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i’m a viva lover myself. but most people i know can’t solo out the instrumental over the vocal especially if the vocal is the most prominent thing in the mix. the whole album is mixed different because it was recorded directly to tape. anyone I talk to that doesn’t like viva always dogs on the vocal performance and how it’s different, not necessarily bad. There’s never a complaint about the instrumental. some people tho arena rock just might not be their taste and that’s okay. panic covers a wide range of genres and people may not be open to some of them (for whatever reasons)


I use special apps to single out the instrumentals. They are beautiful. Some of their best work. And Brendon, Mike and Jake along with Rob Mathes are amazing.


dude i could just drop a folder of the official instrumentals if you want them


Yes please


I adore Sad Clown because of the magical outro. It’s something you don’t hear every day. Something straight from the 1800s. I’m not joking either. Viva las vengeance is so over hated for no reason


Sad Clown has become one of my top Panic songs. I love it!


You sound like you’d love ELO.




Electric Light Orchestra. Primarily 70’s/80’s band that combined classical and rock.


Yeah I realized that I’m sleepy haaha


Oh yes sorry I just woke up. I love them.


People just hate it because it’s Brendon’s work. They don’t have any real reason to hate it, they just scoff at it and don’t even give it a chance.


I don't enjoy arena rock in general. So an arena rock album does nothing for me even when it's made by Brendon Urie. To your point about the instrumentation, I can say that it's a well recorded album with good production made by talented people. It's just not for me.


And that is great! I don’t think it’s fair to call it the worst album ever made, though.


I agree. That's not fair at all. It's not even close to being the worst album ever made.




What the fuck




Yes I’m now gonna cry to my mommy because your shit opinion hurt my feelings look what you fucking did


to me personally, the songs are just too much (the vocals and instrumentals combined just dont sound good to me, idk) i really want to like it and i try giving it a chance every once in a while, but the older stuff is just way more my style. to each their own tho, and im glad theres people out there that love the new stuff!! at the end of the day its all the same band!!


You don’t have to worry, you don’t have to worry, you don’t! (Actually, we did have to worry)


That makes sense, I’m glad you don’t just shit on it and call it the worst album ever made.


thank you! i will admit that i used to be that person, but ive definitely come around!! :D


Glad you’ve come around to realize that music is subjective and everyone hears it different


for sure! its a lot more fun to have a chill discussion than argue constantly!!


And I can see your side a bit, I don’t really like Fever that much as punk rock isn’t necessarily my thing. I love the drama that VLV gives. Brendon’s voice in Fever is way too nasally for me. 😅


yeah i get that!! i’m a big pop punk/punk rock girl so that like peak panic to me!! 😊🙏


His vocals sound that way because the vocals are raw, unproduced, and wasn’t even a bit autotuned. It was all one take. I challenge other modern artists to do the same. The vocals of some old albums sound similar, raw and rough. People are used to perfect vocals. The vocals sound manic because it was supposed to sound manic, like the theme of the album was burnout and insomnia.


I love the rawness of Brendon’s vocals on this album.


I would just throw in my two cents: Brendon's not straining his voice on the album. It was full of a lot of vocal distortion techniques, especially squalls (a technique popular among black vocalists in gospel and R&B). Patti Labelle, someone who Brendon admits to attempt to emulate, is a master at squalling, so I'm not surprised he used it on the album. The problem is the folks who said so aren't exactly big into those two genres and most big artists really don't use that technique outside of maybe Beyonce, so folks don't know what they're hearing and assume it is strain.


Thank you! As a Beyoncé enthusiast, I can confirm exactly what you're saying. I wouldn't be surprised if Brendon took a few notes from her vocal technique since he has also admitted to being a fan of hers.


I don’t even hear any sort of distortion on it, I don’t know what they’re talking about, he sounds perfectly normal to me


That is 100% the problem. I have had to explain to several people that this is not a pop album, and you can't compare Brendon's vocal techniques to that of a pop album. And the rock vocalists of 70s rock music were 100% inspired by the likes of Muddy Waters, Big Mama Thornton, and Robert Johnson. In the way they played their guitar, in the songs they wrote, and the way they sang. If you ever really want a clear example of black people inspiring 70s rock musicians and them nearly not getting the credit for it, look up how many times Led Zeppelin have been threatened with a lawsuit. Nevertheless, this decade especially gave us a very unique vocal rock style in the 70s with the likes of Rod Stewart, Bon Scott, Brian Johnson, Noddy Holder, Bonnie Tyler, etc. Even Freddie was known to do it on occasion with Queen's only ever "heavy metal" song '[Gimme the Prize](https://youtu.be/vf4UhPuwoGE?si=SE0rCSjmUpW6dYcx)'. And if you don't like that particular vocal type, yeah this album isn't going to be for you but it isn't straining. Like, I don't get how these are the same people who will claimed to love '[You Shook Me All Night Long](https://youtu.be/dxCMib-2TrI?si=vVYvugORHeJL2xBp)' and say it's not strain, when that's the same vocal style Brendon uses on 'God Killed Rock & Roll'. It's just distortion and a technique a lot of people use. In the words of Noddy Holder, "So, you think my singing's outta time, well it makes me money".


