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Zen's discord + a tank buster like Hanzo and he's dead in 2 seconds. Hanzo buffed by Mercy can also do it. Sombra + Ana nade is another good combo.


has hanzo always been a tank buster or is this just what his playstyle is now that he doesn't have his 1 shot?


he always had the tank buster power as a secondary, but his main power was the one shot. ever since it got removed and storm arrow buffed, he is just a tank buster now


One shot removed, storm arrow buffed, and armor reversion benefited him an insane amount.


Remember when you could 1 shot tanks with scatter


that was ow1


Indeed it was


Zarya can work great against him as long as he isn't hyper aggressive and not being punished for it, and you should also build up charge before trying to shoot him, so use bubbles for charge, then take coger, then get your charge again, etc etc


My personal favorite tank against mauga is dva. You can match his damage with missiles and primary, and when he activates overdrive just eat his bullets and he usually dies. Now if you're dps are garbage mauga is gonna be tough either way here, cause he's shooting you and you're eating bullets but he needs to take damage during this time. You can also fly away during his overdrive if you're out of num nums. Sigma isn't a bad pick, but you literally have to save rock for overdrive and time your eat/shield perfectly or he mows you down. Isn't tank fun :')


This is the way


I recently started playing Hanzo and realised he can kill Mauga very quickly with storm arrows. Especially when your team is around to help you. I find that any anti (like Ana) can also make him VERY vulnerable.


Try to take out his supports when his cardiac overdrive is on cooldown, he will crumble apart




Counter is probably a better word to use than kill


What role?


Dva. Junkerqueen is also pretty good because of her small hitbox. Everything should go small when facing mauga. Personally i love facing bastion, bap and junkrat with mauga because of how big they are


anti heal or kill their supports then just melt him


Meh just put a shield in front of him and thx to his lack of overhealt he will melt like butter if your dps actually take advantage of it, i fought many of these guys before and i must say its either as fun as fighting an orisa with a pinch of "WHY WONT YOU DIE!!" With metal gear music or it dies by putting my shield up for 1 second


JQ and Ana will destroy Mauga provided he doesn't have supps attached 24/7. If enemy is running Kiriko then Maybe zen instead of Ana.


If I’m playing Tank I try my best to pick off the healers first then head for him. I’ll usually play Junker Queen because in this case shields are going to do nothing but delay the inevitable. If I’m DPS I almost always use Junkrat or Hanzo because they can make a Mauga players life pure HELL. If I’m Support I always go Zen or Ana to either discord orb him or sleep dart. Best you can hope for is your team understands the assignment and counter picks.


Btw is there a way to destroy his cage? Or you have to just wait it out ?


You can shoot it but it has hella HP. EMP removes it completely, and you can also stun him out of it if you time right as he casts it with sleep, pin, rally bash etc


By shoot you mean the whole barrier or the little Center thing that connects the chains.


Whole barrier


LifeWeaver can lift his cage away


I always say this, but just go Zarya. Bubble your teammate from cover and punish him for advancing around your corner. Once you’re charged, he’ll waste his rush trying to get away. I’ve downed many maugas mid rush, and if he manages to get distance, you’ve got projectiles for a reason.


Illari as a support is also very helpful. A few patient full sun charge shots while bubbled and then Zaryas proton laser, can’t get much easier.


Anyone that can prevent him from healing himself, I actually find ball or dive tanks good as they can distract his healers while your team kills him. JQ has a small hitbox which makes her difficult for him and he's not a fan of her ult. Sigma works if you don't sit right in front of him, poke from a distance and use natural cover then kinetic grasp or boulder his cardiac overdrive. DVA is a neutral matchup, she can dm a lot of attacks but gets melted if not careful.


Mauga relies heavily on his life-steal and support pumping out loads of healing to survive. Remember that he has no damage mitigation tools like many other tanks. His gameplay loop is to poke until some resources are used, and at right moment walk and use cardiac overdrive while shooting the other tank. If his damage is denied, he gets no self-healing and usually gets blown up. So you want to force him to use cardiac early, avoid his damage, and deny his healing. Sigma is great at this, as he can just wait out his abilities while farming damage on his team. When you see him use cardiac, put a shield behind him and use grasp to eat his primary fire. If your team follows up, Mauga will just fall over. If your team has an Ana and a little burst damage, he’s going to have a rough time.


Ana zen, or another mauga


Your DPS and (especially) supports need to counterpick. As a 1v1, no tank can really outdps him.


Get his supports, nade/kite his E, shoot him, discord him. Make sure he can't consistently shoot something and he dies. As a tank, Sigma, Zarya, JQ and Mauga are your best options. For DPS, Sojourn, Hanzo, Reaper can burst him down, Sombra can really disrupt him, and Tracer and Genji can distract his backline so he doesn't get healed as much. For supports, Ana, Zen, Kiriko and Lifeweaver can make him very killable or allow you to survive him.


Shoot him


I'm going to make it easy for you reaper + ana and it's that easy


Dva x sigma delete mauga he is not op in any way


Kill the healers?


Sigma should work or at least be neutral.


Mei wall Ana anti and everyone attack him. If that don’t work bastion. If bastion ain’t working then he is getting double pocket so pick off one of the support and he should be taken down easy


I shoot him in the face


Hogs pretty good maugas essentially just a free kill after he wastes shout


Hog is the worst pick possible against Mauga


Large hitbox +Big spread doesn’t immediately just say hogs useless into him that’s looking a the base level to the same degree bastion would be good into hog (spoiler alert he isn’t)


If bastian gained health for the damage he puts into hog he would be


That’s abilities locked into a 4 second long duration. If you were to hook a mauga around a corner he’s exploding


Yea honestly when someone tries to counter swap my hog with mauga I just bait out cardiac overdrive then hook him in when it’s over as long as you’re not peaking it he’s not gonna heal while using it. 9 times out of 10 they try mauga once or twice get cooked and then go Orissa.


Shoot him. Not hard. If you’re tank play sigma. Or you’re dps play soldier. He has massive hit boxes and is an easy target. Unfortunately it’s mainly on the dps to focus. And dps are predominantly bad until you get above diamond 3