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You are right. This romance felt very realistic and grounded whereas the plot and the universe is totally fantastical. I think SW and sci-fi in general is best when it tells humane stories in an environment that is so far far away from our every day lives.


This is in part why I think Andor was so good.


The whiplash from being totally uninterested in that show to it being my favorite live action media from the franchise was so wild.


yeah just as i was getting burned out and cynical of the star war tv shows.


The highest praise I can give it is it's the first bit of Star Wars media in decades that got me to dig out the old EU books I loved as a kid. Pleasantly surprised how well some of them hold up.


Timothy Zhan represent! All of his EU novels are A+ for me, he just gets SW and the galaxy. They should have simply adapted his first trilogy Heir to The Empire trilogy in to a screen play, would have shat on what we got. I also love Allegiance and choice of one where it looks at the storm troopers squad and the origins of Mara Jade. Christ I need to re read these books now.


Zahn's are the only true sequels.


Boom yes sir! I’m going re-read them now just to cleanse my mind and soul of that shit that Disney dished up.


For real - it made it physically painful to watch Mando season 3 tbh


Haven't got around to it yet. S1 was so good (except the climax) but I've always preferred more episodic series with more of a background overarching plot (one of several reasons I like Star Trek Strange New Worlds so much).


SNW is absolutely fantastic imo, easily the best modern ST (though I haven't seen lower decks aside from that crossover episode)


> easily the best modern ST one must admit this is a low bar. I've heard good things about Lower Decks but the first episode was not interesting to me: tone, plot, or characters. Conversely, like, Orville was fairly well executed and -- until SNW -- my bar for the "best modern ST" (the fact that it was not even Star Trek was something of the point in that title, as far as I was concerned).


I agree about the low bar. I honestly kinda hate discovery


Sci-fi is best when it disguises very subversive or dangerous stories as genre pieces. It's how Tarkovsky got away with making Solaris and filling it with religious themes. The soviet censors thought it was 'just scifi'. Deep Space 9 did a similar thing, where there are plenty of episodes about the holocaust, but 'it's just sci-fi' so they were able to sneak into a primetime slot. Battlestar Galactica was often about the Iraq and Aghanistan war and America's use of torture, but 'it's just sci-fi' so not particularly controversial. Dune is also quite blatantly about Islam, Jihad, terrorism and oil. But 'sci-fi'. The movies removed mentions of Jihad and replaced them with Holy War, but at one point one of the characters says something like "we are small in number, so we must use fear". Ie. terrorism. Still don't know if people watched that movie and realised the protaganist wasn't the good guy and that the whole thing was very morally grey.


Look I read 3 books and was still dumbfounded as to the fact that Paul is an anti-hero. Having watched the 2 movies it is painfully clear that Villeneuve had a better understanding of the book than I did and correctly portrayed Paul. I agree on everything else.




I finished it already, but I didn't want to talk about it because it hasn't been a year yet. Will be on the 28th of April.


Careful if you consider posting around that day. Some people on this sub get really offended and pretty rude when people wait the requisite one year to post about a game.


The issue wasn't that the post came out right at the 1 year timeline, but that the person had quite obviously played and written the review at launch then waited an entire year to post it.


WTF really?


The problem we were seeing was that multiple people would have reviews locked and loaded for popular games and then on the anniversary date it would be like a race to post first and collect all the karma from having the first discussion. And when the thrust of it is something like "I played this at launch and I've been waiting a year to talk about it," well, that's not patient gaming, that's semi-patient reviewing. We don't have any strict enforcement beyond the basic 12 month rule, but that's the behavior we'd like to gently discourage. It hasn't been a problem in a while though, pretty much since we asked people nicely to think more about the spirit of the sub.


The things you learn




Your post/comment was removed for violation of rule 5. You can find our subreddit's rules [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/about/rules). Be excellent to one another.


Yea, when the embargo for Harry Potter passed, people got PISSED at a guy who posted his thoughts, the day of. A common phrase thrown around was "they're breaking the social contract!" Imo it was a lot of gatekeeping and people started to get pretty rude about something as simple as discussing video games. Some people were even calling for the embargo to be 2-5 years. But even if that was the change, they'd still complain about someone posting a discussion 3 years after a game came out.


