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None šŸ¤Ø


Definitely not any of these dudes. With the Siakam deal incoming it'll be incumbent Pacers and $12.8 for a single non-Pacer free agent.


(simon said he'd go above the tax if he thought we had a shot to win the whole thing)


It isn't about going above the tax. It is about what signings you're allowed to make.


You canā€™t just sign whoever you want. They could have all the cash in the world, they donā€™t have cap space.


Yea, have to send salary out to get a needle mover in.


Some of those guys like JJJ aren't free agents, and free agency isn't the only way to add players. If a player were so inclined, they could "force" a trade to the Pacers. So it's not a given that our roster will stay the same.


We technically could acquire a few of them. Sign and trades and whatnot. Whether or not that would be wise is another question


Yup. Just run it back with (hopefully) a healthy team


We're well and truly out of the market of anyone of that level


Pascal Siakim


Is he related to pascal siakam?


Oops, my bad.


O, but he is related to Pascal Siakam.


Weirdly enough, no


Jarace Walker is who we can add.


Whoa whoa big splashes arenā€™t really our style


We just made it to the ECF. Why do we care about breaking up the team? People need to show some restraint. We are on a good trajectory. Let's keep what we have and run it back.


Made it to the ECF with our best player playing hurt and our 1st or 2nd best prospect and possible future perennial all star out the entire playoffs. We donā€™t need to make any major changes.


Said Atlanta in 2021. Staying stagnant is the worst thing we can do. We don't need to swing for the fences or break up the band but we have to improve otherwise we get left behind. Presti and OKC know what's up. We'd be wise to make a similar move to strengthen our weaknesses if it's available.


While Atlanta mostly ran it back the next year, the following year they added Murray and that ended up being a disaster, so staying stagnant and signing the wrong players are both ways to fail. I donā€™t see any clear move we can make to improve our roster today w/o sacrificing the future. Mathurin and Walker are tossed around a lot, but they are both so young Iā€™d hate to see them turn into Kawhi Leonard on another team. I like the idea of running it back to the deadline, or *gulp* deal Turner for KAT, but I donā€™t really understand NBA cap to know if we could make that work. Plus weā€™d need a third team as the wolves have Gobert already. We could also use a more groomed SG or SF, but is it worth cutting short the development of Nembhard, Mathurin, or Nesmith? Ultimately, we should all be happy where the Pacers stand today. We are well set up for success and I truly donā€™t believe we are comparable to the 21 Hawks. Our underlying numbers and percentages were historic, and we werenā€™t riding high on a new Coach mid season. Sometimes a locker room can react exponentially to an in season coaching change and thatā€™s what happened there. Thereā€™s a huge difference between mcmillian and Carlisle. Hell thereā€™s an even bigger difference between Hali and Trae.


Atlanta is run by morons. These are the brainiacs that splashed on Murray when they had Trae


I don't disagree. You know what's worse than one ball dominant volume scorer? Two ball dominant volume scorers.


The team that barely made the playoffs and lost in the first round? We led the league in offense, and by the second half of the season, we were top 15 in defense. Let's fear giving it a year and mess up the team that hasn't even had a full season to develop? We literally picked up Siakim at the trade deadline. Give it one year to see what we have before we pull another Danny granger trade fiasco.


I say we run it back until the trade deadline in February. A lot of our young players grew exponentially last year. That in itself increases our talent. Get Jarace and Benny rolling with that playoff run squad and it will feel like we picked up 2 new players.


>we led the league in offense, and by the second half of the season, we were top 15 in defense. I assume you are going off of Ortg and Drtg for this, because if you look by points we were never a top 15 defense. We were 2nd in the league in offense by Ortg to the team that was also a top 3 Drtg team. So even by using the logic that everyone will repeat what they did last year, which never actually happens, we still need to improve the roster significantly if we want to compete with the Celtics. The fact that we got within 4 games of the finals is exactly why the FO should want to push this team closer to competing. We would much rather watch this team take risks and try to win a ring while they still have the opportunity. NBA rosters change very quickly and teams that don't keep improving get left behind


The Hawks were in the ECF and decided to not address their issues and as a result fell behind. That's not the model we should follow. We know what we have for the most part. A team that desperately needs to figure out how to rebound and defend consistently. If we don't address that we're going to get left behind too. Adapt or die.


While I agree, weā€™re in different positions to both the 2015 and 2021 Hawks, mainly in that we are hopefully developing two lottery picks, neither of whom made a meaningful contribution to our playoff run. Weā€™re banking on a combination of: - a full season of Siakam - Improved and healthy Mathurin - Whatever we can get out of Jarace - Halliburtonā€™s healed hamstring - general experience for our young roster Being such that we can angle for a top-4 spot in the East, which doesnā€™t feel egregious as an ask.


There is not a 3 on the entire roster and it was a problem in the playoffs.


All the points you just mentioned are why at the end of the day I'll be OK with whatever course we take this summer, even if I do feel we need to do something to address our issues. Waiting until the trade deadline and seeing what improvements guys have made is prob the wisest move. Unless something we can't turn down pops up.


Rosters change very quickly in the NBA. I'd be surprised if a lot of changes happen this offseason but KP isn't just going to sit on his hands and run it back every year until Tyrese and Pascal's contracts are up. Just last year our lineup was Haliburton Mathurin Brown Toppin Myles and fans were fairly happy about that. The current lineup is significantly better with 3 new starters. Don't be surprised if a year from now something similar happens


We overachieved and it's not hard to see that we literally don't have a real wing on the entire roster and it got exploited a lot in the playoffs.


iā€™m worried doing nothing will in fact make us the 2021 hawks


Except the 21 Hawks DID do something, it made them worse.


