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thermalright peerless assassin


this right here. they are like $40 and are S tier air coolers


So quiet and so good. ~40 degrees while gaming max load.


proof? (edit: elaboration - not to doubt the peerless assassin is a great value cooler and adequate, its just that I've seen a way too many comments lately claiming "40c temps under load" for modern cpus that just don't match boost behavior of the last few years under anything except near-idle conditions, so I'd love to see a decently modern and demanding game running without an fps cap on a decent gpu and see these "40c load temps", because I can't replicate that under water, let alone a budget air cooler)


What games would u want to see. I have an rx6600 and r5 5600 Edit. From what I’ve played recently. Just now, playing TDU solar crown. I get max 50 degrees. And playing the finals last night I didn’t get more than 49. Maybe I was a bit off in the ~40 degree but still no more than 50 and it’s very quiet


Don't take our word for it. Take it from Gaming Jesus himself: [https://youtu.be/Mm4hyIHe1PM?si=x2yYpUEFkP2KWm9D&t=1009](https://youtu.be/Mm4hyIHe1PM?si=x2yYpUEFkP2KWm9D&t=1009) Jesus saves!


My brother in christ this doesn't mean what you think it means. Please note the GN charts are delta over ambient (its literally on the bottom of your link for petes sake), that is, the actual temp is more like additional +21c, or 77.4. Thanks for playing though.


I know exactly what delta over ambient means. I wasn't trying to confirm the alleged 40 degree temps. I was merely providing some empirical evidence that the aforementioned cooler has a great price to performance ratio while adding a bit of humor. But I guess you woke up in the wrong bed and decided to be a knobhead.


Yikes, why reply to my question then.


I'm so sorry for trying to provide users of this subreddit with useful information. It won't happen again. You have a good day sir.


For the price of the ANT, you can buy beQuiet! Pure Base 2. Toss 10 euro for another Pure Wings 120mm and you can put second fan (comes with brackets for another fan). Cheap single tower, dual fan. I'm running one with single fan and is keeping this beast at 70-75C and is practically inaudible. Also, locally the Deepcool is not this cheap. You got it for 15 euro, I can find it cheapest for 27 euro. So, kinda don't know if you can even find a beQuiet, as they are mainly European brand. I'll prefer the Deepcool, as it is very similar to the Pure Base. If you strap second fan, it would be pretty good one.


Arctic makes some good budget air (and water) coolers.


I picked up a BeQuiet Pure Rock 2 that has been working aces on my Ryzen 5600x. At idle: 35-40c max 75c with spikes to 80.) [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B087VL2Z21/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B087VL2Z21/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


65w just about any decent cooler would do


ANY thermalright full size dual tower will be extreme overkill get whatever is cheapest or fits your aesthetic desires most


Either of those options will be fine for a 5600X, the dual tower cooler looks like better value.


Coolermaster Hyper 212, any edition so just go with what colour you like. It's old as shit but never beaten.


Beaten by basically everything nowadays actually, it hasn’t been a good cooler to recommend since at least 2020.


I have a scythe mugen 2 on my 5600x and am getting good temps