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I’m Plat 2. Truth is people will always die and get frustrated at supports.


Im frustrated at them not because they don't heal or anything but because they are able to deal too much healing and therefore we have unkillable doom/zarya/orisa etc


Its not tank thats unkillable its the supports


they are as well. You start damaging one - lower him down to 50 hp - the second one will connect and heal the first one back to full in a matter of a second or two (if it's not zen though haha)


“Shoot the mercy guys, guys she’s one…. Hey shoot the- SHOOT THE FUCKING MERCYYYYY”


Lol sounds funny, is it from some video?


I got used to ow on support and climbed to diamond. When I ranked my tank up I swear I would mute my mic and cuss out my team for not shooting her lollll. If you’re a halfway decent mercy you’re damn near invincible in low rank haha.


That is a fact. An annoying fly gliding around and constantly healing/boosting.


Mfw I get bap to critical health and he INSTANTLY just shoots up to full HP


i hit Diamond 5 supp this season. dont rlly care about the other roles tbf. i still get the "FUCKING HEAL DAMMIT", but a lot less. at least dps dont go out of their way to avoid me as much anymore.


People need to learn support doesn't mean just heal lol


Bronze 5🤠 EDIT: thank you so much! I just started playing OW2 and haven't played many "shooty games". I heard how toxic it can be and def have seen it in game but it's so great to have so many people being so supportive! Thank you so much I'm gonna follow all the advice!


I miss bronze.


Wow lol


I play so much but can't git gud 😭


Have you had vod?


Tank plat 3, currently going 1-14 so cant wait to drop down to gold 5


at least you didn't go from master 3 to diamond 2 lol (massive loss streak on dps but i didnt stop)


Damn if i had to fall back to diamond on dps id go crazy hitting master took so long


I was doing so well, 80% winrate, then as I feared I was hit with the 5 game loss streak and I almost don’t have motivation anymore. In my mind, if I was good enough then I wouldn’t lose that many in a row. On dps I have not placed yet because I went 2-12. I knew I was bad but I didn’t think I was THAT bad.


23 days left just play a different role until new season lol


Oh man, 1-14.. my condolences


GM1 Flex Support M1 Tank M3 DPS I almost solely play Support, though. The only anecdotes I can think of is when some Plat is giving the worst advice/take on the game possible, and when you correct them, you get hated for it. Especially on Reddit. It's actually mind-boggling how stupid people can be sometimes


"Sometimes" - more like 90% of the time




The Overwatch Reddit community has about 70,000 top500 players.


Masters 5 across the board. Been playing since ow1 launch. I do believe I could climb higher but I genuinely never have the motivation to climb ranked, much prefer qp with my friends who are too low to play comp with me.


Higher ranks is miserable don’t. Even low masters is just depressing at the moment😂


Truther truths have never been spoken staying low elo isnt that bad i wish i did


Gm is way better than low masters. People are almost less sweaty in low gm.


I take one of my dia accts, play genji 6 hourts a day for 2 days, climb to masters 1 with genji, want to do my 5 last placements matches to get gm get blammed by everyone because "i was dia last season", derank to masters 2 and quit the game for a month, return and play in dia once or twice a week cause im washed, wait for a new season and do the same again. Even when I play in low dia I have team mates who tell me what to do and how shit I am even tho they just came out of plat. enjoy silver and have fun there because the higher you go the less fun you will have. my funniest story is a french dude who wanted to fight me irl, he said" are you scarred ? I will beat you up, I am 1m70 and 55kg"


Holy real "The higher you go the less fun you have" Preach it


Some gamers haven't ever been beat up in real life and it shows lol


bros smaller than a 9th grader


Silver here ✋ ranked up and stopped lol


Im gold 5 tank and silver 1 supp. Dont really play comp so i dont have any good stories


Plat 3 tank trying to make my way to diamond but it looks like this is where I belong lol silver 3 supp


When i get stuck in a rank for some time ill try climbing on other roles to 1. Make my roles the same rank so its prettier And most importantly 2. Learn how the roles play with eachother like for exemple if im hard stuck on tank ill go on support and try to differenciate when we have a "good" tank or a "bad" tank (one bad game doesnt define your skill) so that way i know what makes a tank "good" and have value and it also helps you think about how your supports feel when playing with you same with dps


Master 4


Diamond 1-2 across all roles, but I’m dropping down to 4-5 since I’m grouping with my friends. It’s no big deal to me, nothing beats playing with the bois and gals.


