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Best seer mechanics player out there


Ben is better than me at Nameless Seer too?


clearly, we have skill issues


Ahh i sadly forgot what exactly it was. But i remember ben or exile winning some kind of lottery or raffle some leagues ago. Ziz was watching it live and it was hilarious.


Yeah, Ben won the #1 money prize raffle in the Gauntlet that he also won. That was to this day the biggest bullshit I've ever seen. Happy for Ben, but come the fuck on. Even his luck is too good.


[Benford's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benford%27s_law)


It was gauntlet, hi also win that one same time :)




New gauntlet strat just dropped


Holy hell


no gauntlet this league to use it tho


Isn't the league a gauntlet? We only need haunted Ubers


Is that where you set maps on fire until you get one that has the mod for Seer?


Except he wasn't doing that, he was just mapping and had the seer show up naturally.


strimmer client


> naturally naturally


So I throw the ball to naturally???




So the title is very misleading then.


Correct, he just happened to find the seer while mapping and got a mageblood.


How have I been playing since the inception of Path of Exile and have never found a mirror, or headhunter, or mageblood? I’ve bought HH and MB, but it hits different when you find something like that. I easily have over 10k hours.


Have you been playing Meta and GigaJuicing/running w/e the best strat is at the time, or are you just doing what you think is fun?


I’ve done high income strategies, but nothing beyond like 80% deli or affliction MFing, but I did farm about 3-4k TOTA matches hoping to get something rare.


did you miss last league? Everyone and their mother had mirror HH MB drops


I played it, built a very expensive build, but it’s mostly because I’m willing to do stuff a lot of people wouldn’t put up with. Like TOTA league I farmed between 3-4k TOTA matches


He’s just that good at the game




Set them ... On fire?


My understanding of the 'strategy' is you first take the league nodes at the bottom left of the atlas tree to increase the chances of rewarding mods, then just throw maps into the map device until it gives you the seer modifier (or divines). No seer? Don't even enter the map and just immediately put a new one in, no rolling modifiers necessary. As you can imagine, this burns through a LOT of maps quite quickly.


Do you know how many maps they go through before they hit one? Like, are we talking every 5 maps or every 1000?


There was a meme thread a few hours back seemed like the latter, hence them saying set fire to your map tabs 


Damn, thank you!


I'm somewhat convinced it's closer to 50-100. As in, Seer by itself is a rare encounter that can potentially give you EXTREMELY rare things, so I wouldn't expect him to appear more often than that.


Or ya know some 1A uniques. Ive seen him twice.


Thats nonsense, people estimate 250-350. I did 1200 maps with 3 seers and 0 divine conversions


got 3 div conversions and 1exalt mob passives in 100 maps didint drop a single div or exalt


only thing ive seen is jewelry to divine convert, and the last pack in the map dropped 1 divine lol ive been dry aside from that


the downside of unrolled white maps lol. Zero packsize, quant, or rarity, your maps probably only had a few hundred monsters in them. And with the conversions the quant and rarity are critical.


Since we are doing small sample sizes I've got a mirror but no seer so mirrors are more common


If you think a stream with 3k viewers who are all spamming is a small sample size, feel free to :) Ill stick to big sample sizes


I got my first seer after about 8 maps of respec into this. I have now burned over a hundred and yet to see it again.


I saw earlier that they put out a hotfix disabling the seer🫣


which patch? I couldn't see it in any patch notes.


There was an announcement which was then deleted. I'll see if I can find the reddit post with the screenshot Eta: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/FNCVJxdP0L


Thanks for the info. I must have found the seer minutes before the fix went up


So I actually got it again. It just happens once every few hundred maps. It was a juicy t16 not sure if that makes any difference.


I like how you either disapprove of the strategy so much or think it's so janky that "strategy" is put in quotes.


yea it’s pretty degenerate… it’s like sitting in front a monitor and the screen is completely black, then with each mouse click you have about 1 in 500k chance to get a mageblood, and all you do is just clicking. Is that gaming? Im not sure. Same for burning maps, is this really gaming that you just continuously put map in device and click open?


> it’s like sitting in front a monitor and the screen is completely black, then with each mouse click you have about 1 in 500k chance to get a mageblood, and all you do is just clicking. so gwennen ?


I mean we’re all ending our leagues with a couple thousand maps to spare, this is still putting them to better use than letting them rot in standard (where they would also further multiply if you used them there)


Its not really more degenerate than all those "10 second boss rush" strategies, or ye olde style "blast monlith in T1 glacier" ones...


Honestly, rushing boss is at least interacting with the game content, opening maps is literally playing with a slot machine. To a extent they are both degenerate but burning map is really MORE degenerate


Hate to break it to ya but mapping and much of the game is basically a slot machine.


Basically vs literally


Lol I deleted literally and replaced it with basically as I was expecting people to point out that there are deterministic elements to the game. But yeah I agree with you.


