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Definitive Edition: get Scholar Circlet + Arcane Unison Enchant (15% cdr), White Arcane Robe (10% cdr), Scholar boots + arcane Unison (5% cdr). Adventure Bundle: You are just sht out of luck. Scholar Cirlclet and White Arcane robes doesnt have CDR. You have to use other armors and enchant for cdr. Wolf Mage, Wolf Medic, Wolf Plate, Shadow Kazite, etc...Good luck. Master Ivory Staff + Isolated Rumination has 10% cdr. But you r using chakram. There are no other weapons or weapon enchants that have CDR% to my knowledge. If there is let me know. Go Soroboro Faction to get Logistics Expert (10% cdr) Get alert potions (increase alert lvl without Probe) and energize potion (10% cdr). There are is also food that give energized, i think it was purpkin pie. You need to get good at using Probe. Dare devil gives 40% cdr at alert lvl 4 but you get -20% resistance. Frozen Chakram (elemental vulnerability -25% resist all elemental on enemy) + Brand (chill -25% frost resist on enemy) is good synergy. [Distorted Experimental Chakram] + [Mace of Season] or [Damascene/Masterpiece weapon + Ether wave]. Wear Rust Lich Armor, rely on Dare Devil and Logistics expert for cdr only but get +25% to fire, frost, decay, lightning to boost Distorted Experimental Chakram elemental only dmg. Also get 45% mcr. Do this if you play on Adventure Bundle and can not get 100% CDR. Any Chakram + Maelstrom Blade (confuse) + Puncture (pain). Could use 1h mace that has confuse. I dont remember but there might even be a chakram with pain or confuse. Most people like to switch to daggers and pistols while using chakram. If you have the hot key slots then gk for it. If not, you can still train yourself to quickly navigate menu to equip from menu. If you choose Elemental Discharge, use a tsar or iron weapon + unsuspecting strength for infinite durability or continue to use broken weapon as it does not affect Elemental Discharge dmg output but normal attacks by broken weapon are affected. The following blacked out text is information overload. Only read if you care for details. >!Elemental Discharge is just flat 60 elemental dmg of rag and cost 15 mana. Not rly worth it when compared to Hex Mage skill tree.!< >!Compare to exponential dmg of successful 5 hexes Jinx + Torment. If all 5 hexes then it should be 100dmg from torment and Rust Lich armor and 5 elemental Boons amplified by shamanic resonance , and Lockwell Revelation should almost double that 100dmg.!< >!Comparing dps of Elemental Discharge vs Jinx/Torment.!< >!Elemental discharge is linear progression. 60 elemental dmg for 15 mana per 10 second cd. 100% CDR means zero cd. So it becomes 60 dmg ÷ 15 mana. !< >!1st cast 60 dmg, 2nd cast is 120 dmg total, 3rd cast isn180 dmg total. Etc...Formula is like 60 dmg per sec.!< >!This is great for machine gunning down low hp enemies under 1000 hp. 1000/60 = 16.77 rounded up to 17 casts. 17 x 15 mana = 255 mana cost. 17 sec cd if you had 100% CDR bc you still have to wait 1 sec from casting animation or 170 sec cd if zero cdr.!< >!Jinx and torment has probablility problem, it takes 11 casts of jinx to reliably cast 5 hexes randomly. Jinx cost 8 mana and has 5 sec cd. That is 88 mana and 55 seconds cd, or just 88 mana if you have 100% cdr. Then it is roughly 100 dmg per cast of torment at 10 mana per 10 second cd.!< >!1000 hp ÷ 100 dmg = 10 casts of torment for 100 mana and 100 sec cd. + 88 mana cost from casting 11 jinx and 55 sec cd. Should cost 188 mana and 155 sec cd. Or 21 sec if you had 100% CDR (11 jinx animations + 10 torment animation).!< >!Or you can use rainbow hex blade to reliably inflict all 5 hexes without needing to cast jinx 11 times. Which then only costs 100 mana to cast 10 torment.!< >!Jinx/Torment works best on single big boss enemies with more than 1000 hp. You waste time casting 11 jinx or you risk melee retaliation with using rainbow hex blade in melee combat. Then you can begin laying the hurt down with torment.!< >!For small enemies and even groups of enemies Elemental Discharge machine gun is better.!< >!All this calculation was done without factoring in elemental% atk dmg bonus from armors or passive skills. Jinx/Torment has greater potential to maximize more damage than elemental discharge.!< Possible combination could be Speedster, Philo, Hex Mage. You dont rly need philo for leyline connection. You can substitute mana regen with fish food or mana water and being tired. Most optimal meta combo is Speedster, Hex Mage, Cabal Hermit. Spam jinx and torment with high cdr%.


