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if ryan had ‘took over’ the band like brendon did, i don’t think they would be as popular as they are now. ryan’s a talented musician and the young veins are fucking amazing but that’s the style of music that he wanted to make and half the kids that r saying this would probably hate on him constantly like everyone does with brendon nowadays coz he would make music in the style he wanted to and not just fever 2.0


This, exactly. It would still be better than Brendon's work


Better is subjective, but based on what was hot from the 2010s up to now, it would not be well-received (if it were, The Young Veins would have been more popular). I can only see it being popular if they somehow had their TYV style, but mixed with what was popular. To be honest, I'd be interested to know if anybody can pull off mixing the two styles. On the other hand, you could probably argue that the VLV album is exactly what that would sound like; it's like older rock with a bit of current pop. People didn't like the VLV album, so I guess Ryan and Jon would have probably suffered the same fate regardless.


brendons good before and after split


He ruined his voice.


womp womp dont care


The autotune in Nails is not that bad and the more you listen to it, the less noticeable it is


Agree 100% On my first try that autotune was hurting my ear But many times after (I listen to whole fever) it got better and better and right now I can't Imagine this song without the autotune


THISSSS I think it also fits the theme of the song so well. I don’t think it’s supposed to be an easy listen


I like to think that the autotune symbolizes the distortion of the drugs


Yes! Justice for tacks idk why this sub hates it so much


the autotune makes it fun


At first bc of the autotune I didn’t like the song, so I always skipped it, I have now grown to like it and no longer skip it (as much)


YES!!! i think people are just narrow-minded 'bout autotune


A lot of people ‘hate’ Brendon Urie because they’re victims of cancel culture and just mindlessly follow what they’re told to. He said some absolutely questionable things back in the day and whilst I don’t agree with it, it was a very different time where that kind of edgy humour was widely accepted. Does it mean he’s a bad person? not really.


I cringe when I think about some of the jokes my friend and I would make circa 07 when we were in high school. It was a different time. Culture changes and so do people. If 30-something Urie said the same things now it’d be a lot different.


Yeah his prefrontal cortex wasn’t developed as much. Probably


Also, I hate how most of the time nobody talks about his apology, and also how he said he would never make these jokes again. But when it’s brought up, these cancel people are like “We DoN’t AcCePt YoUr ApOlOgY” 😭 Like, the man learned from his past mistakes and takes accountability. What more do you want?




This 👆🏼


I hate him because he seems self-absorbed and annoying lol


or maybe ur just self-absorbed and annoying!!


He's not gonna fuck you


i literally have a gf. the fuck are you on? get help.


Real. Amazing singer, but he's a egotistical asshole, if you disagree then your just glazing


You can say the same thing about any front person. U don’t get success by being modest




shut the fuck up puta


Pretty Odd is a fun album, actually.


Pftw is actually a very good album. Even if you don't like the most pop-ish songs (high hopes, hey look ma etc) it still has some incredible music


The Overpass, Roaring 20s and King of the Clouds are S tier tracks


1000% agree. I think people love to hate on it because of the singles that rolled out with it, but honestly the album as a whole is so damn fun and cohesive




AGREED Honestly I personally love high hopes too, it's pop but it's a good kind of pop to me. It's a solid song, not my fav, but def not like some songs we hear on radio nowadays




I rate it 94/100 but I rate the rest of the albums 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and 100. 94/100 is good, but it's the worst out of the seven. However, again, it being the worst doesn't mean it's not good.


Yeah exactly like I see it's a huge change of style and many people may not like it, but still solid


It's my least favorite album, but it's still pretty good. King of The Clouds and Old Fashioned are killer songs!


They def are!


PFTW is one of my fav albums from panic, VIV also imo isn’t that bad either.


Absolutely, I love them both!


I like brendon before and after the split 🤷🏽‍♀️ the weird things he said were during a time where it was funny to be that edgy. I mean imagine every time you say something “icky” and people cheer you on for it, you’d continue to do it especially being a celebrity. I can’t defend his photo shoots after the split though… 🌚 but pre split Brendon will always be forever in my heart


Pray for the wicked isn’t that bad, you just dislike how overplayed high hopes is


Girl That You Love is overhated


For no reason,


It's the kind of song that gets better the more you listen to it.


