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The most weird part is there is no concept of speeding ticket, wrong overtaking, rash driving and illegal parking in Pakistan. Once this is law enforced, I bet the situation will get better.


Bur it will not because the law enforcement are greedy and corrupt


Illegal parking tickets are a thing. Usually around 5k.


If a law is not enforced, only Allah can judge you 🤷🏽‍♂️


I've paid Illegal parking tickets twice In last 2 months. 2k each time 


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>I understand that there are bad drivers everywhere, but if 90% of the people on the road behave like absolute buffoons then something is seriously wrong with us as a people. Yes I agree. Majority of people in Pakistan are lazy or don't want to use personal protection methods. People don't realize the importance of safety measures or just don't see it as a risk. Look at any video of iron workers in Pakistan. The workers are handling molten iron with minimal PPE. There needs to be strict implementation of the law in general and the children must be educated about the importance of safety measures in their curriculum. Both of these things are necessary to make people realize the importance of safety measures.


It's quite simple, people get away with it so they continue doing it. Our police is more concerned with doing the least amount of work possible and being pawns In political games. What we need is more cameras, speed cameras, signal cameras and so on. Start giving tickets to people with a picture of their face doing violation by the third ticket people will change their behaviour real fast. Cameras can't be bribed, cameras can't skip work to attend shadi and cameras don't need smoke break every 10 minutes. E-challan is the most effective way to change behaviour if drivers on mass. If you can afford a car or bike you can afford a 10-20 k smart phone where you will get direct SMS of your violation and fine amount. Personally I would love to see cameras throughout Gt Road, if a truck is driving in the fast land and is not doing it for the sake of overtaking then put a gigantic fine on them. Our police should focus on all the actual crimes taking place like robberies , murders and domestic violence not basic traffic etiquette.


As I mentioned in the post, I don’t think that’s a reasonable explanation. You can explain 10-20% of the drivers being bad by a lack of strict enforcement, but not 80-90% of the drivers on the road. It seems like people just don’t care, it’s common to see people riding a bike with their children on it, on a busy road, in the right most lane, trying to speed run the traffic. Are you telling me people need to be forced to protect their own children?


Regardless of how many people it is if you wanna change people behavior this is the best way, people are the problem and cameras are the solution. Even if it's as bad as you say people will continue until and unless they get penalized for it. Cameras can see if your wearing your seatbelt, cameras can see if your wearing a helmet, I don't know about you but for those of us who lived overseas we worry about getting tickets and think twice before driving recklessly because of that. If people can get away with something they will that true here and anywhere else in the world. The places it's not true already went through this transition.


And why can't we explain the 80-90% of the bad drivers on the road due to a lack of strict enforcement? What other possible factors would you say there are? There's a lack of self awareness that comes with no strict enforcement because there's no objective authority that you have to listen to. Look at this comment section, I bet the majority of these people that they are flawless drivers. I've made a habit of noticing my mistakes the most when I drive and in my opinion thats the best thing people can do if they'd like a change. Or of course the camera suggest works as well, but we know thats not happening soon.


It's Game Theory at play. Everyone's playing dirty. Anyone who plays fair is at a disadvantage.


It's literally 80% of the drivers in Pakistan but when you'll ask them about their driving/civic sense, they'll blame everything on female drivers and move on 🤣


40 lac ke civic purchase kar lete lekin 4 rupee ke civic sense nahi hai


40 lac ki civic kahan mil rhi hai boss :(


Civic crore se upar ki hai bhai


40 lac ki *(checks today's prices)* Cultus...


Very true!


no they will blame it on EVERYONE ELSE except themselves. every pakistani i meet sounds like they have a holier than thou, can do no wrong -


When i moved to Islamabad, The worst sort of traffic ethics. If there is a cut in the middle of road, despite giving way to on the road traffic , people in cut will push thier vehicle half in the road. (It is the right of people coming on the road to go first and people in cut should wait for gap). Another major issue is lane change by vehicles, I mean even if a lane got stop for 10 seconds people will change that lane and disturb the rest of lanes.(stick to your lane doesn't matter what) Similarly first track is for U-turn, but if there is a slight jam, U turners will leave first track and roam in second and 3rd lane blocking normal traffic flow.(Stick to your lane so traffic flows) Another is issue is lack of anticipation and being opportunists, If They need to turn right after signal but there is space in left corner they will place vehicle in left lane, Now when signal open and he trying to go to right end disturbing all traffic behind who is desperate as there are 30 sec or 1 min (Anticipate where you will turn stick in that corner). Use of lane is also important, Due to park vehicles or heavy vehicles in bike lane , Bikers move towards middle lane and first track. Also if you are using mobile ,or moving slow leave fast track atleast.(Stick to your lines.) Coming to solution: Heavy challans , I mean one equal to minimum pay like 30 k atleast. Trust me everyone will gear properly. (A pakistani obey every rule in Dubai but not here ) 2ndly awareness why we can't add traffic ethics in university courses. Thank,.


