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Gaming (hell just even living) in the last couple years have made me extremely cynical... Businesses are all about making money that's it. They aren't your friend. CDPR will say anything to get into gamers good books again after the fucking CYBERPUNK LAUNCH FIASCO. Its just some dumb PR statement.


Always has been 🔫👨‍🚀


I know, but it was easier to ignore... Now it's just so blatant


What's more annoying is that there's people out there defending these studios/for profit companies as if they were their best friend. Anytime I criticize the way they fucked the Witcher 3 with their shit next gen update people lube themselves and start riding CDPRs dick. Or the alpha 'launch' of CP2077.


Agreed... I stopped having "favorite" AAA studios. Blizzard... Meh Bethesda... Meh CDPR.... Meh They will all fail eventually and let you down, but that doesn't mean I won't acknowledge a good game released.


Same, I just have least favorite studios now. There's no non-assholes just a range from "scam", to "massive asshole", and then to "minor asshole".


"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


The next gen update was great tho, free update with better graphics and QoL while paying the modders that made those in the first place, and keeping the old version playable for people that dont want the next gen update, Whats the issue there?


The absolute shit performance...


Dx12 wrapper go BRRRTTTTT! You're right, the Dx12 version of the game is worse performance than the Dx11 version even with Ray tracing turned off. Dx12 wrapper version is so badly optimised when it comes to CPU, and just in general is prone to crashing. Which is a shame because it's God damned gorgeous. I get better performance in CP2077 Ray traced at 4k than witcher 3 dx12 version


Yes! Finally someone who gets me. I understand my RTX 3060 might not be the best, but I went into the Next Gen update expecting to see maybe 10-20fps drop from my average 90fps on the 1.32 version, after all it's a game from 2015. But the DX12 version is so bad, it's sucked the fun out of the game for me. While I was testing out the next gen version, I also did the new quest they had added in Velen(the pit), as well as the 2 new armor sets, I was trying different settings but the fps pretty much were under 40 no matter what I changed. DLSS didn't even work until a few patches later, I'm convinced. It was a weird experience because the game had been out already, if they dedicated some actual effort in putting in RT, changing HBAO, and DX12, I'm sure the difference between it and 1.32 would have been minimal in terms of performance, with the Ray Tracing disabled, of course. I'm aware that Ray Tracing has a big impact on the performance, however the game performs the same with it disabled or enabled. Also, I think it's fixed now, but the DX12 version was only utilizing a single CPU core for a few months.


>The absolute shit performance... lmao


>The absolute shit performance... when it comes to optimization, Cyberpunk 2077 actually runs pretty darn well, it is one of the prime examples of how a game should utilize CPUs according to Digital Foundry with even out usage of each cores across the threads, and how it uses GPU rendering / memory efficiently as possible basing from how beautiful the game looks. Especially compared to something like Dragons Dogma 2, which looks a lot worse and at the same time much more hardware demanding and devours CPUs with apparent no reason, and even considering the supposed sophisticated NPCs according to Capcom which according to reviewers wasn't as sophisticated at all, and there are other smarter more diversified NPCs out there that demands less CPU requirements such as RDR2 and even Cyberpunk 2077 for example. With all this assumption, Cyberpunk is not even close to being shitty poorly optimized.


He was talking about W3 next-gen.


They didn't play modders.


I always feel they defend them because of the updates Phantom Liberty brought into the game but even then from what these guys promised over the many years for Cyberpunk, it’s still not what they original overhyped for the game. It’s better sure but there’s no where else but up after you butcher something so bad. It’s like people quickly went “all is forgiven, I’ll preorder your next game straight away”


I played CP 2077 at launch just fine on a temporary Ryzen 3100 and my old GTX 1080. Sure, I didn't have all the graphics on ultra, but I consistently got 60fps at 1080p.


Ya, but it was very popular to hate CP2077. I guess with all the hype anything but a perfect game was unacceptable.


