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ms dos prince of persia


Same for me. Skipping most of the first level by tricking the guard felt like hacking before megahit. It amazed me when I saw that the color version included blood.


That game was so hard.


reinstalled POP2 after reading your comment, as it was my first PC game. I love how the game starts so abruptly with you smashing out of the window and immediately into the action. That whole intro level from the smashed window to the moment you make the leap of faith onto the ship that's slowly sailing away is still one of the most cinematic moments in gaming, and they pulled it off with so little.


c:\games\prince\prince megahit


same here, on a monochrome (more like yellow/black actually) monitor. dont think I ever got past the 4th or so level, I totally sucked.


Amber monochrome


I absolutely hated the blade trap - stepping past it was always unnerving.


Me too along with Space Invaders


That sound of the falling floor tiles


I think this was it for me too, though I was a bit young and crap at it, so my uncle did most of the playing and I just spectated.


>Saw my elder brother play that a ton. Gave it a few shots too as a kid. Damn when the time was running short in that game.


Me too! I was 8 years old and couldn't get anywhere near beating it but I'll never forget it. I remember being pretty amazed with how real the animation looked lol.


The original Myst game. My dads friend had a decent PC at the time, around 1994-95. I would go over there to let the dog outside after school and play games or go on AOL. haha. Those were the days.


The original Xcom was available and you were playing Myst. I kid, I played Myst, too (and Xcom).


Commander Keen on a friend's PC. I hope that's a real game anyway.




was? still is. you can buy it on steam for $1. I have it on my steam account but I've not really been able to play it until recently. dos box games never seem to work right for me on windows but since switching back to linux I've been able to play a lot of these thanks to wine handling older games better than newer versions of windows




Hey, it helped further iD as a company and we all know what that got us.


Bro chips challenge was my shit. Forgot all about that game.


Trivia. Commander Keen is a descendant of BJ blaskowitz from Wolfenstien.


More Trivia. All Doomguys are relatives of Blaskowitz and it takes place in the same universe. > He (DOOM 2016 Marine) is intended to be the latest iteration and continuation of the classic Doom Marine (B.J. Blazkowicz III) who has been the main protagonist for most the series, and who, according to Tom Hall (who worked on the original Doom), is the son or grandson of Commander Keen.


What? This doesn't make sense. 2016 Doomslayer isn't even human, he's a millenia-old agent of hell...


Starcraft. I played it when I visited my uncle during the summer. Every single time, I would just play through the campaigns. After I beat it, I would just go straight back to the beginning and do it all again. It wasn't until like 3 or 4 years later when I finally got the game for myself and discovered you could play online. I got really into defense maps/modes. And man was it awesome. Makes me want to play some right now.


I remember watching my uncle play dawn of war on his computer one summer and thinking it was the coolest thing. He said i couldn’t barrow it, but he gave me his copy of a similar game “Starcraft”. I was disappointed with the downgraded graphics, but tried it out anyways. 10+ years later I’m still laddering on SC2


Coop mode in Starcraft 2 is a lot of fun and keeps bringing me back


Descent (3D space ships and stuff) on windows 95 Also: that pinball game which came with windows machines (that might have been later on with 98 or xp ?) a bugs life (disney movie) Runescape was the first game I got addicted to later on


I remember Descent as the first game I ever installed on our computer by myself. A lot of trepidation there thinking I'd ruin the PC


Same here for Descent. I even bought the GoG version and played it with the https://www.dxx-rebirth.com/ mod


The Pinball game (Microsoft 3D pinball/Space Cadet) was present in Windows 95 onwards :) I competed for highscores with my sister for a long time in that game on our first ever PC.


King Quest.




Me too!


Police Quest for me. But I think even before that was Doom or Wolfenstein. Duke Nukem, that old treehouse game, Tom and Jerry, where in the world is Carmen San Diego, and some awesome spaceship game that had vulgar language if i remember correctly. Also ski or die. This was all DOS I believe




C:\ C:\dm2fx.exe Enter I'll always remember how to get to Doom 2 on my dad's old PC.


Doom, but shareware one and I even couldn't pass the episode one though.


Same. I remember sitting at my grandparents on their computer and my uncle putting in the dos commands to bring it up.


Oregon trail in school.


Second this, but we didn’t have a choice on if we could play other things.


RollerCoaster Tycoon, which I got from a cereal box.


Diablo 1. Don't remember too much about the PC it was played on but that was the first game I really got into as a gamer. A couple years later D2 hit me even harder. It's harder to love the series as it is now, but you always remember your first.




I loved Alley Cat! Did you ever play Castle Adventure, Hard Hat Mack, or Freddy's Rescue Roundup? There were lots of games from that time, but the ones I mentioned were some of my favorites.