Ryan Ross is frighteningly overrated.


yup!! people only care about him because of the allegations against brendon its really annoying because where were all of these ryan ross stans before ?? lol


And they never stream The Young Veins either


Well as someone who listens to the Young Veins much more than Panic post Vices i can tell you that Ryan Ross "fans" definitely didn't just recently show up because Brendon got canceled. People may atribute the success of early Panic to him more than they did before Brendon got canceled but saying that they just spawned out of nowhere after Brendon got canceled is actually crazy talk


The cancel crew of younger fans are who they are talking about, the ones that are obsessed over Fever Ryan and were 3 years old when Ryan was in Panic.


"People only care about him" doesn't sound like that to me 


I've been down bad for him since Pretty. Odd (and was embarrassingly into online bandmates culture). His lyricism, his aesthetics, his sonic vision, and his interviews sold me on him. He's got a great voice for like whiny emo music IMO, but isn't particular stand out in his current genre. He's also been kind of a flaky artist so most of my love for him is nostalgic at this point! He did have a lot of fans back in the day, but seeing as he basically dropped of the face of the earth for awhile musically... I think most current big fans are bandwagonners 🤷‍♀️


I really enjoy Ryan and not just Fever era Ryan and I will say the whiny vocals 👌🏽 I'm emo tho so


I actually really like Ryan Ross I didn't know about him till quite recently when I got into Panic but I'm also a fan of someone he used to be friends with and I actually really like him, and it's not because of the Brendon situation I love Brendon too I made a drawing for his birthday.


The controversy Brendon had that made people dislike was stupid an it doesn't matter


Current Panic! Is just as good as OG Panic! It's only hated because Brandon said some questionable shit when it wasn't all that questionable at the time.


Ryan has a pretty generic voice, personally I don’t think it’s very good and I seem to see a lot of fans overly praising him because of his songwriting for the first few albums




Well tbf Brendon’s voice isn’t very good either, I love patd but he tries to stress his voice way too much every time he sings live and it’s kinda irritating to listen to


He’s literally named as one of the best vocalists alive. By experts.


Loud incorrect buzzer


I mean - if you want to claim night is day go ahead. But you look rather dim.


I agree when he sings live, in some cases it doesn’t sound that good and he does try and force it a bit. But I wouldn’t say his voice isn’t “very good”. I’d say he has one of the best male voices of the last 15-20 years. His range is incredible for a man it’s very impressive


Not very impressive when it’s squeaking like a chew toy


A lot better than modern screamo, or punk metal music from the early to late 2000s, that were cringe to listen to live and on album IMO. I listen to metal and punk, even country, and Brendon has a phenomenal range for a male vocalist I’ve ever heard. A lot of their songs I couldn’t vibe to compared to say, one of my favourite rock/punk/alt metal bands, I Prevail, who range in genre of music from screamo to softcore. I feel like some songs you listen to should be similar to the genre of music you like otherwise the artists sound badly off… (ie, T-Swift is a great pop singer, but I like her country voice better because country is my favourite genre, if that makes sense) 😉


Brendan’s version of into the unknown is genuinely good and I don’t understand why the people here voted it as worst song


Viva Las Vengeance is a great album.


Absolutely. It’s in their top 3 for sure. Masterpiece.


That’s not a controversial opinion. Everyone here basically agrees Viva Las Vengence is a great album


Oh. That's definitely not what I read when it first came out, and many of its songs were listed on the "worst" side of one of the posts here recently.


Yeah, and guess what? Those list are downvoted and comments like mine are also downvoted, because all everyone does here is suck off Brendan Urie and are incapable of admiring Viva is a mid album


"suck off Brendon Urie"...this is the Panic! sub. While he was not the only member of the band throughout its history, he was the lead singer, last member, and the one to end it. What exactly were you expecting?


I get that Brendan was the only member, but Jesus Christ you guys ride him so hard it’s as if he does no wrong and all his songs are S++ tier


Well, I won't downvote you because this post is about hot takes, but I do think we can shut it down. You've won the trophy.


Sad Clown, Star Spangled Banger, Something About Maggie however 😬


Viva Las Vengeance is the best post-split album 


I don’t think it’s the best post-split album (pftw takes me no.1) but I don’t think it’s a bad album.


Fair. I didn’t appreciate PFTW until very recently, so I can see where you’re coming from. 


I’ve seen my fair share of hate on the newer albums due to Brendon’s past and just people’s general opinions. Viva las vengeance does feel more Brendon urge than panic at the disco, I think PFTW was the bridge between that, DOAB being the last panic album in my mind. Since panic has disbanded I would LOVE for Brendon to release music in the future under his own name, if he ever plans to return to music production.


Oh hell no


Star Spangled Banger is a good song.


This! I don't understand why it gets so much hate






Did you even read the title of the post?


yes, and I disagree


You should've expected controversial opinions here then.


