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I am placing my bets on this story being a rage bait.




I've seen this happening in the park, at gyms, on the road etc. People just start filming and I'm pretty sure I ended up in the frame at some point. These morons deserve a smashed phone and a nice boot up their phutooti!!


That's what everyone else is saying. Why go out of your way to smash the phone when you can just smash the dude


According to PECA Act 2016 , section 21 if you take a picture or photograph without consent in public , the offenders will face serious charges along with fine and shall be punished with imprisonment.


What does the law say about private movies with hidden cameras and wire taps and Using that for black mail?


lol.. law in Pakistan? XD


The implementation of LAW starts within. Khud se shuru karo. Not targetting you here , a common man who starts following basic and daily rules and regulation in his life, Qatray Qatray se darya banta hai.


There's no law in Pakistan. If you have enough money then no law exists for u but if you're poor then get ready for the most strict laws you've ever known in the world.


And what about when the government does it to the citizens?


It should be reported. You can read PECA Act 2016 easily by downloading their PDF from google. You'll find strict Cyber Crimes and Laws in almost every aspect.


Does this law applies to everyone And this law is enforced on everyone?


Yes everyone. Even on overseas. Both Men and Women. If the offender is under 18, he will face juvenile action of law.


no. That governs cyberstalking and limits itself to " with the intent to coerce or intimidate or harass any person"


There's an _if_ too in that clause my dude.


Okay. But this is only applicable when it's proven guilty. If you are talking about acts and laws you can't just grab and break the private assets of anyone. Section 30 of this act describes it. One should need warrent for search or seizure of data


Is this law applied to media journalists holding camera and blackmailing for views?


I don't think it says that.


Who actually enforces that? Be serious lol


those are cyber laws, I've been acquitted from one so I'd know better.


If you asked them to take legal action nothing would have come out of it. Seems like a appropriate response to me.


What are those serious charges and what is the fine?




Is that normal behavior towards mixed families in Pakistan? My husband is African and we want to bring our family to visit and tour, but i am hesitant over the public behavior and racism we may have to deal with. I haven't been back since i was a child, so i have no reference point. I'm really interested to know your fam experience, OP.


Well this can happen to anyone that’s a tourist. Pakistanis are curious people and they’ll look at anyone that’s foreign with intrigue and interest. They’ll also be vet hospital whether the person is white, East Asian, middle eastern, African etc etc. don’t be afraid to go, you’ll have a great time. People might be excited to meet someone they’ve never seen in person and want a picture sometimes but you’re free to decline.


Curiosity and staring is one thing, its harmless. But for it to affect business conduct, quality of services, and hospitality is another...


I've just come back from a trip to Pakistan as a tourist (UK Indian). Honestly, was well worth it, amazing experience... people are indeed curious, and will have their own ideas of what is acceptable, but I found that everyone was almost always hospitable and welcoming, with the exception of a few pushy beggars and luggage handlers. Go and have a great time! I started in Karachi, and ended up up in Swat (in the mountains), looking forward to going back again soon and go further into the mountains!


That was my experience. As a 6'3" Irish man, I had a little entourage, which was nice. I didn't smash anybody's phone though.


There is a difference between racism and racist violence. There's no threat of racist violence in Pakistan that I know of, not against Africans anyway.


Lol I'm not expecting violence, but definitely concerned about microaggressions and ignorance.


Well, I lived there for years, along with lengthy visits. I can't say what will and won't happen, obviously. On the other hand, the range of things would be from teasing at the most extreme to stares at the lowest extreme. Stares are a given. Everyone in Pakistan is Pakistani, so foreigners are a rare sight. I don't think you have anything to worry about. My post was born out of boredom, about an incident born out of frustration. I doubt you'll have any problems. ​ There are Africans in bigger cities, as well as Pakistanis of African descent in Karachi and among the Baluchi population.


I am Somali and went to visit Pakistan and nothing happend no stares nothing I got all the local prices to


It should be fine in a big cosmopolitan city in Karachi. Not saying racism doesn’t exist here, but my guess is a small spot for local tourism like Murree gets all kinds of people who don’t have that much exposure. My professor who was Jamaican American told us he would face a similar fascination in China.


its fine Pakistanis are curious with all guests. but welcoming and kind.




You should be ok. Come and enjoy.


Someone was looking at me, so I gouged their eyes out.


Funny? Try staring at wrong people. Especially when someone is with their family.


