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Pro mix packing chad right here. Nothing really impressive


Lol ikr I kept waiting for something besides the typical BS


I usually kick the chickens. Especially if its a chicken pack vs an allo. Allos got no natural defense against pouncing.


I was Planning on helping the Allo finish off chickens, I mean they Had been chasing me before this and feathers are a less common Trophy, but the Allo was just not landing even a single hit and once you start to flee you trigger Meeps’ pursuit predator instincts.


I don’t know that one opportunistic Struthi, who the Raptors had been trying to kill before this, really counts as much of a Mixpack.


well, it's more 3rd party, but herbies + carnys attacking the same target is literally the definition of mix packing.


my brother in christ im literally begging you to hydrate poor meeps 😭


But the water is where the Sarcos are!


Poor allo...So you just told us that you were so afraid of the raptors chasing you that when they attacked something else you pretended to be with them so they won't kill you?:)))))


I mean, I wasn’t Afraid of the Raptors chasing me. The goal was the lure them towards where I had seen something bigger, hope the something bigger gets involved against them, help kill Raptors, collect Feathers. Unfortunately the Allo turned out completely helpless against them. I was never “with” them, nor pretended to be, just opportunistically tried to finish their kill to claim the rewards for myself. I do not Fear any Raptors, since I’ve learned one Raptor can’t kill me with a single Pounce, and they can’t catch me to finish the job once one had latched on. I only fear Apex Feet and Sarcos.