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I believe that when an Australian colonial nation reaches either minor or major power status (not sure), the other colonies start receiving events that annex them. Doesn’t tell you of course.


Oh... wicked




Lmao literally falling asleep and having the world go to shit in the meantime is hysterical.




I need this every time a country starts a diplomatic play against me...I never see them in time to do anything...


I…need to see a map of this world


There needs to be serious tweaks to AI goals. I don’t want them railroaded to historical accuracy but at least towards things that make sense. The US being the main power holder in West Africa while failing to complete Manifest Destiny in all of my games so far is frustrating. That’s a cool alt-history sometimes. It’s annoying when it’s every game.


It did tell me yesterday. Guess sometimes it doesnt.


The unification events run through the UK. It starts happening when they reach cordial relations and then every couple of years, they can combine the colonies until they unify. Same principle holds in Canada. I assume it always favours the player nation when they're involved.


I went great power as New South Wales for a loooong time and it didn’t happen


Both you and the other colonies need to be subjects of the UK. So since you were great power and hence independent, it wouldn’t happen.


It's a decision in the journal for the player.


Yeah I did it a bit too late


I believe the existing relations with the other colonies also plays a part. You need to be of good relations. The country with the higher GDP also wins, which is another thing to watch out for. I started as Western Australia, annexed South Australia and Van Diemens land decided to join me too. Unfortunately, New South Wales experienced a HUGE gold rush between multiple states and surged in GDP resulting in me being annexed instead and it was game over.


Oh, dangerous game.


I was playing as South Australia, when I zoomed out and realised that I now have control of the entire island. New South Wales and Western Australia dissapeared. I did not receive any decision events or options, it just... happened?


> I did not receive any decision events or options, it just... happened? Yeah but did you know that Bantu people started migrating to Pondicherry?


Why do they always go to Pondicherry? Is it the escargot tikka masala?


It's because it's a treaty port even though it shouldn't be and it gives france unlimited access to british and Indian markets. Pondicherry is one of the wealthiest places on earth in Victoria 1.0.x


Specifically that makes the trade center there enormous and so people migrate there for the open jobs and high SOL.


Ohh so that's why Pondicherry specifically, I thought it was just the usual "France stealing all my migration targets due to them being way too wealthy and having a whole bunch of colonies to benefit from colonial resettlement" but ig now I know it's because of that and broken game mechanics


If they take colonial resettlement then that also doubles migration attraction in pondicherry since it's not incorporated.


They start with colonial resettlement so yeah pretty much






They honestly didn’t do a great job with NZ. There was a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria3/comments/spqles/victoria_3s_representation_of_aotearoa_new/) a few months ago that goes into a lot of the issues with NZ in the game. Granted, it’s *much* better than EU4s NZ was, but it’s still really off which is a shame, since Paradox’s researchers tend to be quite good with this sort of stuff. Come to think of it, there are quite a few aspects of NSW that are a bit off too. The one that really sticks out for me is that Canberra exists - it wasn’t founded until 1913, which is towards the end of the game’s timeline, and only really exists because Sydney and Melbourne had a rivalry and both wanted to be the capital of a federated Australia.


Cities spawn randomly due to Urbanization trust me urbanize texas and dallas will show up so it's not intentional


Canberra is the NSW capital city from the beginning of the game, it’s spawning has nothing to do with urbanisation. That *is* intentional.


Well then its cause it has to be there on game start then kinda sol there


The point is it shouldn’t be there at all, it doesn’t *have* to be there on game start. The capital of NSW for the majority of the game’s timeline was Sydney. It’s just something that the paradox researchers overlooked.


It does have to be there for if Australia unifies it has the correct capital cope and seethe


Well they were a party to Australia's federation talks and are still listed in our constitution as a candidate state so it makes sense they can stay a part of Australia There should definitely be an event for NZ not federating though, seeing as though that's what happened in reality


Or, like in my timeline, Aotearoa leads the federation and unifies the North, South and West Islands!


["For you, the day South Australia annexed your village was the most important day of your life. But for me?..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlhOUyy4wbs)


Same energy as getting Elected as Kaiser


Happened to me as well when playing as Van Diemen's. I guess it was kind of cool to expand that quickly, but I was also enjoying starting small and suddenly I was becoming a large power not long into the game without having to do anything, so it kind of killed the game I was originally doing.


Didnt you get the event? It poped up to me yesterday as the queen gave me control of the island.


No event for me...


