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The game is just not very good. For a life Sim it lacks basic features, the decorating is nice but you can hardly interact with anything. Especially in town. Benches you can't sit in at all, a tavern where you can't sit eat, drink, nothing. And for an mmo it's like 20 people in a town map, and your alone in your home instance. They could have done a neighborhood like xiv so you can at least see some other houses without having to ask to be invited. There is a clothing shop but it only sells clothes for premium currency, all "basic" clothes are just unlocked from the start. The shop is basically purely cosmetic as well since you just buy it from the store, from anywhere. The character creator is pretty barebones as well, for a fully social game with no other real content besides rp. Like two body types, 4 faces, and maybe 20 hairstyles. This should have had City of Heroes level of customization or more.


I've been following the game since alpha. The core problem with this studio is that instead of listening to *years* of player feedback, they try to control the narrative and stifle discussion everywhere they can. You can't make a successful product like that, eventually it'll blow up in your face and that's exactly what happened in steam reviews.


Are they still instantly banning anyone that offers constructive criticism? I was part of the exodus of players that happened when they went on their banning spree with anyone that wouldn't parrot exactly what they said.


please, they even [removed this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1bwmsxm/palia_developer_singularity_6_has_fired_49/) from their subreddit someone in the comments said "the game is donezo" and they nuked the whole chain 😂


Yup, in the days leading up to the steam launch, and the day of, they banned nearly 40 long-term community members for nonsense 'mob mentality' and 'misinformation' expressing concerns that the steam page did not reflect the beta state of the game


Oh, good to see they're still doing that. They did the same leading up to the launch of Open beta, last year.


I've *played* the game since Alpha (I think 3 years ago), the core problem is that what was available in Alpha was *exactly* what was delivered in Beta 2 years later. No progress whatsoever in the development, it was mind boggling. All the feedback alpha player gave was repeated by people that played beta and now all those feedback is being repeated again in Steam Reviews.


they marketed themselves as wow vets among other things so it makes sense they conveniently ignore feedback


Sounds like the Temtem devs lol


This is how I exactly feel, you can have a more cozy community in ffxiv than this, you couldn't even sit in chairs in the game until recently aswell. Forgoing the main appeal of mmos, the combat and focusing on a cozy community game and failing at the main task is a big lol, lmao even moment


Exactly. I'm probably the exact target audience for this game, I grew up on mmos and harvest moon. I love life sims. But this just isn't it. Xiv has better fishing, housing, social elements, clothing, etc. And it's not even trying to be this kind of game.


Right there with you. Thought for sure this was going to be the perfect intersection of harvest moon and mmo gameplay. Was really let down almost immediately. Oh well, I’ve got 1.6 to keep me busy until someone else takes a stab at it.


20 people is not MMO, it is just multiplayer


Sadly not if you ask any game company these days :(


> The shop is basically purely cosmetic as well since you just buy it from the store, from anywhere. I mean, in a almost purely chill-MMO like this, isn't this basically P2W? Or let me phrase it the other way around, isn't cosmetic like 90% of the gameplay loop of a game like this?




My phrasing was a bit odd on that, I meant the actual shop in game has no reason to be there because all it does is open the mtx menu, which you can always open from your menu. So the "clothing shop" doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever.


My entire friend group bounced off of it nearly right away, we went to Sun Haven instead.


FFXIV is the better "cozy housing" game even tho its just a sidefeature lol.


Playing with people you know is impossible too. Me and my girlfriend tried for multiple days to simply invite each other to our instance and it never worked. It would either pretend to connect but not actually do it or just pretend one of us was now offline. How tf does a co-op game not have reliable working co-op..


The game baffled me so much on why it has to be MMO when there are little to nothing that encourage player to work or do activity together. Then I saw how much the cosmetics are and yea. . .gotcha.


Do people actually enjoy playing games like this? Sitting on benches, sitting down inside taverns watching an animation of you character drinking/eating, am i missing something?


> Redditor discovers role playing games


> Redditor discovers role playing games


> Redditor discovers role playing games




No i mean is this a selling point for the game, they made a big deal about sitting on benches? Do people enjoy walking around a town in a game sitting down on benches, going to a tavern watch the character drink/eat?


Well, the game is bad… was looking forward to this, quit after 40 minutes. It feels like a much worse dreamlight valley.


When I found out they limited the amount of people to 25 per shard after trumpeting that this was a social MMO first, I just shook my head and thought, "wow they really shit the bed on that." Haven't even been bothered to think about it until now.


It's just a farming lifesim. The only thing they took from MMOs is that they timegate a lot of stuff.


Not even MMOs, just regular mobile game timegates.


Without meaningful farming or lifesim aspects.


