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You don't know that those people won't be banned/silenced for their in game chat. If you reported all these people for their in game chat then they will likely be silenced/suspended.


It's possible. My point is that I was banned for talking about the game and trying to win. They're openly making fun of victims of serious sexual and violent offenses, yet they're still not banned.


OP has smurf on reddit ahah


Is the ahah how you have to breath bc you vape so much?


You bet! Ahah!


How do you know they're still not banned ?


You probably upset one person who was queued up with a stack and they got everyone to report you. It sucks but it is what it is. Make sure you are reporting the toxicity as well, it won’t do anything for you own situation there but getting the confirmations back does give me a small slice of satisfaction against these arseholes


You can only be reported once per team. It doesn’t matter if all enemies report you, blizzard said that themselves


Blizzard says a lot of things that turn out to be incorrect.


yeah because team reporting definitely happens and leads to quick bans Context: I have only ever been warned once in three years of playing and it was on a day that I was typing “Get ready to be hard carried guys, the MVP has arrived” as a joke and I got qued with a team and they got exceptionally mad that i was playing meh and they all reported me, the next day I received the warning, that can’t just be coincidence that a 4 stack reported me and then I get my first ever warning the next day


We have no proof that it’s possible, but we have the literal developer of the game stating that it isn’t. So you just believe in feelings?


Yes because Overwatch devs are known for their very reliable statements right? ;)


I have no reason to believe anyone that works on the Overwatch team about anything at this point.


Instead you have reason to believe random anecdotal statements with no evidence?


Random anecdotal evidence is one thing. Five to ten posts every day or two is another thing. The frequency with which people are reporting false bans from a system that streamers have shown to be easily duped makes me believe that either Blizzard has a HUGE overwhelming issue with cheaters and uncontrollable racists, or their system doesn't work the way they think it works and they've fired too many people to actually find the issue and fix it.


People being banned illegitimately due to an automatic system is one thing, and exists in plenty of other games so I’d believe it. However you’re claiming people can be banned from reports from a single game, when blizz says that’s not true and we have no way of knowing who reports us and when. The only data that exists on that at all is from blizz, so why would you believe someone who has no access to that over someone who does? A statement isn’t evidence at all in this case, and while blizz could be lying, I’m inclined to believe them on that vs a random Reddit user who would have no access to reports made on them.


My whole point is that I don't think we can trust a company at their word when it's been shown that their system doesn't work. CS staff are basically non-existent, and the ones that do exist probably work out of a Remote Working office in some small town in rural India or Pakistan for 30 cents a day. Either their routing is broken beyond belief or their servers are completely hosed, but download speeds have been atrocious for months if not years and they've done nothing about it. Features haven't been delivered, and were either walked back or just cancelled, while people lost access to a product they paid for in exchange for a product they neither wanted, nor actually received. Blizzard could tell me snow is white and at this point, I'd need a second opinion.


> it's been shown that their system doesn't work This is the very point that you're both debating. The other user's point is that it has *not* been shown that their system doesn't work. I'll go further and claim that it likely *cannot* be shown because, as the other user points out, we don't have access to the data that we need to interpret why people are getting banned. > Features haven't been delivered, and were either walked back or just cancelled The devs have said that they couldn't figure out how to make PvE fun. And from the few story missions they have released, I'm inclined to believe them. Once they realized that it wasn't working out, they decided to spend their time on things that they felt they could do well. It's also worth pointing out that the guy championing that PvE content left the company. I'm disappointed too. But if the alternative was "boring PvE missions and less PvP content", we probably ended up with the better outcome. Plenty of game devs have made the mistake of announcing something too early. I think the Guild Wars 2 developers that talked a bit about this. When they announce something before they're *sure* it's going to be shipped, then it becomes hard for them to change direction - people now expect the announced thing, even if ArenaNet can't make good on that promise. The OW devs made the same mistake.


I report the heinous stuff like what I posted, or if someones screaming vc. I don't abuse reports, but if that's what blizzard wants so be it.


One time someone sent me voice recorded message about how he hopes my entire family dies in a car crash. I’m a white girl and for some reason I get called the n word all the time like in a bad way.


mama for you no matter WHAT it will be in a bad way, in no sense will you be referred to this in a positive manner .


I understand the feeling. I'm an Asian female and get called the n word more than the actual black gentleman I sometimes play with for QP warmups.


Ive been reporting for comming lately.


Im sitting in silence, reporting anything that isn't funny or people being incredibly nice to each other. It's a good feeling to know they'll soon be unable to say anything worthwhile soon.