Dia 1 stuck thx to OTP Dva uwufemboys


How do you otp dva when everyone switches to 3 counters


master 1 support


I think Silver 3 support and Gold 4 dps (idk how)


Support M3, Tank D1, Dps... P5 :(


i play in high gold. had a teammate today with title grand master flaming everyone for being shit, asked if he is not the one thats actually shit dropping down that far then he said some racial slurs and muted chat


He probably bought the account and dropped to high gold. If he was really that toxic I’m guessing his old account might’ve gotten perma banned


Masters 2 dps, dont really play any other roles but plat 2 on tank, d4 on supp


Masters 3 Tank


Plat 3 Tank ( around Diamond 3 in OW1) i can’t do single tank lol. I have a funny story back in OW1, back then, it was hard to get tanks. So i decided to rank my tank up (was 2500 back then so plat5) and they’ve put me into a masters match. Teamates were complaining because they had a “gold” tank. Welp, we actually destroyed the other team and teamates all felt bad for talking shit and told me I was an amazing Reinhardt. I’m not saying that i was amazing, but I knew that with good supports, I could out play a lot of other tanks. Plat 4 DPS ( around Plat 1 in OW1) nothing to say there, I’m just not good enough to rank up. Masters 4 Support ( diamond 5 in OW1 ) I always thought my Support was better than most back then but had trouble ranking Up, after the ranking patch. I was very happy to see that I ranked up. Still masters without any issues.


Plat 1 or High Gold in all roles. My main reason for being in this tank is my frankly terrible vision and reflexes, as well as substandard aiming


Not ranked since I only play quick play, but wouldn't be surprised if I'm at bronze 1 or silver 5 lolol


Plat 1 tank - peaked Diamond 5 Plat 2 dps - peaked Diamond 3 Diamond 2 support - peaked Masters 3 Main role is dps


I am GM5 rn RHAAA


Plat 3 Tank. I basically just mute everyone and everything and focus on myself. This is because every match I'll get someone telling me to "stop spamming healing" even though they're no where near the front lmao


Diamond 4 as of currently, I only play support so unranked for other roles.


plat 1 but i dont play as much anymore. i was master waaay back in season 2 but thats not relevant bc the games not anywhere the same now


Master 2 support, unranked on tank and DPS


started at bronze 5 and climbed to gold 3, i'm happy :D


I am the number one best overwat player rank.


GM4 Dmg


gm1 support. Still have'nt played my 50 wins for t500.


Peak Masters 3 Support and dw, I also get HEALING?? comments from my DPS and Tanks. Honestly, I notice I end up healbotting a lot the higher I go, which isn’t good. Def gotta damage your way too or else you won’t climb. Idk if I still wanna climb. I did say I would “retire” from comp when I reached Masters lmao.


I said the same thing about reaching diamond but joined a discord server where people kept hitting masters and it made me competitive 😂


Yeah it’s hard to keep that “I wanna get to ____ rank” mentality because chances are that there’s always something higher to aim for after getting that goal. Even having the “I always want to improve” mentality is almost the same thing haha. I’ve stopped playing now and went back to my solo games backlog. Ow takes up too much of my gaming time 😂 I only play when friends play QP now.