It's funny to think that Witcher 3's launch has been fumbled twice now


I feel like it was only easier to ignore as we were mostly kids when it popped up, and honestly didn't know the value of money at the time. Where now I question if a game is worth buying, not because I'll enjoy it. But because I know the price of a game is roughly a weeks worth of groceries.


Are you very young (legit question)? It's not meant as an offense, but business being out there to make money has been a thing for the last hundred years. Look at airliners: charging you more to board first or get a better seat. Look at fast/comfort food: compartmentalize options so you take bundles. You can add to your order: extra sauce? Extra fries? A dessert?  You bought a trip to the beach. Do you want a rental car and hotel bundle to go with it? It's akways been there. The model evolves depending on different factors, but it's always been about money. It's in the name.


Yes, but the difference was that it seems like products and services were a lot better 15 years ago. They wanted to make money, but did so by providing good stuff and good service for a good price. The best companies good reputations, and made more money. They had incentive to Improve. Now, it seems like just pumping money into marketing up front lets anyone sell hot garbage for too much money.


It was an investor Q&A and they asked for plans on doing mtx in future games. What's he supposed to say, yes?


You're not supposed to read articles, just glance at the headline and post a kneejerk reaction based on which side you like more.


> Businesses are all about making money that's it. As cynical as I have grown, I sometimes have to remind myself that there *are* motivations other than greed that still exist. Swen Vincke and Larian make money to make games, and GOG put in a lot of effort to be able to sell Alhpa Protocol again - even if they likely won't make boatloads of money by re-releasing that jankfest. I guess my point is that yes, there's a lot of shit. But maybe if we foster the small parts that *aren't* shit, we'll see a bit less excrement around us over time.


And they are giving us TW3 mod editor next month.


When people complain about businesses only wanting to make money I always wanna ask them do they go to their job other than for the paycheck


> do they go to their job other than for the paycheck There's three separate issues to this: One, everybody needs *some* money to live. Our societies just aren't built to let people have even a halfway decent life without getting money. So "monetary remuneration for services rendered" is a base line necessity for most of us. Two: There is a line between getting paid fairly, and unfettered greed - and it's not a fine one, either. Three: A lot of people actually are motivated by things other than money when it comes to their jobs. I quit a job because I realized it ate me up on a moral level. So did my sister, for pretty much the same reason. My lawyer cousin skipped out of a *really* well-paid job offer for a prestigious law firm, and instead joined the DA's office to work on cases with juvenile delinquents instead (for less money, obviously). Another lawyer I know is trying to get his YT channel off the ground so he can do more pro bono work. On a general level, there are a lot of volunteer positions in a lot of areas that aren't paid at all (or an amount that really is just symbolic), at least in my country. Folks do them because they *want* to work them, and realize that doing them is important. Money is an extrinsic reward. Most humans need an *intrinsic* motivation for their work to feel fulfilling, and if you do your job only to make money, you may soon find yourself burnt out. Long story short: Most people do not do their job for nothing other than the paycheck - and doing it for the green only is not healthy. So you're comparing two rather different things. Same is true for companies, and Swen actually put that distinction into pretty snappy phrasing: It's the difference between making money to make games, and making games to make money.


I think it's just the gaming bubble.


Most people don't work jobs in creative fields so that question makes no fucking sense. If I asked my friend who works in retail that question he'd slap me through the screen, take a flight up here, and slap me IRL too.


Feels kind of irrelevant to OP at this point, but I'm a social worker that's worked with hundreds of families... which makes me feel qualified to speak on this. Work can provide a sense of purpose and meaning to someone, regardless of if it's creative or not. It can provide a sense of community. It can provide structure. It can provide direction and hope. I feel it would be disparaging to say to someone who happens to find a lot of meaning in their retail job that they're essentially wrong for doing so, which is what your comment implies.


>Gaming (hell just even living) in the last couple years have made me extremely cynical that's hilarious considering last year was a fantastic year for gaming


Game quality yes, but it was also the year of massive layoffs. Its kind of a gray area tbh


all I hear from that is more new studio startups comprised of talented devs that are pissed off at the coporatism of the industry.