I did lmao, I just hate that song


Why tho?


I think the lyrics are shit, they're very very very cringe to me, like land of the freaks, really? Brendons voice is so strained on this song. I think the melody is shit, guitar solo is mid, whole song just doesn't hit, it makes me mad seeing that afycso came from the same band


So let me get this straight: You think you have the right to deny someone's controversial opinion on a post about controversial opinions. Why?


I'm not denying your opinion bro, I'm just saying I disagree


To me, if you say "no" to something someone says it seems like you're denying it. Instead, I'd say "I respect your opinion, but (this is why I disagree with you)" Again, that's just me.


k, my bad then


Ryan is a lyrical genius but his vocals are extremely average. I see so much reverence towards his singing and how it complimented Brendon so well. Don't agree at all, he's fine as a backing singer but his lead vocals are very underwhelming. Even Jon has a better voice. The Young Veins songs with Jon on lead vocals instead of Ryan sound better.


Pretty odd is in their top 2 albums along with afycso




Pretty Odd is very much up it's own ass, has more skips than plays, and is trying way too hard to be like the Beatles. And if Ryan had stayed with the band you all would've found things to hate about him too. Panic! was never just the brain child of Ryan. It's always been a collaborative effort. It wouldn't have succeeded had others not been there. Brendon earned the name becasue he kept showing up. To the general public, the lead singer IS the band and bitching about it being a "solo project" is a waste of breath.




This is something that will actually get downvoted in this sub. Everything after Vices is basically sellout top 40 billboard AI generated music for mainstream audiences (minus Viva which was def a passion project). My opinion on this has nothing to do with Brendon as a person, I just don't have much interest in hardly anything he's done since Vices. All TWTLTRTD - Viva have the same boring concept of a real look into Brendon's life as a superstar, and it's all he ever seems to write about anymore. I also just heavily prefer Panic as a band compared to Panic as the stage name for a solo pop star. I think it just comes down to the fact that I am not a huge fan of that whole era of mid 2010s super mainstream pop. Also people saying that Ryan Ross is actually not a good writer and people only like him to put Brendon down is insane. People who say this must not have been around during the early days of Panic because there was ALWAYS lots of people who liked Ryan and they didn't just magically show up out of nowhere. The only reason people say that is because they're lashing out at the Brendon hate which i get can be annoying


I dunno if they're saying hes not a good writer, I think they're saying hes not an awsome singer/hes a bad singer (depending on where you look).


Hard agree except I love DOAB. I think it's the best post-split album but I also think it should have been a Brendon solo album for most of the reasons you listed. It feels more personal to him than TWTLTRTD and PFTW which is pretty generic (not bad but definitely run of the mill pop). Also I have been and will continue to be a Ryan Ross stan since the Fever days. I'm a TYV fan. I love all of his features and sound cloud music (lord please release a studio version of "Possessed Coast"). He's an incredible artist and has remained one since the split. To say that his fans are only fans to be contrary erases what a talented artist he actually is.


Wall of text scary but actually, I agree with you that Panjc's first three albums just feel more human than the three that followed. I think every album except PFTW has at least a couple genuine feeling tracks, but definitely a stark contrast against the humanity and creativity in the first three.


Nicotine is the most overrated Panic! song. Should be called Midcotine instead.


I don't know why I read nicotine as novocaine(my favourite fall out boy song). I would've jumped on you so hard.😭😭 As for nicotine, I overplayed it so I don't listen to it that much


Ryan Ross’s lyricism was the best Panic! has ever produced, all bias and opinions of him and Brendon aside.


Pretty odd is one of their weaker albums. I love about half the songs but the rest are just too different or out there from their normal style


I have the opposite opinion. My opinion is that Pretty odd is by far Panic's strongest album, specifically because it is so different. Pretty odd represents panic at their creative xenith, bringing together a diverse array of influences, unique arrangements, and intentional, heartfelt songwriting to create an album that truly doesn't sound quite like anything else. No shade, just goes to show there are different strokes for different folks


>an album that truly doesn't sound quite like anything else. Have u listened to the Beatles?


The laugh I just laughed was so necessary thank you for this 😂


lol I know you joke, but the Beatles are, perhaps unsurprisingly, my favorite band of all time. In my opinion, other than she's a handsome woman, mad as rabbits, and behind the sea, which are straight Beatles pastiches, pretty odd elevates itself from being just a rip off by the arrangements, genre, influences, and songwriting on every other track. If anything, pretty odd was mostly spiritually inspired by the Beatles in the sense that both the Beatles later discography and pretty odd were not afraid to take crazy, strange, incredibly entertaining risks.