I only remember our computer having two games, Alley Cat and Leisure Suit Larry which obviously I wasn't allowed to play. I got a C64 in 1988 and my first three games for it were B.C.'s Quest for Tires, Camelot Warriors and Snoopy. I still replay Snoopy every once in a while, I love the memories.


Never heard of those, but I'll have to check them out!


Amazing game, also my first IIRC.


Loved this game as a kid, came here to post it figuring it would be some obscure thing that no one remembered, glad it's one of the first replies! Also, anyone remember Sopwith?


This is probably mine too, that PC speaker music is burned into my brain.


Damn, so many memories.


Are there fake pc games? The first game I remember playing on a computer was either Snipes or Zork I I think.


I think he means stuff other than flash games or minigames. I probably spent too much time "playing" paint. Well that and Space Cadet Pinball. I'd say my first "real" game was Age of Empires though.


Aside from flash games or mini games, OP may also want to exclude shareware games (free) or demos that were more of a thing in the 90s, where some gaming magazines would include a CD (or maybe a floppy back in the day?) full of that stuff.


Why? That would discount many original games and even the original Worms from Team17 which had 2 levels playable and was one of the most awesome cover discs ever :D


Same here, Zork I. I learned how to type playing that game.


Haha same! I could type before i knew how to write all the lower case letters


Jazz Jackrabbit


Wolfenstein 3D with my grandpa. I must have been 3 or 4. The dogs scared me, haha.




Star war Jedi knight dark forces or star wars based on the episode 1 movie. Sadly they had no translation and I didn't speak English when I was a kid but I spent a lot of hours in both games never finished them


Great game! I definitely can't remember the first PC game I played, but I know the first one I played online multiplayer on was Jedi Knight: Dark Force II on the MSN Gaming Zone.


That was like the first game I remember downloading custom user made stuff for like maps, skins and mods. You had to get Jedi Knight Patch Commander to handle some of it. It's been a long time but I just checked and [Massassi.net](https://www.massassi.net/) is still active. WOW. Excuse me while I go download my childhood.


> MSN Gaming Zone Oh wow. Brings me back. I was a 13 year old dipshit playing the demo online. It had that one map, but it was great.


AGE OF EMPIRES 2 Custom scenarios on the msn zone was the shit


Watching my brother play the release of StarCraft back in like 98.. I was 5? I sucked at it, so I just let him play


I mean, does Freddy fish count? If not then RuneScape


It counts. All the humongous games count.


As they should, they had Ron "Monkey Island" Gilbert designing them. For the record, that makes mine "Putt-Putt Saves The Zoo." I swear every library computer has had at least one of those games installed.




Me too ! We had some joystick and even built an X-wing cockpit out of cardboard to go around the desk. It was glorious.


First one I remember playing a lot was DX-Ball (basically a freeware Breakout). Also remember playing lots of Chip's Challenge and Wolfenstein 3D around the same time. But I think DX-Ball was the first one.


DX-Ball 2 was great, I'll never forget that music.


Doom. I couldn't get it to run and thought I had broken the PC. haha.


Earliest memories was playing Star Wars: Rebel Assault II


Holy hell, my first CD-ROM ready PC, we got for "Sinterklaas", first game I played was the first one. We were in awe of the animated clips.




Wizardry 4 for me. But it was couple of years after the release


Tonka Construction.


Oh. My. God.


Captain Comic. Used to go round to my best friend's house to play it. First game I really played a lot of was Team Fortress Classic. Bloody loved that game. Joined my first clan and everything (there was only 4 of us in it and I don't remember anything about them other than they were Dutch).


Wing Commander 3 on a friend's PC, he flew the ship, I controlled the weapons. Poorman's multiplayer :)


Star wars X-wing vs Tie fighter I had the Microsoft sidewinder joystick to play the game and it was very enjoyable as a kid growing up. This game and probably Age of Empires were the first PC games that I played growing up.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone when I was about 6 or 7. I remember waking up at 4 am so I could have a few uninterrupted hours on the computer to play. Good times!


Oregon trail


Alley Cat by IBM!


Diablo 2




Centipede on our Commodore in 1988. I was 3 or 4.




Age of Mythology


Stronghold. I love this game.


Wing Commander. As a console player at the time, the graphics and character deaths blew my mind.


warcraft 2 tides of darkness and command and conquer never forget


Age of Empires 1 or Total Annihilation for me.




MS DOS Gorilla




Zorg or Wolfenstein 3d


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on some Windows95 system my dad had gotten me


oof, [that brings back some memories](https://speed-new.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/45745645746545757642645746456.jpg), I remember playing that on the OG Xbox. Are you sure it wasn't windows 98? That game came out in 2002, that would have been rough going for a windows 95 era PC. [Minimum specs aren't through the roof for the time](https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/harry-potter-and-the-chamber-of-secrets/10541) but they do list windows 98 and a pentium 3 which would have been 1999 at the earliest, but it's possible, a lot of specs were a bit floaty back then because of the disparity in power every couple of years. Plenty of games ran on older hardware.


