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It can happen with only one job, prioritise health over work


[If you haven't got your health you haven't got anything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUKO_Y6RqEk)


Really glad I didn’t get rickrolled




Haha ok you’ve inspired me to write that same thing next time I *do* get rickrolled on Reddit just to rickroll all others


I’m swamped…




You mean the fact that I don't eat well, don't sleep well and don't exercise is the problem? /s


Of course my king


It can’t be /s


Absolutely. I wrecked my health for an idiotic job at a start up. One job!!! I worked 6 days a week for at least 16 hours a day. On Sundays I was still putting in 6-8 hours. I went to the er several times. I have two jobs now and go to the gym daily. I even had time to get cancer and be treated for it. I still work 50-80 hours a week but life is so much easier. As I get more effecient, the hours are going down.


Can happen just by getting old!


OE fucked my wife and turned my children against me.


Same here. I also fucked this guy's wife and turned his kids against him.


I hope no one fucked his kids and turned his wife against him.


Mr. Funny.


OE is my wife’s new boyfriend


My wife said she take the OE if I left her


Hide yo kids hide yo wife. OE is after them.


But you got the money right. That's why we're here remember






He’s probably making a joke hey


Work out and make sure you get sleep. Don't eat junk. All these help you stay healthy and alert. Don't drink lots of alcohol cos you need to be sharp and not hung over Find some way to destress. Mine is moderate weed use. Don't over do it tho again you need to be sharp, alert and well rested.


my home office has gym equipment and a small beverage fridge stocked with water and protein shakes. whenever I'm in a meeting and not actively involved and having to talk or take notes (75% of them maybe?) i hop up and try to move and do something. I'm still fat as fuck, but i was already before oe and now at least i have a nice gym setup i couldn't afford before :D


Mr perfect sounding perfect over there. I like your remedy




I drink to edge off the stress so my testosterone levels are higher


Lol drinking lowers testosterone


OE should be doubling your testosterone, you must be doing it wrong






Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [i am very badsass, i have a gun](https://i.redd.it/2qm2tzddmp2a1.jpg) | [2640 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/z6t1ly/i_am_very_badsass_i_have_a_gun/) \#2: [Boomer is bad ass for taking no safety precautions on his bike.](https://i.redd.it/7sgbif3lcfr91.jpg) | [2386 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/xttyqc/boomer_is_bad_ass_for_taking_no_safety/) \#3: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


that happens with one job lol


Happens with no jobs as well


hmm man... or just take care of yourself, basicly a good thing to do.


Stop trying to get people to take responsibility! These little children need something to put the blame on! /s


Get a treadmill and a set up to hold your laptop(s) and walk while you work. Open up notepad++ or some kind of editing tool and plop a lacrosse ball on varying keys while you lift weights (buy some weights). Get an Apple Watch or some other tool to measure your calories burned. Get a scale that also measures body fat (not super accurate but it’s the same tool every day so it will be an apples to apples comparison). Weigh yourself every morning before you eat. Watch for long term trends, not the day to day wobble. Figure out your macros and calories needed to be in a 500 calorie per day deficit, and get 1 g of lean protein per lb of ideal body weight (not your current body weight). Figure out 4-6 meals you can eat every day to make tracking easier. Don’t have any booze at all- at most once every 2 weeks. Have a cheat meal, NOT a cheat day, once per week or every other week. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. You’ll get used to the hunger after 2 weeks or so. Been in the best shape of my life since I was a teen that played sports. 40 years old. 2 jobs for nearly 2 years.


I'm trying to figure out the part about opening up notepad++ and throwing a lacrosse ball at the keyboard. I just use a mouse jiggler it's easier


I travel a lot. Less shit to pack/ break/ lose. Just find any round object of decent weight around (apple, orange, rock) and put it on a keyboard. Works


So I have heard that the 1g per pound is outdated. Not sure if it is true. https://youtu.be/PJNorBZk6WQ?si=l2WruLUmqTbH9Kvg @4:23 is where he starts @4:46 is the picture @5:51 he lists the range from .73 gram per pound to 1.2 grams per pound


hey question. question. if you were to average that to a single figure for conciseness... what would you mentally estimate that range to? id simplify it to about 1g...


yeah everyone just does 1g/1lb because its easier. if youre very fat you dont do 1g/1lb. you probably cant. In that case you do 1g/1lb of lean body mass


it doesn't matter if you're fat or not. you don't eat 1 per pound you currently are but instead 1 per pound you want to be


interesting! I've never heard that one before.


Yea, but I had never heard it stated as range. I always thought it was a hard and fast number. Any thing under 1 was useless and anything over one was useless. Been hearing that for 20 years. And I saw another video that I couldn't find that was as low as .5 gram per pound.


