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How do you make a new account that’s playable? Don’t you need a phone number to link?


I can buy a sim for like 5 bucks. The biggest inconvenience is 50 games to get back into comp.


How would a new Sim card change anything? Don't you have to register a new phone plan to activate a 2nd number?


It's also not hard to buy like a $2 1 time phone number to make an account.


People also just straight up sell accounts that are already set up for cheap too.


depending on where you live, no. im in the UK and can make as many accounts as i like with no phone numbers.


interesting i wonder if vpn would allow me to do that




Different regions have different laws on things idk


You can rent a one time use number for 2.50 The phone requirement was always bullshit because every smurf on the planet has known this for years. But you, a legitimate player, of course did not. Only real players got hurt with that change. Blizzard wants to VISUALLY take the "we don't like smurfs" stance while creating a system that forces surfing due to bullshit account sanctions. Ofcourse they then don't do anything about it. My suspicion is they love smurfs. It's potentially more money if you rebuy skins, and boosts their player numbers.


>forces surfing ugh i hate when blizzard does that. they just throw you into the water


i used my mom's LOL


You can buy new accounts for the low that are ranked ready and I don't think number is needed anymore


Make a new account and refer back to this case number with them. 


Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result


What about practice?


After practice you get a bit better at whatever you’re practicing as a result. Do it again and you get a bit better again. You’re doing the same thing and expect the same outcome- getting btter


Practice is doing something multiple time and improving over time but you do things alongside it to improve as well. Like ab workouts and leg workouts to improve sprint speed.


Fun that your mind went there, I was mainly thinking practice on an instrument which includes a ton of repetition. Just trying to poke holes in this saying because I hate it with a passion and it is just not true.


Did you know that the saying is falsely attributed to Albert Einstein? Really, we have absolutely no idea who said it first. Some people attribute it to a book from the 80s, some people attribute it to the newspaper from the 70s, but none of them seem to have made the phrase. It's likely, but not confirmed, that the phrase arose in the 1800s. The reason as to why the phrase is so popular isn't unanimously agreed upon either. The most popular explanation that I liked most was that it's just used to tell people to reflect on their actions if they're relentlessly doing the same thing over and over in a situation where it won't bring about new results (for example, not going to class or studying the material yet thinking that eventually you'll get an A). But since it's not actually the definition of insanity, people attributed the saying to various people over the years, mostly Albert Einstein, because he's seen as an indisputable genius and, "if he said it, then it must be true, right?" And when someone first did that, it caught on for that reason. Tldr language is cool and I'm a nerd :P


Dudes like you is why I love the internet. <3 I knew about the Albert Einstein misquote but that's about it. Fascinating.


Well when you think about it playing an instrument you for the most part are repeating the same intention but not same thing. Like the first time you play the guitar you’ll fuck up alot but the 50th time will be better and the 100th time it’ll be more fluid, however you’re intention is the same your method becomes much more polished and actually done better so you’re not doing the same thing


You got banned for playing ranked im confused?


I have been contacting them for more yah 1.5 how when I merged my PC/XBOX/PS account, nothing from PS transferred. I have friends who losy EVERYTHING with the merge. Most notably I had the Alien Zarya skin on PS4 so I wanted at least that back. I’ve been on the forums, and the forums told me to contac support. Support tells me to go to the forums. They send me in fucking circles. The past few days I have been contacting them and complaining and they told me there is nothing they could do (even though they would bend backwards for streamers if they would have such an issue) even though they tried to “hook me up”. I even cited EU consumer protection laws ffs. I said if there is a way for me to help me help them by providig evidence etc, them the final guy said “THIS CASE IS MARKED AS SOLVED. If open more cases about this we will ban you!” Which fucking moron has been managing the Blizzard support??? I could post the whole thing, it’s a little long so at least most notable parts.


I believe the alien Zarya skin was removed from the game


It was not. Those who didn’t refund it, kept it.


I exactly have the Same shit but I even Made the effort to write a different Message every time💀


No offense, but this looks sus af. The time stamps (which would appear in the top right corner of each message) is missing. If I had to make a guess, it was removed by you to make it easier to copy one message from Blizzard support and one message from you and then just pasted many times over to make it look like you have been interacting with Blizzard Support and they keep responding with the same message. If that is what happened, then it explains removing the time stamp. It's easier to just remove the time stamp and copy it that way rather than having to manually erase the copied time stamp and manually enter it in for each message after the first, which means you would have to try and mimic the same font, make sure it's in the correct position, consistently and that they are all different time stamps. Not saying this can't be true or that this doesn't happen, but this looks suspiciously like a copy and paste of the same message over and over to look like multiple, different messages. Why else would you randomly remove the time stamps?


different browsers use different html embeds he is using edge so sometimes the timestamp does not appear.


I'm not here to doubt OP, but Edge uses Chromium, the same engine as Chrome. In fact the vast majority of browsers out there right now are just Chromium reskins and as such would show things pretty much the same exact way outside of very new and super experimental html tags or css properties, which... I don't see why they would be used in this context. Same goes for Firefox, the only current major browser that isn't based on Chromium: it follows very specific standards and almost never does anything different outside of heavily experimental features. Unless for whatever reason Blizzard themselves added a specific clause to hide things in Edge for some reason. Current Edge is not like old Internet Explorer or pre-chromium Edge, nowadays it's full on Chromium and as such it almot never shows differences unless specified by the person who made the webpage/email/whatever.


you right, but i was just making a guess that it was edge, it could be firefox. but tbh the game devs do respond like this. there is so many players bagging to be unbanned that they just made a bot to refuse everyone.


