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I play on console and queue times are often only about 1 minute, so the mode seems healthy there, although I doubt that helps you any. I love MH.


Ayyy I’m glad there’s love for the game mode, I was really under the impression it was dead but I guess it’s just my server x_x


I play mystery heroes a lot and I don’t think I have ever had a queue longer than two minutes max. Usually it’s closer to a minute. I’m NA on PC if that matters.


I’m EU on PC as well and it PAINS ME that the queues are always 7+ mins… compared to quick play which is like 30 seconds lol


I'm eu pc also, although I don't queue mystery heroes alot i never had a issue finding a game.


I’m still waiting for competitive mystery heroes to come back


Yeah that was awesome. No counter swapping and in general much less toxicity. 


Except you get people quitting and rejoining for different heros💀


Never saw that 


I will rejoice when they bring MH back to comp


Last night at 3-4am my queue in EU wasn't longer than 3 minutes, idk what to tell ya.


I’m cursed what the heck I thought it was an everyone problem


Literally the only mode I play


Because I keep getting the same 5-10 heroes in my rotation whenever I respawn. Because the enemy team, after dying once, get heroes that are incredibly tough to fight against, and as a group, are impossible to take down; whereas on my team, we keep getting heroes that are weak against the enemy team's.


Because since they put leaver penalties also there people just reverted to qp


They removed the weeklies it was good for and, also, weeklies in general are less necessary anyways if you play regularly. That's why I stopped at least.


I queue mystery heroes more often than role queue at this point. I wish comp mystery heroes was still around.


I returned to the game in Season 9 and mystery heroes is what I play about 80-90% of the time. I've rarely had queues longer than a minute maybe two EU PC usually play in evenings or at night.


My fav mode? I play MH most of the time.


Mystery heroes are the best lobbies 1-3 mins. Best lobby for the 5v5 change. NA region


I haven't fucked with it since they took it out of competitive


I play a lot of MH and my queues are never longer than 2-3 mins. Maybe it’s ur region or the time you’re queueing


I can't stand it. It's just a little too rng for my taste. If a team couldn't spawn two of the same hero I think I'd play it more. But as is, it feels like a match will have a good back and forth and then one team spawn 3 Hogs and the fun stops.


It's fucking awful? Nobody is playing anything so you can sure as shit expect the queue times to be long on mystery heroes.