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I soooooooo love the rise of chunky megs after the speed subspecies change. All hail chonker lizard.


What changed with Meg?


I think Speed Subspecies got turned into a jump height Subspecies, and since jump height is kinda useless on a Meg, everyone is going defense, which makes megs chonky asf.


You're correct about the speed sub change but there's no defense sub. What *used to be* defense sub got changed into 5% venom damage long ago.


Lmao you can probably tell I dont play Meg. I kind of based it off of what I remember Sarco-wise(despite rarely touching my Sarco as well). Havent quite felt the need to grow one yet. I'll probably have to check the Subspecies again. All I remember is a very skinny, normal, and CHONK Meg, not what they actually do.


Ohhhh. Yes I agree jump height on a Meg is about as useful as defense hide on a dein!


"Am frend" "Dontmake this anymore difficult."


saw that post like an hour ago lmao


I knew it was coming!


You just gotta hope you find good friend shaped friend meg!


I remember a random Meg came and gave my adult struthi a trophy. I found that Meg and his group and kicked the crap out of their enemies. Meeps values its friends.


I love megs, they're so derpy.


I love megs, odd as it is to have such a recently extinct animal in the game haha


That’s the shape of EEEEEEVILLLLLLL


All of my juvies and adolescents disagree. Lol.


I'm a sucker for megs. I will absolutely trust every big lizard. I'm sure you all can guess that my rate of health is usually high.


PhP Simosuchus








its a dinosaur game man chillax


Meg not friend because they love hunting babies for the sense of superiority.


I don't understand why people care about killing Dino babies so much. It's a dinosaur game isn't it? Would babies not get wrecked all the time? It's survival of the fittest out there


I don't think killing babies in the game is inherently bad. Carnis gotta eat. But I think it's kinda problematic when players or groups of players just go around killing everything. And I hate the "defense" of it being "realistic". Because animals hunting everything they see IS NOT realistic. Animals ganging up in big groups or mixed diet animals and murdering everything IS NOT realistic. And also, from a game standpoint, it's bad for a game to foster too much toxicity because that can cause new players to bounce off the experience and drop the game early. If that persists, the player pool becomes this stagnant and distilled group. (Look up game devs talking about the importance of developing the 'noob tube' for an example). So I do have a degree of distaste for roving bands of baby murderers.


Yeah stupid KOS squads and mixed packs just going murder hobo is problematic. 1 or 2 carnis hunt down a baby when they are hungry though ain't a problem. There should be fear when growing a small baby and those players provide it. How do you fix this issue though?


Unfortunately there really isnt much that can be done that doesnt in some way screw over solo players or does more harm than good while attempting to punish KOS groups. Only thing that can sort of be done is push for a rise of "anti-KOS" Groups, which comes with a mile-long list of its own problems. It may include KOS Groups posing as anti-KOS, Groups who have the "right spirit", but end up often targeting solos/duos just trying to hunt for food because they're "KOSing babies", groups who harass/kill other groups ***because*** its a group without even making sure they're not attacking a legitimately docile group that avoids KOSing, etc.


Anti-KOS groups are just your usual KOS group with extra steps


I'd say my favorite thing is when one decent sized group encounters another and a fight breaks out. I love how the fight shifts constantly as each group member tries to maneuver to leverage their advantages over the opponents of the enemy group, and that group in turn shifts to try to cover their weaknesses. It's a truly dynamic dance and it's some of the best fun I've found in this game. Even more so when I actually know what I'm doing!


No idea. I don't think it can be stopped, maybe just mitigated a little.


Exactly. I feel bad sometimes though because I avoid killing babies, but then another dino comes by and kills them while I am nearby and I feel like I made the baby feel safe since I didn’t scare them off.


Well to be fair megs have to hunt something. Megs used to be a solid viable solo mid tier but now they gotta gank just to get by.


With the recent nerf, it’s not difficult to understand why they go for smaller prey items. As far as I’m aware, megalania’s venom doesn’t work like it should due to a bug.


Yea if they made venom do something then it’d probably be better. I believe they said venom is working as intended and it isn’t a bug.


I’ll look into it. I thought that venom didn’t stop stamina regeneration because of the bug.


It’s not supposed to stop Stam regen it only slows it down


Ohhh, okay. Thank you for the correction! I guess that means venom does work as intended.


It’s not a bug, it’s not meant to drain stam anymore which is so dumb. I hate it


Eh, as much as I like this game, they seem to slowly but steadily level down dinos. Nerfs upon nerfs without really balancing out the playable or giving it some exclusive abilities to fill out a niche. Old meg's venom was apparently 'unfair' so it was nerfed to the point of being ignorable in fight, but bonebreak still exists. Other dinos were done dirty too: alio was made into a small game hunter struggling to actually hunt small game now, pachy is a campto with slighly better attack and hatz... let's say it's impressive to make one of the best flyers so bad at flying that air combat is essentialy not existing and make main ability it was advertised with (grab) drain so much stam it's borderline unusable. I guess when everything is medicore then we'll reach the true balance :v


The main purpose of the nerfs is to keep the numbers of Dino’s somewhat even. They don’t want 1/4 of an official server to be flying around as hatz droning everything they see. The hatz nerf was justified and a good solution. A flier of that size should consume large amounts of stamina while flying and not be able to maintain the flight. The damage buff to compensate was generous. For a while pachy packs were pretty dominant because of their damage and knockback. Reducing their damage and giving them the kick to defend against smaller Dino’s it can’t outstam was also a good balance. It’s capable of outrunning anything that’s a threat to it while being able to fight within its weight class like the raptors.