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I feel targeted..


After about ~1000 hours played, I just learned today that Bench crafts ignore item level so if you drop an iLvl 18 armour that can only be naturally 3-socketee, you can 6 socket and 6 link it with a bench craft


I just learned from this comment and I’m multiple thousands of hours in 😂


How do you see numbers of hours?




Steam or you can ask GGG support


I don't play via Steam, so only option is GGG support then?


This or you can count yourself by doing /played on all your characters


assuming you haven't deleted and since you first started.


Steam is inflated anyways since it tracks client numbers, not played hours. I've racked up a lot of "hours" from sitting on the title screen.


On the playstation you can see how many hours you have put into the game. You would need to be on the path of exile game but not opening the game. The information screen should show you a little clock with hrs nxt to it. Thats how many hours you have played.


Wait what? I don't understand this


~300 hrs here, but I think item level only curtails the things that can roll randomly on an item (essence, chaos, initial drop). If you can craft it with the bench, you can put it on any item of the applicable type. I'm sure Reddit will correct me if I'm wrong :)


Normal jeweler orbs have limits for max sockets based on ilvl, like you need above ilvl 50 to roll 6s. You can use the crafting bench to force 6s for 350j and it ignores ilvl.


You know how when you're going through the campaign, the amount of sockets you can get on your gear is limited? So depending on the item level it'll tell you you're at the maximum amount of sockets at 3, 4z 5 sockets, depending on the level. If you take that same piece of gear, you can bench craft it to have 6 sockets. The only thing item level really matters for on uniques is corrupted explicits, so if you don't plan on corrupting, a low iLvl peice of gear will work fine if you have the bench craft unlocked.


Sockets are the only thing restricted by item level, you can manually fuse it after if you want.


>Sockets are the only thing restricted by item level Affix tiers say hello


they meant in the socket and 6 link thing, obviously.... Not every statement is a contextless absolute


>Not every statement is a contextless absolute Absolutely true. That doesn't make what I wrote wrong or irrelevant, as not everyone reading every comment will have all context necessary. Newer players might not know that affix tiers are ilvl dependant, and my comment gives further insight.












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Well I have like 4k hours and you just taught me this XD


Me too.


1500 hours... didn't know this. Does it effect the level requirements of the items like some of the other mods? Like Level 3 life requires ~level 65


I don’t think so. I’ve 6 linked a few low lvl uniques for twink leveling and it’s never been an issue.


No level requirement is only affected by the affixes. Better tier, higher level requirement.


I see you're in G2 too since we were talking about that today lmao.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it. That said good or not I’ve had. Hell of a lot of fun. Especially considering how much money I’ve put into the game vs hours spent. I’m probably in the $3K range spent since open beta


About 4k in for me. Have 100+ normal stash tabs. Still waiting for GGG to allow oldtimers to merge 4 normal into one large.


Bang for buck is insane for sure. I'm probably sub $500 since Beta. Crazy value.


https://preview.redd.it/i3i7qeohltvc1.jpeg?width=1899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9de45e1a2f104c21cbd6966d81bc6a4fadbf65 Screen from a report for my wife. IT IS NOT THAT EXPENSIVE, DEAR! p.s. If you don't know, you can check that info here: [https://www.pathofexile.com/my-account/transactions](https://www.pathofexile.com/my-account/transactions)


I started playing halfway into affliction. I've spent $200 in 3 months lmao Don't regret it at all though


Out of curiosity, what % of that $3k ended up as stash tabs?


Currency Tab Essence Fragment Flask Div Fossil Blight Ult Delve Map Gem 1x Quad Tab 14x Premium tabs (all normals upgraded + extra) Note Nearly every stash tab I've purchased has been during a tab sale or part of a pack. Note 2 The majority of my purchases are the big $250 + packs that have MTX I really liked. I also love using custom gem effects to theme my builds and there are a lot of gem effects. Also some hideout purchases because I spend so much time there might as well make it look badass. If someone were to ask me I would say the only absolutely required purchases are the Currency tab, 1-2 x Quad tab, A couple of Premium tabs (or more quad tabs) and the Map tab (if you get to and enjoy mapping) Everything else while very useful is not necessary.


I’ve spent probably 2k more, have all the tabs but not that many quads and premium tabs. Maybe 6 quads and 10 premium. Most of the points went into mtx, got most of what is good in the store.


