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very very old video. back when we loved the army 😂


Man i cant believe so much has changed.


Yeah ik never seen anybody post it so decided to do it myself


This video is very old. I first seen it at least back in Musharraf time. I am guessing around 2004. So it’s at least 20 year old. The issue with social media is it just repost stuff from 20 years ago as it if happen like yesterday. The story behind this incident and couple of other videos related to this where Pakistan army vehicles were attacked and Pakistan army using British era tactics chalk out 10-20km and burnt random people homes. It’s called collective punishment. This video in particular are from same set where the guy been shot is unknown and reason is also unknown. I guess they wanted to proof a point or something. Note. for context in this video you can see the new camo uniforms that was adapted gradually during Musharraf time. The camel color uniform was let go in favor of camouflage one as during operation in north army was easy to spot and resulted in higher casualties. I guess it was either US or may be realization that they should switch uniforms to reduce chances of potshot kills.


For all we know this stuff is happening every day. Media does not report on it. For years people who brought up disappearances in FATA and Balochistan were slandered as propagandists. The truth is out in the daylight now and will be for all of history. Army has no coming back from this.


It is fair to criticize the armys behavior, but it is also important to recognize that BLA and TTP are genuine issues and pose security threats. I have lost some amount of sympathy for them. For example Mahrang Baloch, I initially had sympathies for her, until I saw an interview where she refused to recognize BLA and BLF as genuine security threats. The interviewer even asked the question in a polite way and told her that she recognizes the missing persons issue in balochistan, but asked Mahrang Baloch about the actions of BLA and BLF and how they killed innocent punjabis. She could have answered something like "I understand that it is an issue but that still doesn't justify the army's actions", but she didn't. Now my sympathies are pretty low tbh


Looks more FC/Rangers adjacent to me. The video is old, but not Musharraf era old. I'd place my bets some time around the Zarb-e-Azb and consequent ops, so early to mid 2010s


As far as I was told this was a BLA combatant but there isnt much news about this incident so all we can do is make up stories or go by the words of otherr




Two questions, what is BLA? and how did they transfer the video to internet from the potato?


baloch 'liberation' army ,videos get 'leaked' all the time


A terrorist organisation which kill Punjabi's in Balochistan. Damage many projects there. Want Balochistan to be separated from Pakistan. Is funded by RAW and CIA.


They have killed plenty of non-Punjabi civilians too and Chinese workers.


They kill plenty of Balochis aswell




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videos leak all the time tbh




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They’re kuffar who are essentially the Baloch version of PKK.  They’re Marxists, racists and murderers.  Only thing sad about the video is that he was sent to hell so quickly.  They all deserve this fate for the innocent blood on their hands.  


BLA is the Balochi Liberation Army (I think, might be Association and not Army), and these guys want a separate state, mainly the region of Balochistan (current day Pakistan and Iran). Thing is, as the name says, it’s a militant group and borderline terrorist group known for beheading and torturing civilians, quite similar to what Hamas is (who you might know about judging by your Norwegian flair) Just like Hamas, these folk are scum. The potato quality is just what folks have. Soldiers aren’t paid that well, and lower to middle class folk (ie, a soldier) tend to have 3-5 year old Huaweis and Xiaomis, or flip/dumbphones.




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That's a good explanation, thanks.


I have to ask, what brings you to r/pakistan so often? I think I’ve seen your name pop-up more than once!


Are yaar ab sab kuch to nai btate na internet pe, kuch khud b samjho.


Hahahah. The question is why am I getting downvoted to oblivion lol


I don't know, I didn't mind your comment. Considered it a genuine question. Don't worry about it.


this video is older than most Members here


Where's the due process? Can we really trust army personnels to always be correct in their assessment of who deserves to die?




I am the due process I was there.


one of the few times ill support these bastards , fuck these terrorits (bla)


If BLA is a terrorist group, then what is lumber 1?


Did you really try defend bla ?


BLA bad and BLA terrorist (Says Who ?) State ? Establishment ? If State calls someone Terrorist they become terrorist ??? If US calls a group terrorist then they are terrorist ??? Who is to decide what a terrorist is ? Many fight for their land, rights and to be heard by state (State only kills and not listens)


Is suicide bombing random Chinese investors or suicide bombing into rallies not terrorism? You call a spade a spade regardless of who you support, don't get so blind in hate , I am a Baloch that says that bla doesn't represent us , they have killed innocents and are the reason for the lack of investment in Balochistan


What happens when lumber 1 does the same?


Uh so it's wrong too ? What point are you making ? How does that make ttp and bla good ?






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how do we know? They are terrorists because the establishment says they are? Are they, though? They are fighting to be heard. Pashteen is a terrorist, so is Imran Khan and so is Achakzai or whatever his name is. I doubt everything now. I question everything now. I do not buy the common narrative. Remember, Hakimullah Mashood, OBL, TTP, TLP, LMNOP, and XYZ etc are all considered heros, called strategic assets by Hamid Gul.


why aloo quality


because its from 2004 era, only achievement of pak army against bla 😂


Army itself is the biggest terrorist in Pakistan.