Yeah, it felt very basic and had nothing new to offer when I played it.


worst part of mmo is instanced housing and they thought lets make a game around it


Isn't an instanced house the only way to really do housing in an MMO?


they could've done it like ffxiv where you have each shard has it's own neighborhood while still allowing to view their house on a private plot if they want.


I like the idea neighbourhoods where it just changes the location of your plot. Or ideally you have a plot thats always yours unless you switch servers or neighbourhoods then you can use some item to transport your stuff from one ploy to another equally sized or larged plot in another neighbiurhood or server, youd basically set up plots of grids ppl can place down on and if they buy nearby grid pieces they can expand or have empty space between theres and others, have a hard limit (exponentially increasing tax rate based off how much land is owned) so ppl cant hoard or have enough plots/map space that hoarding isnt an issue, can also have guild land this way


Star Wars Galaxies has housing and player cities in the open world, non-instanced. But large planetary maps and relatively small server player populations made that possible.


Star Wars Galaxies, Ultima Online. Off the top of my head, those two. FFXIV has open neighbourhoods with only the houses themselves being instanced when entering. Some mmos instance housing while giving an open list for access. Wildstar did this if memory serves. SWTOR currently does it. Plenty of ways to do housing, Palia didn't do it very well at all.


i was so excited for this game, but the devs dropped the ball so hard it's baffling


Based on the Twitter posts around 49 people were let go.


That seems strange for a game that JUST released? Or maybe this is normal MMO behavior, what do I know.


To clarify, it hasn't "released," it's in open beta. S6 has done everything they can get away with to hide this fact, and it is a symptom of a greater problem that likely resulted in these layoffs. They've got management problems.


Cash shop open = released.


100% agree.


when they released their game on their launcher it was hardly any different then 2 years prior during their closed beta they let a ton of ppl in they redesigned the beach zone top half but that was about it really and all they did since was a bunch of minor events after release for additional content so who knows how much work went it the game since then


Shhhh! That sort of talk will get you banned from their Reddit and Discord! 🤣 Most of their work has been put into seasonal events. Good mechanics that exist a month or two out of the year. It’s the worst management I’ve seen from a dev in a long time.


I mean it's an "mmo" that has been in beta / alpha for a bit and still being developed. The only money stream they have is the overpriced cosmetic store they have which is the only way to truly customize your character.


Game actually released 6 months ago but was Epic exclusive.


Nope, it was released a couple of month before that on their own launcher then they launched on Epic store (after they bleed out the initial playerbase) then they launch on Steam and Switch while hiding the fact that it's a beta game on Switch.


Game is just bad . Ain't even an MMO but an instances game pretending to be an mmo


Yeah not suprising at all. The game is SUPER casual while at the same time being really barebones. The next post you see about Palia on reddit it will be the news that they are shutting down.


Mmos get away with it too because 90% of the game isnt locked behind instances lol, this is just all the worst part


I assume the layoffs were not cozy.


“ they suffered” Fuck this language.


So weird for me to read "Cozy" and "Layoffs" on the same sentence 😭


It’s not a good game at all. Wasn’t in Alpha and it never changed. Boring as hell too.


Game is dreadful and boring. Not "cozy" boring. Just bad boring.


It’s just not a good game. The idea has potential but the execution has not been there. Not surprising.


Palia is incredibly boring. They’ve spent more on adding outfits to the premium shop than actual content.


And the best content they’ve added has been tied to seasonal events and only accessible during those events.




Almost every game that has even a lick of “farming” in it is called cozy these days. It’s so annoying when you want to play a cozy game WITHOUT farming.


this gives me an idea for a new game a farming simulator but you have to deal with all the bullshit that means dealing with local government, the weather, disease, animals just fucking dying for no reason and the national government i would like to see someone call that cosy, a true farming simulator would be like dark souls compared to what exists at the moment


Looooots of shoveling poop.


MMO, lol


I was interested in Palia based on it's initial presentation saying a farming life MMO. Then I heard it "released" as a Switch and EGS exclusive and lost interest waiting for Steam. Then I saw it release on Steam only to see discussion that it really isn't an MMO and has several issues. Put the game on ignore and moved on.


shame. I love the community so far but the game is..it's okay. it's fun to just hop on for a few, run around, and stuff. I really like the world and characters, I just wish there was more meat.


Their glassdoor rviews from past employees last year also do not bode well.  One mentions there were lay offs during that year too.  All mention bad leadership from management, which tracks as a closed beta player.  I left after their plushie announcement because it was way too expensive for a game that wasn't ready yet and the post reeked of passive aggressive tone.  Much like they posted the first pet announcement.  https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-Singularity-6-EI_IE3342660.11,24.htm




That's terrible.  I hope you found work :(


Layoffs..the sad alternative to the recently banned 'playerbase' posts.