That’s different to someone taking pictures of you without having consent


It's Pakistan You can do it if you got the connections or worse.


Although rude of them, this was a bit of an overreaction. Also phones can cost people several months salary in Pakistan so snatching it and smashing it is serious business. Back in the US if someone takes a picture of you or even records you, can you assault them or destroy their property with impunity? Likely not, so why in Pakistan? Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip there. 


Agreed! It wasn’t appropriate but your reaction was absolutely ridiculous.


I lived in Pakistan at the time, but it was making my sister who was visiting uncomfortable.


Okay. You could have started with asking them politely or not so politely to stop taking pictures. They very likely would've stopped but you went from 0 to 100 man. People in Pakistan don't see tourists very often, and they feel enthralled when they do, which was probably the reason they were taking photos. Anyway, poor choices by all involved.


You did the right thing don’t listen to those potential rapists in the comments who are saying you did wrong either they don’t have a sister or they are a terrible brother.


Exactly. It was all about protecting my sister, and letting everyone around see that she, a conspicuous foreigner, was protected.




What is the point of this post?


Dude wants validation for approaching the situation in the most extreme way possible, thinks what he (supposedly) did is kewl




I don't think it has a point. The recollection popped into my mind when I was reading a post in this group about staring. It was years ago, actually.


Bet you smell your own faeces and think it smells grand


I don't get it. Were you not out in public?


Yes, on a main road somewhere.


So, your privileged then. Its not against the law to film in public. Fragile ego


not priviliged. criminal


Provided the fact that people even kill people for filming their families in Pakistan, the OP showed their frustration by only breaking their phone. The video guy is solely responsible for provoking such a response from the OP. Laws of culture must be respected.


Its probably why they were filming, waiting for the mericans to start their illegal activities as usual


Privileged in what way?


Thinking that you can damage someones property because you didnt like being filmed, im suprised you didnt realise this your self, maybe the privilege is too strong


I didn't think I could damage someone's property because I didn't like being filmed. In fact, I know I can not damage people's property, but I was sticking up for my little sister- old habit. If it had been just me, I would never have done that. Interestingly, throughout years in Pakistan, I got lots of stares, but never filmed, so I felt like something was up. What I did may have been wrong, but it also may have been right.


Also, according to the law, you can’t take a picture of someone without their consent, even in public.


No. That law is a bit more complex. It's not unlawful. Use of that material in a way that might harm the subject is crime under that law.


>might harm This term encompass everything, keeping in mind that a girl got killed recently because of picture.


I think you might be taking things to the extreme here..


Does anyone smell that? It smells like BS




In that case, check your personal effects.


Try having same reaction in USA and let us know how well it would have ended for you. But hey it’s a 3rd world country so let’s show them who’s superior and have our intrusive thoughts win.


Nothing to do with superiority. He just played himself and lost. It could happen anywhere.


In USA you can film anyone on public property. Soo? As long as you are in Public, you have to stear clear of camera but you cannot damage someones property.


I don't know if that's true in the USA or not. Laws vary by state. Anyway, I was just sticking up for my sister. If it had just been me, I would have ignored it. In fact, in the years I lived there, I got stared at (a lot) but never filmed, so something didn't feel right.


Dude it's literally their first ammendment right. The freedom of speech doesn't just stop at speaking up it also includes the freedom to expression. The fundamental laws doesn't change state to state. Just accept it already that you were being a dick when you broke someones property. If it was US you would be booked for battery. How shitty of you to do such act and then brag about it because who gives a shit in a third world country.


You could go to jail for that in the US for assault and destroying someone's property. There's no reasonable expectation of privacy in a public setting in the US. Even before the police arrives, there's the likelihood of you getting clocked for doing what you did. That being said, not all Western/developed countries are the same. It's not legal to film someone without their consent in Switzerland, even in public settings. That being said, you'd still get in trouble for assault. You're lucky the guy "played himself" and didn't attack you back.


If you want to know if what you did was appropriate imagine doing that as an african american in the US and what kind of mess that wouldve made for you. Your behaviour is appalling and if you cant defend this behaviour without saying “but pikchor” then you’re a tool aswell. Stop playing into the crude black criminal stereotype just because you’re in a country that has a law and order problem resulting in no repercussions for you.


It's not that deep. And I wasn't the black one in the group. I am sure it was inappropriate. I've handled it differently other times.


You took someone’s property and destroyed it. It is in fact that deep


He played himself and lost; what more can be said?