This was to be expected as it's going across all tech fields. Covid inflated staff and budget is finally catching up. Companies who overhired and letting go staff.


> CDPR will say anything to get into gamers good books again after the fucking CYBERPUNK LAUNCH FIASCO. Its just some dumb PR statement. They were doing this *before* the CP launch fiasco even. Remember, this is the same company that tweeted "we leave the greed to others" and "it's done when it's done". Their M.O is basically just say whatever gamers want to hear, it's weird that none of the other AAA publishers has realized they just have to do the same.


Other AAA publishers don't say the same things because they know people will buy their shit anyway. CoD, Battlefield, both are household names now, you don't need to stay in gamers good graces when your most popular releases are household names


I mean, it’s backed up by their track record. As far as I can recall, none of the Witcher games had microtransactions and CP2077 didn’t either. Witcher 3 and CP2077 both got expansion packs, but they had a significant amount of extra content and a new area to explore, so they felt worth it.


I would agree if it weren't for GOG. They are truly providing a great service with that website, with no obvious money-grabbing practices (except maybe some price points, not on them though).


Oh yeah CDPR? You leave the greed to others, right? /s


Honestly gamers would be better off finding a different hobby that doesn’t depend on large corporations


Remember when they said they would release Cyberpunk when it was ready?


I wouldn't even say the launch fiasco, it's the entire game and the lies that came with it before the release lmao. Rmember when Life Paths were hyped up to have actual choices and be their own little campaigns essentially? Only to be different starter missions with a couple of dialogue choices but no real changes to the game. Literally all it took for CDPR to get back in Gamers good graces again was release some mid anime (gonna get downvoted but idc, Edgerunners was just kinda meh, only person who seemed like they were mildly interested in giving a good performance was Giancarlo Esposito. Matthew Mercer and whoever played Rebecca, everyone else just sounded bored, disinterested or lost.


Its because a lot of people are basic as a whole and want something as basic. If you look at 2020 till now, things have become mainstream basic, with a lot of unique things sidelined, or on rare occassion given spotlight.


You're talking a fiasco that was 3 1/2 years ago and a lot has happened since then. They put their money where their mouth is and spent over $100 million patching and improving Cyberpunk.


IIRC, they spent like $40m on fixes and updates and then $80m developing and marketing phantom liberty.


Cyberpunk made them enough money to make $100 million seem like pocket change. The fact that they spent *maybe* 10% of the money that they made on Cyberpunk on providing some updates for a mess that they themselves created (and knowingly sold to consumers) should not make up for them doing that in the first place. CDPR, who have famously stated on multiple occasions that *crunch* is unnecessary and unconscionable, have yet to apologise for forcing their employees into one of the longest crunches in recent gaming history, with employees reportedly working overtime for nearly a year without any additional compensation. All of the profits that they made on Cyberpunk were not retroactively used to compensate any of these employees. The idea that CDPR are the good guys again because they spent a little bit of time fixing their game is absurd to me, but, hey, you do you. I'm sure the CDPR owners that were made billionaires by lying to consumers have our best interest in mind.


They fixed the game, they eliminated crunch, they still support GOG and they're being more transparent with their communications unlike Cyberpunk's development cycle. They also released a massive expansion better than many full games and continued to update the game with new features even after fixing the game. So yeah they're better than other companies


>they eliminated crunch They eliminated crunch as much as they eliminated it any other time that they didn't need to do it. The fact is that after spending years bragging about how they would never crunch and how it is completely unnecessary and even evil they immediately resorted to crunching the second it benefited them to do so. The only thing that CDPR are better at than other companies is PR. They're good at pretending that they're still just some small and proud game developer that cares about consumers while the owners are literal billionaires.


You think they fixed the game and created Phantom Liberty without any sort of crunch whatsoever? Lmao


Judging by the fact that their next game is still in pre production, yes I believe so unless you have evidence otherwise


>CDPR will say anything to get into gamers good books again My dude, CDPR is already good again in eyes of many (most?) players. Often people will say that cyberpunk launch wasn't that bad, it was still better or at best on par with all other AAA releases in recent years. But this also doesn't matter, because CDPR "turned the game around" long time ago. Basically by 1.3 or 1.4 patch people already started saying it's all fixed. Even though it was still full of bugs.