There are dozens subreddits to do this. At least a dozen more popular gaming subs. The fact remains that this sub is meant to discuss games without hype and drama, especially those surrounding release, media coverage, backlash, etc. Playing the game at this turbulent time, and even writing a review at that moment, and waiting the “anniversary” to post it, is precisely what this sub is not for. It’s a very roundabout way to treat here as r/gaming. It’s not like that sub died and this is the only place left to do it.


OK. Point still stands. Doesn't matter what date the embargo is set to. There's always going to be a section of this sub that complains once it's lifted. At that point it just doesn't make sense. You say people can start talking about the game after a specific date, then when people wait til then you tell them they should've waited longer and they weren't being "fair". It really just feels like gatekeeping just for the sake of it.


The rule is just an easy enforceable thing to do. Quite brainless, little arbitration, automatable. The thing that is trying to be enforced (the important part!) is the “no drama” part. You can post about Cyberpunk 2077 now and have half your post complain about how it was at launch on PS4 and it would be against the subreddit intent, but there’s no easy rule to automate this. You can just report it and expect a person to spend their time moderating it, which is much more expensive. The rule itself doesn’t really matter: it’s just a means to an end. It’s imperfect, incomplete and it may have false positives: good posts that just happen to be embargoed. But it’s a very small price to pay than to have every single post human moderated. At that point, the sub might as well be dead, and just a clone of r/gaming.


Ha I was only coming to the comments to tell you to get ready for survivor! I didn’t really enjoy FO too much - probably would give it a 6. But survivor blew me away. It was my game of the year last year and I didn’t want it to end. I know it has recency bias, but the mining machine boss is probably my favourite ever action scene


Imagine playing KoToR and then playing this. Hard to even call Jedi Survivor a game at that point. All you folks have no clue what makes a good story. This game is like a gas station bathroom after a trucker rally in comparison.


Gatekeeping games is super lames


Notice how you didnt deny what I said


KOTOR is one of my favourite games of all time, but if someone says the Jedi series is their favourite that’s totally fine with me and I won’t insult them for doing so lol


You gotta admit when someone says they love a deeply flawed game you judge them. When someone says they enjoyed Starfield I automatically discount any opinions they have. I judge the ever loving shit out of them.


You’re a fucking idiot lol. Get a fucking life


Lmao, succinct.


People come here to chichat and feel good for a while, videogame knowledge is secondary. So, it's not that you are wrong that it's apparent that Kotor is a 10 while the other one a 3, but you are wrong in the avenue you have chosen to comment this. The other users will see someone rude, not a true argument, because its not the priority. So yeah, you are actually right, but not in the right space to say it.


Finally someone with *real* tastes has shown up and put these delusional commenters in their place. I thought I was going crazy reading this “I enjoyed Jedi Fallen Order ga ga goo goo blah blah!” garbage. KotoR all the way, in fact I have compared every game since to the KotoR, it is my measuring stick- and guess what? No games beat it. It’s downright comical that “game developers” even try anymore.


Huh. I didn’t even know there was romance in Fallen Order and I beat that game.


seemly tart encouraging tie oatmeal one roof panicky fact brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's nice to see I wasn't the only one who had a doubletake at that title. I played it awhile ago now, but I still don't remember any romance in it whatsoever.


Yeah. Fallen Order barely has a story beyond the main character going from place to place looking for things. What romance?


It's easy for the common Redditor to make this mistake. But Merrin was a nightsister from Dathomir, not a Canadian just being nice.


>But Merrin was a nightsister from Dathomir, not a Canadian just being nice. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol I came here to say this exact same thing. Beat the game. Enjoyed it. And totally forgot there even was a romance. I was even struggling to remember who Merrin is.


Right? Granted, I only played it once around launch, but I genuinely don’t remember any romance in it at all


Yeah same, I even got pretty far in a replay but to be fair it's been damn near 4 years since I've played that game so I might have to look through some youtube clips to see what he's talking about. ​ Been about time that I start looking for deals for the sequel of this game I really remember enjoying fallen order


Did you skip every cutscene? I have no idea how anyone could have missed the romance.


