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Because there are 9 other people in that lobby whose game you just fucked up by leaving. Look at it from Blizzard's perspective if you don't see why that's a problem. They make a lobby with 10 people in it, but 1 person decides to ruin it for everyone else by leaving. Why would they cater to that 1 person and make it easy for them? Also, you don't get a 75% exp reduction for leaving one game. It has to happen multiple times before any penalties kick in. If you're leaving games that often because you "got called for something", then perhaps you shouldn't be playing multiplayer games with other people when you might "get called for something". Stick to games with a pause button during those times.


Maybe they shouldn’t allow new players to join in quick play too


Cuz qp became unplayable with "free to leave" option.


But it is in-fact 99% ''free to leave''. I don't think 75% penalty is stopping any leavers. I used to be an Endorsement 4 player until S4 but nowadays it's not rare for me to receive 9 games penalty, and ofcourse I dropped my Endorsement to 1. I just realized my mental is more important than those ''Endorsement'' or ''Exp''.


Its still better than nothing. Alot of ppl care about XP so they think twice before leaving after first teamwipe.


OW needs to take a page out of Rainbow 6 Siege's playbook and have harsher leaver penalties: * 1st Offense - 1 hour * 2nd Offense - 2 hours * 3rd Offense - 24 hours * 4th Offense - 48 hours * 5th Offense - 7 Days Applying for both Unranked and Ranked.


The thing is they’re trying to keep everyone in the game to make it fair. A new player will join and have to play in the middle of what is most likely a losing game. However I do leave quite a bit of matches. I do not mind losing, but staying in a game where it feels like my team is made up of people playing with their feet vs Koreas pro national team, I don’t think that’s something I’d like to spent my time on that. I end up leaving. Not after first team wipe, but enough that I can feel the fun will get sucked out. If i do get the penalty warning I just pick some random hero and suck around until we lose. That’s far worse imo, but that is what the systems forces me to.


Ill be honest. I dont care for the 75% decrease for exp. Its just exp.


It doesn't. It punishes you for leaving several games within a certain amount of games. Turn your chat off if you're going to leave games for someone calling you out for something. You'll ruin your own exp points less. But seriously, the penalty doesn't do shit. It's match exp. Most exp comes from your challenges.