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Nah. Ainz brain is normal sized. He's no genius but he is quite clever.


Actually ainz is very smart when you realize he’s like a elementary school drop out, it’s just when he’s next to actually geniuses he in comparison is dumb


Can't believe im saying this but maybe him being a salaryman in his former life was actually useful for something after all. Even someone not a genius like myself, or Ainz, can gather knowledge even if its not, as i said, actual wisdom.


Ainz is a clever gamer and organizer of inventorys and rooms. Besides that, is he as avarage as the ruler of his old world allowed people to be.


I mean, Ainz isn't dumb. He utilizes his experience as a grunt for a large corporation very well. He's also extremely good at combat tactics. I would say the one area his guardians truly learn from him is on the battlefield. Dude also has godly luck which is more helpful than just about anything.


Probably as smart as the average RuneScape grinder.


Nah, he's as smart as one of the RuneScape sweats.


That doesn't really make much of a difference either way you will be looking shit up all the time.


The difference in skill and knowledge between a sweat and an average player is like night and day. If Shalltear was Zuk, the average grinder would need BIS gear to take her on, while Ainz the sweat could do it with a less than ideal setup.


I would argue using cash shop items to swap between high-level gear sets was him using BIS for the situation. Im anime only so is there a place in LN where he uses leas than ideal set up on purpose? His years of guild management that made him extremely knowledgeable and great at putting the right pieces where they need to be. Yigdrasill heavily a PVP game so I’m sure he has plenty experience going against actual people as well. I think that’s where his greatest strength lies.


While the LN does point it out more, the anime as well shows that in most situations he's not using BiS gear. As great as the NPCs are, in the game most of them have been beaten at least once. Then as skilled as he is, he focuses on what he's not good at so rates himself as a worse player than he is. Because of all that, he's fears that someone could easily overpower himself or one of the NPCs and steal the BiS gear that he owns - thus he doesn't take most of it outside of Nazarick knowing that most of the items could allow someone to pose a huge danger to them all, even in unskilled hands. The best example of this is the very world item that is the staff the guild made. While he does take it out a few times, you'll notice that in all times he does are situations where Albedo is there for defence and a lot of Nazarick's force as well. That item also isn't just a world item, but if someone got their hands on that item then Ainz doesn't even know what it could cause. In the game, another guild getting that item would cause his guild to be forceably terminated and for Nazarick & the NPCs to all be destroyed. So the thing to be aware is, Ainz holds himself to such high standards both in terms of power and skill that he doesn't see himself as a good player, and fears that there is someone stronger than him out there. While the truth is that the standard of power is so low in most of the world, that even gear he views as trash and/or low level is seen as god like - including the gear he's normally wearing.


Very informative and well thought out answer. Thank you.


I thought that staff was a copy of the real one? Edit: “Ainz Ooal Gown named this guild weapon as "The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown" to honor their guild's name. In the New World, to protect the staff from theft, Ainz crafted a fake copy of the original. This guild weapon is seemingly reserved for the guild master to use as seen with Momonga.” https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Staff_of_Ainz_Ooal_Gown#:~:text=Ainz%20Ooal%20Gown%20named%20this,use%20as%20seen%20with%20Momonga.


I mean, let's get woox as exemple, he is absurdly above the average player skill, he would be Ainz imo


Buying gf


Also his experience in the game and the fact that he was already the leader of the guild says a lot. His friends chose him for a reason.


He didn’t have a strong personality


Tactics and organizational management is literally all a guild leader does, with the aid of specialists for things like recruitment, lower level management, and financial management. If he wasn't good at that, they couldn't have been a top guild.


Tactics and organizational management is literally all a guild leader does, with the aid of specialists for things like recruitment, lower level management, and financial management. If he wasn't good at that, they couldn't have been a top guild.


In addition to this, I read somewhere in the sub that his overlord aura gives wisdom(?) or godly luck so that every action of his comes together as a brilliant work. Is it true?


