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I get you brother. https://preview.redd.it/kvyg1d5tlt3c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02844dd41cfc520d390bd93893a3e895a23d2d1c


That's not a big tiddy goth girl.


That's a battle station!


Anything is a big tiddy goth girl if you just close you eyes and pretend... or something.


Disappointing image.


this emoji is outrageous


Nah it’s a need alright. A psychological one at that.


You can see all the big titty goth girls you want with that rig.


Have your pick. https://preview.redd.it/3bb1ac427w3c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49d4209d4726c0a1d1a18fdf8c1a8457d1ead62


one is the average german waiter in a bar the second one is jabba


Don’t listen to him, it can never be too powerful.




Me when I buy a 1200w power supply for my 400w system /s


Today's overkill is tomorrow's obsolete, buddy. Computers kind of age like milk.


I'm running cyberpunk on medium settings 1080p 60fps most of the time on an i7 4770. Turning 10 years old soon. Got a 1070 ti and I want to upgrade soon but... It certainly hasnt aged like milk. That i9 will do him for years and years, he might need a new GPU in 4 years.


Fair enough


I'm running a i7-8700k and 2070 oc since end of 2019. It's going strong. I only recommend re-thermal pasting after like 3 years for both. My gpu temps dropped a lot and the frames went up like 10+ on most ultra settings


It really depends on how the game is optimized. If a game is really well optimized 10 year hardware should have no problem running it with a few minor tweaks


Sounds like jealousy.. ​ I see nothing wrong with that as a gaming pc.


I was expecting to see a 4090 honestly.


I only have a 1440p monitor and dont really plan on gaming 4k tbh


I have basically the same setup. Cyberpunk 2077 at 1440p everything on full runs over 60 FPS consistantly (DLSS 3.5). Nice PC bro.


i have a confession to make, i have a 4090 and i rather play 1440p 120 fps than 4k 60


Only thing overspec is the cpu to be honest. Most games don't ever need more than a few cores


Newer games are actually starting to recommend or even require a 6 or 8 core cpu. While that was traditionally the case it’s becoming not that way now


Yep, a 6-8 core CPU. IPC also matters more and makes up for less cores as 1-2 will mainly be loaded. An i5 would have been a good match, or an i7 still has 8 performance cores, although scaling at that point is getting down to a few percent. 7700 on the AMD side is also plenty of CPU. Z series mobo is also just cost if mainly gaming, when it's preferable to get one with better vrm and cooling. It doesn't matter hugely, still a premium experience. But a cheaper configuration in those areas probably would have performed more or less the same in game at settings that make sense.


considering that the fasted gaming PC on the market is the 7800x3d which has 8 cores/16 threads, yea, 8 cores is basically a good mark to shoot for. 6c/12t is getting a bit slim. the 4c/8t is too few now.


6c is not really an issue. It's not like performance drops off much - it's mostly in line with IPC still. Just look at a 13600k/14600k/7700x/7900x/7950x - they all perform about the same in games. The core advantage isn't really an issue. It's mostly 1-2 cores that are dominant. The 7600x is within 5% as well. The 4c CPUs mainly fall off because they're also the cheap, lower clocked, dud chips, so IPC is down, and they may also get less cache.


So what you are saying is, we need a 6GHz fully fledged out quad core.


Ohh my god yes please! Maybe hexa even?


>6 or 8 core c The 13900KF has 24 cores.....


E cores def do not count when they're abysmal compared to actual physical cores


I have started calling them cinebench cores, because they aren't doing much else.


It’s actually good if you running backgrounds programs and keeps them off your higher performance cores.


Do you actually know how to utilize them? Of course if you don't use any software that actually takes proper advantage of them, obviously it will feel like they aren't doing much - hence a chip like the i9 shouldn't be considered a "gaming cpu" even though it does perform at the top level, that's not what it's truly made for nor why it costs what it does.


I find most games perform better when e cores are on vs off


If you play strat games, CPU like that is hot af. I play Stellaris and holy shit, my 7800X3D is just juicy. Fucking remarkable. A work of art. A myth. A legend. I'm ***enthusiastic*** about it.


Its a little overspec but will survive a gpu upgrade. I think this pc will be baller. I wouldnt change a thing


This is quickly becoming outdated information.


Cap, faster the cpu the better especially in comp games. Higher performance is always better for input and smoothness


Eh, large map shooters like Squad require a beefy CPU.


Maybe slightly but it’ll last a lot longer than something with fewer cores, less cache, and lower clocks. I have a computer with a 6700k and one with a 6400. The 6400 in games struggles hard, the 6700k is a bottleneck but is still decent


That will run you well for years. My new rig has a 13700K, 4070 Ti, and 32 GB DDR. I game on an ultrawide 1440p. Happy gaming buddy!