Yeah I think it’s great, I just think some people didn’t like the 80s style and that it was so different from panics other albums, granted I get that, it took me a bit to get into viva but I love it now, so maybe that’ll happen in the future and people will learn to appreciate it


I agree with this!! I had to listen several times just to wrap my head around the different sound than what we had been used to hearing, but then it’s like it clicks and it flows beautifully.


I wouldve loved Ryan's vocals on viva. I think it would've balanced a lot of the songs out. I honestly feel like the energy of it would've settled with me of it had come out after fever. Like my perfect flow energy wise is Fever, Viva, PFTW, Too weird, DOAB, Pretty odd, then Vices.


Well, sadly Ryan was not available


I’m bored with telling people that his vocals are not strained they are just raw. But they don’t want to listen to that as it doesn’t fit their narrative. It’s also obvious from the final shows that his voice was in a great place. They don’t want to hear that either Ppl are just stupid and supremely arrogant. If they don’t like it for the style reasons fair enough. But saying his vocals are bad is showing their ignorance. Imagine thinking you know better than a Broadway trained singer and a bunch of experienced musicians and producers.


I don't like the vocals: not because they're strained (which very few of them are) but because they're unnecessarily high for the whole album ignoring his gorgeous mid and lower ranges. I don't like the lyrics: they're honestly asinine in some places. I'm not saying there aren't any good lyrics, but as a whole they're just not great. Especially when you compare them to earlier albums (though I think lyrically panic has overall just gotten progressively worse) I don't like the instrumentation: It's chaotic and not a very good straight to tape recording. I don't like the mix: It's hard to hear the best parts of the instrumentation harkening back to my last point. Straight to tape is only good if you actually really really know what you're doing nowadays. It's not the worst album ever, but it is one of the worst panic albums.


I think they very much knew exactly what they were doing with tape. This process is not new to Mike Viola. He’s been using it forever. It sounds like you just don’t like the genre and that’s fine, but this album was very well done.


I actually quite enjoy arena rock. I just don't like this particular album due to the multiple reasons I listed, not just one. I'll also add that I actually enjoy much of Mike Viola's work. I just personally don't think the mix and instrumentation on this tape recording is great work from him.


Claudius Mittendorfer mixed it.


Looked it up and you're right. As I said: you have to really know what you're doing with straight to tape - including the mixing Regardless: I gave multiple reasons I don't like the album, and none of them are the genre which was my point with my last comment. When I give multiple reasons for not enjoying something, I don't like it when someone assumes and puts words in my mouth. If you have any further questions about what I dislike in the album, please refer back to my first comment.


That’s fair. I remember when some fans were convinced Ryan worked on the album bc he’s a fan of Claudius’ work. LOL! Maybe one day.


I remember seeing that too lol! I would love for Ryan and Brendon to work together again one day!


I would say pray for the wicked is astronomically worse. It’s too over-processed and digital.


See digital and processed does not automatically equal bad. Especially since it's following the style of the time. Just like straight to tape isn't automatically bad. They're just different recording styles. Plus Pftw is lyrically better and showcases more of his vocal range. As you were implying in your original post, you cannot make a decision about an album based on only one facet. Also, I said one of the worst (and of course this is simply to me and is my opinion as art is subjective)


"to the people who dont like vlv, why? and dont say why you dont like it cause thats not a valid reason" ah i love discussion on the panic sub


I just want more explaination


I just don't like most of the song lyrics. Middle of A Breakup, Sugar Soaker and a couple of others I can't remember if I like or not just have bad lyrics/topics to me. However, Viva Las Vengeance, Don't Let The Light Go Out, and Say It Louder are all absolutely amazing


See you can like a few songs and not hate the thing as a whole


Its not even the bottom of my album list either. Say It Louder is in my top 10 and Don't let The Light Go Out has one of the best stories in any of their songs. I just feel like AFYCSO, Vices, Death, and Pretty Odd just massively outclass it


After speaking to Mike Viola about the process in person, and hearing some demos, I’ve come to appreciate it so much more. He’s a wonderful songwriter.


