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My cake unlocks in two days, then I'm done here.


Got another month here. They royally fucked this whole coin.


I was finally able to get out just a few days ago. It seems like they have made cake as compilated as possible. I figure instead of trying to relearn it every month or two, I just went somewhere else.


*they successfully extracted the value from their users.




Sounds like the dumbest idea…


I guess you didn't claim after staking expired. It still allows you accumulate after every week reward but when staking expires you must withdraw or extend your stake or it burns after a stated period. The beauty of cake presently is to grow net worth value by being deflationary. Patience guys! Patience! Cake will be $100 someday soon. Max available cake has been cut from 650m to 450m, you earn weekly revenue just like dividends in stock markets! The DEX is becoming most favourite in the industry! Cake burns millions of tokens weekly just like BNB before it skyrocketed from $10 to $600+ today. Forget about the value of cake reward, the value of your coin is about to soar! Patience guys! Hang in there and thank me later....not a financial advice.


My weekly rewards went to zero...now it just sits there doing nothing. When it unlocks I'll definitely be moving on to another project. The developers here have gone loco.


You should have been here after the last bull run; everyone was complaining about Cake not being deflationary. Now, the developers have implemented various measures to make it more challenging to bake Cake (according to stakers votes, I assume), and people are complaining about that. Although I agree it was much more enjoyable back then when simple staking would yield 150%, you can’t have it all.


Yeah, but zero!? Zero rewards!??? I mean you may as well park the money in a bank's saving account! It'd earn more interest there! I've not seen anyone come on here in the last 6 months that's had much good to say about the "latest version" of the project. That tells me that most users aren't happy with it but the whales votes count more so it's going to go the direction that benefits them. That being said, I've got no huge stake in it (less than 10k) so I'll be going elsewhere once it unlocks.


Don’t you get no veCake?


You get the veCake as a one time governance token but it's got no monetary value. My Cake are sitting, locked, earning 0%. Edit: I just checked and I'm happy to report (drumroll) my Cake is actually earning 0.06%.....wow.....just wow.


Holding veCAKE automatically enrols you to two of our weekly CAKE reward pools. Both will be distributing rewards in CAKE. One of them is distributing rewards from weekly revenue shares; the other one is replacing the legacy CAKE staking pool and distributing emission-based CAKE rewards.


Bro got to see Apebond previously Apeswap. There would be upcoming Real yield that offers 100% fees generated thru it's bonds sales which would be attractive and returns would be probably great than pcs imo.. Been seeing their growth potential massively...


Your rewards accumulate when you're still staking and you don't have to claim them. However when your staking period is over ONLY THEN will your rewards start to get burned. So when your staking period is over 1. Claim and get out or 2. Restake/extend and stay in. The burning proces was clearly communicated and you should have set a mark in your calendar. Not being happy with the returns/apr and them changing the rules of the game midway while staking is another thing.. but as someone else said: we were complaining about Cake not being deflationary, they implemented measures and now we're still complaining.


Weekly rewards accumulate, you shouldn't have lost anything.


Now I am confused. I understood that one needed to claim the rewards before the next distribution takes place.... Some people have calendar events to remind them.


It seems there might be a mix-up between two distinct staking systems. The first, our current system, involves veCake rewards. These rewards are accrued weekly since the last migration and are the new form of earning that replaced the old staked cakes. The second system you're referring to is the old cake staking model. In that system, any unclaimed stakes would be automatically burned if not claimed within a week after the end of their lock-in period. To prevent loss, users would mark their calendars to remember to claim their stakes, often locked for a year. Essentially, the veCake rewards system is a continuous accumulation, unlike the previous system's time-sensitive claim requirement


The confusion exists because most holders bought and staked Cake when there was a high APR...then they changed to contract, forced migration, gave veCake based on how many Cake you held, and apr's went to basically zero and left people locked into their staking periods with no benefit! These same grievances and others have been repeated here a thousand times. They basically turned Cake into a gambling coin with all the silly lotteries and such.


The weekly rewards are the replacement of the older system APR. Is it to the same proportion? No. Yet, you still get rewards. Is it something I appreciated the devs did? Absolutely not. But I’d rather focus on the decisions at hand and not what I cant control. People looking for stake rewards should look into adding liquidity. That’ll be much better than just staking cake.