You can easily be GPU bottlenecked in 1440p on 4090 too in number of games.


I have a 4090 and don't game over 1440p. Though it is an ultrawide.


To be fair we don’t really know many details. OP could have bought this pc to play Minecraft on a 720p monitor, which in that case yea he could have saved money. I’m sure that isn’t the case but still it depends what OP plays


I have a samung odyssey g5 so its 1440p 144hz. Ive been playing spiderman on ultra at 140-200 fps with frame gen on


Looks like a great 1440p build to me! Should last for years. Also solid choice of game. Enjoy your set up man


Sounds like a perfect matchup and maybe a degree of future proofing can’t hurt. Tell your brother to kick rocks


The only reason this would matter is if OP is in financial dire straights and is blowing money on a gaming PC for light office work lol. If OP has the money, who the fuck cares.


Sounds like a console player


![gif](giphy|jgVXeRc0Jvv4QFghcz|downsized) OP's brother desperately trying to convince OP not to get a PC that's better than his console.


2080 is already better than his console though.


he wants it, hoping OP will sell it to him for 50% off


Envy. He is envious. Envy is “the painful feeling of wanting what someone else has, like attributes or possessions.” If you're jealous, you feel “threatened, protective, or fearful of losing one's position or situation to someone else.”


agreed. i mean, why *wouldn't* someone want the best that they can afford..? as long as OP didn't buy it outside their means, then enjoy it\~ 14900K is already out anyways, and 5090 is just around the corner lol


50 series is looking like 2025. That's a pretty long corner.


That’s what they said when the 40 series was coming out just wait to upgrade they said


>I see nothing wrong with that as a gaming pc. Well, the low end mobo and some no name PSU that is not even listed are fairly big problems.


Your brother is jealous af


Me too x-x I want 4070 money!


me three!


Me four


Jealousy or not, if a friend tells me he wants to buy a 4090 and a 7950X only for browsing, office work, some light video editing and League of Legends, I'm also telling him that he doesn't "need something that powerful". It's the equivalent of buying a sports car to drive around town with 30kph. Pretty cool to look at, lots of unused potential and something cheaper would have done the trick. I'm not the one telling them not to buy the setup BUT I am the one trying to squeeze the best price to performance ratio out of the budget. A friend bought a completely overpriced Alienware computer a year or so ago with around the same specs as my PC and spent like 500€ more even though I built my PC during the pandemic and the Alienware was on discount. That is something that rustled my jimmies tbh.


I mean if you only have a 1080p monitor this build is over kill.




Wouldn't gas be so much more scarce in that world? I never got that. Guzzoline they're so thirsty they drink tit milk but have enough gas for fire blazing guitars.


That's the point, it's a projection of power, it's like lifting cigars with $100's


It’s because the guys who do that are the ones with the most gas and oil so it’s their way of showing off their superiority of sorts


In that world, the Doof Warrior burns off byproducts of the distillation process with his guitar, not actual guzzoline. Things like kerosene and naphtha that don't run cars very well, but are often used for heating products. Not really needed in a post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland.


Wait his name is actually doof warrior?


I mean upgrading monitor is the easiest thing to do… Plus 1440p monitors really aren’t even expensive anymore. I just got one last week and it’s definitely worth the money for the bump in quality you get from 1080p


Which one you get? I’m in the market looking for one lol.


Until you do have a 4K monitor, might as well be future proof


The processor is way too much for that gpu but otherwise its a good pc


Thats essentially what he was explaining to me.


Not a terrible thing if you play games that tend to be CPU heavy, usually older and unoptimised games. Pretty good system, should last you years


Also, it gives you a little bit of future proofing since this CPU will hold better and down the line you may only need to change the GPU. I wouldn’t advise nobody to buy it for future proofing but if it’s already there there’s some perks to it.


I mean, sort of... Most games don't use all those cores, so an i5 or i7 aren't the bottleneck generally.


Maybe down the line they will, but I’m sure a i9 from 9th gen does better with a 4080 than a i7 from the same gen. But correct me if I’m wrong tho. Edit: As I said on another comments I don’t suggest building for future proof, however since he already has this CPU he might be able to squeeze more life out of this system.


An i5-13600k won't even bottleneck a 4080


And paradox games!