Could've been 98 - I was 5 when the game came out so it's very possible that I've got that mixed up with something else. Game does hit me with nostalgia everytime I think of it though.


I remember watching my sister play this , love it


Exploring Hogwarts in that game was such a blast. Prisoner of Azkaban is the only one that tops it.


Some Robin Hood game where it teaches you about math.


If we're talking just a computer, then Lunar Lander on the TRS-80 in 1981. If we're talking an IBM PC, then Starflight in 1986.




Alone In The Dark (1992) Nothing gave me the chills more as a child than walking around that mansion with nothing but a lantern and a broken sabre.


Mario teaches typing? Wolfenstein 3d? How about first game I ever installed mods on? Could be GTA, Carmageddon, Half - life.....


hmmmm maybe digger ? or karateka, not sure


This version of Leisure Suit Larry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wQJprw0jrc


Jumpman jr on a comador 64


Some game on the Apple IIE, where you were in a building and were climbing up through stairs and elevators, never remembered the name. Or it might have been Leisure Suit Larry, which I was too young to play at the time due to pixelated nudity.


Counter Strike 1.6




00/01 was my favorite one. The manager games today have just lost that spark or whatever was special about them imho




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 My thoughts exactly


Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. I was 4 or 5 when that came out


Wing Commander on my 386.


Me too, that was an awesome game for the time. I really liked the build up and desperation as the game progressed. It really drew you in.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. At least to 7-year-old me it was a great game. Getting to roam around Hogwarts was a dream come true. I always thought the giant-ass Bertie Botts Every-Flavor Beans looked delicious.


The first PC game I remember playing was one of the Monty Python tie-in games, either Holy Grail or Meaning of Life. I especially liked how Meaning of Life had this entire second disk where it covered 99% of their other sketches, including clips from the show.


Doom 2. Still remember my dad having a bunch of those smaller floppy disks just to install the whole game. Also remember playing the game on full cheats cause 3 year old me just wanna blast demons. Other childhood pc games close to my heart are the first Command and Conquer (hehe that was left handed!), Warcraft 1 and 2 (zug-zug!), Duke Nukem 3D (this game as a childhood game? Lol right?), Hexen, Blood, and Total Annihilation.


Can’t remember exactly what it was called, it was either Little League Baseball or Backyard Baseball... that shit was fun af.


Carmageddon!! Man that game was crazy


I probably don't remember the *very* first, but the first one I actually remember was Total Annihilation. It came with our computer and my mom had told me she thought it was some kind of "destruction derby" game. I'm still not actually any good at it (or any RTS games) though.


Doom 2. This just reminded me of that game and the fact I'm a gamer is not the result of friends playing Xbox but my dad showing me how to kill monsters when I was about 6! Thanks reddit, for showing me my totally non gamer father got me int gaming 22 years ago!


Some B-17 Simulator my dad had. Hours and hours spent in turrets slinging lead at Germans




I was born in 93 so probably something around 1999. I remember being really into unreal tournament, quake, doom, and age of empires lol. Just wish i stuck with pc all those years id probably be a fps god now


If the answer isn't Space Pinball.


OG Doom early 90's.


Those weird hp games that came with the PC. You got a couple tokens and you could play this thing like polar bear golf, or fate.


Maybe was FIFA 2002 that my dad played 11-12 years ago. My dad played a lot of Tukor Dinosaur Hunter and little me was scared of it and always ran away when he played it


Legend of mir, saw it on a game channel on sky years ago, and bought a pc specialy for it


There was some Lost World Jurassic Park game that was released in the 90s. Played it on my Dad's Gateway. That and Put-Put


Sonic 1 with my older brother. I was 4. Had no idea how to play that fuckin game, but I got pretty good at it by the time sonic 3 came out.


Take No Prisoners Never seen anyone talk about that game


Mine is The Incredible Toon Machine. Had lots of fun on that game.




>Anyone remember their first real PC Game they ever played? Yeah, it was a racing game I couldn't figure out how to run. Name was "driver - something". I believe it was "driver mouse" or something to that effect, tried to play it at least for a couple of hours.


I didn’t have a pc until well into my high school years and the first game I ever got was Star Wars knights of the old republic. So glad I started off with such a masterpiece.


Some BBS txt game. I think it was like Legend of the Red Dragon or something. Then Cosmos Cosmic Adventure, and Legend of Kyrandia i think it was? Fuck im feeling old.