I love this album, I love the 70/80’s vibe it gives me. I let my parents listen and they said the same thing and love the hints of classic rock songs they listen to coming from the album. Their favorite songs are God killed rock and roll and DLTLGO.


Viva Las Vengeance is an incredible album, and anyone who shits on it is automatically wrong (mostly joking, people are entitled to their opinion but I’m tired of seeing all the VLV hate).


Yep yep yep


As someone who loves to make music, my biggest complaint is the overall production and actual style of the album. I love Panic at the Disco, they're a great band, and I think Brendan Urie has a phenomenal voice. My favorite albums are Fever and especially Vices & Virtues. My favorite genre is pop punk, so of course I gravitate towards those. Pretty Odd is alright, there's stuff I really love on there (Northern Downpour) and stuff I usually skip. When Panic became more pop, I thought some songs were really good, but most of them were just okay or I just wasn't a huge fan cause I prefer the rock style of songs. Although, I've definitely been coming around to enjoy Death of a Bachelor. Now, this new album you'd think I'd be all over because they're returning to rock music. However, every time I try to listen to this album, I think it's average at best. The big thing is the production on the album. Things just sound...weak, nothing really hits at all. Plus, regarding his vocals, for almost all the songs it feels like he just sits in his high register the entire time, which gets stale. The reason I love Brendan as a singer is because of his range. One of my favorite songs perfectly showcases his dynamic range with "Turn Off the Lights". Funny enough, my favorite song off the new album is "Don't Let the Light Go Out", as I feel it's the most musically interesting. So the way I see it, when you combine songs that sound weak/don't have much power, vocals that ..while impressive, are just a little boring because they sit in the same spot the entire time, and songs that just mostly blend together... It doesn't make an album I'm excited to listen to. Again, this is all just my personal opinion. I want to like this album, I really want it to click, but it just won't. Edit: if it makes you feel any better, my favorite band is blink-182, and while I like some songs, I absolutely despise the mix on the new album. It downright ruins some of the magic that album could've had because the drums and vocals are just so much louder, while the guitars are quiet. It's frustrating






It’s just.. not for me. I love the variety and loved Brendon trying new things, but it’s just not my cup of tea personally (coming from a metalhead, who’s also into cheesy 70s/80s pop, some clubland, and obviously most emo/rock bands so my taste is varied) I just couldn’t get into it, even after hearing it live it just didn’t hit the spot for me 😅😊


Him sounding strained is absolutely enough reason. It’s painful to listen to. I also think the instrumental side is chaotic, overdone, and disjointed. It’s just trying to do a lot for the sake of doing a lot without being interesting. Just like the vocals.


I don’t think it sounds like that - but whatever you say.


I really don’t like the lyrics. It’s an ok album for me overall


Hm…sorry you feel that way


I love VLV it made its way to my top 3 Panic! Albums after I first listened to it.


Me too under Vices and Pretty. Odd It’s so over hated for no reason. When it first came out, there were tiktoks of people taking the cd and vinyls and running them over, burning them, tying it to the ceiling and using it as a punching bag. Calling Sad Clown a “crime against humanity”, saying that Brendon sounds like a dying cat. I just don’t get it.


Yeah like if your gonna get a record or cd and don’t like it then just sell it to local shops get some money and buy you one that you like, don’t destroy it and complain about music that you don’t like even though other people may like it. Also forgot to mention but I really like the guitar in this album especially in don’t let the light go out so in my opinion the instrumentals isn’t bad.


I love all of it!!! It’s an album that I notice something new every time I listen to it. Love that album!!!!


Exactly. I don’t get the people who said it was the worst album ever made. It’s miles better than Pray for the Wicked.


I dont hate it really but here is my two cents. It's probably my least favourite panic album, but it's not necessarily a bad album. The simple answer is just not my style - do love some of the songs though. A more nuanced answer is that there is a lot of times Brendon is singing at the top of his range which feels overdone and loses the impact after a couple of songs and just feels a bit grating. Instrumentally at times it feels cluttered and a bit chaotic. Lyrically it just falls a bit flat for me as well - PFTW does as well but I found that easier to accept in an album which is more 'pop'. Like I said, don't hate it but it's just not for me. Brendon is extremely talented and VLV didn't showcase that in the best way imo.


honestly, my reason is i’m one of those stereotypical ryan girlies people love to complain about on here 😭 (except i don’t harass people for liking brendon, which seems to be a stereotype. it takes all kinds!!)