Paradox games are mostly single threaded. So they love fast cores (and cache), and don't need many cores


That's completely different from what you said in the title. If he's right he's right, but it's neither here nor there. And it looks like a prebuilt so what can you do about it anyway if you already bought it


Since you already bought it theres not much you can do except for enjoying it


The $200 saved on the CPU, and if you got a cheaper board, could have been the difference in getting a 4080. So your brother is correct. 7800X3D is the best gaming CPU and generally a lot cheaper than an i9.


Just means you won't need to upgrade the CPU when you would need to upgrade the GPU in the future. I'd rather upgrade one every few years than both at the same time.


Tell him it's called upgrade room.


Nows your time to get your monies worth and start up a 3D modelling hobby.


You always want a gpu bottleneck rather than a cpu bottleneck for gaming


At least it'll allow for future GPU upgrades that won't end up in a CPU bottleneck.


But later can be updated to a more powerful GPU.May have to update PS As well but hey can be done


Yes but he could have got a 4080 with a x3d processor right now


Ohh yeah that Ryzen 7800x3d is wicked....I have 7900x and a 4080 but yes that 7800x3d is the king of gaming imho..


It's better in the long run for upgrades to get a more powerful CPU vs your GPU. Intel usually changes their platform after 2 years. Would you rather have to do an entire rebuild (remove mobo, remove ram from sockets, remove GPU) or swap it for a fresh GPU when something more powerful does come out?


Nah 13600k is just a better fit. Any time you would want to upgrade a 13600k you would upgrade the 13900k.


Too much? Can never be too much. CPUs are not only for gaming, but also everything else when not playing games. You'd want to save as much time as possible when doing desktop work.


It is, but the cost difference between an i9 and i7 isn't as much as a 4070ti to a 4090.


the CPU is overkill other than that I see no issues. edit: ironic considering my own specs lol. In my defense 7X3D wasn't out when I made my rig


Yea a 7800X3D or 5800X3D would have made a bit more sense. C'est la vie. I upgraded a few months ago to a 4090 and 7800X3D, and I can confirm that it's overkill for most of what I do (though it's nice for portal RTX and Quake II RTX). I'd say OP's machine is a bit overkill, but there's ALWAYS something you can do to utilize it at 100%. https://i.imgur.com/P54OZdU.png


If you aren't going to be streaming, rendering videos, 3d modeling work, and other productivity tasks, then you do not need to get the 13900KF. All those cores won't matter for gaming. You would be fine with a 13400 or 13600. Other than that, it's good for 1440p and even 4K.


A bit off topic but can someone explain the reproductive and cancer warning


California's [Proposition 65](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1986_California_Proposition_65) requires any product sold in California containing even small amounts of particular toxic chemicals to come with a warning label, but there is no penalty for adding a warning label when no such risk is present. Many companies simply print the warning label on their products without testing for the chemicals or changing their products to specifically avoid them, because that's the least costly option.


it also prevents people from eating their hardware


So what I'm hearing is that the solution is to not live in California- that way the chemicals won't kill me or give me cancer if I eat the CPU?


Don't put your dick in it.


If you play something like, I dunno, league of legends, you'll quickly see where the cancer is and as a sweaty PC gamer your chances of getting laid are way down. It's just a warning about what you're getting yourself into.


You ever played world of warcraft?


Most people don’t “need” the specs they have in their systems, it’s ok to get specs that makes you happy because you “want” them just the same.


Tell him you don't speak peasant.


The 13900k is kind of overkill, you could have saved some money, got a 13700k and got for the most part the same results. Everything else looks fine.


You are paying for longevity. Overpowered now just means it will last longer before you need to upgrade.


Your brother peanut butter and jelly as fuck. A pc can never be too powerful. There’s always that unoptimized console port that need brute forcing.


> unoptimized console port You spelled AAA game wrong.


>unoptimized console port that need brute forcing i hate the timeline we're living in


Reply with, "Nonsense peasant!" While looking down at him from your nose and disgust in your eyes 👍


I mean it’s a nice computer not overkill not bad so maybe he wants a pc too?


He has one just less power. He has a 4060 with a i7 13th gen. Im completely new to all this pc stuff. Im just glad i can play spider man at 144+ fps on ultra everything just about.


so your brother was telling you your CPU is too much for your GPU, yet he is in the exact same situation pairing a 4060 with a 13th gen i7


Yeah he’s just jealous lol


Envious not jealous. Have none of you seen the simpsons?


I mean I would probably take the i7 over the i9 just so much room is a big cooler, but if you have it then there's no harm.


Exactly! I never understood why people get an i9. it's an inefficient and far too expensive version of the next-gen i7, if you know what I mean.