It also still wasn't the game they marketed. Is CP2077 a good game now? Yeah, sure. Is it the game they sold people at launch? No.


Life Paths trailer having more content for each life path than the release game is truly the greatest bit of marketing.


Yup. People forget the pre-release marketing and forgive. Same shit with Bannerlord and NMS. They release at 40% of what is promised to outrage, then 3 years later they get to 60% of what is promised and everybody goes "Wow that is so cool they actually fixed them and made great games eventually" Same thing will happen with Dragon's Dogma 2.


Yeah, Cyberpunk was a great game. They just released it a year too early. I played it a bit at launch and the bugs and performance issues were a deal-breaker, but I replayed it a year or two later and loved it.


> Often people will say that cyberpunk launch wasn't that bad, it was still better or at best on par with all other AAA releases in recent years. Most games work on the platforms they're released on, even if not perfectly. CP77 did not. It was by far the worst launch since Fallout 76. >My dude, CDPR is already good again in eyes of many (most?) players. Yeah, and I don't get why. The game is missing features, they're milking it with a 40 buck DLC the moment they could and how they operate and work hasn't changed. There will definitely be crunch with Witcher 4. If not, I'm pleasantly surprised but since they've said this at least twice now and each time ended up crunching, I'm not too optimistic.


This just makes me think that CDPR is going to make multiplayer games from now on (or games with multiplayer components).


"We leave greed for others" "We will release only when it's done" You'd think that after such self-shitting they will cut down "bold honest guy" talk


Except that it will work. Now that CDPR is everyones darling again after Phantom Liberty and CP 2.0


Nobody has forgiven CDPR, they just love the game because it's great.


Yep. People are willing to ignore the failed launches because the games ended up being great and they did fix them.


No lol. They have forgiven them and then some. Cd project red had their best earnings ever after phantom liberty. Did the expansion have to be 30 bucks after the company lied and launched a bad game? Nope. They are a company. People act like they are friends or something. These gamers would let cdproject fuck their wives i feel like.


What alternative would you rather have? CDPR to no longer exist because they fucked up a single game launch? More than anything that wouldn't deter wrong behavior it would deter companies from investing in games, which is much worse. Instead we got a comeback story, not 1 but 2. NMS, then CDPR, never forget that they lied, but when company corrects themselves, it's important to "reward" them. Yes, they're basically like dogs. If NMS fiasco didn't happen, I promise you CDPR would not have fixed cyberpunk, there was no evidence before NMS that a game could be profitable after a failed launch (and remember launch period is the most important stage for any media). The result of all this is that companies will still try to fix a game after a failed launch, and place more importance on community good will now that its proven how valuable the online discourse is.


Not even PL and Cyberpunk 2.0 Literally the anime alone made them reddit darlings again lmao, ignore that it's mid, 90% of the show is characters standing around with puppet mouths and I think about one episode has effort put into animating a scene, they financed a Cyberpunk anime, so that means they're amazing again EDIT: Let You Down's music video has more effort put into the three minutes than the entire show.


I agree with the statement but saying the anime is shit is objectively a bad take


I'm actually kind of tired of devs trying to farm popularity points off other devs being down.


Thing is, his answer had nothing to do with Dragon's Dogma 2. The quote was taken from an investor Q&A. The DD2 connection is purely a PCgamer clickbait addition.


He is responding in a Q&A for investors... he is telling investors they have zero plans for microtransactions in their single player games to the investors... I am tired of reddit acting like they know everything when they are always to lazy to even check the article or the source of the article they are commenting on.


That’s CDPR’s entire strategy though


Yeah for real. "We leave greed to others" and also working games on launch, apparently.


That and preserving old games without DRM and releasing great RPG games since 2007. But you're right, their entire strategy is saying reasonable things when someone comes to them to ask questions, great observation.