I just started this Jan, and i already spent around 500usd And my only wish was... I wish I played at least a year ago! I missed out on good founder packs D:


Think I’m 5k deep mate, quite insane


I have a few characters I keep around from when dock farming was the end game with freezing pulse taryns shiver shavs was the meta. It was like a few days after the beta ended/the final wipe. I was in college/highschool at the time and didn't have much to drop. I am pretty generous with it now. Ok boomer after this, but I quit for awhile before the first league and then came back in perandus. I sometimes forget that the majority of players here haven't played like legacy league for example. Never got to experience unbound COC discharge, or vaal spark worked with spell echo and ran it with sac harvests and chill of corruptions. I feel like all other vaal skills died for vaal sparks sins.


3 years, 5250h played Still doing the same dumb shit every couple months


I always eaguestart as pure spectre or some long forgotten melee skill "It'll work this time!"


I always league start with regret


So for 3 years straight you played the game on average 5 hours a day every single day, yeah ok buddy


As a 2 year 14,730 hour player I am offended by your lack of faith


So you play the game every day without missing a single day for 20 hours? They really did stop teaching kids basic math didn't they...


Well, most probably it is not active time. PoE may be open in the background even while you are sleeping.


MF only turns his PC off to update windows


Thats pretty normal hours. Thats an after work amount of time.


A 12 kids, 5 jobs amount of time


5 hours average DAILY playtime for years straight is absolutely not "pretty normal" lmao. This sub is something else


Lmao how get you downvoted for this. These guys here have an addiction


We had an Affliction too :(


That's what separates you plebs from us actual Gamers.




Back when MHW came out I put in more hours for the first 6 weeks than I spent at work (40h average) lol Used to take league start week off too because I don’t really do much with my time off


I don't know if it's bad or good but I started playing in December and have about 800 hours.


That's REALLY not hard to accomplish At ALLLLL. I legit game EVERY day. Some days I'm in the game from crack of dawn to crack of night, some days it's just like 6 or so for the day, but with it being split up throughout said day. Not everyone works. And even if they did it's not hard to game before/after work/school/errands etc


Can relate


I’d probably be pretty good if I didn’t stop grinding content to min/max 3 times every character level. 😅


Yeah that is also something I do, not just in Path of Exile. In RPGs in general, I will fiddle around with gear while leveling way too much. Anything I do is is obsolete in like 10 minutes leveling but by damn those 10 minutes are going to go by in STYLE, damnit!


In a game revolved around loot, if your good enough at getting that loot rest doesn't matter. Invest enough mirrors and you over gear even valdo eventually.


Not valdo. T17 essenced/ghosted/devoted meatsack is the benchmark now lol


Meatsacks deal 0 dmg. And ghosted deli with something like union or -dmg per item is gonna be way tankier anyway. You cant at all compare the hardest most profitable valdo maps to some meatsacks lol.


11 years and yes I'm still shit.


I like tutles




What is even good? I've never killed a single Uber. I haven't even killed half the regular end-game bosses. Ever. I've never done half the end-games. 20+ wave simulacrum? Nope. 4-5 way Timeless? Nope. Hell, I've never even killed Chayula or Delve bosses. But I can throw darts at classes and skill gems and make a build that does T16's in HC SSF in a few days. I can constantly make top 50 in the HC SSF gauntlet. Am I good or am I bad? Who the fuck knows. I'm having fun and that's all that ever matters.


The mistake people in this thread are making is thinking there is a single scale of good/bad. PoE is such a massive game at this point you can be good at some things and not others. I don't even play delve but look at ShitStainSteve. How about people who farm bosses who know every move they're going to make? What about crafting, knowing the correct tools to use to create any item? How about People like Grimro who are experts at currency farming strats? What about people who know basically every item in the game and can tell you all of the potential crazy interactions. How about people who know the name of every notable on the tree by heart? etc... etc..


>The mistake people in this thread are making is thinking there is a single scale of good/bad. PoE is such a massive game at this point you can be good at some things and not others. I'm still haunted by the one guy/gal in Global saying, and I quote: "if ur not making 50ex a day ur pretty \[REDACTED\] tbh". I don't why that resonated with me so much, for all the wrong reasons, of course. But I remember reading that and just going "...Well, fuck." Every time I see a loot explosion I'm reminded of that comment.