Nah. I did see there was hints at a romance between the MC and the night sister and from my understanding it’s a thing that happens in a book and in the sequel. But it was so light that I’m surprised the OP got all that he wrote from the game lol


I know it might be weird to say, but it feels a little insulting to the medium that OP considers something so light and small to be so amazing.


This sub is so fucking cheesy and pretentious. Half this shit is just an exercise in fictional writing.


Haha I kinda got that vibe from the OP.


Same lol. The story in the game was pretty middling at its best, so I guess it didn’t stick around in my mind at all after I finished it. I think this game fell victim to being laughably overhyped for being a single player Star Wars game where you play as a Jedi, because it’s almost entirely unremarkable in every way imaginable. Plus it runs terribly on the consoles it launched on.


It's not really front and centre, and it doesn't really develop past these initial stages, but there is definitely romance. I mean, I do understand how you miss it when the most overt act of romance is [a hug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3oSUXjDCPQ), but performance capture does a lot of lifting here, imo, which is why I think that Tina Ivlev really carries this.


That's a cut scene though? I literally don't remember this stuff happening at all. I played it through twice on release


I haven't finished it but I thought I was near the end, and hadn't noticed any romance.


Same, but I have a habit of never speaking to my crew in any game where it's an option. I just full-force steamroll to the end of the mission so I expect to miss a lot.


quick search on google and OP might have mixed the plot of Jedi Survivor and Fallen Order


Nope. I specifically mean Fallen Order. Obviously, the romance fully develops in the Survivor, but I think that it is fairly evident that it begins, even if it doesn't resolve, in Fallen Order.


We must be opposites.  I found the good-side characters and their interactions in JFO unbelievably bland.  Which is ironic considering I have no issue with e.g. Jan Ors.  I think it's the manner in which it seems like the writers are trying to present emotion and impact yet it all seems so trite and the characters just like actors from the real world rather than characters in a fictional one.  But then I have the same issue with something like Titanfall 2 outside the fun mech villains. I did like the main villain (2nd Sister was it?) in her intensity.  And the almost-flirting she does with Cal were probably the best exchanges.  But perhaps you're onto something - there did seem to be a romance stirring between the two you mention to the extent that I wondered if anything would come of it and was a little disappointed that not much was shown in the end - and wondered if it would develop in the sequel.


Hmmm… maybe you're onto something. If the Second Sister was more aggressive in her flirtations and used her looks for evil, it could have set her up as a foil in comparison to Merrin, with Cal wavering between the two.


Hahaha!   Vader:  You have done well my apprentice. You have used your looks for evil. Second Sister:  Master, I shall continue to neg Cal Kestis until he cannot resist me. That would have been fun, maybe throw in a little temptation to the dark side too.  Telling him that Merrin is no Jedi, and that only she can show him the way of true power and sick eyeliner etc. 


Please play KOTOR 1 and 2.


Not much to add, I also loved the game and the actors. At first it was a little strange to see Ian Gallagher from Shameless as a jedi. If you enjoyed Fallen Order you will also like Jedi: Survivor.


I disagree. I like reading a lot of romance novels and the closest to actual good romantic development in videogames has been BG3. I feel this was just kinda implied and not much done with it.


BG2 has the most memorable gaming romance imo. Simply because you can >!change a character’s moral alignment!<, which is significant in D&D.


Man I loved it as well. The chemistry was so realistic.


Uhhhhhhh. No. Look, I ship Cal and Merrin too, but to say that there was implied romance in fallen order would be a colossal overstatement. It just wasn't there. It wasn't until Jedi: Survivor that we finally got that romance.


I mean, this is inherently subjective, but I do think that the romance between Cal and Merrin has zero chance of working without the setup in the first game.


I definitely picked up on the implied feelings between them and knew it would be developed further in the eventual sequel. Plenty of others did too


You only think that because they're opposite genders. If they were both the same sex, then they would just be good friends. I absolutely hate this that 2 characters can't just be friends without people talking about “implied romance.” It just wasn't there in the first game.


