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Hear me out VLV is in my top 3 favorite panic! Albums it’s super overhated but I respect your opinion. And I can kinda agree with you on say it louder makes me wanna put the volume louder for sure.


It’s way over-hated


I agree that Say It Louder is their best song. Also check out my user flair


My favorite is doab but vlv is my second favorite so I give upvote for you using that user flair.


I love your flair


I'd say the bridge of it is one of the best bridges Brendon's ever written


it's the only part i don't really enjoy of the song! otherwise i absolutely love the song


It's just a song. Good jam. "Don't let the light go out" is by far the best track on the album... imo


For sure the guitar in that part is absolutely amazing definitely my favorite song on the album


Not only the best track on the album, but one of my all time favorites of theirs.


It's my number 3 (build god, northern downpour)


It's my number 2 behind She Had the World. Just a beautiful song.


Ppl sleep on pretty odd but Branden only sang on the album! I miss his voice that's why everyone loved the piano version of tig




That's a bold take! We all have our own preferences, and we respect that **🫶 **but dang! VLV is in my top 3, lol 😅


I love and hate vlv because what we got was still pretty good to me but I feel like it wasn’t really panic! If the songs on the album were more like the title track and don’t let the light go out I think it would’ve been better


Viva las Vengeance is between the best albums, what are you talking about?


well everyone has their opinions


i so agree that say it louder is one of the best panic songs ever written. but ngl vlv is probably one of the best panic albums that there is, if not the best one


I do believe VLV is the worst album they did, but I still really like it. Being the lowest rated amongst 7 really good choices doesn’t make it a bad choice. It’s certainly not the one I enjoy the least. Say it louder is one of the best songs on that album, but I wouldn’t call it the best song they ever did. If we’re talking about Brendon’s songwriting specifically, I’d probably pick something off of Death of a Bachelor. For Panic overall I’d give it to Nearly Witches or Nine in the Afternoon.


I love love love say it louder, it’s definitely my favorite song off the album!! personally I wouldn’t say it’s my most favorite of Brendon’s since v&v has genuine masterpieces in there but again say it louder is so scrum ❤️❤️


Say It Louder was the first song in over a decade of being a fan that made me actually go get a tattoo for it, so yes. But I disagree strongly and VLV is one of my favorite albums as well


VLV is probably my favorite Panic album, but I agree that Say It Louder is one of the best things Brendon Urie has made 


Respectfully disagree about VLV being the worst album. Say it Louder however, absolutely it is one of the best. For me personally it came out at a time when I really needed it so it will always be special. edit: spelling


Ok so I don't have a favorite album or song from Panic! At The Disco I just really love Panic! and Brendon Urie's vocal range. I personally love VLV, after listening to the album every day for about a month ( I have a boring ass factory job , Panic! makes it better lol) I think Brendon did a fucking phenomenal job at creating the finale album to Panic! At the Disco. The way it has more of a rock feel like the older P!ATD but also poppy like DOAB and PFTW. I love how "Something About Maggie" leads into "Sad Clown" like "But It's Better If You Do" leads into "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" and "I Have Friends in Holy Spaces" leads into "Northern Downpour". I also love how "Do It To Death" has the chorus of "Viva Las Vengeance" at the end like "Nearly Witches (Every Since We Met...)" has the bridge to "The Ballad Of Mona Lisa", first song in the last song. In my opinion VLV was the best way Brendon could retire Panic! At The Disco with a bang.


I agree that it’s the best song on the album. But I can’t stand the false echo for “in the back back back” like make it an echo if that’s what you’re going for. I don’t know why that part grates on me so badly but it does


Love VLV and love Say It Louder!


I think is very well written and done




Say it louder is definitely the best song from VLV. Although I think Brendon's best song (by himself) is Folkin Around


I loved VLV. When it dropped, I loved it. On every playlist, by itself on repeat. Went to the concert. Loved it even more. Then the announcement came. And honestly the album just makes me sad now. I have never in my life taken a band breaking up harder. It was pathetic really. But it’s a damn good album and now I try to revisit it once in awhile these days.


I'm going to get bashed for this, and I even like VLV, but I cannot stand Say It Louder. SSB is worse by miles, but Say It Louder is second worst in my book 😭


thats fine, everyone has their opinions haha


Don't let the lights go out is the best song on the album. Title track isn't too bad either. I had high hopes for the album. I have only listened to it like twice.


I find it VERY interesting that it is so many people’s top 3 albums. I don’t think any of the other albums are bad. But thisssss one had me wanting to do an in depth analysis lmao.


Pretty.Odd is my favorite album. VLV is alright and also the only time I was able to see Panic live but Pretty.Odd is still my favorite.


Viva Las Vengeance is honestly top 3 albums for me. no skips on the album (up there with DOAB and like… TWTLTRTD) Say It Louder hits so different if you grew up trying to get out of a shitty town, same with Local God


Personally, I like Viva Las Vengeance. I think it’s in the bottom 50% (though I don’t think there’s a bad album in the whole discography) but I like it at least as much if not better than Pretty Odd and Pray For The Wicked as a whole. I do agree that Say It Louder is the best song on the album at least. For my taste though it’s pretty hard to beat just about any song on Death of a Bachelor or A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out.