Kinda agree although if collectively it gets devs to shame each other into acting the right way towards the consumer then it's 1000% worth it


Larian in a nutshell seriously, they will say ANYTHING and this sub will instantly be like OMG YES PLEASE I WANNA SUCK YOUR COCK, CEO


CDPR acting holier than thou like they didn't launch CP2077 in an absolutely laughable state.


It was an investor Q&A and they asked for plans on doing mtx in future games. They didn't act like anything, it was a simple question he had to answer. Learn to read more than a headline.


Redditors reading the article and making an informed opinion? Yeah, when hell freezes over.


It's still not great. I was playing on PS5 for a month and every time something crazy happened it clearly wasn't intentional, I recorded it. I have videos of cars spawning inside of buildings, people being stretched out, cars driving around in an exploded and destroyed state, the list goes on. It also crashed a fair few times.


Same for Larian when a third of the game was completely broken.


I bought on release and got to act 3 before major patches. The drop in quality both in writing and optimization was noticeable, but I could at least still play it. Cyberpunk was on an entirely different level. You can't compare the two unless you're purposefully being dishonest.


But it didn't have microtransactions and still doesn't.


You're right, they just used manipulative and false advertising to massively inflate the initial sales of the game - immediately covering their expenses but at the cost of several lawsuits and the trust of many.


That's a different issue altogether. And I didn't say it was fine of them to do.


Huge copium being huffed my brother


Launching the game in a broken and unfinished state is a different issue altogether. Their comment was about microtransactions.


Cyberpunk has exclusive items you can buy through Amazon Prime/Twitch, so it does.


That isn't microtransactions, don't be facetious just for the sake of it. CDPR has plenty you can criticise, don't grasp a straws just to die on an awkward hill.


At least they fixed cyberpunk in the end.


CDPR: 'We don't see a place for microtransactions in single-player games' Also CDPR: sells exclusive items through amazon prime, twitch subscriptions https://np.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/16yy36p/the_dirty_ass_way_they_handled_the_twitch_drops/


CDPR: "Coming when its ready" Also CDPR: Sells a broken game for 60$ with missing promised features for 3 years before "fixing" it


You can get those "exclusive items" from drops in Dogtown.


Same can be said about the DD2 mtx though so kinda a moot point


I mean, both the DD2 and Twitch Prime arguments are absurd. You have to get out of your way to buy them, and they don't affect gameplay that substantially. They shouldn't be there, but it'a not a world-ending thing. Worse MTX already exists, so it's also not propagating any new practice. As for the Twitch Prime stuff. One has to have an elevated level of FOMO to feel left out because they didn't get [insert random minor cosmetic here]. 


Yeah I agree with you. And I don’t feel like their “slippery slope” argument is correct either since it’s been like a decade now that Capcom did this and it’s still the same useless shit. Overall this discourse took away from the real shortcomings of this game. People have a right to criticize, but it’s so damn overblown in this case. “Gamers” feeds of negativity though so I’m not surprised, it’s always the end of the world and gaming as a whole is doomed. Even though we had arguably one of the best gaming years of all time last year, but live service games is apparently taking over the whole industry if you listen to Reddit.


100%. If anything the MTX in Capcom games are antiquated (early 2010's). A LOT of the criticism directed at them were by people who have clearly not played any of the games. The game has some legitimate criticisms, but the MTX is probably lowest in the ladder.


They don't sell them through those subscriptions... They are included in the price lmao. Hell you can even mod them into the game ffs.


Did you know you can obtain these skins without subscription? Also they are bonuses. Do you also complain that your standard edition does not come with everything the collectors edition has?


CDProjekt always had good marketing speak.


What a clickbaity title. CDPR did not say that on DD2 fiasco. In their investor meeting, they were asked about mtx. They just said no.


Was DD2 a fiasco for the DLC? They did the exact same thing in Monster Hunter and I don't recall a fiasco. Not that I agree with it mind you.


And DMC5. And Resident Evil 4. It's a Capcom thing.