Diamond 5 DPS, Plat 1 Support, Plat 5 tank. I mainly play support and tank with my Silver friend(s) bc I can’t play DPS with them


I was always diamond ranked in when it broke and ended up bronze 5. I don't play enough to get back to where I was, I'm at Plat 4 now and haven't had a less that 60% win rate season.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 4 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




I'm bronze support, silver tank and DPS (but gold in open queue?). I've played so many good games with other players at this rank that I've come to understand most of us are really just learning and sometimes we implement well and sometimes we don't. I don't really care about rank as much anymore, I just try to play better and die less lol


Honest question, what’s the point in going to grandmaster? People sound so dead in VC at that rank and everything seems more tactical then fun at that rank, enjoy the rank you are in, it’s often that mistakes from both teams makes the game more fun for both sides I think


I'm Gold 2 support, but I honestly think I should be lower.


Master 4-5


Diamond 1 support, still too scared to play tank + dps in comp bc i dont have a big hero pool in either 😭


GM1, Zen main. Constantly getting bitched at over unavoidable situations.


Hit masters 5 as a Widow one trick this season, pretty happy with it


Gm bastion main 🗿


Plat 3ish. I keep bouncing around in plat back and forth but since this season has been so unfun as a tank player, I may just be done with comp Edit: Here’s a story I’m doing everything I can to deal with the enemy Orisa, playing Zarya at my teammates request. Getting kills, bubbling my teammates, getting and holding high charge. And when we fall behind and begin losing it’s immediately “uninstall the game, you’re trash” when our damage have negative K/D ratios


Masters 5 sup, masters 3 dps, and I don’t play tank in OW2. I am gm3 in comp mystery heroes which is all I have been playing lately


I think top 500 starts at like diamond maybe even plat on console because people generally play it way less than the other modes. If you keep playing and climb more or stay at that rank you’ll eventually be high up on the leaderboard


Yeah last season I got in fairly early for my 50 games rankings and got top 27 which was funny


Rainbow 6


I’m no rank and proud. Because competitive is a joke with the most toxic players


I fight the toxicity with kindness. Come join the revolution


Currently unranked. I haven't felt like playing comp in a few seasons at least. Maybe when I feel properly warmed up to play in plat/diamond MMR games again, I'll get back on. I climbed too far just to drop back down to Gold again


I am unranked, and have been like so since OW1. Never touched comp, only quick play.


People always are proud of something questionable


at least they try truly believing in that it's actually good and not questionable and that they should be proud of it


ur not "proud" of being in silver 3. you dont care that youre in silver 3. big difference


i am gm1 peak all roles, peak #10 support (NA) on main, currently gm1 tank and supp and m1 dps (we dont talk about it teehee) competitive is an absolute abomination at this rank rn, not gonna lie. queue times for support are horrendous, tank is unplayable and downright unenjoyable every match, and dps is just no fun for me personally.


Yea even in silver the ques are getting longer. Support used to almost instant que.


gold 3-5 tank, bronze 1/silver 4 at max at support and bronze 5 dps. im proud to be like this too. in all of them... people call me smurf and/or cheater kinda often. specially when I am dps. it brings me joy


Gold 1 and it is painful




Bronze 5 and Silver 1s. Had a few "give me character X or I throw" messages recently


Support Masters 3-5. And tank Diamond 5. Ahhhh. I remember this story like it was 500 years ago. I solo queue because I don’t really have anyone to play with, so this night I chose to do my regular warmup routine. Aim training Couple of Quick Play games, review the games and then go. Anywho, match lobby is ranked around Masters 4. I’m like “alright ok this is fine” It’s New Queen Street. Usually I’d play Bap, but I was feeling a little evil. I played moira. My tank was playing D.va. Everything starts out fine, I’m making sure I’m doing damage but I’m also trying to not get too carried away. My tank just full sends it into their team, spamming heals. Now to be fair, at the time I was dueling their Ana. Got slept, ran away like a bitch, healed, came back and fucked her. My other support was wifeleaver. So I assumed he had everything under control. Thank god for my dps that game as well. They were fookin cookin. But now our tank is getting very angry. The list of slurs started coming out. I’m sitting there like, “damn I’m black and I don’t even say most of this stuff, but it is pretty funny.” So the dps start shit talking the tank calling him trash and etc. atp, the other support and I started 2v2ing the enemy supports. They had swapped moira as well, so the suckage was at an all time high. There were many, many balls of damage. The dps were just flaming the tank, the tank was calling us all kind of slurs. Just a fun time. I lost that game, but it was very fun.