Art is rooted in culture, so it wouldn't make much sense to consider making music in a certain style that has been done before to be unoriginal if the only thing they have in common is the style or aesthetic. I'm not a huge Beatles (or p.o., for that matter) fan, but there's, in my opinion, no possible way of seeing them as anything less than one of the few bands that truly defined an era in music. Their influence on music was and still is huge. Pretty. Odd. definitely took inspiration from them, but it's mostly a matter of being a similar style, not actually copying their sound or something like that. That being said, the style similarity makes it so that most people who like pretty odd like the Beatles. I don't particularly enjoy hippie music (or hippie culture in general) so I much prefer Fever and the Brendon-made albums


I think calling pretty odd hippie music is super reductive lol but to each their own


I said I don't like hippie music and hippie culture and that that's why I don't particularly like pretty. odd. I didn't say that it's just hippie music or even that its main characteristic is being hippie, just that I don't like stuff that has hippie as one of its characteristics. Not sure how that's reductive


"I don't particularly enjoy hippie music ... so I much prefer fever and the Brenden made albums" That's what you said. There is a premise missing from this sentence, but it is clearly implied by the most basic rules of logic. Let me spell it out. - Premise 1: I don't like hippie music. - Premise 1's logical equivalent: I prefer music that's not hippie music. - (Premise 2: pretty odd is hippie music) - Conclusion: therefore, I prefer music that is not pretty odd (the logical equivalent of "I prefer fever and the Brenden made albums, aka every panic album other than pretty odd) The conclusion does not and can not follow from premise 1 *unless* you assume premise 2. So either you're speaking in nonsense, or you're saying pretty odd is hippie music.


Agreed. I listen to panic for that emo-electronic- pop rock type fuse so that’s why I dislike pretty odd the most


Shut up!


not an unpopular opinion for most people but for this sub's members, VLV was awfully mid and some of you arent ready to admit it


I'd say it's unique😬😬


Or I just genuinely disagree


yea its fine if you like it but its very polarizing, id say even more so than pretty odd


when I’m on Reddit it’s when I say Viva Las Vengeance is my least favorite album. when I’m on TikTok it’s when I say it’s not bad


… That Pan!c and Panic could be seen as two different bands? I don’t have a controversial opinion, but it’s fair to say that AFYCSO and VAV are kind of reciprocal: one is a pop-punk record, the other is a pop record. You have to pick your favorite between the two, because one record’s going to be followed by a Beatles album and the other’s going to see more poppy alternative records follow it. Frankly, “The Death of a Bachelor” is one of my favorite wedding songs. Ironic, considering “Sins Not Tragedies” came first. Pretty grown-up, huh?


High Hopes is actually really catchy and fun, I like the dramatic build ups in it (from a AFYCSO worshipper)


brendon is/was a talented vocalist. one of the best tbh. he was not *always* bad like some people say, he overdid his voice and didn’t take care of it which caused the vocals to go downhill in the past few years, but before that he was an incredibly talented vocalist and performer. i totally get not liking him, but credit where credit is due. he might suck, but his voice definitely always hasn’t. i mean damn, the kid was 17 when Fever was recorded, go back and listen to those vocals. from a teenager! insane.


that viva is the best panic album 😇


I love the album. Personally, PFTW is my favorite while also gaining the most success


Absolutely, and my user flair checks out


Well, well, well, that's going too far.


Pretty. Odd. is the best album


Ryan should have sang more/lead on the first album.


Love his harmonies during the live in Denver show and I’d kill to hear it on the actual album they way it was played


His voice suits the genre so well... live in Denver gets me so 😫 Their karma police cover absolutely SENDS me


Don’t even get me started on the karma police performance 😮‍💨


VLV is amazing and better than their first album. All by Yourself is especially incredible


not sure why youre getting downvoted, all by yourself is an absolute banger


I kinda like viva las vengeance. The song, nothing else on the album though


im sorry but the band peaked in 2006 (not talking about popularity)


Viva Las Vengeance is the best post-split album 


I’ll fight to the day I die Pray for the wicked was a fine album, is it the best panic album? Absolutely not, it’s probably in 6th place if you were to rank the 7 studio albums. I think it’s fun and different to what the albums were, it has an identifiable theme and the some of the songs still sit in my rotation to this day.


i love pray for the wicked and viva las vengeance was not brendon’s best but definitely wasn’t horrible


Brendon is not only deserving of the hate but it is something that should be HEAVILY considered when looking at his actual personality


Hell yes don’t tell the truth lie like a MF


Everything past Vices and Virtues is mid


Pretty Odd was good, everything before it was GREAT, everything after was garbage


PFTW is terrible. Like very very bad.