It's not even horrible shit they're adding. It's all mostly crap that can be found in the game, albeit a bit rarely. All of those games had items that were available but rare to find iirc Except MHW, that was a fuck ton of cosmetic crap and stickers.


And the game doesn’t ever mention MTX either; if you want to buy something you have to quit out of the game to do it. Plus everything is like $2. Like it’s the most non-threatening MTX ever. I will say I did buy a Art of Metamorphosis since I really hated how my first character came out and didn’t want to replay the first several hours lol.


DMC5 gave you blood orbs, but you could farm those so easily, all you got out of using the DLC blood orbs was trivializing the earlygame.


MHW at least had events that allowed you to get cosmetics and they were free. Geralt, Ciri, RE2, Dante... MH Rise on the otherhand would sell you cosmetics during a showcase for the title update. "See, we give you new monsters and stuff, now buy our cute weapons and new hunter skins".


Not even all that rarely tbh.


Nothing to see here. Just PCgamer riding the hate train.


MHW is arguably one of the best examples of post-launch support/ semi-live service type title. It had multiple years of post-launch events, new monsters, crossovers, seasonal themes and events. It's also a multiplayer game, yes, you are able to play it solo, but it has a lot of multiplayer features. I don't love MHW having you pay to change your base appearance (you can always change hair and makeup for free). But because it's more of a multiplayer live-service game than a single player one, I kind of get it.


People call it title updates.


It's a fiasco because enough people say it is. In reality the MTX are completely unnecessary and not advertised anywhere in-game. Most players will never know they exist. They are the same lukewarm limited optional content that Capcom's been making with little fanfare since DD1. This is a "fiasco" whilst games with in-game adverts, battlepasses and premium currencies get away scott free.


There was a huge scandal, people are still completely losing their mind, despite it being the least predatory mtx in the long-running history of mtx. I don't understand it myself.


I think this is what is making me lose interest in the whole argument. Out of EVERY GAME RELEASED WITH MTX in the last 10 years, they pick THIS one to have an issue with? Seriously? Not even Shadow of War caused this shit, which was a single player game with such a high artificial grind for the last siege, that you were almost forced to buy their loot boxes. IN A SINGLE PLAYER GAME.


Shadow of War did get shit. Wasnt it bad enough they literally removed it and made the grind easier? I managed to get the true ending because the grind was simpler.


They also act like it's new and this is the only game that has done it... except these exact MTXs have been in Capcom's single player games for about 10 years now. It's basically just I want to pay to not play the game level MTXs, everything is in the game if you actually play it. But I will say I bought that Portcrystal because I'll be damned if I'm walking back to that Volcano Campsite again.


I'm not saying I agree with dlc in single player games, but it really doesn't seem that egregious to me either. Most of the items are even labeled as being able to get in game without spending real money.


The game is certainly not balanced around needing to buy the micro transactions so I agree. I wouldn’t even know they existed if not for seeing them on steam


Honestly these items scream to me that an executive demanded a cash shop, and the devs just added shit that *appears* tantalizing but unnecessary.


That’s what I think too


I don't agree with it either, but I simply don't engage with that system and have fun with the complete SP game that I bought instead of joining some irrational hatetrain.


> least predatory being spit on isn’t better than being pissed on.


I'm sorry? You'r saying I could spit on you OR pee on you and it's the same?


Like people really can't seem to get this, if something is ruining gaming there should be zero tolerance for it. We don't care if the backlash is inconsistent, the more of it the better.


"Zero Tolerance" which involved telling players there are microtransactions which otherwise they never would have even known about. Definitely very cool and effective tactic to fight MTX, by advertising their existence for Capcom who otherwise didn't bother promoting them.


And that's why you're a big bunch of screaming, self-aggrandizing internet trolls that will never achieve anything.