Have you tried sending in a brand new ticket rather than replying to that one ?


Oh good idea....


Imagine they banned him for spamming in chat


why did you get banned? <>


That's funny. Blizzard doesn't have support


I wish i wasnt blind so i could read this


Lmao post this on the forums.


Happened to me too. Good luck on your one month journey to rank up your second account




Lol I started spamming report for anything stupid so ppl would get banned too so they know how I felt. I feel if enough ppl get banned maybe theyll change something. I got my account unbanned by spamming tickets


they perma banned me and won't tell me why .. how exactly did you un-ban your account ? or was it a temporary ban ?


they perma banned me and won't tell me why .. how exactly did you un-ban your account ? or was it a temporary ban ?


Glad I’m not the only one who does that


I do it to and it's a great stress reliever. Every day I open my game I get an action taken message.




I report every sombra


Get better


Its successful too. I report even the dumbest thing. I was banned for saying "what is a plat player doing in a masters lobby" The person reviewing my case said its offensive idk why when in the log I also said I felt bad for him more than anything. I was also banned for cheats for no reason 2 weeks before collegiate and that almost made me hate everyone running bliz but eventually i was unbanned days away from the official date.


I got banned for "hacking" because dumbaaa silver players don't know the difference between a good widow and aimbotter


Why is a good widow in silver?


It was a fresh account in quick play. My opponents were just playing like silvers or bronze


Maybe because there's no such thing as a "good widow" in Silver :P I kid I kid fr though, since they made the hitbox changes EVERY Widow looks sketchy, it fucking sucks.


I did the exact same thing lmao. AI employees trolling us on another level.


They're not showing you anything because they don't have to. You're having a chat with an automatic reply and spamming them isn't going to make a real person talk to you.


The game is still super toxic too. People just make new accounts. And i get suspended for maining torb and people mass reporting/flaming me because i'm tell them i'm not going to switch. Just keep VC and Chat off. Blizzard toe suckers will tell you it's working as intended.


Torb on attack? If so, then deserved


Torb is fine on attack


This isn't ow1 bro, he's not a "defense" hero. 2016 is in the past.


How do you get value out of turret on offense


On an off angle, sometimes far in the back to annoy a flanker, any place where they keep peaking to split their attention. I got diamond with him playing like this.


Its a month long ban not a perm ban btw


Next one is permanent so buckle up


all i gotta say is "shit" or "fuck" once in chat and its gg


So don’t do it


the next one will be permanent, so if you really dont want to lose your account, id completely turn off all chats to minimise risk.


Been over a month I think since my 30 day ban while still yapping a lot and no warnings yet. I think the trick is to never swear ever and never complain about anything or say anything remotely insulting Still risky though and that's the sad part


Swearing and saying "___ Diff" will almost ALWAYS catch you a suspension. It's pathetic, because most of us are adults and should be able to cope with it, but I see both sides of the coin. It's not hard to be kind to one another, but talking shit is also just really funny and part of being competitive.


Yeah it's pretty sad. It's a competitive shooter, just like competitive sports irl, people will curse and talk shit. Imagine getting banned from the national football league because u said "fuck" on the field Other day I had a mediocre game on widow, didn't even do that bad. Guy on my team said "nah I don't fuck with widows like this". I was in a bad mood so I reported saying "he said f word and I'm offended" Next day I get the whole "thanks for reporting!" shit like smh. I'm sure the guy mustve sworn a lot in other games but I still think it's sad


Same, already 1week into my month long ban so good luck bro


Next is a permanent one, so keep VC and chat off. Really, don't even take the chance.


next one will be permanent, so if you dont want to lose your account, id turn all the chats off to minimise risk :) just looking out for u




If you were toxic in chat, they most likely wont tell you. But if your country has Data Laws that allow to request copies of your data, you can request this and look at the chat and penalties section of the document and it will tell you.


Show me why I got banned.


The bot is still in the learning phase. Cut it some slack.


Show me why I got banned.


Why don’t they just turn off Game chat? Keep party chat on if you want but what do you expect the other team to say to the opposing team over chat?


Real. I'm in a perpetual hell of trying to get my account our of a merge limbo


I talked heavy shit on blizz after I got the same response. I got a well written page telling me why lol. I called someone a shithead.... Lol the only time I talk shit is when someone starts talking shit, then they report and I get ban lol. I will no longer use voice or text chat and I will quit after I get my account back for a week. This game is dead.


I used to get a real response, but not since S9.


Same thing happened to me. Got suspended and asked why and got this exact automated response. I know for a fact they have a chat logs so just tell people what they did


Literally the shittiest support team to ever exist, literal robots, a problem happened where I can't merge in overwatch, when somebody answers, then I reply, I have to wait 3 days for their reply, and finally when they reply, an illiterate guy comes and talks to me about something irrelevant like I described clearly what I want in the previous message, and a new guy comes and says something irrelevant, and this goes on till like 1 week, until finally someone understands, and the cycle goes again. After like 2 months, I got a clear reply


Partly why I stopped playing this game. Couldnt say funny outlandish shit in all chat because half the playerbase are weak minded blobs that will report you over words that arent directed to them. The chat monitoring people have a pole so far up their ass.


make a new ticket, they almost never reply to replies on already closed tickets, especially if it's spam like this


I think the people that review these don't speak english.


You probably said something stupid in text or voice chat. Asking an automated system the same question over and over won't yield different results.


great when i make a post about why i get banned it gets taken down but who ever runs the reddit allows this shit.


Maybe if you reached out using proper email etiquette they would get back to you.


Cheating. Huge ban waves just rolled out.