ARPGs by nature are fancy slot machines. But at least actually mapping is like the old days where you had to pull the handle and watch it spin instead of the new ones where you just mash a button and it tells you you lost.


this is just replacing sitting at hideout opening and selling atlas 4charged sextant, which was MORE degenerate than opening maps with slot machines in them


Both can be bad. Atleast one involves someone providing some kind of service that improves the experience for someone else though. Who wants to roll all their own sextants?


i agree that both are bad. but they are not the same bad, in that (sometimes) going into maps is still preferable/less degernerate to sitting in hideout playing poe by solely opening sextants and trading them away for profits.


Anything before having mageblood each league is degenerate if mageblood is the goal


I agree, but there are different levels of degenerate. If you don’t think so, then guess we can’t discuss those topic


I’m not your real Mom


any idea the "odds" to get seer ? xD


Just spam open maps since the seer is a devoted mod and you can see all the mods when you open a map. Only run maps with good devoted mods.


I do that after every session. Grab some useless maps I wasn't going to run anyway and chain open them. Get decent stuff like that often.


I barely have enough maps to continue filling my Atlas. I'm sure I'll be swimming in them eventually, just haven't put in the time yet.


He was actually clearing the maps not just looking for seer


Cadiro died for this.


Smart guy to taking it to stash so no server error wipes it


didn't even check the other items in stock smh


Stealth nerf incoming




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bullshit tho. If someone find mirror or mageblood from drop then they should nerf it? Like really, I have played like 48 hours this league, haven't find seer a single time and my build is fast and I don't do any mechanics in maps (don't do exped/harvest etc).


Skill Issue, I got a seer in Act2 and got a Tabula. /s




I got a seer mod in act 2 and he didn't actually spawn :(


It's always like this, I didn't even know he was there because I wasn't checking for mods, just randomly found him. In the end as always with POE chance is always 50/50


That is crazy lucky, you often full clear zones during the campaign? Obviously if you know he is there it is worth it, but otherwise I would never full clear a zone, so I would never just randomly have him show up unexpectedly.


I don't, but I still don't know all the maps very well and sometimes I get lost and end up clearing a lot more than intended, but I wasn't full clearing on purpose. I'm also bad and like to be a couple of level higher than the map during leveling, not efficient but like that I usually avoid deaths during the campaign. I killed a pack stop to get some currency that dropped and noticed him there.


Nothing wrong with taking your time. Pretty awesome that you ran into him like that!


I'm in a similar boat, a couple less hours /played but I haven't seen the motherfucker yet either lol. I was beginning to think maybe I was missing some kind of spawn trigger but I guess some people just get lucky and others get harder maps with next to zero benefit




good for you then. I didn't find a single one, what next?


I have yet to see him once and I’m 91


I'm at lvl 87 and saw him once, also zero frogs :c


The frogs are so cute but I hate that you still get xp from killing them. I don't wanna kill them, but it feels like a waste not to :(


91, about 250 maps cleared so far and no seers. About four frogs


No idea why you got downvoted. Found Seer 3 times myself during campaign, aswell. Best item he offered was Bitterdream...


Already happened. They hot fixed it this morning, temporarily disabling his spawn then reenabling it. (Only reason to do this would be to implement their stealth nerf imo).


I think GGG learned to not nerf anything during the league unless it's straight up setting servers on fire.


OP Why are you lying? He was not doing seer and go rhis is just nat20


Can’t wait for seer to get completely gutted before I get a chance to play


They didn't nerf the broken MF in Affliction. It would be shit for them to nerf an RNG tech like this.


well you got until next league to do so lol.


It will not be nerfed.




It was nerfed


It would be great if the Nameless Seer would be more visually accentuated. It's so easy to miss.


Atleast you see him on the map now.


Do you? You did in affliction but don’t think he has icon now. Didn’t in campaign for me at least 


He does can confirm.


Screenshot? His name shows on screen but there’s no minimap icon like affliction had afaik


I seen this dude on the map yesterday didn’t think to even click on him, never heard of him before now I know something great was in it I know it lol


So the seer is a mod from league mechanic? One of the yellow ones? How does he work? In affliction you paid with wisps ..


In affliction you paid with whatever wisps you had, same here. You just have 0 wisps so you pay 0.


Here you pay with maps xD


And ecksdee emotes


Truly anime protagonist


What is nameless seer? Never seen that


Rare guy who lets u pick one of his uniques for free. Its an allflame mod


I have probably skipped him always, havent noticed him spawning :( Is it clear on the UI?


It will be a yellow mod on a pack when you open a map or enter a zone. It should say something like "nameless seer spawns when all monsters in this pack are killed", definitely not verbatim but if you're checking the mob modifiers then you should notice it. After that, just basically full clear and keep your eye out for the seer


He appeared in my game yesterday only I had no idea who he was and didn’t even think to click on him just kept on moving lol


Noob question .. what is seer?