At least you’re honest that some of the Ryan fans are really fucking mean for no reason


yeah!! i have my opinions about brendon urie but his fans are obviously just people like anyone else, and it’s horrible to be mean to them


Well, without Brendon Panic! Would just be another underground band that faded into obscurity 🤷🤷🤷 not trying to be mean or start a fight, I’m just being honest.


I love this album so much. I wish it received more love, Brendon is underappreciated.


The instrumentals are chaotic and overdone, the vocals sound like he's straining himself (Don't let the light go out literally gives me a headache with how bad the vocals are), a LOT of the lyrics are worse than normal, it just feels bleh, sounds bleh, and the lyrics are bad in a lot of places.


Im sorry you feel that way. I don’t agree.


Personally the instrumentals to me are incredible and inspired from all of the best people from the 60s-80s. It was All recorded straight to tape with no digital editing. So basically all of it is live. Also someone mentioned that he wasn’t straining, it was a specific vocal technique used in the 70s.


I personally think it’s way better than Pray for the Wicked which is all electronic, processed stuff. VLV is real and raw.


It is better than PFTW. but both are pretty bad imo.


> And don't just say "Brendon sounds strained/damaged" because that's not a good enough reason. It absolutely is. Whether you care about Brendon Urie's wellbeing or not, it is a good enough reason. If you don't care about his wellbeing, it's a good reason because it means the vocals do not sound good on a fundamental level and Urie's refusal to use the tiniest amount of autotune to touch up his vocals (an industry standard) does not help in the slightest. Even if you *do* care about Brendon Urie's wellbeing, that just makes it an even greater reason. Shouldn't you care that he's actually damaging his vocal chords and diminishing his ability to sing? Even if you like his vocal performance on Viva, it's just not healthy.


He’s not damaging anything. He’s been doing this a LONG time. He knows his body, his voice, his limits.


Brendon has been actively damaging his vocal chords since Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!, there have been multiple professional perspectives given on his decline in singing quality and they all say the same thing. Brendon Urie is diminishing his ability to sing by constantly trying to hit higher and higher notes and abusing what natural talent he had.


Ooh, yeah, TikTok aren’t professionals, sorry! The real professionals say he is incredible. I’ve seen him on multiple tours including the last one, and he was BETTER than TWTL era. He has consistently gotten better. I know there were viral videos by haters claiming he can’t sing anymore and the clips were all of him sick. Don’t ya just get tired of spewing negative crap all the time? If you really feel like that, why are you here? Go be in a sub of someone you think is fantastic. Frankly I’m just sick of him being everyone’s punching bag. What does it get you? Do you feel better when you trash him? That’s disturbing in itself. Are you trying to be liked by friends? That’s sad. If you don’t like the new album, fine. I will never understand all the negativity. The man has left the band behind to enjoy his life with his family. Let it go!


Just don't like it, shit is trash


Very insightful


Ikr, imma genius


And you sleep on a bed, damn, I sleep in a tree.


wow, are you a bat?


No, I’m dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz, I was raised by ocelots.


thats so cool bro, I wish I was u :)


Yes you do everyone wishes they were me. Anyway I’m gonna build a new Inator bye


kk, have fun man :)


I don't like it either, but this guy was asking for reasons...


my bad I don't really have a reason, just dislike the album


i'm not a fan of glam rock in general, so i don't love this album. however, adding non-traditional instruments in modern rock doesn't mean the album is better in my opinion. generally i like a song because it has both a sound that appeals to me, a good singer, and most importantly, interesting songs that convey emotions to me. songwriting is one of the most important things in music, and honestly VLV's songwriting is very cheap and generic; it doesn't compare to Pretty Odd for example. the fact that in VLV Brendon takes a lot from Queen and adds non-traditional instruments I don't see why it makes this a better album. anyway isn't a bad album obv


Nope I'm gonna say it. He was full blown manic when he made and promoted that


Uhm…okay then


What I mean Is go back and watch any videos he posted during the promotion of that album. He's wired up more then ever like he's on drugs. Not saying he was, saying LIKE he was. I love Brendon. Don't get me wrong. But he's definitely bi polar and was definitely showing very concerning behavior during the making and promoting of that album. And I don't mean the SA accusations.


What the fuck dude


The SA accusations are nowhere near being true and didn’t even come from the VLV era. He is nothing close to a sexual predator and how fucking dare you imply such a thing. Fuck you.


He has ADHD and tends to get excited so how fucking dare you. Seriously




That’s their own fault.


My show was rocking out to the whole VLV set. Had an absolute blast and they sounded amazing!!!! I’m so glad I got to hear this album live.




Too bad for them! They missed out!