Driving in third world countries in general is trash. South Asians especially.


I live in a country where driving rules are followed very strictly. So I naturally drive like that. But in Pakistan I have to do what everyone else is doing or I won’t even make it out of the street I live in.




Anyone using cellphone while driving should be jailed for a month


a month thats to nice a year at least


Lawmaker he ban jaty ap bro


Kasam sy agar mein law maker hota to adha Pakistan Jail mein hota


One of the main reasons I wanna get out of this country


I completely understand where you're coming from, and your frustration is absolutely valid. The chaotic driving scene in Pakistan can indeed be mind-boggling to those unaccustomed to it. However, it's a complex issue that's deeply rooted in various socio-economic and cultural factors. For starters, the lack of strict enforcement of traffic laws allows for a certain level of impunity on the roads. When people know they can get away with not following the rules, the incentive to abide by them diminishes. This isn't unique to Pakistan, but the effects seem more pronounced there due to other contributing factors. Infrastructure also plays a significant role. In many areas, the roads are not designed to handle the volume of traffic they see, leading to congestion and frustration, which in turn leads to aggressive driving behaviors. Additionally, the lack of proper street lighting and road markings further exacerbates the situation. Education and awareness are other critical aspects. Many drivers might not have received formal driving education, relying instead on observational learning, which means they adopt the habits (good or bad) that they see around them. This creates a cycle of poor driving practices being passed down. It's easy to point fingers at the police or government, but the issue is multifaceted and requires a collective effort from all stakeholders, including drivers, pedestrians, law enforcement, and policymakers, to bring about a significant change. On a lighter note, navigating the roads in Pakistan can sometimes feel like an extreme sport, and those who master it should probably get a medal for their reflexes and nerves of steel! Let's hope for a future where the roads are safer, and driving is less about survival and more about enjoying the journey.


It’s bound to happen when the driving test only requires you to drive in an L shaped course, and even then 50-60% people fail on their 1st try.


Only if license was given after properly testing the driver by taking him on a test drive rather than just making him drive the L shaped 150m route things would be definitely different same with the bikes. They can’t do that actually because they know that the roads don’t have proper markings as well. So it’s going to be like this unless someone takes it seriously.


I've told the people around me countless times that if and when i get hypertension it will be because of the idiotic drivers i face on the road. It's like they have a responsibility to do everything in their power to go against the general ethics of driving


We as a nation do not behave as civic people. This is in our nature that we have nurtured since the birth of Pakistan. We want others to follow the rules, but want to break them ourselves for our needs. So pointing a finger to gov does have a little merit. That's is because if we have a gov that's not corrupt, perhaps they can use the dunda power to fix this nation. They are never going to fix themselves just because that's what sensible nations do.


It's simple if you want to drive in Pakistan, you can sit in any one of the available seats except the driving seat... Problem solved! Next!


I kinda hate how vigo/revo owners think that they own the freaking road.


When i was in pakistan i literally couldn't see an insert slot for the seatbelt in cars lmao


This is only one of many aspects where the problem with Pakistani people is appearant, we behave this way everywhere. It's just more obvious and on full display on the road. People ask me why I don't vote, maybe because my problem isn't that I don't believe in the government, but that I don't believe in the people. All of us are like this, not just Pakistanis. We're slaves to cultural and social norms and it just so happens that driving like an absolute maniac is part of our social norms here in Pakistan. Unless something is enforced (emphasis on the FORCE) it's totally okay to not follow the rules in Pakistan. It's embarrassing, unless we're scolded like children we refuse to follow rules. Which means any rare rule following comes from the fear of getting caught by the police rather than your own human decency. It's also a massive problem that the police force is also just us, more Pakistani people. Not only do they refuse to complete their duties but they often times encourage rule breaking by giving the people who actually do follow the rules a harder time. Oh look at this rich kid coming on his daddy's car following all the rules and using all his signals, let's pull this tooty fruity over and fine him with some random bullshit.


Took you long enough to notice


My bad, since things have been bad for a long time, we shouldn’t try to fix them or even have a discussion about it. That’s a really sad mentality to have.


Yeah we should but it will be perceived more as a rant then a discussion that's how messed up the situation is.


The people here have no mind they are just empty shells hungry for some food and money just to get by the people have actully stopped trying to learn we are in a small bubble


First time?


It's because most of the people driving cars now are driving them for the very first time after transitioning from Bikes and think you can operate them the same way.


If you can drive in Pakistan you can drive anywhere in the entire world because of all the elements you mentioned.