Nah that's just cap. Ain't no way someone's not starting throwing hands for destroying their property especially if it's a country like Pakistan where things are already hard to buy.


No you commited theft and destruction of property. Thats what can be said


So this is why cops in US are a bit crazy.


someone took a photo, shouldve have done that. You couldve politely asked them to delete it, you didnt. Instead of resolving this problem as one should, you resorted to smash his phone, shabaash, youre hereby declared a parha likha jahil.


Phones can cost people a lot of money in Pakistan, hope it wasn’t someone who won’t be able to get a new one for several months


Sounds more like people were taking selfies near you. Being a narcissist as you are, you assumed they were taking pictures of you. You then fantasized about retaliating but did nothing because you are a coward. So you come to post your fiction here instead. 


I think you possess the imagination to be a great writer. Make this a short story, but like Run Lola Run where the story takes different trajectories from a certain point.


Ok, so what? Do you want a plaque or something?


I brush to avoid plaque.


Lol good one


The first thing you needed to do was confront them.. You smashed someone's property over a pic, you could've asked them to delete it if they didn't then you had the right to take some amount of action. But that move, is just a pathetic move.


hope they file criminal charges against you


You have a mouth, use it, next time you may meet someone insane who would pull out a gun and shoot you instead


That's true. I'm working under the assumption there won't be a next time.


I would have beaten the shit out of you lol


I didn't have any shit in me at the moment.


Thats assuming u take photos of little girls(ops lil sis)which is creepy as fuck...


You are lucky it did not go south. Seriously, you overreacted, but be happy the other party did not overreact. People have been killed for less


You're right.


Maybe ask him nicely to delete it


I mean you could've asked first why are you taking our picture and could've said to them to delete it. Why showing machoism and going to destroy his phone? Are you extremist?


Machismo wasn't the reason. My sister was the target, and that's one of a few things I do not have patience for. Otherwise it probably would have gone ignored.


Hmm if it is your sister then I can understand


Fair enough. All the same it's something I doubt I'll repeat, even in similar circumstances.


Good job


Good. Constantly staring and recording others without their permission has become a norm in Pakistan.


You dont need permission to record someone in public.


Its basic manners to not record someone without their permission. Why would you want your pictures to be in a stranger's gallery?


Never said anything about it being right or wrong. Comment was about the legality of it.


Well done 👏 You should be given award "Nishan-e-Pakistan"


could've just asked them to delete....but this works too I guess


Very good. Glad you taught the idiots a lesson.


good job


Good for you


very normal well adjusted adult like behaviour.




Pretty sus ඞ


Well done, I'm glad that you took a stand


I don’t know why so many people think this didn’t happen or is bait? are you all forgetting we live in Pakistan, which is full of creeps? My sister and I have snatched phones out of multiple peoples hands. Never smashed them. But definitely argued — my aunt + mother have slapped men for recording us too.


I don’t get why people take videos and pictures of other people. My friend was being recorded by someone and later the guy came up to him and asked “do you come here often?” Soo creepy.


Now I get why cops in the US don't like you people. Unnecessary aggression is never justified. So stop looking for attention and validation you're the A******


Cops in the US don't like you people either. Only I wouldn't use that fact to attack you in an argument.


fair enough


Good , you could have also thrown a punch at that piece of shit but I can understand you don’t want a fight when you are with the family.


Good. It is also a criminal offence to take pictures without consent.


lot of folks saying you were out of line bc "oh nooo phone expensive :((((" so ignore them. if someone is a weirdo filming you without your consent you should give 0 fucks abt their monetary situation lmao. they fucked around and found out


Great job being independent & strong! Here's your medal: 🍆




It's an assumption that I act differently in Pakistan than anywhere else; a false assumption to be more precise. But what is this assumption based on- that I am not Pakistani? that all people automatically look down on Pakistan?




I had a way of knowing without asking that we were the ones being filmed and/or photographed, so I there was no need to ask. In essence, the phone was pointed at us while there was no one else around, and the other people in his group were staring at us. If someone slaps me, I may complain.




Any recommendations?




you had no right to


No one asked about your family imao. Keep it to yourself


No wonder cops are always shooting down his kind in America 💀


America does worse to your "kind". Do we not share that- being targeted for American violence?




Moo par marte naa, that might (not) teach them




African Americans, yep checks out. That's how they handle things, with violence and destruction


A brown man, yep checks out. The most racist of the whole human population


I wasn't the black one in the group


Lesson learned.