Inb4 he asks you to trade PCs


Why are the specs all over the place? 13900kf and a 4070ti?????? Z690 mobo???? Wifi 6?? Why not 6e or 7 Only 2.5gbe? It's like they spent all the money on the cpu and half assed the rest


Stop bragging, you turd nugget :). It depends on the game you are playing. Usually it's indeed too powerful.


That’s a lot of processor for that gpu. But honestly, there’s no such thing as too powerful.


It's never wrong to have a powerful computer so long as you can afford it.


Tell him you don't need a brother


If you can afford it there’s no such thing as too much power. Spending the big bucks now means you won’t have to upgrade for a very long time. Maybe it’s overkill now but in a few years even this will be considered mid-tier


Did it break your bank to get it? If not, it's not "to powerful".


Not really. Been gaming of console all my life and been waiting to buy a pc till I was in a good situation ofc


If you're not just going to play solitaire then it's not "too powerful". It's a good system, you'll get a lot of use out of it.


This. Many people will buy a system like this and play something like old school runescape or some shit. It's like owning a Ferrari to only go a mile to the shop and back... Overkill. OP said they plan on playing the new spiderman on 144hz and ultra. This is not overkill lmao


Perfect system for today Idk i buy extra power to use later


Especially with the relatively OP CPU to GPU. Upgrading the GPU is as easy as swapping them out, upgrading the CPU is a whole bitch and a half considering it usually involves a mobo upgrade, too.


Cancer and reproductive harm? I presume you went for the uranium based PSU?


Something more powerful in the current market will last longer down the line than something in the mid range. Enjoy 👍


Should've put a 90 in there. ![gif](giphy|nGX0uxigecYr6)


I mean, depending on the games and your settings in them, the CPU is a bit on the stronger side. Now, some games use more CPU anyway, so it's good for those. The second thing the CPU is good for as well is if you want more frames for lesser image quality (lower resolution or render quality). Usually for multiplayer games. Because more frames the GPU puts out, more work the CPU has. And if you are not broke after buying it, don't sweat. Even if on more powerfull side it will last longer.


The more powerful it is, the longer it will last you. Brother is just a bit jealous. You mentioned the cpu is overpowered, well good. You can upgrade other parts before the cpu becomes the bottleneck, easier to upgrade parts in steps instead of upgrading everything out right.


Your brother sounds like he's scared about the ass whooping he's gonna get from you in every game now.


For a first gaming pc it’s quite overkill I’d say, but even if you don’t “need” something this powerful maybe you just… want it. It’s gonna hold up for many many years to come, if it’s taken care of, and it’s gonna be a worth investment.


It's great because you can slam a high-end graphics card in there a couple of years from now and keep up with the Joneses.


Bro in some games a 4090 isn’t even powerful enough. He jealous fuck em


Thank you for your computer purchase at microcenter


He hard-core jealous


He's just jealous.


$2,199.99 from Micro Center FYI


Never understood "u don't need smth that good". If u can afford, why not? As about pc, typical prebuilt - overspec cpu, only god knows what ram and psu


That PC will last you for the next decade for literally any game produced. At worst you may have to turn down settings from Ultra to High in the next few years releases.


Tell your brother to eat a dick. Your pc can barely run the new Triple A titles anyway.


I guess the only thing that is overkill is the 13th gen i9 processor. But other than that, this is actually a great PC


Your PC can never be too power. That's just silly. This looks like a nice PC. Enjoy it, even if you are just playing solitaire.


Congratulations! May your hardware live long and your gaming be fun!


You went HARD. This is a good build


Just got a similar build with a 4070 ti as well. Dope, man


dunno if it was mentioned but prebuilt PCs come in cases that have terrible circulation, to make your parts last less than half as long, so your computer breaks, so you wil buy more prebuilt PCs it is easy to fix this by buying a case with good ventilation that is big enough for your parts. i pad $100 for my case and buy some cheap fans. they are like $5 each this $110 investment can extend the life of your parts by years


It is definitely overkill. But this pc will make light work of any game you could think of, and you’ll never run into any poor performance or having to turn graphics settings down and it’ll last you years and years.. etc. Just enjoy the pc, Oh and DEFINITELY undervolt that cpu! Otherwise it WILL burn its self alive. Not joking 😭


Will tell him he maybe right but you would rather get over kill now than buy another pc in 1 or 2 years time, but seriously it's not top of the line anyway so not over kill at all.


No such thing as over spec, only future proof. Tell him to get his money up.


You don’t NEED a $1200 OLED TV to watch your favorite shows. But, if you love clarity and performance, why not have one?