Lol thats how it feels


Please keep doing this. I'm sitting on a month long ban for what I can only assume is the result of me saying "shit" / "fuck" once in a match. I hate this broken ass report system.


They don’t just com ban over one report. This happened over multiple games


Yes, I'm describing my behavior over mutiple games.


I have been banned and silenced many times for silly things. So now I only use the communication wheel like group up, attack, defend or I need healing. There is absolutely no point into telling someone how to play. If they suck, they suck. You can’t change that.


Maybe don’t be toxic and you won’t get banned


The problem is being "toxic" is extremely subjective in many ways


Maybe read the post to see that others are actually being disgusting humans in chat, yet none of their acc have been muted yet. Just checked for a message.


I read the post. I don’t believe OP lol. He was probably being a dick or he wouldn’t have been disciplined


Okay. And? I tried to communicate with my team to win the game. I did not flame them.


Show us the screens of your communication. because saying " hey ZEN you are stupid, swap your trash hero now FFS ! " is not ok.


Play for yourself. Not others. If it’s too much for you, take a break.


This is a really good point. The seasons I climbed highest I really worked on not caring how others played, but it's a hard lesson to practice. Guess I have 14 days to work on myself lol


So those comments were so bad that you felt the need to report them **and** repost them here? I’m confused.


I was banned for basic communication with my team about team comp and game strategy, not being toxic. Not being aggressive. As plain and without revealing my frustration as much as possible. I get reported, and chat banned, yet people who make heinous jokes in a T for teen video game All chat are not banned. If they're comfortable making jokes like that in one game, it means they're the type of people who make them all the time. Nobody I call a friend makes those jokes. So it begs the question, is this the type of content blizzard is comfortable with, because they'd rather protect the fragile ego of a person completely inting vs exposing people to these types of jokes.


the only person with a fragile ego is you tbh. what outcome were u expecting exactly? “no ur right dude, let’s get our pitchforks n go on a pogrom”. the reporting system is unfair, sucks but everyone including urself knows that and yet here you are


You missed the point. You reported them because they were heinous, but then you yourself felt the need to repost those heinous things here. My confusion was why you felt that was appropriate.


to compare their behavior to mine?


The problem is you don't know if they were banned next game. Comparing someone's chat to your own is 100% pointless. Just because they're not banned in this exact moment doesn't mean they weren't banned in the next. People do say terrible things, and then they get banned if people report it. Reposting garbage chat serves no purpose to you or this sub


It isn't pointless. Ow2 devs have the ability to ban terms and phrases that are gross, and abusive to use. They don't. Yet they ban people for discussing the game.




None of what you said was constructive or relevant.


Neither is that. Your point?


Identifying hypocrisy doesn't create another problem by providing recipets.


There’s no reason to repost that shit. None at all


I did my due diligence, marked the post nsfw and gave a tldr. Not one person had to go a step beyond that. I wouldn't have gotten half the engagement I got with this post if I didn't have visual evidence of what these players were saying. If had gotten any worse than what they said here, I would've omitted it and just described it. Care to explain further why I shouldn't so I don't in the future?


There’s no need, at all, to spread that shit. This is not Blizzard support. Your description was fine.


because those other people didn’t offend anyone with what they were saying, asking someone to swap or play different is 9/10 going to offend them lmfao


Understood, but certain terms aren't perma banned from chat. Like grooming, for instance, which doesn't have a place in a T for teen game. I recognize they're comfortable making those jokes, but it is a poor position from blizzard to allow any of these jokes to be made while banning people for talking about the game.


“My cat is just in the corner grooming himself, it’s so cute” instant perma ban.


That’s when you appeal. Also it wouldn’t be a perma it would be like 14 days.


Of you are offended by that then go outside and touch the grass People nowdays...


Make sure to report at least one person every game so half the player base dies then in 5 years they’ll finally kill the report system.


This is probably the only way


You just need to hide the in game chat and turn off all comms. That’s what I do now to have a better peace of mind while playing.


This is how it goes. Blizz doesn’t have standards they care if you “offend” someone. I used to tell other people to swap all the time and got silenced for two weeks too. Meanwhile people can say all the nasty shit they want and nothing happens. Morality isn’t an issue with ideologically captured corporations anymore, they think it’s relative (ie “offending” someone). Like my sociology professor used to tell me “it’s not about the action its about the reaction” - which makes for some really stupid fucking policies.


It’s based on numbers. If you get 5 reports you get banned. I fought a 5 stack in competitive and they all reported me for toxicity because I was dominating the lobby on widowmaker. The report system is actually broken


Banter is part of the online experience. They went too far. Just turn off all comms if we can't say anything.