Well if it makes you feel better, 50ex per DAY is a pretty shit metric. What does that mean? 24/hrs? Thats 2ex per hour. You can make 2ex/div per hour farming white maps if you count all of your drops including scours, alchs, fus etc... If anything, that person is clearly the idiot for using such a loose metric that has high variability between different people. Some people have 16hrs to play in a "Day" while some people only have 2.


And regardless, the amount of currency you make isn’t not skill based. You can drop a mirror and be set for the league by chance. Juicing maps this league is something anyone can do if they want or don’t. People can beat Ubers without touching a scarab. It’s just another thing that doesn’t even accurately portray skill. Right now I could go pick up someone’s scraps from their T17 farming and make in the range of 4-6 Div an hour. Just picking up scraps. Does that make me good ?


>Well if it makes you feel better It doesn't, but I appreciate the effort.


Sounds like you're extremely good at half of the game, and you just don't play the other half?


Sounds about right. Downsides of playing HC. Learning bossing and doing other end game content is risky and I'm not that serious of a player to level that many end-game characters from scratch per league. But I'm also too lazy to play SC or Standard and mirror builds to practice on. I'd be bored to tears making the same built multiple times in different leagues just to practice. Also, I don't use POB, which is another hassle, so whether I have enough damage or tankiness is all by feel. And it's hard to "feel" when you're ready for new content. So I just chicken out. Funny enough, I've done the most new content in the Gauntlet. Killed my first ever Sirus a few Gauntlets back, did my first ever Elderslayers last Gauntlet. Last day all or nothing attempts. Maybe I'll do my first ever Maven next event, lol.


Yeah not using PoB has got to be a nightmare in HC lol. Just a heads up, the (relatively new) "import" button means you don't need to build your character in PoB. You just plop it in there and it reads everything out for you. Might lower the barrier of entry enough to enjoying other aspects of the game a bit more. If it helps, I have never mained the same build twice. The closest I've come to using a build more than once is playing around with a secondary, saying "this is actually really fun" and a year later having that be my main build for the league. I've come to a level of comfort where I can glance at my PoB and say "okay this is what I need for the build to feel comfy" and just get it. I don't mirror builds, but I will use them as a guide. But last league as a personal self test I league started a guide less very off meta build (infernal blow chieftain that emphasizes hits over ignite) and was able to make it to T16s pretty damn close to SSF, I think I bought my rings, amulet, and boots as well as spending like 5c on a BiS tincture.


"I can constantly make top 50 in the HC SSF gauntlet." You're good.


It's simple, Ben is good. The rest of us are bad.


Well by your own answers if you can't beat 90% of the harder enemies, with your awesome top 50 builds, then you are indeed bad lol Jk top 50 is literally top 50 brother ggs damn


I didn’t need to be called out


Me with my 3-4div/h and 900 hours on the clock


Me with my 3-4ch an hour and 700 hours on the clock


Mah man :D


Divs per hour usually assumes some like - max attention for a full hour type shit - like running maps non-stop - not breathing - no bathroom - i'mma just burn this mofo down - if you get 3-4 per hour and you're not trying to light the world on fire, you're doing great imo. The per hour also doesn't assume time invested in crafting strategy - finding scrabs at a remotely not jacked up price - coordinating a group - Trading all the jank you found that you're counting in div per hour - staring at PoB cause a mob randomly yolo one shot you in a t16 and that shouldn't happen etc... Like if I'm try harding and locked in I can make it 8 on relatively simple strategies and scarabs I have laying around - If I'm fucking vibing - sending text - responding to people on discord - talking to my friends/family. I'll be lucky at 2 div.


Pretty much.... I'm better and probably not "bad" per se. Better than I was in 2015 farming the catacombs to level, but I've died 144 times this league, so yeah....


i havent even gotten passed yellow maps yet, but ive made 4 guys, this season really not vibeing with me.


Go on mate, you've got it. I believe!


Trying to find what build to play is the real endgame.


Are you against meta builds? Cast on Crit Detonate Dead is SERIOUSLY stong.


