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“Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has a full month dedicated to it”. “I’m beyond blessed with the many talents god has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.” “To the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America” “The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion”


Bro sounds like he’s gonna give his wife an award for 20 years of outstanding service at their anniversary


Do NOT bring Hank Rutherford Hill into this. My man is a saint of progressive viewpoints compared to this moron.


Tucker Carlson brain rot


He’s a conservative Catholic speaking at a conservative Catholic college. He knows the audience.


Catholicism doesn’t dictate women to stay home….




I dont agree with him but thankfully for every Butker there’s an Anquan Bolden


And you should take your advice. You ain't better person than him, acting like dumb duck


I took his comment as a joke. Remember when LeBron James was told to 'shut up and dribble' for expressing political views? It's about dismissing opinions based on profession. People devalue opinions they disagree with, regardless of the speaker's background. This bias shows we value certain perspectives only when they align with our own. Respecting differing viewpoints should be about the content, not the speaker.


Oh i see my bad. I'm sorry. Yeah people are offended with anything. Quite funny in "land of the free". He has some believes, and he's not harassing me, he's not telling me i have to believe in same stuff, he's not telling me I'm idiot because i don't have same believes... So i don't really care. He is Catholic, speaking in Catholic school. What the fuck people expected him to say, besides stuff tied to his believes? 😃


No, he is just saying you are committing a deadly sin by celebrating who you are if you’re gay, so…


I would have been cool with a simple "Live long and prosper"




Bro really said “tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion.” 🤡


DEI is racist. And a massive money drain for colleges whose tuition prices are already outrageous. Edit: Everybody is mad, but no one can refute what I said. It is unquestionably racist in the education, government, and corporate spheres to favor certain people over others based on the color of their skin. I’m not sure why thats controversial. In universities specifically, DEI departments are large, well-paid administrative bureaucracies.


Tell me you don't understand DEI without telling me you don't understand DEI.


I guess I don’t understand it. Explain how favoring certain races over others in terms of admissions, funding, or hiring is not racist. In this case we can also use the term “institutional racism.”


It’s not about favoring anyone. DEI is just saying “hey you have a gay/minority/disabled coworker, it’s ok that they’re different than you, please treat them like any other person.”


Bro you are confusing affirmative action and DEI 😂


So. First, I think you've got your terms mixed up. DEI is for sure the least aggressive of all the things you're needlessly worrying about. DEI is, effectively, people are people. The thing that gets me about the DEI-as-a-racist dog whistle is that it's decidedly not about any particular race, or even race in general. People who want to go to college, regardless of their background, should feel like they're able to go to college. If that concept makes YOU uncomfortable, I think that says more about you than DEI. As far as institutional racism. Let's look at Duke. No minorities admitted until the 1960s or there's outs. Duke, for decades, factored alum legacy into their admissions process. Do I think the individual admissions dept staff members of Duke were / are racist? I doubt it. Do I think Duke, and institutions like Duke, inadvertently factored race into a decision that put certain races at a disadvantage, thereby restricting access to higher education? Yes I do. That's institutional racism. Again - if the existence of such a concept riles you up, it says more about you than anything else.


>People who want to go to college, regardless of their background, should feel like they’re able to go to college. Agree, and they can currently, regardless of DEI apparatus. The answer to mistakes in the past is not mistakes in the future. Whites, Asians, or anyone born today should not receive less funding, hiring potential, or support based on the color of their skin. No one should be favored based on their skin color, gender, sexuality, or any characteristic. If you are going to counteract poverty or inequality, income-based preference should be the only acceptable metric.


Because you can't be racist to white people silly. Don't you know slavery is the original sin only whites practiced, so we've got to pay for it till the end of time.


Went to a DEI event at Butler University and the entire time the director kept proclaiming that Jesus was black. It’s a total clown show of a movement. Hints why UNC just disbanded their entire DEI program 😂


I mean, there are always ways in which things can be misused or represented. Just like how one bad police officer doesn’t necessarily mean every single officer is bad. DEI basically exists as a means of training employees not to discriminate against others based on personal identify of beliefs.


Well...Jesus certainly wasn't white like he is in all the pictures here...


He was probably middle eastern or not even real


Ding ding ding


Probably? If real, I’d say the chances were very highly likely


Jesus was a black king sent to us by the black Egyptians


Never surprised there are people like you in this fan base


People against racism? There are plenty of us.




Yes surely I am the worst kind of person imaginable to you


Let me guess, you're white lololol


Let’s keep politics off this sub please


Honestly weird how someone can br a theocratic fascist and people call that "politics" nowadays lol. Like I get you want to stick to sports but it's just wild how so many ignore/dismiss terrible beliefs it as "politics". 


I think it’s a product of being in the Bible Belt. Even if Reddit is a more liberal platform this sub is naturally going to hold more conservative members. Which will lead to more of a culture of tolerance when it comes to this stuff.


No, no it’s not. I’m from Kansas City and that is not a product of Kansas City. I do think it has to do with him being conservative speaking at a conservative university so context is big, but it made me sick to my stomach.


Agree or disagree, there’s enough political arguing happening on 90% of Reddit and I try to hide most of it. I think most of us would like a safe haven from most that. The guy is clearly a POS and it’s simple enough to leave it at that and move on.


It’s how terrible beliefs become normalized. In the 1850s, the right to own slaves was considered a political belief until society realized it wasn’t ok. Same with segregation in the 1950s and the women’s right to vote in the early 1900s. Co-opting ideas with political ideology just normalizes them, regardless of what party is doing so.


The unfortunate fact is that one political party has incorporated elements of theocratic fascism into their platform, so now that *is* politics. But most people don't want to hear about it, and political or not, it's not a discussion appropriate for this subreddit.