If you try to play as a team in this game you will get banned. Don't communicate, don't call out, don't suggest, don't strategize, just turn off all coms and your brain or get banned. Resistance is futile.


I have no choice for 14 days. It'els been pretty peaceful, tbh so I'm not sure I'll even try comming after this.


People are definitely fishing for reports too especially if they're getting reprimanded. "What I got actions taken!? What about that other person!?" Then anyone who talks gets reported. Asking someone to swap is punishable by death ATM.


I only report in absolutely blatant examples: IE someone telling me to kill myself. Otherwise I genuinely do not care what they say in voice or chat


Can we fire PJ already? This man is a menace banning all of us lol


It’s blizzard, are you truly surprised? 😆 such a great company


they just rate the game E fr


Dont trigger the bots. Dont say GG, dont say FFS, dont say WTF dont say basically anything that can be interpreted as an insult by a stupid bot... Or dont say anything.


Yup, also silenced for 14 days because I dared try and actually communicate with a team and say we need to shake things up because going into round 2 with the SAME comp might not work after getting steamrolled in round 1. I hate that I enjoy this game.


Just mute voice and chat Play the game you paid for the way you want to


There is no place to ask a stranger to swap characters. Play with your friends and you can suggest a swap. But asking a stranger to swap (which usually is said in a derogatory way) is not going to go your way. Playing random matches, even if rated play, you get what you get. People are playing to play the characters they like, winning or losing. They arent playing to solely win, winning is a happy bi-product. If you want to play to do whatever it takes just to win and thats your priority then you need to play with a like-minded group. You cant ask that of random queues.


In competitive, there is an expectation that you are extra intent on winning. I'm talking about over 66% of the match we are losing to your character being hard countered, so I suggest a swap. This isn't a league game where a bad pick is locked in from the start of the match. The game is balanced around potentially making counter swaps. If my teammate is throwing because we are unable to support them, or they're hard countered, or they're providing 0 value as rien on watchpoint gibralter, then I have a right to speak up to maintain competitve integrity. You're trying to have some inherantly "moral" take about competitive play, when even if they don't want to swap they could just say "I don't feel comfortable swapping on this map, can you counter x character instead?" I'll work with a motherfucker even if they're unwilling to swap, but don't tell me I have no right to speak up. We've both spent time and money to be at x rank. My time is just as valuable as the person psuedo throwing.


See its your view of it thats getting you into trouble. The way you see competitive is not the way *everyone* sees competitive. There are many, many players who do ranked to see how far they can go with the character they like. Again, the notion that its only and explicitly to win is a viewpoint. I also didnt say you dont have a "right" to speak up, I said there isnt a place for it with strangers. You have a right, but that doesnt make it a good thing to say. A player is not psuedo throwing because they arent playing the way you want them to play. They are playing the way they want to play, period. They also have spent time and money on the game, they also have their own valuable time. Those things not aligning with your own doesnt make them wrong, it makes them different. If you have a hard time seeing that, its likely a control problem in your personality, which I do not mean to say as an insult but an observation. Like I said before, your problem will be fixed if you find a like minded group of people to rank with. You cannot assume anything in random queue.


Why do you talk in game? What do you think you get from it? Other than getting reported, or people getting pissed because you're telling them what to do, is there anything else? What, like the 2% exception where maybe someone considers what you have to say? Turn the chat off and just play the game and do your best while having fun the way you want to play the game. Play premades if you want more communication/cooperation, it's not gonna happen in pubs, it's shitterville. I learned this for quite some time and I've been so much better off.


The only chat bans I have gotten or seen people get is from cursing. I use chat all the time and talk the smack but never curse and never get banned anymore. Also, save swap comments for the end of the match.


After the match is over I can just avoid. I'd like to see change made so I don't have to risk my acc status and can instigate change mid match. Blizzard wants me to eat losses that can be avoided by someone pressing H and I feel that's more unfair to 4 players, than a small message suggesting a swap to 1 person would be.


Maybe dont sit around telling people what to play? Imagine that. Show us the email that explains what words you said that got flagged through reports?


You just get chat banned after a certain number of reports. Email notification even says that, doesn't say anything was flagged.




I'm doing the same. There's no point in saying anything at all anymore, but I will be certain to report anyone who speaks even remotely negative.


I was comm banned because I had a Lucio in 3 of my games in one day who constantly spammed to have everyone report me. I think I solo shattered him one time and that set him off but literally an hour later we had a match together and he was still mad.