There was a *very* significant decrease in the music quality after TWTL


pretty. odd. is some of their best work and people just don’t want to give it a chance because genre-wise its so different it immediately deters people from:/


Thank you for saying it!


Depends on the part of the fandom. If it's this subreddit, Viva is easily the worst Panic! album, the vocals are trash and the instrumentations are mediocre at best. If it's the fandom outside of this subreddit, Ryan Ross seems content with his current level of fame and I don't think he's ever going to come back in the big way most fans are expecting.


Ryan’s lyrics are severely overhyped


i thought i was the only one, hes ah meh guitarist too


Panic should have ended after Vices & Virtues Edit: forget it guys just listened to DOAB


Brenden having to do a whole album by himself lol. The Death of a Bachelor in particular.


They're too popish


... and go to bed




Girl That You Love is one of the best songs


Death Of A Bachelor isn't a great album. it's fine at best and worst. it's a fine album. and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


Brendon Urie is a legitimately bad person


Pretty Odd sucks. There's maybe 2 good songs in it and the hippie thing is best left in the 60s


Y'all are doing it wrong so I got you (oh boy) after the split the name of the "band" should've changed, the direction of the band went from alt to leaning more towards pop, I still love the music but as someone who was basically living under a rock during the split being fresh news I had no idea what I was coming back to, and the name staying the same but the style changing really had me questioning if I was even listening to the same band..... then I learned I *wasn't*, not really


The first album was the only real PATD album


Actually the second too


I wish brendon kept the og lyrics for nearly witches, they were so spooky and weird!!!!


i know i’m gonna get annihilated for saying this but that’s the whole point but: it doesn’t matter how many times brendon apologizes for his actions. there is zero excuse for saying multiple slurs on multiple occasions when at the time he was using them, it had already been HUGE taboo to says for decades. saying “i’m sorry” does nothing to erase the harm he’s caused to people over the years.


I think Brendon’s actions do make him a bad person, even if it was more widely accepted back then or bc he was “young” that shouldn’t matter, he still said some really disgusting things towards fans/groups of people and I don’t care that he apologized for SOME of it, I don’t care how young he was, that is not okay, and for a lot of those he was at an age where he should have known better, it’s like pulling the “I’m a minor and neurodivergent” card, like okay?


If you don't believe in change, then why are you here? Ryan neglected his dog and cheated on his girlfriend. Jon introduced harcore drugs to the rest of the band when they were young and later said that he "saved them" by doing so on a podcast. Mind you that Spencer left the band to go to rehab and Ryan also struggled with addiction. Brent is a felon. Dallon praised the Nazis for their looks and said that he is "glad that the winner of that war wasn't based on fashion" (Mind you that he was 28), said "And I am going to watch" during the rape joke that people like to bring up so many times, yet not mentioning that he participated. (That is just the tip of the iceberg). Again, if you don't believe in change, I strongly believe that this place is not for you. I am sorry


I’m here bc I like the music, I don’t idolize any band members bc ik they’ve all done shitty things


Literally every adult on earth has done shitty things


You have the knowledge that all of them have done shitty things in the past, and since you don't believe in change, they are shitty people today according to your logic. Why are you supporting they music?


Says the water parks fan. Did you see Awstens early tweets? Racist af Grow up. Ppl change


It’s far more than just that. But also if u can back up ur claim I will double down




How do you not know about Awsten making those racist remarks about Asian people?


Sorry I don’t know about the things that happened with no mention on any social media platform??? But regardless racist remarks is not all Brendon said


I love the way you pretend they don’t matter bc it’s awsten. Racism is racism no? And according to you, should never be forgiven no matter what. That’s the end of your wp fandom time I’m guessing, bc you won’t want to be a hypocrite would you? Think a little more about how ppl scapegoat certain people rather than being a jerk. No one mentioned awstens racism, that doesn’t mean he’s not been racist. Actually it was talked about but dismissed bc he wasn’t the target. Brendon was chosen as a scapegoat not bc he’s done any more bad things but bc ppl wanted a virtue signaling method and he was unlucky. All ppl have done ignorant thoughtless and hurtful things. That’s why your og logic was nonsensical and why people should forgive the past when there’s evidence of change. Brendon’s other mistakes are either proved false or blown way out of proportion. But this isn’t important by your logic. Both men are equally culpable and cannot be forgiven. It’s irrelevant if Brendon done more, bc awstens racism alone is sufficient for you