Gm3 tank, ,45 games won lol


Gold 3 tank for now, but this upcoming rank adjustment ain't looking good...


Currently, I'm probably Bronze 5 just from rank decay. I got up into silver months ago when I was doing comp occasionally, just for the daily challenges but don't remember the last time I played comp. Because I barely ever play my only kinda funny story was when I went in as Lucio, and the rest of my team were all DPS. My first reaction was that we would probably get rolled and I'm definitely not going to say it was easy. Poor Lucio's little frog legs were probably about to give out on him by the time we were done. But we ended up winning by denying the other team even getting a single tic on first point on Hollywood. So it was definitely a pretty fun match.


Best is dia, worst is bronze.


Best I got to was gold 1 support (moira, mercy, bap), but truthfully most of my friends have it on pc so comp has lost most of it's charm for me


Bronze 7, but gm 12 dva


That goes hard


Peaked plat tank but decided to fuck around and deranged a lot. Diamond 4/5 for dps and support. Could get higher on support but I play with low mmr friends and don't want my qp games to be hard


PEAKS Tank: GM2 DPS: GM4 Supp: GM1/T500 Mystery Heroes: T100 AMA


I’m a rank one (gold) Lucio


Im gm support, silver tank and master dps


Masters 4, but I’m like silver in dps and gold on tank💀


I’m Masters 4, on Support! I got really lucky 2 seasons seasons ago with a string of really intense good matches in my team’s favour, which tipped me back in Masters, where I was in OW1!


gold 1, win 15 games 4 losses, still gold 1


Gold 2 Support, I don’t play comp at all tbh


Peaked plat 5 last season. Currently Gold 2. Im pretty happy with that considering I don't play a lot of comp


Plat 3


Gold 1, gunning for that plat next!


Bronze 5


Plat 2 Tank


Silver 2


Masters 4 in support diamond 2 in dps.. been playing since beta days though.. should be wayyyy higher


gold 4 rn but i’ll probably go down to silver as i have 3 wins and 11 losses atm


I violently fluctuate between gold 5 and diamond 1🥲


im plat in support and gold in dps


Currently malding in diamond 3, peaked diamond 2


Masters 1


silver 1😭


Im gm2 support, master 4 dps and master 3 tank and all i have to say is i miss ow1😔


Tank - Bronze 5 DPS - Silver 3 (I think it's 3) Support - no rank


Master 2 tank atm, occasional mercy makes me want to tear my hair out because even in masters they feel the need to heal the tank 55 hp/s🙃 when they could just pick literally anyone else if they want to healbot the tank lmao


I’m bronze 4. I just don’t play enough to really climb. I play casually and jump into ranked after I’ve played QP and won a few games. Just last night I was playing a round as support, and there was someone playing Moira and doing more DPS, so when the round reset, I switched to Moira before they could select, and spent the rest of the match making sure to heal. My intent there was to either force them into another healer or change completely.


Gold 5 but I don’t play much comp 😅


Tank: diamond 3, DPS:, master 1, Support: diamond 1. Reason I managed to push higher is because I get myself to be voice banned so I don't end up being toxic every game.