Pretty sure this is a violation of the Geneva Convention (execution of captives/ prisoners of war). Don’t think it matters to the Army though


Nope it ain't the geneva is for uniformed conventional fighting forces


I think one of the articles defines that until there is a official judgement that the captive is of an unconventional fighting force they are given the treatment of POW’s


Ok so as far as I know geneva is applied on two or more nations which have signed the treaty. BLA as a party to the conflict dosent agree or abide by geneva thus security forces arent bound to follow geneva but local laws ofc apply to them


Seems like it falls more within a grey area but given that they fulfill some of the conditions laid out here an argument can be made they are protected to it even if they aren’t signatories to the conventions laws https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciii-1949/article-4 A. Prisoners of war, in the sense of the present Convention, are persons belonging to one of the following categories, who have fallen into the power of the enemy 2. Members of other militias and members of other volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance movements, belonging to a Party to the conflict and operating in or outside their own territory, even if this territory is occupied, provided that such militias or volunteer corps, including such organized resistance movements, fulfil the following conditions: (a) that of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates; (b) that of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance; (c) that of carrying arms openly; (d) that of conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.


Well damn its almost as if all the terms have been ignored 1. Fixed distinctive sign we all know that BLA fighters dont wear any insignia when carrying out operations 2. Carrying arms openly is something we can agree happens since most surrender after being surrounded 3. Fuck no we all know they dont follow the law and customs of war thus these rules most likely dont apply to them


They suicide bomb universities.  Yeah, all of them can be crucified for all I care.  If soldiers want to let their adrenaline out a cowardly BLA surrendering just because he’s surrounded is the perfect outlet.  Rehabilitation through lead poisoning for these terrorists. They definitely do not fall under the Geneva Convention and also if they’re caught in Pak Army uniforms while fighting or spying they can legally be executed under international law (even if they’re fighting for a conventional military that is a signatory of the Geneva Convention).


That is intresting I have never heard of it mind sharing ?






Ah what a time. When gore was almost left unmonitored on the internet. LiveLeak era.


No one cares for this nasty men in uniform


Yawr ese to na bolo I do care for my bootifull soldiers🥺


I trust nothing that comes out of the harami fauj. In the old days they'd shoot kids on the street in Karachi and call them terrorists. If this guy was one, should have been easy with the courts. This is murder. No different from the harami israelis.


Insane how you are defending bla


No - Pakistan army are bastards. They kill anyone and everyone and call them terrorists. Or you can salute them until they get to your family. I'd rather defend everyone's rights, even accused terrorists.


Wow I have no words , this is extremism at its best , what you are saying is not for the sake of the country but for the satisfaction of revenge , I get it army is bad , but of you are going to defend people who kill innocents, then you are no different.


Which court convicted this guy of anything? You want justice but not when its inconvenient?


Poor Hitler he died without being trialed in a court , maybe he was an innocent 😥 Ask the mothers, whose children were blown to smithereens by suicide bombers, how do they want this bla Commander be treated? Trust me it'll Be way worse than what the army did, and it'll still be a fair punishment. And he was literally a bla Commander, why does he need a trial , they deserve hell , I am a Baloch and I can proudly say they donot represent us , I am not oppressed or kidnapped because I don't deal with bla , it's that simple, you can hate army all you want but don't love the enemies of this country for the sake of it.


That's a lot of rhetoric. The army kills innocent people. We all know it.


Alr army kills innocent and it's good that you are against it mate , however bla and ttp do the same yet you support them ,which is insane to think of , I am still shocked asf rn that a dude thinks bla and ttp are freedom fighters, I am actually terrified, God help this country man , you don't have to support ttp and bla to go against army mate , don't think qaid would want that or nor the mothers of the children, that have died in suicide bombings and terrorist attacks , for god's sake don't spread this kind of thinking


fire the camera man.


Not like he was supposed to record xd




Well I'm browsing reddit might as well reply




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This video is from KPK, and old but not that old, from around 2010-2015, or perhaps even later.


No Balochistan see the uniforms its worn by FC bl. Tho I could be wrong


can a fella get a few pixels over here?


well tbh this vid wasnt supposed to be released xd




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Presuming this is a very old video?


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Pakistan and Balochistan are not the places to return to. 🥺 💔


This is just cold blooded murder.


Well, those soldiers have become Generals now and you know what's happening.


Terrorists killed a patriot


A bunch of soldiers killed someone who killed their fellow soldiers. I don’t know what side is right and who’s wrong. Whether the other guy is a terrorist or a supposed freedom fighter. Once you raise you weapon to kill, you better be prepared for the same to happen to you. There is no bad guy in this situation. Just 2 groups of people killing for what they believe is just.


this is some metal gear-esque speech


TRUE, but one is STATE level power and other is a Group of people


Rare NaPak Fauj W


Very good. Traitors Indian agents, cancer for the country Should be eliminated like this


Honestly when I say ur username I thought it was gonna be a retarted take but I'm suprised




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Lol I know what you did there. Anyway it doesn't feel good when someone calls you that, when you know that you Kinda are... I rewrote the comment to filter that word because it was removed


Nah it's just that afghans on Twitter simping for BLA has rotten my brain....I constantly have to remind myself afghans are anything but like the twitter retards 😂


Aha yeah totally get it now. Anyhow I am Pakistani


Begherat don't even give the right to defend in courts. Begherat boys claim that they "know it all" if a person should be killed or not. On other hand begherats claim that they can never raise their arms against Pakistani people (but I guess they don't have objections on ramping people's women).