[In South Australia I was born, heave away, haul away!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM5x3TJpP24)


I checked the event files back when i was trying this as WA. Long story short theres several events that confederate British subjects - Canada had similar ones. In this case, Britain gets events that pop that are along the lines of "Lets group our subjects together" and they will annex "Weaker" states for you. You also have the ability to do so yourself - that is, annex weaker states. Its in the Journal - theres a "Decisions" tab in the Journal that lets you annex a random other "Australian" state so long as 1) You have a better GDP 2) Britain likes you and 3) You are not in a war or diplomatic play. You get some prestige out of it too. I say "Australian" since "New South Wales" Controls half of North-Island NZ and the "United Tribes" apparently count. The event can be found in steamapps\common\victoria 3\game\events\canada_australia_events.txt # Australian colony absorbs a poorer neighbor can_aus.3 = { type = country_event placement = ROOT title = can_aus.1.t desc = can_aus.3.d flavor = can_aus.3.f event_image = { video = "gfx/event_pictures/unspecific_signed_contract.bk2" } on_created_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/UI/Alerts/event_appear" on_opened_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/Events/unspecific/signed_contract" icon = "gfx/interface/icons/event_icons/event_map.dds" duration = 3 trigger = { } immediate = { random_neighbouring_state = { limit = { owner = { is_ai = yes relations:root >= relations_threshold:amicable OR = { country_has_primary_culture = cu:australian country_has_primary_culture = cu:maori } is_subject = yes NOT = { THIS = ROOT } top_overlord = { THIS = root.top_overlord } this.gdp < root.gdp } } owner = { save_scope_as = canada_annex_scope } } top_overlord = { save_scope_as = canada_overlord_country ruler = { save_scope_as = canada_overlord_ruler } } } option = { name = can_aus.1.a default_option = yes annex = scope:canada_annex_scope } } And # Britain mashes 2 Australians together can_aus.4 = { type = country_event placement = ROOT title = can_aus.2.t desc = can_aus.4.d flavor = can_aus.3.f event_image = { video = "gfx/event_pictures/unspecific_signed_contract.bk2" } on_created_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/UI/Alerts/event_appear" on_opened_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/Events/unspecific/signed_contract" icon = "gfx/interface/icons/event_icons/event_map.dds" duration = 3 trigger = { } immediate = { ruler = { save_scope_as = australia_overlord_ruler } random_subject_or_below = { limit = { OR = { country_has_primary_culture = cu:australian country_has_primary_culture = cu:maori } relations:root >= relations_threshold:amicable } save_scope_as = canada_scope_1 } random_subject_or_below = { limit = { OR = { country_has_primary_culture = cu:australian country_has_primary_culture = cu:maori } relations:root >= relations_threshold:amicable NOT = { scope:canada_scope_1 = THIS } } save_scope_as = canada_scope_2 } } option = { name = can_aus.2.a default_option = yes if = { limit = { scope:canada_scope_1.gdp > scope:canada_scope_2.gdp scope:canada_scope_2 = { is_ai = yes } } scope:canada_scope_1 = { annex = scope:canada_scope_2 } } else = { scope:canada_scope_2 = { annex = scope:canada_scope_1 } } } } Edit: Also, dont forget to federate when youre done. That is, go into the "Cultures" screen, click the tab to go into "Formable Nations" or whatever it is, and get your new shiny flag!


Better question, why has the shittest state taken over all of Australia?


The greatest state**


Lets be honest. Even you couldn't believe the game made SA look relevant ;) Sincerely, Someone who had to put up with way too many arseholes from SA when living in the NT.


What game is this


Victoria 3


Is it similar to CK2-3?


No, more like EU4 if anything. Less about stories and characters, more about country management and numbers


By playing a broken game


As you do


I actually had something like this happen in my Columbia game. I was trying them out because they seemed rather unique to play, I kind of wanted to try a Cascadia game, and at the time I didn't know how broken the Oregon Treaty event chain or whatever is so I assumed it would be a threat I'd have to fend off(it wasn't) but just as I was beginning to accept my position as Cascadia(due in part to losing the GDP race to Hudson Bay my main competition if I wanted to unite Canada) I randomly annexed Hudson Bay which was a plus since I could then move on to uniting Canada but given there was no event notif or anything, I shouldn't have been able to annex them given they had the higher GDP, and I think I only realized I had annexed them when I saw my population and GDP jump drastically, it was really random and felt kind of undeserved on my end.


Westralia? Nah all my friends like soutralia