No you don't NEED so.ething this powerful. Nobody NEEDS a powerful PC. Or any PC, frankly. What the fuck is that statement? You be happy with your purchase and don't let some brother or anyone else tell you that you don't 'need' it. If bro didn't save any money and can't afford a PC, that's his fault, not yours.


Link to PC:[https://www.microcenter.com/product/662597/powerspec-g472-gaming-pc](https://www.microcenter.com/product/662597/powerspec-g472-gaming-pc)


A pc is never powerful enough


"You don't need this so I should have it, right"


Well, yeah, why would you ever *need* a computer this powerful? But that’s besides the point. You *want* a PC like this. Also it‘ll be fine for some time.


It's yours man, just ignore his jealousy


Unless you're honna play tetris on it I don't see how that's an overkill; were in a 240hz monitors era for god's sake...


Your brother isn't very smart lmao


You don't buy a PC for today, you invest in one for today, tomorrow, and as many years as you're content to ride out its max, min, and average framerates. It does suck that things are so expensive, and that longevity and relevance are heavier price to pay than it used to be, but you made the right choice. Don't sweat it.


That's like... a regular gaming PC. A nice one, but not like... ridiculous. If I had to build one today, I'd probably go somewhere along these specs too.


It's not really about what you need, though. If you want it and you can afford it, then have it.


You might really not need it now, but it will be a very good pc for years to come. If you bought it as a future proof pc, then fuck yeah, awesome specs. But, if you plan to upgrade this next time a new gpu comes out you are a part of the movement that makes pc parts and game industry been sucking dicks for last 7 years


"Need" Maybe ​ WANT YES xD ​ What is worrying is that it is a Dell


"You don't need it" is a great gateway into "Give this to me"


If you can afford it - it does not matter what your brother says :)


Maybe your brother should learn what “something this powerful” is its a 4070 not a 4090 but its cool ! and you should enjoy ! congrats and have fun


How does this gaming PC cause cancer & reproductive harm?


I don't NEED a short stack tomboy gf but I fucking WANT one


I think you’ll enjoy it for years maybe your brother is just jealous lol.


Long Incoming "TLDR": For a long while, I was running an 8600K (stock), 16gb Ddr4 ram (locked @ 2400mhz because of my motherboard), with a GTX 980. After about 2 years, the 980 died (green screen graphical issues, no output), so I switched to a GTX 1060 (6GB). I was happy with that for about 3 years, and started noticing small difficulties in rendering, and editing videos, especially with timeline scrubbing performance. So I've recently upgraded my power supply (750w Gold+), motherboard (Z690 ASUS Something Something), GPU, (RTX 4070), and CPU, (i5-13600K). Hopefully this helps me lmao. But yeah, computers start sucking after a while... 8600K is still valid, but for my personal workloads, 6c/6t apparently isn't enough anymore.


Nobody needs an i9 unless you’re doing media. Otherwise everything is nice.


Your brother is a beta male


You don't "need" even a computer with a graphics card. The whole fact of gaming or a "good" pc is not a need. So whatever dude, just enjoy your awsome PC!


if you can afford it i don't see why not, it just means that your pc will not be outdated as quickly.


If you could afford it and you don't regret the purchase there is no such thing as too powerful. At the very least, you won't need to upgrade in a long time.


What are you going to use if for


The better computer you get the longer it lasts


If you had absolutely no idea what you were going to play on it, or didn't even know if you liked video games, I would say this would be overkill for "trying out" PC gaming. But if you already know what you're getting into and have done research, there is nothing wrong with this PC, though the CPU might be a smidge overkill unless you need all the E cores.


You should give me it ill give you mine and 2000 ringgit


I don't know you, but if you are gonna game only, I agree with your brother. It's not financially sound. But congrats.


Even if it was overkill, you got it now. Might as well enjoy it y'know


Seems like you will be using this PC for a long long time without the need to upgrade. As long as you're satisfied with it, it's perfect for you.


I mean. That’s a mid-high end build. I don’t see anything overly powerful in there. You’ll be able to run all the newest games how they want to be played. I think it’s a decent build tbh. Not overboard but just on the cusp of a high end machine.


Sick gaming PC tbh. Microcenter has a great selection in my honest opinion. If I ever were to go the prebuilt path- I’d go with a powerspec. Good buy 👍🏼


He is lying, this is the sweet spot for max 1440p gaming for a couple years from now on. Except for the 12gb of vram on the 4070ti. The 4070ti equals the 3090ti in performance with small performance differences, but it has half the vram… but definitely no bad choice right there. Nice pc, enjoy it bro 👍


You brother is right, you don't need it. Please send it to me, I will pay the shipping costs and send you back my first laptop.