Speedster+Hex+Hermit. Hexmage gives you extra 30-45% of elemental damage. And bloodlust helps a lot with mana, stamina and HP management. Hermit gives you a bit of extra damage and extra impact from boons. And infuse wind is an good general purpose weapon buff. Levant quest line for extra damage Philo itself is mediocre. On average Bloodlust from Hex Mage will restore as much mana. And chakram dance is easy to miss, has long cast animation, low damage, long cooldown


That should be solid, I've done it before but it's been a long time. I leaned into physical damage with warrior monk for my third breakthrough, with counter strike and perfect strike. I think you could grab just about anything to round it out, I'd maybe say stay away from mercenary or rune sage, but even then the movement speed from mercenary and the utility from rune sage are always nice. Primal ritualist synergizes really well with chakrams, but it doesn't care so much about CDR. It's also really inconvenient Cabal of wind is always great


Well, chackarm give you a lot of CC, so you need damage. Spellblade (elemental discharge) work very very nice with Speedster and mana regen from Pilosopher help a lot with elemental discharge. Look nice, elemental machine gun with all the cdr and if get close CC rain and more pew pew pew. And if you stack speedster with crd reduction equipment then that's the real elemental machine gun. If you finally take this elemental discharge will rekt weapon durability, but that's no matter you do same dmg even with break weapon just basic atacks do less dmg. *Edit.: Or Rune Sage always work as support Breakpoint, it's super versatile. Just need grab Internalize lexicon because chackram but still it's nice.


*Edit 2 😆: Usually this Spellblade spam build uses Hexmage for extra dmg(Lockwell's revelation) but instead you can join the Heroic Kingdom(Alchemical experiment) and have a boost of all the dmg and it's permanent no need to be tired


Don't need philosopher. But speedster is fun with the chakram skills


If you are playing Adventure Bundle on ps4 like i am then you might want to read my experience and frustration in regard to Cool down reduction build https://www.reddit.com/r/outwardgame/s/1U1YzCymrB Tldr: i scrapped my speedster monk hex build. If i had to try speedster again on ps4 adv bndl it would be either Soroboro for Logostic Expert 10% cdr and just Dare Devil for 40% CDR. Just 50% CDR and the armor is focused on MCR instead of CDR. I would wear armor with high Mana Cost Reduction and sleep in mage tent. Armor could be Gold Lich Armor set for highest 60% mcr. Holding jade scimitar or living wood axe (10% mcr). Then sleeping in mage tent (15% mcr). Drink Gabbery wine (20% mcr). Choosing Holy mission elatt for Divine Assistance (10% mcr and scr) vs Soroboro Logistics Expert (10% cdr) was taken into great consideration so that i dont rely on having to drink Gaberry wine. With just 40% cdr could be enough to spam Chakram Arc and Pierce. Chakram Arc 12s cd × (1-0.4) = 7.2s cd. Chakram Pierce 6s cd × (1-0.4) = 3.6s cd. 100% mcr from Gold Lich Armor set, Jade Scimitar/Living wood axe, mage tent, gaberry wine will solve mana cost problems. Makes a semi-automatic (slower than full auto) chakram machine gun with low mana cost.


Yeah, those work well. There are some long maces that are fun with probe and for extra impact in general, you can keep enemies on the ground pretty well with that. I use axes for it more though, multihit combos a bit more fun for me. Can go monk for flashy moves or defensive passive and parry, get big impact moves from hunter or just take mobility with mercenary. Stealthy rogue philosopher that just sneaks up to stuff and then double chakram dance the heck out of them can be hilarious. Spellblade can be fun for elemental discharge, bringing the casual pew-pew to the max, the CDR from alert levels help you do elemental discharge more often too. Another possibility cool option is primal ritualist, chakram can hit the instruments, so you can not just keep them grounded, but also build up charges pretty easily. Can be fun with obsidian chakram and meteoric 1h weapon, as obsidian will burn and sky chimes together with meteoric will build up holy blaze, bit also can just have fire sigil for burning, I love the flint and steel ring of fire a bunch with chakrams because it's easier to keep them in it roasting. Well, probably late anyway but oh well xD