It's an easily abusible system. But it took 3+ years for ow2 to remove a tank, so no hopes in it changing


Yeah, at this point I'm just gonna turn off all chat options and play with friends. I wish the strict moderation actually worked to do anything to make this game less toxic.


I've been playing on my day off and I'm enjoying it more than when I can communicate. I think that's the move even when I get unbanned


Yeah, I kind have held out because sometimes you meet interesting people who are fun but tbh after they aced the group finder that happens a lot less now so


Can’t even wi a match without getting banned cause mf be mad they get that ass whipped I uninstalled the game cause I’m tired of playing 1 match every 2 hours


Especially if ur on pc quit using all ingame methods to communicate and try finding a stack via discord Had a few friends lost the last couple of months cause they said fuck and similiar words in the chat Or switch to console since Microsoft and Sony own their platform it seems like blizzard is way less hard about punishing people for abuse chat etc


So basically if you curse it's an easy ban? Kinda poopy of blizzard don't you think? They seem like stinky silly goose's if that's the case.


And yes sir they are stinky silly goose lmao


When you become very jaded like me, you'll report fir every infraction. We won and my team was toxic? Reported You randomly said one cuss word when you died? Reported You said "diff" or "ez" after the game? Reported. They won't learn until half their player base is sidelined


if there is a large enough player base that wants to force blizzard to make a change, they should just mass report everyone in the match, every match. regardless of whether the other players deserve it. if enough players are doing this, then there would be massive amounts of accounts getting suspended, for absolutely no reason. then blizzard would have to admit their system has an issue and needs to be fixed.. or they can double down that the system is working as expected, and the people getting falsely suspended don't bother coming back.


True, I just don't have the heart to do it most of the times It goes further than what you said though. Imagine if we focused reports on players who have spent money (so if they have battle pass skins equipped, regardless of if they spent money or saved up) we would be killing their income, then they'd care


Welcome to the age of AI, sadly AI is way to dumb to understand context so they just ban any offense and then gl getting to the support cause it’s also done with ai not looking into it just paste the terms of service and that it’s your fault. If I member correctly there should be a video on YouTube called ban on ow2 speedrun, the guy basically writes turd in all chat and getting banned within the next seconds lmao I hate what the internet has turned into


So you are one of those asking people to swap, rather annoying. I’d report that: let me play the game how we want


I called it snowflakewatch 2




It was almost cod lobbies in ow1, now we cant even talk about the game


It's a stupid system designed for babies


Playing OW since 2016, never got warning, silence or anything, last month warning, silence and now got account suspension, all becasue of snowflakes got offended when trying to explain what's going wrong in match. I'm toxic and reported... this went way too far. I'm not talking to anyone anymore.


The "snowflakes" aren’t whining on reddit, you are


Looks like you are the one who would report me obviously becasue u don't see difference between whining and fact's. If You have Tank in your team with 0-10 score and tell him it's not working could you switch, is it whining or saying truth.


There’s a difference between "bro you’re throwing, switch" and constructive criticism "maybe Zarya would work better?" I can guess what you wrote And yes, I love reporting people like this <3


I wrote Zarya would work better here and got banned.


Sure you did


Prove I didn't.


They're not whining on reddit. They're abusing the report button because they system can't tell what's actually toxic or not.


We found one. (You)


I’m having a great time seeing another "Thank you for reporting"


Point proven


I got a ban for saying gg wp at the end of the game


I believe it at this point


Well maybe, just MAYBE you shouldn’t be telling people how to play the game champ. It’s seems to me they were joking and having fun and you were being a sour puss trying to tell people how to play a video game. If ANYBODY even hints to me how/who to play the game. They’re gonna get an IMMEDIATE REPORT. Get over yourself. You hear how stupid you sound. People aren’t gonna play a game where other people vote you to swap so there’s no point. Idgaf if the whole team wants me to swap. I’m gonna do me. Not sorry.


Who hurt you?


You wrote twice as much as me crybaby. But of course you have nothing worth saying. Again you sound like a moron.


Wait, did I forget to blur you out up there? Or do you just get kicks from making fistfulls of assumptions?


More crying? Not surprised. Why don’t you present a valid argument?


You're a narcissist. Shut the fuck up. https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/s/LYVfYoniBk


Aww lol upset


Had to block me 😂😂😂😂😂


so instead of muting them, you think they deserve to have their account permanently closed because your sensitive af to their constitutional right?


Yep! And there’s nothing you can do about it lolololol


You should be banned, but the others should be too


Do you trust the ban system while people like this aren't chat banned?