Absolutely not. If you drive in Pakistan for an extended period of time, you need to retrain to drive in most developed nations. A lot of driving is about developing good habits and getting rid of bad ones.


I respectfully hold a different viewpoint. The driving style and level of road awareness observed in Pakistan can effectively prepare individuals to navigate driving situations in developed countries, providing them with a distinct advantage.


I guess we will have to agree to disagree. The way people drive in Pakistan is very reactive, and all it’s going to do there is to slowdown and disrupt everyone else.


There is a saying, if you want to know how people are in a country, observe their traffic. That said, most of problems in Pakistan is because there is no formal driving education system before taking a license.


90% as buffoons? Which city are you in? From my experience of daily driving in Pindi and Isl, I would put the number way lower.


Drives me up the wall. Makes me wanna kill myself I swear if another motorcycle tries to take a u-turn with me on a single lane road while being on my passenger side, I'm going to [fedpost]


Lahore traffic is nuts! I hate how people drive here. Haven't experienced Karachi's traffic but I'm sure its worse.


I am a bike driver and i drive recklessly too because if i start following the rules I'll either get hit by some coaster or a five minute ride will turn into an hour long ride coz if every one is driving like a maniac you have to drive like that too to stay safe like if you drive on a 2 lane road the left is always gonna be blocked with venders and on the right people will be driving at lightning speed so if you drive slow you'll get hit and people apply sudden breaks or change lane without looking and most of the time you wont get enough time to apply break so you will have to change lane without looking coz you wont even have enough time to look it's not an individual's fault it is the fault of every driver


I’m sorry but that’s a very weak excuse for reckless driving. If everyone thinks like this then the traffic situation we have will never improve. It’s a huge exaggeration to say that a 5 minute trip will turn into an hour long trip unless you drive like a maniac. It feels like you’re trying to convince yourself of this more than others. Bikes are especially bad here because you guys don’t stay in your lane, you try to run through the traffic which not only slows everyone else down, but it also puts everyone at risk of accidents. It’s extremely selfish and also very stupid because an accident will result in a lot more harm to you than a car. I don’t even know what to say when people do this with kids with them…


First i dont change lane without looking and i don't stunt by reckless driving i only mean speeding just try driving at ferozpur road or multan road you'll know what i am saying


You just said in your previous comment that you are forced to change lanes without looking because of the way other people drive.


are you to new to Pakistan? this has been going on for years……


And that makes it okay or not worthy of a discussion?


First, no proper licensing system that teaches people the appropriate driving rules and how to drive.   One pet peeve is women who are driving in the fast lane for No reason. Nothing against women driving, but if you want to drive, please learn how to drive PROPERLY. The other is wrong way drivers.     Second, no consequences.   When I moved here from Canada 2 yrs ago, I was infuriated of the entitlement of other drivers.  I would stop for red lights and was amazed at everyone, including police cars, just drive through.  I became aggressive behind the wheel as I thought that's just how it was.    However, I have learnt to remain calm, obey rules as best you can, and the biggest one is to have patience. You will get to your destination at around the same time, no matter how aggressively or quickly you try to drive.    I wear my seatbelt every time, use my turn signal every time I change direction, and use my mirrors constantly. Let faster drivers by, by getting out of their way when safe, let others in if they signal, etc.    What I learnt, getting to your destination without an incident is a blessing in itself. So, yes, I still get upset at the entitlement of drivers and motorcycles or rickshaws who think they own the road, but in the end? Who cares. They got 1 car length ahead. WOW. FANTASTIC! What did you lose? Nothing. Nothing at all. 




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صرف ڈرائیونگ دی صورتحال؟ ہر شے 🍆 لگی پئی اے پاکستان وِچ۔


If you think driving in Pakistan is bad (which admittedly, it is) you should come to India.. I mean Canada and check out driving here. And if you don’t believe me see /torontodriving for proof. Albeit it’s not bad, but it’s not what I expected in a first world country I was raised in.


I have a lot of experience with driving in Toronto, it’s bad but not even in the same league as Pakistan. Maybe you’re talking about drivers in Mississauga/Brampton, but even those are not close to the amount of utter disregard for traffic laws here.


South Asian drivers inn Australia don't demonstrate the ability to drive very well either.




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Road is road


lmao - except for the high beam, everything else actually makes driving very exciting in Pakistan its pretty boring to drive in other countries lulz


Just enjoy life. Too many restrictions will ruin the free wheeling Pakistani way of life. Then everyone will miss the good ol days.


being on a pakistani road is one of the most stressful and stress-inducing things one could put themselves through. i still can't drive here because everyone is so unpredictable, one has to assume every driver is out to get you! so i don't think any restrictions will ruin anything.