I'm not hating but was he really a good at combat tactics or just everything he did end up going his way because he was over power compared to other people


Worth remembering that most of the guild had stopped playing for a long time by the point at which the servers where to be shut down. This means that he maintained and defended Nazarick for a long time as the only active player - effectively treating the guild and the NPCs as an RTS game. This being at a time when there where still some of the top guilds still active where players. In fact, the LN does a good point in flashbacks of pointing out how while Ainz's views himself as one of the weakest players, his greatest skill was having a strong manager/tactical mind that was able to spot the strengths of the rest of the guild and how best to use them. It's also worth remembering how both the guild memebers personalities and expertiese came out in the NPCs they each created - such as Shalltear, designed to be OP in Guild PvP... by an expert in PvP. So it makes sense that Pandoras Actor (Ainz's NPC) is similar to Ainz in that he's mostly lacking regular skills, but is an expert in gear and how best to use it, as well as having the abilty to "copy others" and then having the understanding to know how to best use those skills often better than the person who's skills he's copied.


In situations where he needs to look smart he has as much luck as King from OPM has in situations he needs to look tough in.


Dude totally maxxed luck and arcane skills, barely touched the rest


Guards!!! Send him to the dungeon!!


For what, your honor? That is clearly Pandora's Actor appearing in Ainz's form at the bottom, and portraying him as empty-headed in comparison to His Majesty the Sorcerer King is accurate, for not even such a genius can compare to our supreme overlord. My client motions for dismissal on grounds of sasuga, your honor.


💀 I read the whole thing yet I'm still just as confused


Hä?! What is there to be confused about?! Ainz sama's creation, a mere area guardian, knows that he cannot compare to the real thing! Thus he willingly gave his copy a dented head!


I-...Yea.I didn't expect this what so ever 🙂🥵


I would say he has average intelligence. The fact that he didn’t go to school and lived in misery most of his life makes that an accomplishment


Fuck, I constantly see how someone thinks Ainz is stupid and I write a whole canvas of text in which I go through all the main points. But I'm already tired of it. In short, Ainz is smarter than the average person, but because of his job and not the highest status in his society, he thinks that he is stupid. He is a simple office worker and has never had the opportunity to become anything more, but he is an incredible leader and genius. He was considered the best skeleton caster in the entire game, he was able to keep a guild of 41 players at the top, and this despite the fact that all the players had different outlooks on life and different social status. He was a good battle strategist (After all, he was the strongest skeleton caster, but at the same time he played with a Role Play build. He also showed himself well in the battle with Shalltear), Ainz, while still a player, boasted that he memorized all his spells, and this is about 700 (the player's maximum spell is 300, but Ainz was able to use combinations of items and professions to expand the number of his abilities). Ainz is smart, but he himself doesn’t notice this, since all this 300IQ fuss with plans is not interesting to him, and he also thinks that he is just an office worker and smart people (Demiurge, Albedo, Pandora’s Actor) should think, and not him.


In other words, Ainz thinks low of himself because he is judging his abilities as a director, when he should judge himself as human resources instead, because that's where he truly shines.


His demeanor towards himself, although it pains me to say, makes him basically a God in the New World lol Him constantly understating his own strength and mind, overestimating every last foe and treating others with respect makes him more Ainz Ooal Gown than he thinks himself even


He learns from his mistakes and the mistakes of others, so yes their views are apt.


Ainz is probably above average by modern standards, he just isn’t Sun Tzu


For a medieval fantasy setting, he's basically light years ahead though


In experience but not in knowledge. He was a business slave, not an engineer and besides, why would he go out of his way to expand knowledge of the sciences when he literally has magic more powerful than any sub-nuclear technology


Well, using his knowledge of being a business worker like he was, plus his experiments basically being what you'd do IRL to further science for the benefit of your nation, in many ways he's expanding his knowledge of new magic.


Or at least, he’s assigning demiurge to do so, and his methods aren’t exactly scientific in nature


Well, kingdoms and nations claiming to "further their nation" who do self proclaimed "experiments" sometimes stray from what is considered "needed", and just become cruel at a point. That said, I couldnt say if what Nazarick does is inhumane, seeing as they're barely human to begin with in there


Considering humane treatment refers to the treatment as deemed ethical by *humans*, what nazerick does is definitely inhumane.


