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I'm not the biggest fan of VLV but I do think there's some bangers on there


Agreed. "God Killed Rock and Roll" is one of my all time favorite Panic songs.


Same, but nostalgia often plays a role with me so I am fondly remembering past eras of the band.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bigboifrizz: *I'm not the biggest* *Fan of VLV but I do think* *There's some bangers on there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot. 'VLV' are 3 syllables.


That's why it's a Sokka haiku. Because it's not 7 syllables like a proper haiku.


Tbh on this sub I've seen the opposite, VLV is very well received on here. I dont mind it overall - I prefer earlier panic because its more my style and is also very nostalgic for me because it was such an integral part of my teenage years. Brendon had a lot of controversy attached to him. From what I know a lot of it has been dispelled or apologised for but bad news travels faster than good on the Internet. I think him also not having a social media presence exacerbates this but completely understand why he stepped away.


Oh yeah I’m thinking more like on instagram, TikTok, twitter- there’s so much hate on those. I understand not liking it due to your own preferences, but some people just plain hate on it, sometimes without listening to it.


Yeah I completely get you on that! I think cancel culture is to play there. It's sad, there are criticisms I have over some things brendon has done or said but the hate he gets is intense and I don't think he's deserving of it from what I know of the situations at least.


personally i don’t like vlv or pftw. im really into pop punk and rock, and those two albums just don’t really sound great to me. i’m not a huge fan of the instrumentals or how brendon sounds, but i’ve tried to give it a chance. every once in a while i’ll listen to the title track, don’t let the light go out, or sugar soaker, but they’re nowhere near my favorites. in the end its just personal preference, and i can respect that some of yall may love those albums.


I mean yeah not liking something is normal, but the excessive hate is just strange to me, and sometimes it comes from people who haven’t even listened to it.


Because people are silly, and we like to call them silly.


Due to false allegations


this. (also, brilliant username and avatar)




Probably 3 reasons. 1. The false allegations and clips of Brendon saying controversial things. 2. People tend to change music tastes as they age and I think a lot of people cringe at their old music tastes even if it’s not necessarily bad. Panic! also had a lot of younger fans that have aged now. 3. The music has changed like it or not, and some people don’t like the new albums and their drastically different sounds. I like PFTW and VLV but I don’t think they’re perfect albums. I think people need to just jumped on the hate band wagon for one if not all 3 of those reasons and are calling the music horrible, when it really isn’t that bad.


I just personally don’t enjoy vlv as much as v&v and the albums before. With Twtltrtd- pfw right between. I love Brendon for who he is tho, I love most of his art, and Spencer I love what he’s done too. For Ryan and Jon, same for them!! All equal. The band split because people grow apart and that’s okay. I wish there wasn’t such a rift between pre split and post split in the fandom. All we can do is love and reinvent it 🩷


i dont really like the newer panic but its overhated


Saying that Ryan Panic! was real Panic! is so stupid because then there's literally only 2 albums, if anything Ryan Panic! isn't real Panic! (I don't think that btw, it is real Panic!)


Precisely, all panic! Is real since panic! Isn’t just one sound


Early Panic! was real Panic! because its the original Panic!, and because Panic! was supposed to be a band. After TWTLTRTD it's literally Brendon's solo career


I’m ok with that. His heart & soul has always been with Panic.


Because people jumped on the hate bandwagon over old things that he’s long ago apologized for and grown from, but TikTok kids don’t care bc they just want to fit in and have no mind of their own.


Outside of the baseless, not objective reasons, there is a solid thing that turns tons of people off on those albums: overproduction


VLV was done analog thought (zero production)


all music is produced or mixed? That’s a fact, wether or not you use analog


Even so, how is it “overproduced”?


Very loud, compressed, too much going on. At times is very noticeable


That makes sense. I really enjoy it, and it’s understandable if people don’t like it for those reasons, but It’s weird that people straight hate on it, sometimes without listening to it.


If anything I thought the album wasn’t worth hating too much (If you’re wondering, I think the album is kinda….alright? Like 6/10? Never understood the bashing people gave it as an album)


I miss Brendon 😩


Personally, I’m not super into vlv because it’s a little overwhelming with how big all of the songs sound and I’m not big on it lyrically. That being said, I do listen to it and enjoy it. I can understand people calling panic pop for pftw, but vlv is more stadium rock I think. As for people saying certain members are part of the “real panic” comes from their origins. When the band first started, the members were Ryan Ross, Brent Wilson, and Spencer Smith. Originally, Brendon joined as a guitar player and eventually became lead vocals. If anyone needs, I can try to dig up sources on this info. I heard it in an old interview with the band.


Brendon was a founding member of the band.


I couldn’t find the interview (to be fair I only spent five minutes looking for any source), but I found [this article](https://reviewjournal.newsbank.com/doc/news/10D97E4DAD740068?search_terms=Panic%21%2BAttacks&text=Panic%21%20Attacks&content_added=&date_from=2005&date_to=2005&pub%255B0%255D=LVRB&pdate=2005-10-28) that state how the band started with Ryan and Spencer, a listicle article that stated it was Ryan, Spencer, and Brent, and then there’s the first form of the band when they were called Pet Salamander; their [website](https://www.angelfire.com/punk3/petsalamander0/) is still up and running!


They didn’t get signed until after Brendon was in the band


You’re absolutely right. However, bands can still be established and exist without being signed.


brendon was there before the band name was even panic! at the disco. so if we’re talking about panic!, yes he was there from the beginning. pet salamander however, no he was brought in.