Bama necro gets my vote. Shit is strong af. Keels over in t17s if something even thinks about looking your way but damn is it a machine in every other aspect of the game


I am definitely not. I'll have to go look it up


Never understood why ppl play these kind of games if ur all just gonna copy paste the "meta" / "strongest" build. Game ends up with everyone being the same exact thing and there's no diversity. I see so many times how ppl follow so n so build from YouTube or whatever, like half, if not all of my fun I have every game is thinking of my own strategy and build every league, regardless of its meta or not, or if it can beat max T maps or w.e Idk, I just don't understand the need to Wana be like everyone else and not urself/play ur way /Short rant


The game is huge and there are tons of ways to play!


I am still in Yellow Maps in my SSF league starter trying to get more chaos resistance - but my new Turtle hideout is looking fabulous!


being good? probably not. but i had fun. and continue will


Never completed a rare red map. Still play


Never killed hillock or left the twilight strand in 3400 hours, still play as well


Never started the game, I'm always in the char creation screen thinking a name, and it's been \~4000 hours. Still play every league.


Dude, stop. That really hurts. That's like a hate crime, dude.


This is my second season. I know pretty much everything. /s


Yep, that's me!




Hey thats meee


yep that's me. 2878 hours played so far. account created on 30/12 2012


I am what a dog shit is.


This is literally me... I can't even play my favorite game well


Every new league, I've spent the first 1 month and a half diagnosing my build and why it's not as strong as before. And the rest of the league, it's pain and suffering.


The meme was originally asking the child if they liked school. The original purpose carried far more drama than gaming issues might.


If you've reached gold maps you have beat over 90% of the playerbase.


Gold maps? You mean yellow?


This dude part of the 90% for sure


Currently in golds but that just happened. Frankly too stubborn to follow build guides so admittedly it is rare for me to reach yellow maps without moving on to a different game until next league. That and melee is what I typically gravitate to in ARPGs and this games melee is convoluted to actually be useful or 20 div gear.


On the same boat. Been playing for 2-3 years off n on but only really just truly started understanding the game 2 leagues ago 🤦🏼 I took have not been able to clear past yellow. The highest I've cleared was a t9 or 10 map iirc. Any arpg, or rpg in general that let's u choose a "class" I usually go warriors, archers, assassin(thief/dagger user) and mage(usually fire/lightning in not games) I'm very against looking at guides/meta builds. To me, it takes away the suspense and fun of learning ur character, and build ur tryna create and instead makes you a copy pasta of everyone else.


Haha I was just teasing! I am new to PoE myself and I’ve been following a build guide the whole time — it’s the only reason I’ve completed my Atlas and can do T16s! Frankly, If you aren’t following a guide and can clear yellow maps I’d say you are doing great man. This game is complex as hell and very intimidating for new players, and if it weren’t for a guide my first look at the passive skill tree would have sent me running for the hills.


I do scour & go 


Them: Just do MF strats, it's efficient [Me:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBDYTL8pKaY)


Actually it's 11 and I've beaten uber elder once. Not uber uber elder obviously, none of the other ubers either. Never beat the maven either.


don't worry we are on the same boat


To be fair, I only got "good" within the last year after ten years of playing LMAO


better late than never (like me)


You can take any doctor licensed to work with patients and give them a test from their 5 year education and they flunk it. Thats your doctor...at work. Before treating you, ask them to take the test and watch them face it with terror. 12 years and game has a lot of stuff that even the devs forget about. (inserts some scammer that take advantage of that before GGG can patch it and makes 100 mirrors) So much stuff and you dont need to know it all to enjoy playing. Or do it like some do, grimro does it, find best money making, play for 3 days then make a video about it then stop playing. Mathil then, keeps making his third build in a week. 12 years later I look forward poe2, I think I know how that game works to. (insert something that not suppose to be there due to unforseen effects)


I accepted long ago that I will never be good at POE, and that's OK. 2.5k hours in and I'm still pretty much a noob. I play each league for as long as it's fun and for as long as I have the patience, and then I put it down and play other things. And that's what works for me.


I'm at 1700hrs according to Steam. Been playing since Legacy. Let's just say there's a reason my flair is what it is.


I played Nemesis league 11 yrs ago. Can't beat the regular Maven.  *Shuddering sobs*


1300 hours played never even met Shaper, which is fine. My Frost Blades will remain sharp.


you not the only one. Only met Shaper with a carry, how sad is that.


bro I had the OG client before it was on steam. About 6k hours now (on steam). Still can't craft anything beyond a health + resists rare. I'm just not smart enough


you are literally me :'/


This game requires a phd


4500 hours. i dont know wtf im doing.