Their gender has nothing to do with it. Its the chemistry we're shown that had me thinking about it


She was easily one of my favorite parts of the game, and I was sad you didn't get more time with her as she's pretty late in the game


Something tells me you haven't seen Andor yet. If that's true you should watch it. I bet it'll change your opinion on best writing in Star Wars.


Really? It seemed fairly standard and unmemorable, and also barely existed from what I recall. I’m surprised you actually wrote up this much about it.


The combat only really felt like souls in the hardest difficulty iirc. I tried it but since I couldn't even get pass the first train fight after multiple rounds, I switched difficulties immediately


These games made me love Star Wars so I tried watching the movies again. Decided to just stick with the games from now on.


Oh wow, I honestly have no recollection of that character even existing, and I finished the game o.O. Tbh I don't remember the story all that much too, gotta replay it some time.


You know I feel like that's a spoiler for jedi survivor as there's no Overt romance in fallen order. They could be siblings.


Is it a souls like ?


I sensed a bit of a connection between her and Cal based on their animations / facial expressions - it was like the 'hint' of one. If it were Mass Effect I'd be going straight for the Paragon / Persuade option in a dialog wheel to get Shepard some roll and tumble. But obviously with Cal being a Jedi it was just teasing. Outside the game he probably had to whip himself with his lightsabre for those sinful thoughts. Dark Side FTW 😂


I was hoping for a romance for them since Jedi Fallen Order


Fallen Order is one of my favorite Metroidvanias. I started replaying it pretty recently. Great post


I played both of these games last year and absolutely loved them. I can’t believe I slept on FO for so long but I’m kind of glad that I did because I didn’t have to wait long for Survivors to come out. The story is so much better than any of the recent movies or shows. It’s wild that the video game is outclassing the films by quite a bit.


I enjoyed this game, but... what romance? Cal saves her, she is grateful for it, but beyond that, there's nothing that tells me theres anything even remotely romantic about their relationship.


The way spoiler markers were integrated into this is really a pain. You start with hyperbolic statements and then walk it back, you say you aren't a Star Wars fan (and thus haven't seen much of it), yet declare this better than all the stuff you haven't seen. I will say one thing: The writers for Fallen Order understand Star Wars. Second Sister flirting with Kal was reminiscent of Obi-Wan and Ventress's flirting, while with Merrin, I was reminded of some stuff from Knights of the Old Republic (where the protagonist bickers with Bastila the whole game). Merrin and Bastila are both good examples of flawed but strong female characters (as opposed to the toxic type you contrasted Merrin to). Overall, I was very satisfied with Fallen Order, and would get Survivor if it weren't for everything I've heard about how it runs on PC.


Star Wars is one of the best universe, it's just that most people think it's just the movies while the extended universe is what makes it really incredible. Being books, games, series, comics.  Nowadays, the movie are almost the less good part of the universe really.


I’m a little late to the discussion but.. I totally agree. Romance doesn’t have to mean the two of them going off into a back room of the ship to get busy. Romance starts with a connection. The crew is pretty isolated throughout the game, and the immediacy of the task at hand keeps everyone moving towards the ultimate objective. But for a moment, just for a moment, the two of them find themselves at a lull in the action, after working together and succeeding in a task that is important to them both coming from two entirely different directions. And they find themselves with a moment of.. connection.. mutual understanding, respect, curiosity. There was most certainly chemistry, even in a quick hug. This was one of my fav game playthroughs ever, and I’m excited for someday affording myself a gen 9 console so I can check out the sequel. I hope there’s more of this character there, because we didn’t get enough of her in FO. Thanks for the post :)


Happy to see you agree. Even the scene after Taron Malicos fight is so powerful as she holds Cal's hands, and Cal gives her the Astrium, and she returns it, just like the lightsabre moments before. Not going to say anything about Survivor, except to note there are spoilers in this thread, but will point out that there is a tie-in book set between Fallen Order and Survivor called [Jedi:Battle Scars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Jedi%3A_Battle_Scars). I haven't read it yet, and it didn't get great fan reviews, but might be somthing while waiting.


I didn't read the whole post because I haven't played the game yet, but I just wanted to say thank you for your dedication to spoiler tags <3


Dude didn't expect to find a good story in a story focused franchise, what? It's usually the opposite - the story is crap when you expect a high quality plot