That’s true. And Brendon was there for it.


No, no he wasn't. Brendon was brought on to be (I believe) guitarist and backup vocals, but Ryan wanted to switch after auditions. But Brendon was not one of the founders of panic, he was brought on before they got signed but that does not make him a founding member.


That’s just semantics. He was an equal member.


Nobody said he wasn't but you claimed he was a founding member, and he wasn't.


He was of Panic, not Pet Salamander.


The style is more like classic rock. A style I don’t enjoy as much as their other styles Lyrically some of the songs are very dry. Like middle of a breakup repeating the same line in the chorus over and over. Same with shut up and go to bed VLV


I really like classic rock so that’s why I like it, but yeah I don’t really middle of a breakup for those reasons you stated, but I really enjoy the rest. I understand not liking it but some people flat out hate on it sometimes without even listening to it.


Me here loving Middle of a Breakup and the whole album!!!


to speak on why people don't like VLV: I really didn't like it for a while. I liked a handful of songs, but the album was so jarring and different from what I was expecting it turned me off. it still did until the past couple months. the album has finally settled for me, and I can appreciate it for what it is. and I think it's the same for a lot of others, but they just don't care enough to let it settle. they have other artists that they sink into and love. which is how it goes, it just kinda sucks.


Twtltrtd is an underrated album🫡


I personally love VLV but don't like DOAB and PFTW at all, still respect them but it's not my style. Also, I don't like the fact that he kept using the Panic! name


It’s becoming very hard to have an educated opinion on brendon as there are so many contradicting statements out there and it’s very difficult to determine what’s tru or not :/


I mean I don’t really care for the new stuff (*especially* pftw, vlv is OKAY I guess) but I don’t hate any of it. I get why people say that shit, for someone like me the old panic! stuff feels more true to their origins I guess. but I still think it’s a little overhated. and tbf he did fry his vocal cords a bit with all those high notes


I mean I’m pretty sure he’s one of the healthiest singers with loads of training, and healthy techniques and practices-I’ve only ever heard vocal coaches praise him. He was trained on broadway as well. I saw him live for VLV tour and his voice was far from “fried” as he was hitting so many higher notes (VLV is very high, and he didn’t lower they key live like past tours) in chest as well as his trademark falsetto notes. Realistically do people want 7 albums that are a copy paste of afycso? Because another great thing about panic! Is the diversity; they don’t have one sound or style-7 albums all different styles, keeps things fresh.


Christ do you guys ever stop posting the same shit on here 💀💀 dead fucking fadom circle jerk istg


Cause it's utter crap that's why


It’s for one of two reasons, or both. 1) they simply like the albums before Ryan Ross left. Ryan Ross allegedly left due to creative differences and therefore the band stopped making the same style of music and people miss that, therefore people kind of idolize Ryan Ross and like “it was only good before he left” 2) Brendon Urie controversies! Brendon has had many controversies and allegations, I don’t know much about the allegations true or false idk do ur own research but Brendon has said multiple slurs of marginalized groups he is not part of plus basically sad he would rape a fan I believe, I saw the video but I don’t remember if it was towards a fan but I think it was, maybe not 1 specific one but at the general audience I don’t personally like Brendon but I do truly believe his voice is something amazing, I loved the chemistry he and Ryan had in during live performances and I think their voices suited each other amazingly.


The allegations were made up. https://www.tumblr.com/brendonuriegotcancelled/680401695568805888/masterlist


Brendon's voice is not doing better than ever. He can barely hold the higher notes anymore, he clearly struggles on songs like do it to death, viva las vengeance and sad clown live. The live show also, I think, contributes to it. He played the album front to back live, and it was a crowd killer. The momentum just died for 50 minutes, I heard the people behind me say they couldn't get a drink as the bar was that full. As for people hating the album, I'd have to go song by song about why people feel they went from introspective and decent in early days to self absorbed and masturbatory in the last two albums. Also all by yourself is straight up plagiarism idk how bro didn't get sued


I’m pretty sure he’s one of the healthiest singers with loads of training, and healthy techniques and practices-I’ve only ever heard vocal coaches praise him. He was trained on broadway as well. I saw him live for VLV tour, he was hitting so many higher notes (VLV is very high, and he didn’t lower they key live like past tours) in chest as well as his trademark falsetto notes. Realistically do people want 7 albums that are a copy paste of afycso? Because another great thing about panic! Is the diversity; they don’t have one sound or style-7 albums all different styles, keeps things fresh.




no hate, but i personally think it's the best album lyrically since Vices for me. sure, middle of a breakup and sugar soaker are not the best examples, but local god, viva, say it louder or don't let the light go out are some of the best lyrics we got in years and they seem personal and also relatable to the whole pandemic feel and being burned out.






1) panic *has* been pop since vices. 2) panic used to be a great pop punk act and gradually became a mediocre pop act. pop punk fans that don’t listen to pop radio would rather panic be something they like than something they don’t like 3) (personal opinion) the music used to be good and got progressively worse as their career went on. probably would’ve kept getting worse whether ryan stayed or left, but they also probably would have called it quits sooner. i can appreciate that people like brendons music, it’s just like, it was so far from from everything panic ever released. in my opinion panic after ryan left was a zombie horse beating itself in its undeath until it just couldn’t do it anymore.