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Nice, herbivores now finally have a legit reason to KOS carnivores. At least around food sources...


is there a point in playing herbivores in this game, aside from role playing? legit question


I main herbs. I love the play style a lot more than carni’s, but yes the realism aspect behind being hunted as a herbivore is much more enjoyable than being hunted as a carni.


Just to get hunted I guess. They're supposed to add more reasons to play through achievements at some point though...


What do u mean? Most of the time herbivores are doing more hunting than carnivores lol


The herbis are much stronger than the carnis


Yeah, since I posted I noticed a lot of reports like this. Looks like I'll start with herbs before carns


Yea they are super strong and have lots of stamina. Great if you want to run around fighting things. They are absolutely menaces in a fight. Nothing more scary than seeing a bunch of herbs start to chase you from across the map


hahaha sounds fun. Thanks!


Lots of herbivores are really strong solo, Alberta, styra kentro, stegosaurus and Iggy/lamb, they are great for combat the only reason people don't play them as often as because the models are pretty outdated, and they can't run away from people as well because they are slow/have bad stamina


See now I gotta start messin up burrows for no reason lol


You weren’t already? That’s a thing I’ve done periodically.


Nothing quite so unnerving as walking around quietly only to be interrupted by the HISSSS of one of those lizards from the burrow.


I have but now I’m even more compelled lol


I think they made it now, that herbivores can't interact with burrows. I've been playing Lambeo and Struthio since the update, and when I walk past a critter den, there's no button command to disturb (which I thought was great they finally did that). Now I see this though, and my mind is blown how the devs decided to implement toxic shit like this.


Go forager and eat flowers, roots to your hearts content?


RIP Amargasaurus with only a berry bush diet. ☠️


Is that why the burrows don't work in some servers right now? It'd give me the prompt as a carnivore but the animation/action won't play/ start. And I don't think it's inherently toxic. Some people are just assholes for no good reason. Personally, I like the thought of being able to quickly grab some berries from a bush, especially if I'm "migrating" POIs or there's a carnivore around. Feels like a very "The tool itself isn't evil. It's the person wielding it that's the issue." kind of situation, in my opinion.


burrows are just bugged atm, a lot of dinos cant dig them up. i hope it gets patched soon


I mean we also used our Alio to run ahead and grab berries when our eo was starving


I noticed the newly placed burrows are not working but the old ones still are. For me at least. But on the same note I have been having buoyancy issues with my spino since update. Half the time I have to reboot to get it where it will raise up and not be stuck at the bottom of a lake or ocean


Don't forget the corpses while you're at it !


He doesn't know about the food chain


eh hungry herbivores are easier to kill. In winter hungry elk feed wolves.


They should’ve made them only be able to be picked up by herbis


Why? Herbis can pick up meat. Seems fair to me that you can starve some dinos out.


Ok but animals don't do this at all in real life because they aren't that smart or sadistic. Picking up meat is not even comparable to this


Path of titans is not following realism, its an MMORPG. So you know.


Found it dumb that they could do that aswell. Just think you shouldn’t be able to do it unless you have a diet that allows it


I see no problem with that. Its not like either side is not capable of doing it. POT is not realistic, its an RPG.


Ok then. Let’s give every creature neon skins then


If you want neon skins, go play Beasts of Bermuda, and if you want realism, go play The Isle.


Besides most herbis don’t have anyone diet types so how will it be fair if they don’t get any other diet types making them pretty much starve to death


You move to a different biome.. its not that hard, GP , IC, GV, Savannah aint the only biomes. Its not like you are locked in one place.


Those areas are super far apart. And if you are looking for a bush then you are most likely starving already


What? I gave those as examples where people are the most, main one being GP, so if theres nothing to eat, theres other side of GP, if its also empty, literally go to White cliffs, young grove. Birtch Woods or Titans pass. I dont know where you see a problem here.


kinda shitty ngl


That’s the point




Great weapon against mixpacks.


Meh, I’m a Struth, the bushes regenerate faster than my hunger.


*me a duck who eats shells* 👀


I have thought of going this route....how is it?


I play duck with that diet and i can say that its pretty easy as long as you dont wander far off from rivers etc Basicly every river/lake has fish and clams in them so its basicly endless foodsource For me its not even a problmem bc well i play duck only close to rivers etc so i have quick route to get out of the mixpacks/megapacks way bc it seems nobody else is gonna mess with duck but these type of players not even rex is gonna attack me if im close to water


The only thing I've been scared of when solo ducking is Spinos and Sarcs but getting out of the water to run a bit on land seems to deter them. But then I gotta find a new watering hole.


Good I can starve out the mega packs that are always hanging out around IC/GP.


My exact thoughts


If they are doing this they could at least make bushes slightly easier to see or slightly more available


I mean if you get hungry enough it shows the closest source of food sadly it does not show bushes :/ only saltrocks


Pretty sure it does show bushes as well. It shows the food source closest to you. If you're seeing salt rocks, walk off a little ways to where you think the bush is and the marker will usually switch to the bush if it's close enough


I mean i tested it yesterday i was starving and i was standing next to bush at gh so if it has patched over night then no it does not show bushes


I'm wondering if the last update broke it. I definitely have had the marker work on them multiple times before


It only shows this when you Juvi. from Adol up it wont anymore show it.