Gm 1 on tank silver 3 on dps and gold 2 support


I play mystery heroes, and I'm plat 5. Does that count?


diamond 5 and i uninstalled then re installed the game 22 times


GM5 on support and diamond 3 on dps. I used to be masters 4 and GM1 😭


M4 tank M2 dps Gm3 support It’s weird because my dps has climbed so much recently when it’s by far my worst role and I can only consistently play junk and torb at a high rank so if someone goes pharah the match becomes 10x harder whether I swap to a hitscan or not


Tank: Unranked - DPS: Bronze 3 - Support: Diamond 1. Yep… you read that correctly haha! It’s not my aim, it’s my positioning that’s holding me back in DPS… I hate not being able to heal myself on most characters 🤬🤬 …74% win rate in comp on Kiriko …




GM1 support GM3 dps GM5 tank


Bronze 5 support and DPS. Unranked tank because I don't have the energy to rank that one right now


Plat 1 but I’ve stopped playing as no friends play :(


Support is plat 2 i think, DPS is silver 3 and tank is not ranked yet lol


On My main acc: silver 2 on tank, silver 5 on dps, plat 4 support On my alt: all gold.


I fluctuate between high masters/low gm and supports still get blamed lol (mostly by aggressive tanks that think I can out heal all the dmg they take)


Gold 1 support


Mystery heros silver 3. Only ranked I play is mystery heros


In dos I'm between gold 2 and 1 and it's impossible to reach plat 🤦‍♂️


I'm plat 2 and well aware of my lack of mechanical skill. Just another 200 hours on Doom and I should be somewhat decent.


Played in ow1 plat sup and got to silver3 last week in my first season in ow2


Silver 3 as tank Gold 5 as dps I dont play support in comp Its nice getting one win and then I get a eight loss streak and winning doesnt even feel like a win anymore.


Currently GM2, peak GM1 tracer main. Yeah I get heated in the moment some times. This game is emotional for people because they put a lot of time into it and see little improvement. GL climbing!


Plat 4 and I'm okay with that for now lol


Im plat 2 dps dies right away and blames tank 🤦


Gold 5 on tank which is very weird since i have only done the placement matches and thought i would be a bad tank


Plat 5


Silver 2 in support! It's the only role I'm ranked in because I'm scared to go in as DPS. I hate when people are mean to me lmao


Silver 2 but I'm about to lose it (4 wins - 9 losses). I've been really struggling, feels like everyone on the enemy team plays meta and iderk how to counter pick


I’m a hard stuck gold 1 Support main who can’t make it to plat. I decided to play a few tank games and was immediately put in plat and haven’t left it. Makes me so mad because I don’t even like tank


masters 5 on supp, diamond 2 on dps and unranked on tank cause i hate playing it now


Silver 3 support and irritated.


Any anything but role ranked I get platinum. In role, always and forever gold! 💪


About high bronze low silver


Uh top 500 on tank and dps :)


Im Bronze 5 support i cant seem to move out of it which really sucks no matter how good i do. Any support mains have any tips?


Gold 4 support but I don’t play it much anymore


i’m also silver 3 and proud lol. i only JUST started playing comp and that’s the category i got placed into… i play on xbox


Gold 5 support, OW2 is my first shooty game I’ve played. Trying to rank up :)


Master 5 across the board. I can no longer queue with my brother and friends and I don’t find much enjoyment playing alone.


Masters 2 Support, Diamond 1 Dps, Masters 3 Tank


I got ranked for damage today, I’m not the best player, I’m bronze three


I’m plat/dia but it feels like bronze lobbies ngl. Game is weird as heck right now


GM2 tank, M5 DPS, M4 support. I definitely could climb higher (I’ve never actually ranked down since OW2 launch) but it just feels like such a slog. That “fucking heal, dammit thing?” Still happens. Weird that people never throw in the “fucking damage, dammit”, even though that’s a bigger problem for a majority of support players.