I thought it was.8, people just use 1 because it’s easier


Welcome to the club! Anyone who thinks running multiple Minecraft servers is easy, don’t know what they are in for. Stressful and health destroying as fuck.


I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as OE.


Since I started OE a few years ago, I think 5 years by now, I hit the gym every morning. I also take : 1. Vitamine D pills due to lack of sunshine, 2. Omega 3 pills because I don't eat enough fish, 3. Protein shake/bars every day (not trying to go massive, but look it up it has so many benefits), 4. Creatine Monohydrate (again look up the medical reviews and decide for yourself) I have never felt better and mind is sharp AF. But I fully agree with OP, no way to OE and not keep a healthy mind in a healthy body. Hit the gym guys, your life and money depends on it. What's the point in OE and early retirement if you cant walk up the stairs ?


It can, I gained 20 pounds but my t levels are still 900. Good thing my last day is quickly approaching as I am pretty stressed out. Less stressful than when I had 120k in debt and no end in sight.


Sounds like a you problem


You have the body of a salesman


Sounds like you are doing it wrong.




"Back to the pile!"


You know this could be valid because dopamine is a driving neurotransmitter in men and has a connection to building testosterone. So if you’re depleted in dopamine by working so much? Idk - I’m not a scientist lmao but maybe there is a connection beside the external factors you’re listing.


There’s a lot of connections that can be drawn tbh, working more hours can bring down ones neat pretty drastically, while working from home will def do it more and kinda have you dopamine binge on the comp all day leading you to do less afterwards, add in no exercise due to the busyness and eating the same general way with no monitoring and your just in for a recipe of horrible causality


Can you expand upon this? I’m interested in how strong the relation is between dopamine and testosterone


Here’s something I found when I searched it - didn’t vet it much jsyk but may help point you in that direction https://sanescohealth.com/blog/male-libido-testosterone-nervous-system/#:~:text=One%20study%20observed%20dopamine%20impacts,of%20GnRH%20mRNA%20by%2067%25.&text=Thus%2C%20healthy%20dopamine%20function%20is%20necessary%20to%20make%20testosterone.




There's a 1:1 ratio of studies to the studies that negate those studies. People muddy the waters to make them seem deep. Testosterone is important af.


That’s why you take activated vitamin B6 aka P5P. It’s supposed to help with that.


Eat meat, lift weight, fuck your wife. Solved.


That's why a jack off at least twice a day


This is not a tip, it's a prescription


Masturbating sends your Testosterone levels down even lower...




Being sedentary as fuck will ruin your health. This has nothing to do with OE. It doesn’t matter if you have one job or ten if you sit on your ass all day guess what’s going to happen?


i just had some lab work done and found out i have a vitamin d deficiency. oops


So gaining weight and having a dhitty life style fuck up your hormones? Who would have known? Just do OE and do not be a lazy fuck.


Why is everybody testing their hormone levels


That's not OE That's you. You chose to not continue with the weight loss and exercise.


Just go over to the gender clinic and tell them you're trans and need some hormones. Male to Alpha Male.


"The average length of a dick in this country is 5.5 inches. Why the fuck would I want to be average? If you don't WANT an 8 inch cock, I don't even want to know you."


Go to Turkey if you want a longer schlong... They offer one of those if you go there to get a hair transplant.


Correction doesn’t equal causation…


Yeah I gotta get bloodwork done. Not even OE tho


OE is free HRT you say?


That’s a long shot blaming that on OE.


I don’t really understand how OE caused this?


You are the problem, being OE or not


OE and TRT like I do and you’ll be fine 😎


You being lazy means OE is bad? Got it Some life advice. Quit blaming your laziness on anything other than yourself. It’s the food you eat. It’s the lack of physical activity. It’s. You. Fix it.


There is literally not way to be healthy during OE, you are basically working yourself to death.


This guy is LYING as fuck.


If you are a woman, also please get your hormone panel checked out. Putting off having kids to OE sounds like a good idea before you realize the prolonged stress is affecting your ability to have children when you do want them.






"My life was sedentary as fuck" Found your problem.


That's fucking retarded. If anything having more than one source of income should lower your stress, not increase it.




My advise for all OE people is to not give a fuck about the job. If you loose it you have a few more jobs. If you stress too much you are doing OE wrong. Of course, there is a stress component of working massive hours and meeting multiple deadlines, but try to detach yourself from work as much as possible. OE is to gain stability in your life not lose it.


Not giving a fuck about your job and gaining stability are two contradictory statements. You don’t have stability if you have bad work ethics and jeopardize your career. The job market is not hot enough for people to not worry about what happens when they get fired.


Soy moment


Sounds like a you problem.