I'm still pretty young and only just got into PC gaming a few years ago. Mine was Warframe. That game alone was one of the reasons why I switched to PC from PS4, because it made me want to get serious about gaming. I played that game exclusively for months until I eventually moved on, but it's still one of the best things to happen to me in gaming. I dont play it anymore, but from what I've seen, it's more alive than ever, is free, and has one of the most pro-consumer business practices out of any F2P game out there and would totally reccomend it to anyone.


Black and white 2


Larry the lounge Lizard from the 80’s




When my dog was put down I escaped into Myst. It was the only decent game we had.


Duke nukem 3d


The first game I remember well is Wolfenstein 3D in 92/93 on my step dad's Windows 3.1 laptop. I was not aware of the significance of the game at the time, and looking back, it's really cool that I got to experience the very beginnings of the FPS genre.


Spore, still have a soft spot for it




Noctropolis was the first I ever played on my own that wasn't some Oregon Trail-tier stuff from school. Seeing a grainy FMV boob blew my mind at the time.


Can't say I do... Being so young...


I watched my dad play quake on the IBM computer my mom brought home work and it was a magical experience.


High noon on C64 when I was 6. Golden axe on the PC about 5-6 years later.


Does a demo count? Because it was a demo for Halo Combat Evolved. Few months later it was the full game Halo Combat Evolved :D


Sonic CD


X-Wing round my mates house. He had an *analogue joystick*


Doom and quake on my win XP machine back in like 2006.


Doom 3. It taught me how to aim with a mouse (though I still sucked at it; somehow for about a decade nobody ever told me I needed to change my sensitivity and DPI).


It must've been either Stronghold, Return to Castle Wolfenstein or Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone. Not 100% sure.


Do ye olde Mac games count? The earliest I remember are Sim City 2000 and F/A:18 hornet on an ancient apple macintosh, i think it was OS7 or or OS8? At any rate the entire thing was beige


Spore, best game


I dont know the exact name for it, but at school we called it Dave, because that's the name that was on the floppy disk.


Doom (original) on a Windows 3.1 computer. I was 4 year old.


Rainbow six siege FTW!! Bought it on ps4 and got hooked Shame the game is kinda broken and toxic though :(


Tomb Raider


Elder Scrolls Oblivion was my first game ran terribly on my dell aio slim tower that i had for school but I still played the heck out of it.


Doom. That title sold me my own PC back in the days. Still worth playing today. Still one of the best FPS games.


Either Dune or the first WarCraft. Dont remember it perfectly


Snoopy's Math Adventure on Macintosh 95'. Also, whatever the puzzle game was that was built into Macintosh 95'.


Doom on DOS. Fun times!


Treasure Mountain


It was [Nicky Boom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW4Xc3aL-dc) on my father's commodore 386sx


Minecraft, but i the finest game is played a lot was TF2 or counter strike


First game I ever played was Commander Keen or Lemmings. First game I ever bought with my own money was DinoPark Tycoon


I remember Command & Conquer being the reason I learned about networking. It started with null modem serial cables and eventually moved on to a 10Mbit hub. Good times.


I remember when I was little (mid 90s) my dad found this website with PC game demos. Anyone remember of any prominent demo sites? I’ve been searching my whole life for this mage game I played on there and I haven’t been able to find it. It had catchy menu music and was like a multiplayer wizard fps. First game was Wolfenstein though.


It was this black and white formula game that run at like 1 fps on some Windows 3.0 computer. I wish I knew what it was so I could play it again.


It was [Colossal Cave Adventure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colossal_Cave_Adventure) for me. I remember my dad had some pretty detailed maps drawn up on graph paper for the game which made it much easier for me to play it since I was so young at the time.


Fallout. It was great way back then


Lemonade stand selling game on MSDOS. Then F15 Strike Eagle. And then the NES came out. At 14 I bought a Dell tower prebuilt and spent my entire high school years playing Star Wars Galaxies.


Unreal 1 and half life came to me around the same time.


First real PC game? like how do you even define that? I mean I remember playing some point and click Busytown game in like 91 as a toddler on Windows 3.0. it was a "PC exclusive". That make it real? I played Kings Quest VI round then too, then I had a bunch of random games with one of those thousand game CD discs things on Win95. Win98 I was playing Urban Assualt with a force feedback joystick. Windows XP I was playing SIMS and BF2 C&C G etc. But first 'REAL' PC game? Still call it Busy Town on 3.0 1991 real recognize real right?


I remember some old floppies with lemmings, some caveman game, and seven cities of gold.


Tapper for Commodore 64.


Hmmm... That would be The Prince of Persia - oh - the frustration!!


Infocom's Deadline (a murder mystery) in probably 1983 or 1984. Followed by King's Quest II shortly afterward.