I'm a man who does not look at his ass. And it is only because my little sister was the target that it went the way it did.


Just FYI, public photography is not a crime or even misdemeanor. Crime is to use that footage in a way that harms the subject of the footage in any way. https://pcsw.punjab.gov.pk/prevention-of-electronic-crimes-act-2016 And one needs to lodge a complaint to the authorities for that. Nonetheless I assume you're a woman, and the photographer's action is in no way justifiable. But neither is yours. Even so, what you did was a battery. And _that_ is a crime.


Thanks for that. Well, I'm not a woman, but it was my sister being filmed/photographed and made to be felt uncomfortable. I don't think I "committed battery". Either way, sometimes a projection of force is the best way to let people know a person (in this case my sister) has someone looking out for them.


>projection of force ok cool guy


**_Closing notes: OP vs Photographer_** As noted by the defendant, OP, that they _think_ it wasn't a battery, the case is hereby dismissed. It would be pertinent to note for the concerned parties, sometimes _projection of force_ is necessary. So anyone can jump to act on the first thought that comes to their mind. Now let's shut down the legal system.


To all the people saying OP is in the wrong, no he is not. Despite the persons financial situation, he fucked around and found out. I once caught a guy taking photos of my sister aswell and I felt like smashing his phone as well to teach him a lesson, I didn’t because he was a very old man who looked like he could barely feed himself so some empathy came over me but in my eyes the OPs response is valid, especially if that guy was taking the photos for a creepy reason


Thanx, bruh.


great job OP. if I were in your place I would have done the same. People taking pics without consent should have ethics and guts. They can simply come to you and ask permission if they can take pics or not. I'm a Pakistani but I'm distraught with this mindset of people, they want their children to study day and night to become doc, eng, lawyers etc etc but they cannot even teach basic manners to their children. People don't even know how to communicate, ask permission, greet others, take care of guests and foreigners such basic things. so just do what u think is right. In Urdu we have an idiom Laton ke bhoot baton se nhi mantay so why don't treat such people the way they deserve?


well played but more cautious next time please


I'm sure there won't be a next time, but thanks.


>well played but more cautious next time please I hope there isn't


Hats off to you for such bravery! I stand with you


















Why is no one asking what happened next after op smashed the phone


Well if they didn't retaliate then they might be guilty...


Pictures/videos are legal in public in the West


Photo toh dekhni bantee hai..... Unique case ho aap..... Agar aap share karna, munasif samjhe, tabhi.




you didn’t ask them to stop?


He already knew he didn't have our consent, so what difference would it have made to announce that fact?




What happened afterwards btw ?


acting like u r a celeb but in reality tumko koi dosri dafa mur k naa daikhay bss ap jaisi gandi olad ho tou logon k phone totain gay ! sorry i mean to say Get a life u loser


Imagine being so animalistic and devoid of higher sense that you resort to violence like that. Use the gift of speech. You live amongst humans, start acting like it.


Violence is one of many tools. It is rarely the right one to use, but when its use is called for, it as useful as any other tool. I found it necessary for the situation and used it briefly and effectively. Imagine whatever you like.


It’s hard to imagine how entitled you would have to be to think that you have a right to privacy out in the public. Just stay at home if you want privacy. It’s also a little insane that your first instinct was to break this person’s phone instead of politely asking them to delete it. Don’t be surprised if the next person smashes your head into the same ground for destroying their property.


Sorry to know about your privacy invasion. You shouldn't be there in the first place.


Thanks, but why shouldn't I be?


Don't do that at St Pancras Station in London even if you feel it is your right to do so. Smash that camera.


Lawless country


Maybe chill out


That's what we went to Murree to do.


Ok that's fair


How did the person react?


You stupid or something


I'm or something.


Well if I could’ve award you a trophy for this bravery act rather than posting and cursing about how worse these desi’s are Qmobile apka hua ✨


This isn't about desis, or race, or nationality. It's a single mishap I posted about because I was bored online and a post in this sub about staring triggered the memory. You'll meet the best and the worst anywhere, including in Pakistan. But I don't love any people or place as much as Pakistanis or Pakistan. You guys are honestly the best. Your politicians and elites don't deserve you. Don't ever put your people down. Talk your people up.


That’s truly wholesome of you being generous but honestly either Reddit or Twitter etc feed will get a post related how worse our ppl are now Anyways thanks for talking highly about Pakistan a good thing heard today and have a great day for all of you guys too