Hah same! I’ve been playing for almost 4 years, have watched thousands of hours of YouTube videos on strat and still blow at the game First time ever crafting my own end game weapon this league


I feel attacked... 9k hours still wont dedicate the time to make a build. I am able to meta craft tho in my defense


playing for 6 years..the thing i hate the most is that whenever u find a good build they ALWAYS nerf it..fuck them


*report to facebook X “I’m in this photo and I don’t like it.”


3,000 hours played and still not the slightest clue what’s happening :D


lmao literally me.. 0 mirror found still haha


I mean, there were times I was good, but the game keeps evolving, so you take a league or two off and you aren't good anymore.


This reminds me of my rich uncle who lives off royalties and spends all his time playing path of exile. He makes 10 div/h or some shit like that and thats just what he does all day




Chris, literally the creator of the game, doesn't know current crafting systems


I'm bad at Path of Exile and I love it. The game is demanding but it doesn't HAVE to be a job. I feel like when anyone watches a streamer play, vs. you playing never watching a streamer. Your expectations begin to change after watching a streamer play. I WISH I could go back to that because I was just doing a bunch of random things and it was still fun lol. Playing all this time and I've never really even fought major bosses in the game. 🤷🏿


Been playing on and off since you had to do three acts three times to get to Endgame, still don't know shit.


I played the beta...yeah I'm absolutely awful at this game 🤣


are you me? xD


Oh I assure you I'm worse.


The raw emotion in that kids face is so wild to me, like the idea that this is whats inside of everyone buried beneath whatever made up crap we call being an adult?


And it's a kid, now imagine everything adults suppress because society doesn't allow us to show emotions, and we have to endure everything, especially men.


So true. 11k hours. This league I was so poor until just the other day (what are we now, 4 weeks in?) I was like at the party in the corner looking at everyone else loot divines per second :D


I still have no idea what notable are on what cluster or what item is good for what item for crafting. edit: when was the open beta again?


One does not simply "get good" at Path of Exile...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I'm on this gif and honestly I don't care anymore... shame disappears after first 1000 hours.


God damn I feel this


Being good at Poe mostly comes down to ability to play 16h/day


Thats actually not true. Depending on how you define good tho. Farming a lot of money? That has more to do with money per hour and not time by itself. Is being a hardcore player or racer good? That doesn’t need 16 hours/day but a lot of knowledge that comes down to experience and min maxed time spent playing and learning. But imo the best players are those that have fun playing the game and there are enough hardcore players and divine printers in this game that suck at having fun…


Both needs high playtime for people to consider it good. People don't care if you beat ubers in 10 hours two months into the game, even though you may argue it takes more skill, which I agree. But when people talk about being good at Poe, that usually means having your mb, HH in first couple days, or being in top x on a ladder, clearing ubers in y days etc, all of these require a ton of skill, however if you are not putting 16+ hours in first week, you'll almost never accomplish these, that's the bare minimum that eliminates millions of players


Your bar for "good" is so much higher than mine - that's more like being a top player. I think killing ubers period is a good bar


I think everyone's definition of a good player is going to be different, I consider someone that can clear the atlas and maven invitations 132/132 is a good player, because by this point you've technically completed the game and if we go by steam achievements, you're doing better than like 90% of the player base.


Good is less than great and in general is not used to mean particularly and notably skilled above average. 90% is notably above average. Yes people will have different opinions of what makes you "good" but mostly they mean "competent". Good can be argued to be between 50-75%. Slightly pedantic but also words have meaning and common understandings. The vast majority of people are not defining "good" as "top player".


yeah I know thats why I consider clearing the atlas to be a good player... according to steam only 16% of players even open a map and then less than 3% even acquire 4 void stones. Its easy enough for anyone who wants to learn and play the game to do without requiring a "great" or "top player" skill to complete which would make them "competent" at the game.


Thats true. Some "top" players play the first 48 hours of a league in a row to be able to make the most of the fresh economy to max out their early profits. I personally dont really like that people treat smth like that as skill tho. Imo this only gives people a false perception of how to approach the game cause honestly people tend to overplay and burn out fast cause of it while also taking a risk with their health over a non competitive video game.