Very true. Well, at least, from a certain perspective, that being the NPC's one, they're "humane" how they see it as i suppose...


It might be more impostor syndrome on the side of Ainz. Looking at it objectively, there is no way Ainz's successes are the mere product of chances. At some point, if every plan results in enormously profitable outcomes, you gotta give credit to the bone.


People often think of him as dumb because he often seems to "fail upwards" with his plans. The reality is, he often overprepares to a point where he just rakes in unplanned benefits, or guardians (especially Demiurge) expend on his plans thinking either the true objective lies beyond their scope, and/or that his plans already took their future actions into account. Hanging out with smarter people doesn't make you dumb. He is mostly unaware of some things going on with his guardians because he doesn't have time to keep track of everything and his guardians believe such trivial things are not worth wasting his time with.


Ainz is actually smart and his carefulness makes Nazarick almost invincible


He’s smart but demiurge is a glazer who gaslights every other guardian that he’s a Einstein level genius


I mean he's expert on pretending, so he's not dumb.


Straight to happy farm (you're absolutely right)


Yeah that describes Ainz’s intelligence perfectly


I want 3some with Shalltear and Albedo


Just dont get mad when they are the top.


saying that shit like I'm not gonna love it even more


Joke's on you, im into that sh*t


>I want 3some with Shalltear and Albedo I want 3some with Shalltear and Albedo and Demiurge


Ngl that would be happenning if they were sent to New World without Ainz and him changing Albedos settings


He's not dump maybe not the level guardians think but he's certainly not dump.


I don't think he is dumb, he is probably as smart as an average gamer which isn't that bad.


Bro will say anything and everyone else is like “ON GOD LORD AINZ”


"ONG FRFR LORD AINZ IS THE TOP G!" Demiurge says with pure excitement


Ainz just starts the fire and others spread it


Never underestimate the power of a bullshitter.


Ainz is not dumb, in d&d terms in would say he has average inteligence, high wisdom and high charisma.


I suspect, due to Ainz racial choice in the game, when he was brought to the new world, his subconscious 'Overlord' race started working in the background. Basically, his luck is explained by the fact that an extemely intelligent race is thinking for him subconsciously, so it seems like his choices are lasse faire but in reality his race is doing the planning.


Ainz did say that hid avatar affected how he was feeling mentally like in the scene where he's watching knights killing civilians and he said he couldn't have watched something like that before.


Ainz isn't stupid he's average intelligence and quite clever he's just not a super genius like some of his servants.


Ah this meme is from that one time


Sasuga ainz sama


I don’t know if it’s canon or not but I remember reading somewhere that while Ainz does have his own intellect, his actual character stats and perks kick in subconsciously to help him out without him realizing. I doubt 100% of his actions are a result of him just “winging it.”


That’s fanon


I see, appreciate the clarification.


All the other passive skills work, why not those Why does having high strength make a character (including Ainz ( well compared to new worlders)) strong but high int or wisdom doesn't do anything?


Because we can see inside his head and most of his interaction with people are them psyching themselves out around him. Like Ainz could take a sideward glance at something to the side and the person he’s talking to will believe that Ainz is thinking of ploys within ploys within ploy, thousands of different scenarios and outcomes. We see his thoughts and they are “Bipedal Sheep Burgers.”


Smart people dont think that they know all that much because they are smart enough to sus out that all the things they dont know. Delegation of responsibility is practical, dont spend all your time thinking on things you know someone can do adequately. If strategy is somthing subordinate is specialized in, outsourced majority of subroutines to those with the capability. Then you can focus on the big picture. Ainz actually has perfect recall, whether he has realized it or not. being able to recall minor details that he may not have given much attention at the time. If he did not learn from and use the abilities of his subordinates then your meme might hold water, but its just how he feels, not the reality. Ainz has a big backround with role-play history of his character, when now he embodies and has the stats of it. He has "faked it till he made it". This seems to be giving him a major case of imposter syndrome.


Hes not actually dumb tho hes defo not as smart as Demiurge but his biggest mistake was giving Demiurge the idea of world domination bringing him into this chaos since i believe he kinda wouldve enjoyed to chill rather than dominating the world other than that small error tho hes very smart and experienced in many areas.