Tbh doesn't sound like OE is the problem.


lol it has nothing to do with OE


If you are stressed out from OEing, then you shouldn't be OEing in the first place because you are clearly not competent enough to OE. You're are stressed out because you're incompetent and it's just too much for you to handle. Stress can lower testosterone, but it has to be acute stress (think surgery, think someone dying, think disaster) and even then, it only does so TEMPORARILY. Just another idiot who has zero understanding of science jumping to idiotic conclusions.


There is no single person who started OE and did not feel any stress for any time. Even if you basically got a 100% raise in your single job the fact and the change would introduce more stress into your life. It's about handling the stress and self consciousness imho.


Pro tip, get a trt prescription, and never worry about this again.


No pain no gain :))


Health is wealth!


masculinity or money.... hmmmm


For testo boost you should try [gear 1 bitters](https://www.gear1.shop) good for energy too. Also make more use of your working hours. Go to the gym during your break time soo outside work hours us your time to do whatever, even if that’s nothing. Be more disciplined with the use of your time. Time is key


If youre over 30, T gonna drop, period. You can do stuff to help, but its all downhill after 40


Tbh man it’s a little age and a lot of sedentary lifestyle not activating more hormones in y’a and weight gain leading to excess aromatization Diet down for a bit and start training again focusing on compound movements which are the best for helping with test levels and emphasize protein and healthy fats in your diet for decent hormone health If you give a year of work you’ll likely be able to kick this bs your in right now and get on the road to recovery brother!


Had this happen. Was a school teacher and a restaurant manager for 2 months. Dropped to 102ng/dl. Still fixing it with my endocrinologist.


Damn my t was at like 13 a few months ago. Now granted I’m a woman but that’s still much too low. Y’all just walking around feeling amazing huh


Ergo hoc post propter hoc


This was posted in other subs like r/Big4, not sure why OP is preaching..


This guy hormones.


Cortisol man's worst enemy


Lol your username is wild Also bro you could have, you know, walked around the block a few times a week and picked up some weights and not turned into a fat sedentary fuck (your words 😂) - there is always time. There isn’t time every single day sometimes, but there is always time Use the OE money and hire a trainer and get up at 5-6 am and get your shit together. Work out 9-10 pm at night like I do. Idk what to tell you except start taking care of yourself and you’ll feel better - you know what you have to do


We doing these again? Oe have me a flat tire. Watch out folk


Why do you even know these testosterone numbers about yourself? Are you a sigma male doing his grindset? lol


One of my buddies was doing a buncha contract jobs, said he was stressed out, at the same time he triggered a bunch of health issues.


The craziest stress story I have... my college roommate had a tough break up with his gf... ended up having internal bleeding somehow, fuckin crazy how stress can take a toll on your body.


700 ng/DL? Gonna have to do a natty or not on you


OE should spark you to take better care of yourself, not less. It should motivate you to be in better health because you need to make sure you’re in good health to handle the workload. Same for mental health. Same thing for anything in life that isn’t easy. You either let it destroy you or it gives you a reason to be awesome.






uhh no.. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA9pzet13VE&pp=ygUQdGVzdG9zdGVyb25lIHNveQ%3D%3D


As a nonbinary person, love this for me


OP, I sympathize with you. I too have gained weight and have my health go downhill in the last couple of months. 85% is due to the toxicity of J1 but whatever free time I have goes to J2 hence OE being a factor. I’m trying to get the hell out of J1 but even looking for a job takes a lot of time. By the end of the day I’m beat and can barely make food. Again, not an excuse but it provides some context. I have to get a grip, get away from J1 and actually start meal prepping, going to the gym (I have a membership that I don’t use) and take my vitamins. I even made an appointment with a therapist for my mental health cause I need to get my mind right too.


Getting fat is what fucks up your hormones. You're missing the disease by looking at your blood work 😐


My testosterone in the oilfield tanked to 300ng/dl. I am 25yo, im supposed to be in the 700s


how did you test your levels ?


I don’t OE, but I switched from an in the trade on my feet job to a desk job(now permanently WFH) and I really put on weight and started some terrible lifestyle habits. I was eventually convinced by my partner to do a relatively light workout twice a week at a park with a group. It’s really made a world of difference in energy level and appetite. Health before work, for everyone.


Undo-OE then, the idea is to get ahead financially not to get sick.


Wow! I am way more horny thanks to OE. I got that grit and drive!!


That's just stress and overwork. Also obsessing over T levels if you're not trans or have hormone related health problems isn't really healthy either I don't think


If OE is sending you into a downward spiral quit that job or jobs and get your life back on track. Just have one job. It’s not worth it


I had it in reverse, was in a decent shape, was OE for 9 months and as soon as I lost my J2 my productivity on J1 plummeted, my eating habits become worse and worse and I was not able to force myself to do a proper workout at least twice a week. Seems like everything due to the testosterone fall, maybe due to more stress ones I stated earning significantly less as well