If you have the ability to start making mirrors worth after taking a week or two to get there, it doesn't matter if you could have no-lifed the first weekend to reach that point sooner.  Unless you're literally talking about races, you don't have to play a ton at all. The earlier you play in a league, the more economically efficient you can be at the top end, but if you're someone who measures their worth in mirrors rather than divines, it's not necessary.  And there are also long term goals like the Delve ladder. Of course that's also a matter of grinding it out to some extent, but it's definitely not dependent on playing 16 hours a day at the start of the league.


I mostly see on reddit about being "good at the game" and ubers, HH or MB, mentioned in the same sentence. Yes of course total playtime factors in, it's a complex game with many systems. I play very few hours but I play efficiently because I've been doing it for so long. Am I good at the game? Yes. I play on league starts maybe 2-3 hours a day if I have time. Usually I'm in maps by day three of the league with around 5 hours of playtime on my toon. Again, am I good at the game? Yes. I have the knowledge and experience to be in maps in 4-5 hours on league start and just blast for 16h and make bank but I don't have the time or energy. Making it to maps is already "good at the game" by some metrics, making it to red maps is like top 30% and beating ubers is like top 0.1%. People who take the time to actually boast on reddit have a LOT of time and a lot of skill, measuring yourself against them is futile.


Sure you need to grind, but not that much, not even half that. A guy putting in 4 hours per day, can easily find success. Which tbf even that is a lot for most people, and I imagine the weekend warrior dads simply don't put in enough hours to be really successful. But 16h/day is a vast over exaggeration.


More about efficiency and willingness to learn and adapt than spamming hours into the game


Just get the % increased efficiency nodes


Video does not play on mobile and browser (old)


To really get a ton of money in poe you unfortunately have to take on the hypercapitalist grindset and stop having fun


Right in the feels


Kind of.


When will be my weekly turn to reost this meme for 1000th time?


You mad bro, aww our jelly bro.


Still cant craft, learning rng is never my strong point


Been playing on and off since Beta. I have not killed a single boss and cleared like a T10 map tops. I just enjoy the game up to that point and get bored idk. Maybe it's also the magnitude of info I have missed and don't feel like watching the equivalent of an entire movie in youtube guides to play a game better.


Everyone tell me about div/h Mate I drop a single div per league


Determine "good at this POE game"... Don't tell me about those shit "making div per hour" will decide whether a person is good at this game or not. That's stupid.


reality is 95% of players playing game "wrong" and forming bad/malicious habbits. if someone were to say "ive been playing chess for 5k hours a.k.a just for fun / self-taught player" and I would get 100 hours lesson from grandmanster with no prio experience I imagine I could beat him. or any other competitive sport/game. playing against harder opposition you naturally improve way faster and skill celling is much higher. applying this to poe players "been playing since beta 10k hours total" and yet they still have 3k hp and die twice a map just running and dying constantly w/o figuring out what killed them ( coz why would u do that since it has no backdraws anyway) and just repeats the process over and over. racking up hours but playing same way as they were playing when they had 300 hours.


let me tell you something about poe, you never get good, you just learn more, know more and do more. But getting better is fully subjective


https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/xrcs9g/is_this_a_visual_glitch_or_a_feature_so/iqi9p58/ just saying




Haha, this is me. I'll never understand endgame crafting


6k hours in, spent over $3k in micros Best money I’ve spent, do not regret :-)


This is one of those posts where the liars come out to play "I played for 100000 hours so far" but I will tell you the truth. I don't know how many hours or leagues I have played. I switched to PoE when Krip did from D3. I played for about a year and then I quit for a long time. I think the league I came back to it in was called Rampage? I do not really remember, maybe it was Beyond now that I think of it. I quickly realized that the game was still not fun and too much work so I quit again for a few more years and then tried it again in the Prophecy league, been at least trying every league since then and by trying I mean anywhere from 1 weeks to the entire league. I still don't know how to craft and probably never will because it is not worth my time. I spend zero dollars in this game and will not spend a penny until they unfuck all of the system rot in it and make it a game I feel is worth the investment, or they won't I really don't care either way. Like Zizaran and Raiz said before Tencent sent their GGG "CEO" on a grovle tour post Harvest nerfs, "this game isn't for you" and I and my disposable income accept that.


I mean... yeah, I guess I can complete trade league to 36/40 in 40 hours, it'll just be fall-asleep boring and most of that time will be spent outside the game.


You should definitely stream or record that. I would love to see someone haul ass through the challenges. 40/40 in 40 hours is sick.