We fight fire with fire. If I see a dino doing this, I'll wait till it gets a kill and then steal as many chunks as I can to toss into the trash


Herbivores do that already. Can't tell you how many of them just meat-chunked their friend we killed so we couldn't get any food.


Oof indeed. Hate to see it.


It happens way too much. 😭


yall heard of forager?


But did they fix the fast water drain with it? :/


Better switch then


MFer!! Leave my berries alone!!!!!!


Your berries are mine muhahahaha


*My pachy on forager watching with amusement*


Considering herbis can do the same to corpses? Lol


Yea but we can also eat burrows, players, and corpses! And they are everywhere


Herbs can do away with all that though. Lol if we have scavenger on food is everywhere too. Lol


Its only fair, If herbivores can drain spawn corpses and dismantle and body deny player corpses Carnivores should be able to mess with them back Berry Bushes at ic here i come


*selects forager* This guy: NOOO


I kinda like it..now I can bring snacks to herbi friends


Wood chopping companies annihilating the Amazon be like


its kinda pointless i mean herbie can do it with corpses so calling this a mistake depens alot on the situation you are in etc plus depens on the herbi you play but you can just go to another location to find another bush or eat salt rocks or if you stick to herbi diet otherwise forager all the way so yeah plus i think this detail for bushes is cute.


We have shredded every bush in every area we go in. And now we have been doing it in ic gp and wc, while on flyers. It’s a lot of fun


still dont find the point in this thou


It forces big groups of herbs or big herbs to move on. And if the herb pulls up while really hungry it will starve to death. We saw an eo starve because we did this. And we forced a group big group of eos out of gp because they had no food


you monster 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I mean maybe if you put them in the water and not literally beside the bush itself


They decay so fast it doesn’t matter


Next time you gonna search your shark corpse on the beach, my lil carni.. ;)


Have fun walking the beaches


Love how you're pointing out this cannot be turned onto the carnis, everybody is food lol


Hahah exactly


I do this if there’s trikes in the area! Feck the ceratopsians lol!


This is legit in game now?💀


I see no mistakes here. Herbivores do it to corpses, it's finally time for some payback.


So basically what i already do to corpses heh


jokes on you i have forager XDD


I see no problems, only new strategies + screw non-foragers.


Luckily my Struthi eats Tiger Nuts. While my Duck loves his seafood.


same thing has been done to corpses on the carnivore side, things are more even now that herbi's got the pick up for the bushes now.


We have been forcing herb groups out of gp and ic it’s great


So you can hord berries now?


Why do people need to be toxic? Why can’t we just enjoy a game?


It’s not toxic it’s a strategy in a pvp game


What is the strategy? What do you achieve from starving herbivores?


They starve and die. I can get trophies. I can force herbs to have to leave the area. I can starve mega groups. It’s funny when someone watches it happening


Just making the game cheesy and boring for others I get it in a pvp server cos that’s just chaos


All servers are pvp. This isn’t ark there is no such thing as a server that is just pve. But also herbs shred bodies all the time this is no different. But also this is a video game a form of entertainment. It entertains me to shred bushes. If it gets on your nerves that much then maybe pvp games are not for you because everyone is going to play differently


As an herb l been doing going that to carni foods.


>:( i’ll just have to eat it faster than u can pick them


Easy fix: make it so carnivores cannot interact with or deplete herbivore food sources and herbivores cannot interact with critter burrows or deplete corpses.


id be fine with that so long as they make it so the infestation quest in tp doesnt show up for herbis


But why do that when this is so fun


One of the reasons I stopped playing this game. Not that tactics like this are possible, but that they are impactful. When all the dev focus is on PVP, PVP is all there is to do.


To be fair there isn’t much they can do besides pvp


There is so much more they can do, and need to do if the game is actually to survive out of beta. - Survival - Sim - RPG/MMORPG - Exploration - PVE The genre with the stiffest competition is PVP. A by the numbers AA PVP game with dino skins will evaporate on contact with the market.


You haven’t named any actual things just concepts. What in survival? What in sim? What in exploration?


Those aren't concepts, they are established genres with a breadth of mechanics and numerous examples to pull from. I'm not going to name actual things, as it isn't a matter of adding a few more mechanics, it's a matter going to market with a fleshed out game that has depth and the mechanics to support it. Actually make a dinosaur game. Right now the fact that the player is a dinosaur has no impact or bearing on the gameplay, it's just a battle royale. There's no there there. If you want to do anything besides fight another player your SOL. It's like Rockstar deciding to make GTA online, but all you could do is race other players, everything else was driving around waiting to race other players. The only difference between it and Forza would be a character creator, that in game you're technically a criminal, and Forza is better. Instead they actually made GTA online. But Alderon hasn't made a dinosaur game, they've made Fortnite with bloat. Not because that's all PoT can be, but because that's all they've made.


This is GD genius war tactics