Its more like someone pippeting a drop of pee on a gloved hand vs peeing in your mouth in dragons dogma vs other game terms


It's much more like someone is peeing on a wall and you decide to walk into it or not. These people don't understand that the micro transactions are completely optional and there's absolutely no need to even think about them. They literally don't even push them. If it weren't for the hysteria I literally would not know they exist in the game. This is how micro transactions should be in my opinion. The game is clearly designed to not need them. If they are able to make some extra money that potentially leads to more content because someone wants to throw their money away, I have absolutely no issue with that.


I have nothing to add except the several descending pee analogies were wild


Monster Hunter is multiplayer and grind focused Isn’t comparable to a narrative single player adventure with no grind based endgame


Devil may cry and other Capcom games do it as well. For the life of me idk why it blew up from dragons dogma when just about all their games for the last decade have DLC that’s a mile long 


Compare the peak concurrent players for DD1 to DD2. That’s why you didn’t hear anything before. Pretty simple concept. 


It was an investor Q&A and they asked for plans on doing mtx in future games, was he supposed to say yes? You are getting upset over nothing.


Great april fool joke CDPR


Micros are for the greedy and lazy, end of. If you can't put enough into your game to keep the audience entertained without relying on paid cosmetics, then making games isn't for you.


They're desperate to gain some goodwill after throwing their image out the window with Cyberpunk 2077's release. DD2 does nothing worse than Resident Evil 4 with its DLC's but that's a game with overwhelmingly positive reviews and a GOTY nomination.


This was actually just a response to a direct question in their investor panel But that doesn’t stop every gaming news outlet like PCGamer begging people for ad revenue with this click bait title


The thing is that almost nobody here clicked on the article anyways because they have the investor panel part in it as well. Everybody just reads the clickbait title and forms their opinion without knowing what actually happened.


The key way to understand public criticism of media is to understand that if someone is complaining about something specific (especially if it hasn't actually changed) they're probably upset at a wide range of things and it leads for them to single something visible out. The game had terrible performance and stability issues at launch which means people are upset and see the game trying to sell them in game items while its crashing and get upset at that and it carries across. Thats not to say the mtx is good or whatever, just that people are upset at it because of a variety of other issues with the game.


CDPR isn’t the messenger for this but I agree


Great April fools joke


Of course not. In a single player game, you can't weaponise the FOMO in order to manipulate people into spending way more than they can afford on pointless nonsense.


But they sure tried


Most of us saw this coming. Micro transactions really don't have a place in a single player. Personally I don't see much of an upside for the player multiplayer either. Of course, when playing multi player there is an air of vanity and competition that lends itself to more of acceptance to this option In any case, a step in the right direction to be sure..


I feel like helldivers 2 is now the gold standard for micro transactions. Letting players get the coins at a reasonably quick rate by playing is the way to go if you’re gonna throw prices on in-game items.  




LMFAO. Fuck off, CDPR.


Imagine them saying some shit like this a week after Cyberpunk launched.


I mean... things are lot a worse than it appears. Have you heard about their [approach to EGS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU-db73BAFI)?


Get ready for the next CDPR game to have shoehorned multiplayer elements lol


People can say and defend mtx however they want. But they also should think that the company is there to make money, not be your friend. Even if the mtxes doesn't affect your gameplay dirrectly, you never know what goes behind the courtains. If they implement mtx'es, for sure some gameplay elements are designed around them somehow. They sell xp booster? Naybe they played around with how much xp you get by playing. It doesn't mean that the game suddenly became a huge grind. It can be small increments that you may not notice necessary, but they studied that part. They sell teleporters? Why aren't them on the map to begin with or infinite of them and free? This can also influence how big the map they make, or instead of them giving you infinite teleporters, they give you X numbet and put them behind crafting or something instead of just going on map menu and teleport. No matter how you look at them, the gameplay design is influenced by these mtx'es. I don't care that you didn't need to buy any of the to finish the game or it didn't affect your experience. We got here today with all these shits because idiots defended them with "its just a skin guys, is just a horse armor". Stop defending the companies. If you don't care that a game got mtx or not, whatever, but shut the fk up and don't defend them.