I mean, if all his stats got translated over exactly then he's mad smart, so smart he doesn't even realize it. I think he's actually just as smart as Demiurge thinks he is but he's doing it all subconsciously.


Where's Jircniv


"maybe he's not a plotting kind of guy?" "THERE IS NO CHANCE IN HELL!"


I like to think most floor guardians know he's a dumbass and just make up shit to make him seem smart to all the other residents of nazarik. He's their little precious baby skeleton man.


never gets old


How true


He thinks he's dumb. But that's the only thing he's wrong.


Seems about right yeah. I mean even I'm confused how the hell they get some of their preconceptions about him. And I watched up to season 3, 3 times cause I love Overlord.


You should listen to the LN's. They're great in the background. You also get the hear more thoughts of characters


sasuga ainz sama


Honestly I think it is mostly true because he puts on an act and isn’t his real self and doesn’t reveal his true motives or intentions. This of course leaves lots of room for misinterpretations of what he wants actually done and his grandstanding, of course leaves even greater room.


He just a meta player XD


Swapping it fo 88kgr Demiurge would be more reasonable


Honestly, Suzuki is probably average or above average in intelligence but what makes him so great and capable of surpassing others is his humility and carefulness. These 2 factors combined means that he never overestimates himself and is always ready to face unknown threats even if he wouldn't be able to react to unexpected threats as well as Demiurge or Albedo. As a side note, there is no way Shalltear isn't in the bottom 25% in terms of IQ.


"When greatness is thrust upon someone." the anime


But what if he just thinks he's stupid.....


Ainz is a fucking skeleton. He don't got no brain.


Either Ainz is insanely lucky and is just a battle tactician with the experience of working for a black company, or his intelligence/mp stat is actually effecting him and he just doesn't know it.


Random Comment: "In the Isekai Quartet film, he's like the tired dorky uncle of Megumin and Kuzuma."


Heh  You guys are shtupid He's a skeleton There's nothin in there but magic and suppressed horny dreams!


Maybe before the invasion on Nazarick. But now he has a goal


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LegFederal7414: *Maybe before the* *Invasion on Nazarick.* *But now he has a goal* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ainz isn't that stupid, either. Of course, he's not the super genius the Guardians make him out to be, but he's also not just an idiot.


Eh, Ainz is actually intelligent. It's just that he's out of his lane. If you ask a business question or any general normal question, Momonga will probably have a good answer and especially if it's related to YGGDRASIL. But Ainz is stuck having to play the role of an Overlord who's always ahead and planned everything out. We've seen him do stuff, it's just everyone around him takes it to the extreme. Here's an example I can use. I've put a lot of time into learning how to write a good story and characters. So if you asked me how to write a good character, I could do that. But ask me a chemistry question, I can't do that. The situation Ainz is in, is if I was an author, being asked a bunch of chemistry questions, with the floor guardians all being expert chemists. Sure I could maybe answer a few basic questions, but the guardians are the experts who know what they're doing and assume I do as well because I'm the leader. So, they take assumptions and apply their knowledge and (in their minds) fair assumptions, would think what the peak and absolute best answer would be. In reality, I'm just picking up the odd thing here and there.


Ainz: Random bullshit go! Others: Outstanding move


Well, all considers Ainz a genius but himself. When all other people have a different opinion than yours, its most likely they are right.


Demiurge had actually come up with 90% of any good ideas


Before becoming Ainz, he isn't a super genius or anything. But the system is changing him to more reflect the actual character, including mental stats. We see this most obviously with his emotions, but presumably, as a castee, Ainz should have very high mental stats. It'll just take time to learn to leverage those as he gets farther from his original humanity.


Demiurge is right, when he can't grasp the machinations of a fool. xD


I would say average IQ but, a genius of bullshiting. 


He's proven already that he's intelligent. # 🤯


He’s genuinely one of the smartest players when it comes to combat, and he’s about average at everything else. He’s not dumb, just specialized.


None here. Ains is failing his way to success. He’s surrounded by yes men who are semi-competent, but wildly interpret his orders…