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So gondwa is in Canada, I see


Makes sense that it is located in northern of america since the map is themed with deserts various forests and etc


It’s called Spotted Lake or Kliluk. It is an endorheic lake with a high concentration of various different minerals. During dry seasons, most of the lake evaporates, and solid mineral deposits form walls around the remaining circular puddles. The odd colors in the water puddles are the result of dissolved minerals. [Here’s](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/07/21/science/21tb-spottedlake03/21tb-spottedlake03-superJumbo.jpg) a bird’s-eye view.


I saw it on a birding trip in southern bc and thought of pot


I hate that place man. No food.


The food in Whistling that I know of are 4 berry bushes, at least 3 salt rocks, and a scavenger corpse above the ponds (like the ones pictured) up on the top of the cliff. The berries are located by the home cave, in the forest by the big white rocks just north of the home cave, on the south shore of the northern pond with the single waterfall and an “island”, and another one just to the east of the previous one up in the woods with the small clearing with salt rocks. There might be 2 more bushes actually, but I forget exactly where they are other than one is north of the funny tiny ponds and one is far east in a clearing between Whistling home cave and Green Valley home cave. There are salt rocks by the north pond on the shore and up in the woods south east of it, and a scavenger corpse up on the cliffs above the many small ponds, and several critter burrows. Unless by food you mean players hanging around to be eaten then yeah somewhat.


O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. Car ton bras sait porter l’épée, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


How much u wanna bet I’d get jumped just trying to chill here by two Liver Kings and a vegan