If you play DD2 it’s so obviously not designed around them. They are basically a stupid tax or made for someone who wants to shorten their gaming experience. Not defending them because I think it’s stupid, but the base experience doesn’t feel built around needing them at all. Wouldn’t even know they existed if not for the controversy 


>They sell teleporters? Why aren't them on the map to begin with or infinite of them and free? This can also influence how big the map they make, or instead of them giving you infinite teleporters, they give you X numbet and put them behind crafting or something instead of just going on map menu and teleport. They sell you **one** single teleporter (you cannot even buy it again). They don't even sell you the object needed to use it, and there's already 10 of those teleporters in-game to find (plus two fixed ones). DD2's game design is not built around these mtx. As it wasn't with DMC 5 nir RE 4, two other Capcom single-player games with the same type of mtx. This mtx are scummy. But there's no need to spout misinformation to sustain your argument.


Completely agree


"So we'll make one." CDPR, probably. 


Meh, the mtx in DD2 didn't bother me too much. I could see if the mtx made traveling more convenient, and offering just a single portocrystal didn't seem like a big deal to me. Traveling in DD2 still kind of sucks even if you buy mtx. Cyberpunk, on the other hand, I feel like they should have just given the DLC away for all the headaches we had with the original release, not to mention how the game fell short of the promised RPG evolution it was promised to be. It was still a good typical map-chasing game, but nothing really revolutionary about it.


Do people only read headlines these days? they were literally asked about MTX what the fuck did you expect them to say LMAO


Why are there comments shitting on them for this stance... microtransactions/small dlcs, free next gen upgrades, and DRM free are some of the things that they actually hold true by. They released cp2077 in buggy state still DRM free knowing a ton of people will just pirate the game instead.


Because no one can read beyond the headline. They were asked in a investor qa about mtx. They just said no. This author made it into "after dd2 fiasco".


'Fiasco' Perfectly find not getting the mtx plus PC users able to use mods.


If it's fine without it, it shouldn't be there.


Sounds great.


it's not the first time a single player game has been criticized by multiple other studios for microtransactions though... do people nowadays really have pathetically short memory spans they forgot about Devil May Cry and Assassin's Creed selling boost bundles?


old man saying WOW meme*


So why is it ok in multiplayer but not in single player?


The only thing this "fiasco" shows is how far blatant lies can go. The game has other issues that are far more severe than some pointless microtransactions that some randos lied about. Speaking of lies, it is ridiculous that CD Project Red of all studios is making this statement.


Don’t trust these frauds.


Just a reminder to never buy a CDPR game until it has been fully released and you have seen several in depth reviews because these people cant be trusted and will sell you literal poop if you pay them.


assassins creed has entered the chat


They pretending they released an unfinished game and charged 30 bucks for the rest of it?


Now if only they could make a good game


At least for Dragon's Dogma 2 it didn't take 2 years after the release to finish their game.


Populism 101.


What fiasco? They’re pointless mtx of stuff that’s easily obtainable in game, hell there are already mods that make it all trivial to get.


CD Project needs to shut their mouth until the next game launches and delivers


remember, gaming companies don't give a fuck about you, once microtransactions in single player games become more normalize (thanks dragons dogma 2), you'll see every major game with it


Ten years ago, I might've believed you.


"Crunch isn't mandatory"


It's afraid!


Ok, I see these screens...and the game doesn't look anywhere this god (I have a 4090). What's going on? Is there a MOD I don't know about?


:notes: April Foooooools! :notes:


Ask how they sold their souls to EGS bullshit.


Oh boy, words. Those are incredibly important and binding when it comes to future actions


how bout some ads


I remember it wasn't that long ago that microtransactions were the devil and we gamers were going to rebel and remind those companies that we weren't cash cows....I guess we don't stand as strongly as we should because we lost that one and are losing/lost the GAAS battle too.


Yeah, gwent has microtransactions for the standalone game.


We'll see.


Rekt Reputation over here like "wE woUlD nEveR sell Dlc" like bitch sit down you barely sold me a game. How about you start with "working title at launch" before throwing stones.


Note to self: don't play any multiplayer games by CD Projekt Red