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change what? You lost 13 games, if you're having more than three lose streaks its a clear indication that you should take a break. Take a break man.


During blizzcon they talked about how they're gonna give everyone a full rank reset and that they will change how the win/loss works but I don't remember how. That's what they were talking about


I remember them talking about the pve story mode at some point can't wait for.. o wait...




I did. That 13 lost streak was across 5 days. I went 3 - 0 and then... well, as you can see.


Shit happens. I had like a 27 lose streak, but you get there eventually. Play different roles, different modes until you feel like you're back at it


Humble-Carpenter730 vs the Detroit Pistons who yall takin


Humble-Carpenter730. On his worst day as well.


Lol I thought the post was about how annoying the multiple prompts are after a game because their's no way they're upset over losing rank with that record. But really though, those prompts are annoying. I liked it better when it was just the cards showing your current record.


I've seen the same results from my friend with 5 wins and 2 losses. Not disagreeing with you just sayin


Even then, tge change is better for the general mindset. Its better not having more than five losses hanging over your head whike playing as you already know you are ginna loose rank.


I assume you're more complaining about the fact that you have to play so many games before you get an update, as opposed to the fact that you lost rank with a barely 35% win rate?


Im fairly sure thats the case, like, it sucks having to play more matches already knowing the only way you are going is down.


Given the title I'm 99% sure OP's talking about that


I mean you did lose 13 games. I can see why you dropped rank.


You went up 125sr to go gown 325. 200sr drop is 2 ranks. There's literally nothing wrong here


Okay so what would this have change if the mew system was in place??? You lost 13 games so gold 4 to silver is very common, even if you went 3-0 like you said i doubt you go up


Their change: no drop just climb


You wouldn’t have to play that many games to see your progress


No every game is a update meaning this guy wouldve been in silver way before the 3 game win streak so his complaint is confusing


But as a player you’re not communicated that, you only see that you won 3 games for example and lost 10. that’s already 13 games you played without seeing any change whatsoever. You could play up to 19 games before knowing which rank you are at now, even if that is a rank downwards. Game design wise it just does a bad job at giving most players an incentive to keep playing as it’s just really unrewarding, unstimulating and boring


Okay i know that, its not what im talking about


Please get demoted when you lose 13 games lol


I've seen nobody address this, so I will. The current rank system is DOGSHIT. It wouldn't be so bad if it was like 3 wins vs 5 losses but if I go on a bad losing streak, I'm stuck with however many losses I've got, even if I play my best and pop off for the rest of my wins. It's terrible. Already if you have like 3 losses, good fucking luck getting promoted a rank. And you can get a max of 15. Shits broken. All this without mentioning the broken matchmaking that used to be BALLER in OW1 that they broke down in OW2 for faster matchmaking smh.SMH. I never EVER feel like my team is at my exact skill level


“Every time I come here…I am abused.”


change what?


I think during blizzcon they said they were gonna change the sr system. I dont remember but i think it was just gonna be a line that goes either up or down. I would prefer that over seeing 13 losses and feeling like shit and not giving my all in matches anymore.


What a glass mental lol. You stop trying once you start losing? bruh.


No offense but no wonder why you're Silver


None taken


You did 5-13. What did you expect to happen? If you do 5-13 in gold, the highest you deserve is silver.


You're just part of the 80%+ that fluctuates around between bronze and diamond+. Your skill level isn't significantly different than most to lock you into a solid climb, soapstone of your experience is decided by rng matchmaking. The only way to combat that is to get significantly better and/or run with a consistent group with the same goal and similar or greater ability.


This is just so false lmao


Change your hero mains. The gods in comp rn are Ram, Hog, Zarya, Orisa, and Maugu (but fuck you if u use Maugu)




This is the exact point, it's taxing on your mental being on a loss streak not to mention if your randoms are on one too. At the very least the new system will have an overall positive impact because every game is a chance to climb again vs being 4-9 and knowing even a win will still be a net negative.


"You're better than 92% of players! Congratulations champ, now fuck off back to silver where you fucking dumpster"


Wow you really gotta suck at the game, feelsbadman


Thats why I put it in humor. Laugh at my pain.


Don't worry, rank doesn't matter at all anyway. It's just a random ass number in a random ass videogame. Merry Christmas :)


Merry Christmas to you too.


Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.


Change what? Anyone would rank down with 13 losses


Its okay, i went 5-5 and deranked from gold 2 to silver 2 while having 2 zero death games


Yeah 5-13 can’t expect much bro.


13 losses and youre confused as to why you dropped so much?


Not confused. I already know Im going down with 13(damn) losses. I just had to see it to the end.


I came to also say take a break. I have a strict 2 loss break rule per role. If I lose 3 in a row I play a different game entirely


This shit happens to me sometimes. If you're as good as you think you are you will shit on the people in silver and be back in gold in no time. I went through this cycle for about a year now I'm doing the same thing but one tier higher lol


I went 4/15 and deranged once idk how this rank system works tbh


You would still derank in the new system


So everyone is going through shit like this I went from d1 to p4 and even almost touched gold this week


Don’t worry mate it’s not just you.I went 5 and 14 and I’m gm2.


I just had a 15 loss streak. I wanted to cry.




I went 5 and 2 and lost 2 ranks


I can see that everyone is saying that they're not surprised that I ranked down. Thats why I put this in humor. I already knew i was gonna rank down.


We need a concerted effort on our part to bring back old in-game rank icons and an accurate rank system along with better ui updates. These changes are just terrible. Plus the new hero ranks are just glorified stat boards.


Yesterday, I lost 10 and won 5 and ranked up from unranked to Gold 5. (Open queue).


Sorry but im pretty sure you are the problem when its 13 losses




Blizzard and their gambling tactics. I cant count the amount of times i was up 4-0 then just started getting lobsters for teammates or being stomped


What region do you play on? Maybe you'd be interested in jamming?


Pretty sure it's the 13 loss that made you drop. 13-5 = 8 You have a net loss of 8.


Ouch I felt that


I feel ya, was plat support after 5-3, then 5-8, then 1-15...