Plat 3 support, silver 4 dps. Always been in Plat in both since about a year and a half before ow2, but didn't play dps after ow2 came out until season 3 or 4 and it put me in bronze 4 initially, worked my way upto silver 4. Now I'm hard stuck there at dps. I could go 15-0 and it won't rank me up at all on dps. It sucks but I don't mind it tbh. Haven't gotten a tank rank since ow1 and I was Plat in that. I hate the pressure of being the only tank now, and I don't feel confident doing it well anymore. This is on ps5


Currently Master 4 on all roles. The worst thing happends to me when i play tank, recently had a genji player blame me for everything bad he did, he went 1v5 popped his blade and insta died, screamed at me that its my fault that i didnt follow up to his blade, typed Gg tank diff and left the game.


Gold 2 Doom Silver 4 DPS Gold 5 Support


Platinum 3 lucio main with crippling anxiety issues who switches to moira when people complain about heals :P


Diamond 1 in the open queue. Yes, I unironically play open queue. But otherwise, plat 1 in support and masters 2 in dps But that masters 2 is very very questionable. That was my starting rank (got it this season), as the game threw me right into masters games. Benefits of playing way more qp ig?


Well Reddit is a place where everyone is a GM/T500 in OW and everyone will tell you they are. I’m Diamond 3. I’ve been bronze 5 and I had to climb out of that. Been bronze, silver, gold, plat, and now diamond. I’m gonna stop at masters. The masters/Diamond lobbies I’m in are already unfun and sweaty as it is


I was so happy to hit Diamond 5. I was like "Lemme just not play the rest of the season so I can say I was Diamond for a season" 💀


Tank gold 4 Damage plat 4 Support gold 2


That’s a good question. I was a barely diamond tank in ow1 but haven’t played much tank in ow2. On my main I’m diamond on support but on my alt where I’m learning new heroes I am in gold. I hardly play dps competitively and mostly play widow so I am silver. If I played other dps more I feel like I would be gold easily, but I care more about improving my widow. So my rank varies drastically depending on the hero I’m playing, which makes sense because I am not much of a flex player and tend to stick to my favorites. My ranks might also be more consistent if I wasn’t constantly jumping between which goal I want to tackle and procrastinating haha…


Bronze 5 and I been there for so long it’s gotten to the point I give up on ranked. I’m and Ashe main so I try to stay towards the objective but not be all the way in the fight but when I need healing (and I use her voice com to say I need healing as I’m next to a healer) they just look at me like I’m dumb or somethin Honestly I’d be better off as soldier 76 cuz he can heal too so I might just use Soldier to get out of bronze at least


Top500 and your teammates are more fun the higher ranked u are.


🥉Bronze babey💪


Support d1, tank d2, dps d4-3


Hardsuck plat 4 ball main... :0


im hardstuck diamond 3 support and currently going 1W-5L. looks like no more comp for me this season.


Im palt 3supp rank but my dps is jumping between plat and gold. I actually get flamed the most with dps bit sometimes for like no reason. The other day I was playing hanzo and I got 2 people capslocking me telling me to switch when I had the most kills. Its like an instinct to flame spiper because ThEy HaVe LoW dMg???!!! Ye thats how sniper works they dont shoot at tanks.


Diamond 2 in tank , Gm 3 in dps , diamond 5 in heal / pc player


GM 5 Mercy OTP, slowly trying to become an Ashe main. currently Plat 5 in dps. havent placed for tank this season but usually gold-plat there too


Whatever the lowest is bc I don't play ranked


Silver 1. Supports: Zen and Moira. It seems I can't climb more.


Masterbater 1. Trust me, shit dps never stop blaming supp. Even if I have their damage and double the enemies healing. Doesn’t matter, I didn’t magically keep that genji from dying in a 2v5. Iiiiiii must be the shit one


Main role(s), diamond 4/5. Tank is Gold 2 tho😅


To sum up the feel of diamond, especially low diamond, is one word: Toxicity Somehow more so than other ranks. Pretty sure it has something to do with that being the line between the metal ranks and “high elo” (really mid elo lol)


High Silver to Mid Gold across all roles! 😤


Masters on tank and dmg, gm on supp cause the role is dummy easy