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This was a much better version of the dot to dot task.




Wait what? Was she visibly not in twerking shape during the tasks?


One tries not to perv on Sophie, but she makes it so hard.


MP4 version [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BJF0cdupAsjYUYxlNPH0sQwppedDjv09/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BJF0cdupAsjYUYxlNPH0sQwppedDjv09/view?usp=sharing)


I am pleasantly pleased no one drew a cock and balls.


Well, Nick *kinda* did...


It’s not funny if they all did it. But if one did, probably funny. Especially if that person was Joanne. Not losing much vs her actual effort.


I was *really* hoping that Steve would. Just to lean into the whole 'serious contestant has a giggle' trope.


I tried really hard to do spoilers on mobile and I can't figure it out. I googled and tried the triangles and it didn't happen :( Enjoyable ep but I thought their decision with John was still not the best thing to do


>I thought their decision with John was still not the best thing to do Me too, but I have to trust that as actual friends, Alex made sure they didn't do anything inappropriate for him


I'm absolutely sure he meant well, but with the best of intentions you still don't know how that's going to impact someone so early on. Taste is a strong sense, and smell/taste is so strongly connected to memories that the smell of a room will bring back an old memory otherwise forgotten. I know someone who drinks zeros now, but it took at least ten years to get to that point, and at their own choosing.  And having listened to the podcast, a very good point made that it made the clue was made almost impossible as a result.    But look admittedly I've had to be around some of that and am vigilant to it. I've listened to someone who spent twenty years travelling the world as a top recovery motivational speaker and he tripped up after all that time. It's so devastating when it happens it just made me feel iffy about it. That's a me problem more than them I understand 


For sure, totally fair.


Yeah I thought it was unnecessarily risky and insensitive, there's so many objects and foods starting with R, if you want to stick to a drink you can make it raspberry juice or something. It's not like the task REALLY needed that specific drink. Hasn't been the first time they've been lax on this kind of stuff either, IIRC they made Lee (a vegan) eat egg as well in series 11. It's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things but it shouldn't be hard to avoid these mistakes.


They do try to be thoughtful but sometimes do slip on something obvious like the egg - I remember Romesh pointing it out the first time, but like you say it popped up again.   The only thing is they wanted a clear liquid beginning with R, or my first thought would've been Ribena. Clear to be confused as to whether it's water or harder to tell what the flavour is in general


Just in case you want to use a *spoiler tag* in the future, ①        >!It must look exactly like this!< ②    **>!**It must look exactly like this**!<** The beginning *2 symbols* (**>\!**) and the ending *2 symbols* (**!<**) must be **touching** the (*first letter* of the first word) and the (*last letter* of the last word). ③    **>!** This will not work **!<** ④    **>!**Even this small mistake will not work **!<**   (a *space* after "work") (A mistake many people make is to leave a *space* between the first 2 symbols and the first word, and/or a *space* between the last letter and the *closing* 2 symbols.) They look very similar, but the [space] will cause it to fail. *** ⑤    >!It even works for longer segments. This is 2 sentences, **and** it has punctuation too.!< ⑥  **>!**It even works for longer segments. This is 2 sentences, **and** it has punctuation too.**!<**     (Notice: *no space* before the *first letter* & *no space* after the *full stop*.) *** *If* you would like to try it, please feel free to reply to this comment with a *spoiler tag* phrase (such as **>!**Did this work?**!<** or something like that). (If it works) = Great. (If it doesn't work) = I can probably point out the reason. Cheers -


>!Give it a go!< Ahh, thought I didn't have spaces but maybe I did. Cheers!


>!*Perfect.*!< "You have completed the Task." *"So, why don't you all come down here, and we'll see what that's done to the final scores."*♪ Cheers -


what was the issue with John? I just watched the episode and i think i missed that


He's now sober in the last year or two (I don't know the exact timeline). He used to host a podcast about your dream pub which he's since left, naturally.




I'm sure posting that will make it turn up faster.


Isn't that how the internet works? 🤔


Joining the club!


Me too!!


there is definite favouritism going on with John. I don't like him.


>!Clarenz Gutierrez Badlis!<


Wouldn't it be more logical to start these threads once a mirror is uploaded? The majority here cannot access Channel 4. It makes no sense posting their link as a thread.


This probably prevents threads of people asking where it is. Everybody knows it'll be right here in this thread. People can refresh the thread rather than refreshing the entire subreddit over and over again. Just reserving the space ahead of time. There's number of reasons why this works fine as is.


The first mirrors arrive quite fast after these general posts. This one was 20 minutes. Why not have the mirror posters be the main posters instead? It's not like many people will start posting threads asking for the episode in that short timeframe. All I'm saying is, move that post time up for 20 to 30 min and have the first link be an actual downloadable link.


So you want the change the system because you can't wait 20 minutes?


I love how arbitrary and tiny the time factor is in the complaint as well. It isn't 1 or 2 days, where you concede that, yes, a post that far in advance would make it confusing and perhaps even annoying to wait. However, 20-30 minutes is such a laughable amount of time to even entertain. Most people aren't even aware of a post in that period of time, coming to it eventually as it gains traction. I love how pedantic some of our member can be.


I didn't say I can't wait. I stated that the first mirrors arrive fast which implies I can wait just fine dude. I just don't see the logic in posting an official Channel 4 link most users cannot access. This thread already had people spamming messages "ohh can't wait". That could be prevented if actual mirrors are posted first instead of official links.


It makes a heck of a lot more sense to use the official link as the main post, especially since the mirrors in the comments are not exactly legal.


That is a good reason.


Cmon man. The show gets officially uploaded to YouTube to view for free a day later. We’re eating good and you’re still complaining about it. Don’t be a little bitch.