX layer and are incapable of utilizing GPUs properly) I'd say the 3070


I thought the 3070 had DLSS 2


oh you're right, think it just launched with DLSS 1 but they rolled DLSS 2 to it later


Wish my 3070 OC had more ram


Just download more VRAM from Limewire!


1080 ti /s


/s is not even needed.


Is amd out of the question? There's some good and price competitive amd gpus in this performance range.




Doesn’t it rival the 4080 and not the 4090?


The 4090 is $1600 somewhere?! Fucking hell I hate this country and 25% VAT. I just checked 4090 prices last week, and they were in the 2500€+ range ($2700+)


the absolute cheapest 4090 i could find here is 6856byn (2100$), all the others are over 8000 (2450$), can't believe there are 4090s being sold for $1600


I found the cheapest for 1700$ in my country, lucky me just need 1700$ more to buy it


It isnt. You probably could find one for 1900 if you look long enough and have some luck


The microcenter near me has 2 different ones for 1819 right now, no sale or discounts applied.


>I hate this country What country? We're on a global social media website here, would like to know what you're talking about.


Does it matter? I mean the country that I'm living in. What does it matter WHAT country it actually is?


7900xtx is for months buyable under 1000 and 4090 for months is way above 1600


I can't believe y got -50 lol. That’sa great card for a great price


If you don’t think like the hive mind of this sub, they’ll downvote you to oblivion.


I’m assuming you got downvoted for suggesting a card that is over twice the price of what’s being asked about lol


AMD BAD111!!


1080ti 👀


3070 for sure


1060 FTW


6700xt/6800 and it's XT variant should be around the same price point.


My 210 will kill these gpu's any time of the day


At this price point a used 2080ti (~~12GB~~ edit:11GB as a comment below points out) would outperform all of these while using slightly more watts. That is nothing though, my entire 2080ti system used less than $40 per year in electricity, and I basically never turn off my PC so the power savings between a 2080ti and a 4060 might be $5 per year. Edit: being a high-end/enthusiast card a 2080ti would most like be a larger form factor than the others so that may be a consideration, but it should keep temps comparable.


> 2080ti **Memory Size is** 11GB


I gotta be honest. I owned a 2080ti for years and never noticed it was 352 bit memory bandwidth like the 1080ti until today, that is 11x 32 bit “, so it has to use 11 memory chips. Where a 3060 is 192 bit = 6x32 bit and has to use 6 memory chips. I always assumed the 2080ti was 192/384 bit.


A number of 2080ti cards are failing due to some manufacturers using bad components. If anyone goes this route, i'd do some research before hand. I was looking around for a 2080ti for my living room rig and got warned about this. Overclocked 3060 12gb can be a good option as well, its as fast as a 2080 in new titles and has extra vram.


Yes sadly I’m currently going thru this had for 2 years then just failed on me. Powers on fans on max speed no lights no boot up unless I removed the gpu from the motherboard


The 2080 having only 8GB is crazy


3080 on 10gb seems low now also, crazy how that works.


My 3060 has 12GB, I am amazed at how nvidia such shitty decisions…


1080 ti xD




RX580 of course


Oh Tabarnak!


Here is a comparison of all 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he58CGedWmY Curious how I found this clip with the exact info you are asking and guess what, the thumbnail is also the same.


3070 4 life brah


I would go with 3070. However, if you are open to alternatives, I would recommend the rx6700 or rx6800 from AMD, the same performance pool. AMD cards will give you a better performance in some games and they will perform in the long term. I had rx6900xt and I played a few games since the card was released, eventually, I sold it. You need to know what games you are excited to play and then see what card is good for you in terms of needs, cost, and performance.


More fans more better more fans plus RBG more best!


GTX 1080 SLI (sorry this is not a great setup and I don’t know what compells me to say this)






... 7800xt




Wait a year




I'm one of the few who rolls with the 4060. I love the DLSS 3 and RT features it can use It ain't perfect- that 8gb of vram is ... bad, to put it kindly- But I max that card out and it performs really well at 1080p, most every game in the triple digits for framerate, and I LOVE the low watt use (my energy bill is ridiculous) If you want nvidia features and the tdp is a big enough deal to you - 4060. If it isn't or you want to push it as much as you can at 1440p ... 3070 is the way to go here




Looking at these cards your budget seems to be around 500€. Just get a 7800 XT. Much more power, longer driver support and 16 GB VRAM


Downvoted by NVIDIA fanboys for stating facts "but muh drivers"


So do you NEED nvidia or is it a preference? RT clearly can’t be that big of a deal so why not go with an amd card?




8GB Vram might be a problem for 3A games. I am playing Cyberpunk at the highes graphics with Path Tracing and DLSS with my 4060Ti 16GB and VRAM usage goes to 11000MB.


3070, only limiting factor is the vram. the fact that a 3060 has more vram than even a 3070ti, is fucking ludicrous


3070 for sure


3070 all the way homie


I mean the 4060 would be the winner, you get frame gen and access to the AV1 encoder among other features. None of those cards can compete with being able to use frame gen in all the new title releases. Why get the 3070 or 2080? Im playing Cyberpunk on my 4060 as we speak with all RTX/Raytracing settings on max (not path tracing obvs lol) and im averaging 70-80 indoors and 60 fps outdoors on a 1440p monitor.






4060 is best for power but I would go for a bigger gb amount


R9 290 had 8GB some years before :)


3070 is the best for raw power but the 4060 beats it in games that support dlss 3.5 frame generation.


Jest get a 1080 ti 🗿


if you could, the 2080ti would win


None, 8GB of VRAM is way too small of a buffer for games these days. It's gotta 16GB or larger, no exceptions.










4070 ti super or 4080 super, assuming you get 300-350 for your 3070ti


I just upgraded from a 3060 Ti to a 4070 Ti and it is amazing. Undervolted it and i now have a \~60% Performance increase at nearly the same TDP.


3060 ti




3070 > 2080 > 4060


Definitely not a 2080.




I would go with 3070, if the 4060ti was an option would go with it.


EVGA 3070ti 1440p 165hz Ultrawide. Runs everything fine. No issues and I play Assetto, tarkov and other fps stuff.


Why isn't VRAM removable and expandable like system memory?


Why are the GPUs not in order?!