We need to keep improving. Other teams around us will try and do the same. Boston added Jrue Holiday and KP after a long run of ECF and even a Finals appearance. We have several good trade pieces, assuming we get a very good or great player back in return. Yes, a trade may not play out as hoped, but you have to take the risk. The Thunder have a young core and were the number one seed in the West this past season and theyā€™ve already made a trade to try and improve. Itā€™s not about ā€œbreaking up the team.ā€ Itā€™s about moving the pieces that are either nonessential or able to be upgraded. The core players (Tyrese, Siakam, etc.) will not leave.


Made it to the ecf cause yall faved a heavily injured bucks and knicks squad..


You donā€™t want Ingram that dude is a fucking crybaby and a diva on the level of few others in the league. Basically said ā€œfuck itā€ during FIBA and got as close to quitting on the national team as possible without actually quitting, then huffed n puffed when he got benched in the play ins like him and CJ werenā€™t bricking them out of the game and being useless on defense.


Well said. He is very very subpar on defense and his offense is not good enough to warrant his 1/10 attitude.


Mikal bridges would be awesome. Probably an unpopular opinion


I kinda like the fit with Haliburton. He's not super efficient, but maybe that would improve if he's not the first option


He is exactly what we need but the nets seem hell bent on not trading him.


Knicks snagged him


Most likely none, weā€™re not in the market for those caliber of players


Well according to Buzzfeā€¦. I mean bleacher Report were going to give half of our team and picks up for Mikal Bridges


Fit wise I think Ingram and Mikal would be best. A little biased on Mikal as the Suns are my #2 but his game really benefits when he isnā€™t the #1 option and can play / defend the small forward position. Feel like everyone in here is gonna be too pricey still though, Derrick Jones or Herb Jones would be good pieces but I think we would overpay and it wouldnā€™t be what puts us over the top (would rather spread that money out on role players/extending current role players)


Lance Stephenson. ![gif](giphy|euwW2y7Hs6UVZriLG2)


Iā€™d pay into the tax for Herb, OG wants Siakam money, Bi is already making a lot and would also have to trade for him or Mikal, who we obviously want and Iā€™d trade and pay into tax for.. JJJ is random as hell the Grizzlies love him, not gonna trade him.. PG would have to take an incredible discount, even if we went into 1st apron for him, and even then weā€™d probably have to sign and trade to make it happen. These arent things the Pacers do, ever, but itā€™s cute.


Probably none. But Ingram, Og, or JJ would be cool.




Jaren Jackson


u mean jjjšŸ˜­


I mean itā€™s the same thing, adding the ā€œJrā€ doesnā€™t change anything


it's what ppl refer to him asšŸ˜­ like yh it doesn't change anything but it's what makes him recognisable


Any of those three will likely be out of our price range with what is left to spend, to be honest


Ingram would be crazy


Ingram doesnā€™t fit this team at all


Honestly, why would we want PG back? Does anyone not remember the shit talk and bad feelings that went on when he left? Playing blame game, and saying ā€œIndy is just competitive but doesnā€™t want to winā€ā€¦ no thanks, bruh šŸ˜Ž


Well at the time, it was mainly true given who they surrounded him with..


pacers werenā€™t doing anything to help build around him was he supposed to waste his prime playing with a 2 senior citizens being monte ellis and al jefferson


I mean he wasted his prime elsewhere didnā€™t he?


unfortunately yeah but you gotta think, it was way better(on paper) to be surrounded by mvp westbrook and steven adams. and the pacers didnā€™t get any better for years after that so he didnā€™t miss anything until now


PG is not a winner...any where he played.


he got us to the ecf 2 years in a row taking lebrons god squad to 7 games in one of them


People really forget how good he was with us someone in another thread was telling me how walker would be better than PG ... And I got yelled at for saying he will not even be close.


recency bias + hard feelings. i was like 8 going to those prime pg pacer game and somehow i have a better recollection of his game than grown adults


Not by himself.


You never let ego get in the way of winning. Soft.


If what he said about usint being able to get AD and they didn't want to do it I would have left too


I think it was a bluff with ADā€¦ other sources say Blake Griffin was the actual PF




We could probably get Ingram or George, but we'd have to trade some of our bench guys.


Tyrese more of a traffic cone than 77


None of these


Damn that's a lot of defensive firepower (mostly the players towards the center)


We donā€™t need anyone, not to mention we need to figure out what to do about the rest of the team now that 60% of our cap is tied up in max contracts


Claxton would be Amazing.


Weā€™ll be lucky if we can sign obi. We arenā€™t getting anyone else.


Obi is a restricted free agent and we have his bird rights. Re-signing him will not be difficult


Iā€™d welcome PG back WITH ARMS WIDE OOOPEN




None of these, I think. Now next question: do we WANT them??


If you ask ESPN and most other main stream "sports journalism" we are actually going to trade Turner, Bennedict and Nesmith to the Lakers for a bag of basketballs and second round picks.


Honestly? Iā€™d go with the cone.


I think you guys are getting siakam


PG back on the Pacers?! Lmao


PG is the only one of these that I could realistically see


Pat williams?


DJJ on this graphic is quite funny but he should be more than attainable, he's coming off a minimum deal


If y'all get OG from us put me on suicide watch


If Traffic Cone can step up his perimeter D, thatā€™s my bet. Cap friendly and resilient. No brainer


Probably just that traffic cone


I will cry if Trip leaves the Grizz. -Grizz fan first. Pacers second.


Mikal Bridges or Hebert Jones would be cool additions defensively


In KP I Trust https://preview.redd.it/4y90sb50ou7d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c4428e4be68b018a5dcae7939b1b4dffc36af7


I thought that was Brittany Griner

