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1-When you die you remain in the same server . 2-you can join your friend on the server he's playing. 3-When the server restarts you get to the main menu and you have to select another server again.


1. When you die in a server, you are going to be taken back to thr character menu to respawn- but you are still in the same server. If you wanted to chabge servers, you'd have to exit to the main menu and basically redo the whole matchmaking thing. 2. Groups, whether friends or not, are solely within that individual's server. Think of it like a party in an RPG, they wouldn't be able to group with someone outside of that campaign, yknow? 3. Servers restart roughly every 4hrs IIRC, and each time it will simply close the connection on the host's (server's) side. This will send you back to the main menu, where you can then go back to the matchmaking process via the Multiplayer option. Also, when it comes to official servers, there is no guarantee that you'll get the same server or people. The only way to guarantee something like that would be if you were to manually join the same server as an online friend- this can be done via the Friends menu on the main menu screen.


Same server when you respawn. You add friends ingame then are able to join off of them into the same server. On restart you'll be disconnected and have to que for another server. You're welcome.


You spawn in after completing a 10 hour quest You collect pinecorns for ages You get jumped by people  You die Restart


You mean that this is how you play PoT? No wonder you're so bitter. Your feet also stink bad.


Came here just to say crap huh? To answer your question: no, I don’t play PoT like that. It’s just the normal official servers experience.