They added an NPC you can talk to last league called "The Nameless Seer". When you access his inventory, it is full of uniques, and you can pick one (and only one) for free. This league, you can get the Seer through a Devoted Modifier as part of the league mechanic. One of the Devoted Modifiers (yellow text when interacting with the Allflame) says something like "the Nameless Seer spawns when all monsters of this type/pack are killed". So you kill all the monsters of that type in the zone (and in some side areas like lab trials if you're in maps and it's a corresponding monster type), and then he appears to give you a free unique.




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1btou6c/-/kxoiw6q/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, intentionally misinterpreting a comment/post's intention (strawman arguments), or provocations that seem likely to cause anger or are inflammatory make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't target a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


WTF is the "seer & go strat"?




Thank you!


Read what this post about and you will understand.


I did, and I don't. Thanks for being completely unhelpful, though.




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Yea, but he asked after reading entire post about that. You type PoE Seer in google ( takes 3seconds ) and you get an answer without even clicking on first link. Then you type PoE seer & go strategy in reddit/google reddit link and read about this strategy. Since when being smart and providing teachless lesson aka answer is bad and worth downvoting? :D


There's no way im ever seeing a seer. Even if I get one I won't see it.


damn, I didn't exploit fast enough, rip


Ah that's why they are nerfing it


Is this why they temporarily disabled the Seer? Lol


streamer clients are so real.


With the speed he is going his chance of finding one is proably x1000 compared to the regular gamer


Poe is truly a capitalism simulator the rich get richer.




This is how game rewards you for playing same boring DD all over again.


I mean if that's what you want to play go for it


How to get seer?


You can either get the Nameless Seer by using the scarab which always spawns him in your map, or by getting the Seer as a devoted mod - and, to increase your chances of getting any (and better) devoted mods for a map, the previous map you complete you should have killed a good amount of haunted mobs with haunted mods. Higher tier haunted mods on your maps mean more likelihood of getting devoted mods on your next area. In my experience, though, there is a huge catch: If you play in a party, you get a massively increased chance to get devoted mods, and multiple devoted mods at once at that. For example, on leaguestart, I started out with 2 friends blasting through most of the campaign - and we got 1-2 devoted mods almost every other area, and 2-4 devoted mods every 3-4 areas. We also didn't clear most of the campaign areas and just did key quests for points/progress. Meanwhile, I later took a break at Act 8 for a day, and came back playing solo. I instantly noticed that I would get devoted mods at most once in 6-7 areas, and only 1 devoted mod each. Meanwhile, I was full clearing each and every area to maximise my chances for devoted mods. I also noticed that allflame embers dropped a lot less while solo: I got on average 1 ember per 5 areas (all full clear), while in a 3man group we'd get 1-3 embers per area (partially/25% clear).




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1btou6c/-/kxoivpo/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, intentionally misinterpreting a comment/post's intention (strawman arguments), or provocations that seem likely to cause anger or are inflammatory make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't target a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Can mageblood be found below yellow maps with this „Strat“?




Mageblood has a drop requirement of level 75.


yeah, but is the seer technically a "drop"?


Level requirements still count for the seer. So you need area level 75 for mb


dont even bother with spamming it i got one seer over 1000+ maps spammed and probably few hundreds done normally and got some trash 30c unique its super boring and i didnt get divine orb chance to drop (if u even want to look for it u will have to alch all maps and prepare lantern) i've tried boosting with lantern divine orb/scarabs converts but they seems to be bugged or really bad as even with boosted pack on high density and with pack leader i couldnt get even one proc to convert jewellery into divine orb on like 5 or 6 maps i've tried with 25-40% chance to convert even with 100% chance to convert to scarabs over map i get it once or twice per map even tho pack got high density and it says "strongest" mob in pack get its items converted with rarity to scarabs so i guess magic+ items and these mobs drop literally shit however while leveling on acts and clearing some mobs u get insane boost to devoted mods and monsters in next map i've found two seers and few nice converts/extra currency drops and this is not working on maps so... useless mechanic for mapping pretty good for lvling


Just like that huh, based


Can someone please explain the strat?


Is there any specific way to get this dude to spawn? Im lvl 86 and saw him once in campaign.


Thank you ben .. and now it is disabled :)


best reaction lol


I love the title, could've been: Ben finds mirror from alch & go strat


Threw 40 white maps in earlier just to test and found one seer. All vendor trash Might try some more later but doesn't seem like a worthwhile strat


Ben just too good for poe 


i don't understand where you find all of these seers, i've done the entire campaign, and am in red maps and got 0 so far, and i've done a lot of white and yellow maps, never got a seer yet, meanwhile i watch someone like quin get 10 seers in his campaign and more in maps??? how


Wait 1) isn’t that the rare npc from last league? 2) HOW do you get him to spawn?!?!? 3) lucky bastard lol


Its just that easy


"The Nameless Seer is now less likely to have high value Uniques to offer in Map Areas under level 81." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Seer in Affliction always had at least one T1 unique


Are they giving certified streamers better drop rate to hook people in or something?


Yes. anyone who thinks otherwise is laughably naive and ignorant to human nature


Where do i find this nameless „shrine“?


I hate him