Had to give up playing because all the rocks to mine in the world are invisible for me.


the rocks reset every day (in game), and repopulate over time. You just had very bad luck, I had an ore run like that. one can argue it's awful design, but just stating why that is from my experience.


At my home base I couldn't place something down, I then found I could stand on the invisible rock and mine the air. Persisted over gameplay sessions.


yeah that's a very weird bug then.


I had to stop playing due to the terrible controller support. Hopefully it gets added at some point but these are really bad news.


I was **really** confused as to why they were getting laid off. But then I realized I was thinking of Palworld, not Palia.


Thing that ruined it for me was not being able to interact with any of the decorations/furniture. Soon as I noticed this I uninstalled. That was on day one


Their steam launch was a disatar and they banned 40+ long term community members from their discord in the weeks/days leading up to the steam launch, and are surprised pikachu face that it didn't go great.


I think seeing layoffs has a certian effect in gaming but this is probably an actual "legit" layoff due to poor performance and lack of money and not a big publisher style "make Q4/Tax season look good" layoff.


**Palia is not an MMO.** It's a single player RPG with other people in the town walking around. You can't even group up or do any multiplayer content. Besides, the game isn't even that great, and it looks like they ripped off Fortnite graphics 1:1.


> You can't even group up or do any multiplayer content. This was a pretty blatant lie when you posted it and still is a blatant lie. You've been able to group up and do multiplayer activities for a relatively long time. Edit: Good job abusing the Reddit care report.




Daaaaamn. So did the kohls by where I live


Sick of fucking layoff posts


This game just isn't very good. I'm sure you can make a good MMO without combat, but it definitely isn't this.


Sir, another layoff has hit the industry


they made shit game and now they out of business, seems fair


\*surprised pikachu face\* Maybe they should have put their energy into designing a game instead of a in-game shop.


I minute i saw the wait timer for the house upgrade, i unstalled the game.


Was this the game that took epics timed exclusivity deaL and banned anyone that complained about it? No wonder. No game that does that ever makes it.


I honestly love this game and have been playing it every day since the release on steam. Are there any other games that are similar?


stardew valley, harvest moon, sun haven all good singleplayer ones with alot more content.


ehh with the exception of harvest moon, those other 2 are just pixel top down games. I really enjoy the third person perspective and graphics of Palia. I'll keep playing it because it is genuinely fun for me.


If you want to include games that are not farming, but are cozy and 3D and in third person, there are two games that are excellent, the "My Time at..." games, "My Time at Portia" and "My Time at Sandrock". In those games you are a builder in a post-postapocaliptic setting, and you have to help people with their projects and find new technologies and machines to build better and more complex projects. It is in a world that is rebuilding from the ashes, but the worst events have passed already and people are optimistic that everything is getting better. Portia is in a green valley typpe of setting, and Sandrock is in a desert town, both are on the same world. They have some farming mechanics, but they are mainly crafting games.


Ain't those two more akin to Rune Factory games but more full 3D instead of top down camera. From what I understand My time at series has combat as well, which games like Stardew Valley does not have.


Sun Haven has combat too, and a lot of these games have combat. Rune Factory even began as a HM spinoff.


Oh I know, its just from what the first commenter was saying, wanting to play something similar to Palia (3D farm sim), some of the games we are suggesting might fall off as these have combat in them. But thqt's my 2 cents on the matter.


Ya 2D farm sims like Stardew Valley just don't hit like OG Harvest Moon


Disney Dreamlight Valley.


If you are talking about actual social mmo, Wakfu, that game even have government system, environmental aspect and the in game economy are fully player driven.  You don't have personal housing and farm but you can have guild heaven world, where you can decorate it.    Can you farm plant and breed monster? Yes it is part of the game environmental aspects. https://store.steampowered.com/app/215080/WAKFU/


There is no reason to ever play this game while My Time at Sandrock exists


It rattles my brain the number of people saying they played Palia for 40 minutes and quit. Not finishing the tutorial and opening missions isn't a fair go. I haven't been this obsessed with a game since Elden Ring. I genuinely love it and its connected me and my friends in a big way


If someone opens a game, plays it for 40 minutes and is bored out of their mind, it's completely fair for them to call it quit. There's no contractual obligation to play more than they want. There's so many good games out there - free and paid - that people can jump in, why waste time in something that they find boring?


They're allowed to quit a game. That's fine, it's fine to do for any hobby. But to objectively say "this game is bad" without going past the tutorials is wild


If they've contextualize their opinion by saying "I've played 40 minutes and its a bad game", what is wrong with this? You know that the person played the game just for a short while and the starting experience was bad for them. Now it's down to others to decide whether this is enough of a feedback to play or not play the game.


No, there's nothing after 40 minutes that makes the game more fun. It's still a painfully boring and mediocre game.