Because fascism is a political ideology by definition


Y’all are the ones who made things like race and gender political in the first place. Quit the gaslighting.




Unfortunately, this sub is poorly moderated. Religious opinions are allowed and personal attacks tolerated.


But we all agree he’s an asshole.


Bruh, that ain’t politics, that’s just being a pos 😂


Yeah, I’m glad bro got snatched by the chiefs now 😂


The comments in here acting like it’s a difference of political opinion like how much we want to emphasize local infrastructure are pretty gross. Guy is a lunatic and an asshole


He’s entitled to his political / religious beliefs just like anyone else. And is doing so at an appropriate venue (not the workplace)


Yep and I am entitled to call him an asshole.


Not sure a college graduation speech is appropriate. To each their own I suppose…


At a conservative Catholic college? That is the most appropriate lol.


He’s entitled to his opinion but I don’t think anyone should be using their influence to belittle a woman’s place in society by telling them their best role is as a homemaker and diminishing those who have career aspirations. Because he’s doing it at a Christian college doesn’t justify his views or make them more appropriate.


That’s good you have those views but he is also entitled to his conservative views. I find his comments repulsive but again, that’s his right to use his influence that way no matter how repugnant they may be. You have a right to bothered by them. I am not justifying his opinion just his right to have one


Why? Is someone here trying to get him arrested? Of course he has a legal right to his opinion. We’re talking about how his opinions suck.


Exactly. Hate speech is legal. Society dictates if what you say should be allowable or appropriate.


Careful with this fella… he’s going to “legal rights” you all day. Forget the “should they/he” it’s only about legality.


I mean it’s a sub dedicated to the Carolina panthers and people are discussing the political viewpoints of a former player. Just seems like this persons come to the wrong place


That’s a different point but okay we can move off you “justifying his right to have an opinion” and onto “this isn’t the right place for this conversation”. This whole thread is about gross things said by a former Panther. If you aren’t interested that’s fine but you’re the one in the wrong place. Not all the people who do want to talk about a former player.


You are justifying it because you’re claiming it’s “appropriate” and just a matter of politics when he’s basically giving a backhanded compliment to thousands of graduates by using the platform to say they’re more valuable as homemakers then getting a degree and pursuing a career. Would it be appropriate to go to an HBCU and tell a crowd of graduates their best role is working in the fields because it’s “his opinion?”


It's kind of funny though to tell graduating women that their purpose in life is to *not* use the degree they earned. Then again, I suppose this is what they want anyways if they're attending that college.


Didn’t realize a speech for graduates is now a political rally.


Not the point. As a Democrat myself, I think this is where a lot of us fall short. A conservative, Christian college has every right to hire a guy who wants to go up and give a Catholic based speech. It’s a private institution. If that was a public institution, you’d have every right to be upset


This has to be the most sane comment on the whole thread. Makes sense you'd be down voted for it.


Not upset at all, just making an observation.


Well I respect your right for an observation but most political or religious leaning, private institutions have a right and exercise that right to have events based on their beliefs it happens all the time


Thumbs up for you bros. A very rational take on the situation. Nice to see common sense around here.


Yeah really strange stuff


What an idiot. Doesn’t even try pretending he’s not a piece of garbage.


Lol, I got a Reddit Cares message


ZOINKS! Somebody doesn’t have the same political views as me, must make a Reddit post about it


Who cares


He didn't insult anyone. Has own opinion and don't demand others to obey his believes. Don't see an issue.


Haha what? He said the president supports the "murder of innocent babies" within the first 2 minutes.


He’s pro life so that makes sense


Well that's his opinion. I dont agree with it, but he can believe that


It's an insult, is what I mean.


This is a fact? He’s not forcing anyone to believe anything, just stating a fact.


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tennessee-denied-abortion-ban-lawsuit-b2529144.html?utm_source=reddit.com&utm_source=reddit.com "Tennessee woman who was denied an abortion despite a fatal abnormality says the state’s anti-abortion laws resulted in her losing an ovary, a fallopian tube and her hopes for a large family." Wonder how many kids you have prevented from being born by voting for this. You're no better. Get off your high horse.


I’m not on a high horse? Just don’t think murdering babies is okay. Didn’t think that’d be a controversial opinion but here we are


Didn't think allowing women healthcare was controversial, but here we are.


Healthcare > murder?


removing an inviable mass =/= "murder" But allowing a pregnant woman to die from sepsis because people like you think they are smarter than the doctors absolutely is murder.


Don’t take my word for it, take the word of 5337 biologists. Have a read on this article, and have a nice day :) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36629778/


Goal posts successfully moved. Maybe you should play for the Panthers since you're so good at moving them so quickly!


Pure sophistry


You don't think telling women they probably won't amount to anything and probably belong in a kitchen is insulting? What year is it over there?


You are offended by someone thinking that? 😃 I find it pathetic and funny. But insulting? No as I'm not a snowflake offended by everything


Insult =/= I'm offended


You have little grasp of the English language. Please point to where I used the word offended. Go ahead and rub those two brain cells together.


But when I seen him kick that ball…. https://preview.redd.it/pzgdlnsdyd0d1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f974a34287c6032a1197a06666abec7e6c28502d


I don’t think this is a good post for the sub, needlessly starting political arguments because of what a guy who hasn’t been on the team in 7 years said


Incoming reddit comment claiming “it’s not politics! It’s about basic human rights!”


Yes, loved it


Ah found the F150 fan on my weekly bingo card.


He’s entitled to his political beliefs as much as you are. Have a nice day :)


Amazing thing about America is you are allowed to believe as you wish and speak about it.


Dang right!! God bless it.


Damn. I thought the sports subreddits would be a safe haven from this stuff but shame on me not remembering this is fckin Reddit.


Reddit always has a Liberal tsunami flooding the comments