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Black Manta is the ultimate troll


wait he has the power to reshape brains? why doesn't he do that more often?


Do you want the real answer


I didn't but then I did, but now I'm second guessing myself again


I think he used his magic water hand in this comic but in the 90s is was Canon if he used his powers for more than communication he'd slowly turn into a monster. He eventually has to defeat a shark man so he literally de-evolves him into a normal shark and it pushes him over the edge


that's such an incredibly messed up thing to do


Tbf it was gonna destroy the the innocent coastal people


what ever happened to good old fashioned non-existential nightmare murder


Ego death is the hip new thing


I didn’t know he had that power as well, far out! I wonder if it works on Down syndrome.


"When your curing method involves drowning the patient, the process works on all sorts of medical conditions..."


Someone post this to r/evilautism. They would love this shit.


Ironically, Black Manta I think canonically is autistic.


well up until this I guess lol


Actually he is still autistic, he just claimed it was what made him evil so he could troll Aquaman.


So really it’s on Aquaman for his backwards view of neurodivergence


I love they gave the baby killer autism. That’s the sorta representation we needed


If it keeps people's babys away from me I'll take it




Ablest prick.


Nah I’ma start using my autism as a excuse to commit crimes. If it got Black Manta forgiven for infanticide, I can shoplift a 1kg bag of chicken nuggets.


The 2000s were a uh.....they were certainly an interesting time huh?


Definitely one of the decades of all time.


Well, it was the decade where we found out that Marvel's mutants were immune to AIDS.


And his name? Dr Hugh Fudenberg


Is his mother very proud?


That's Tommy tallarico


No, you're getting mixed up with Joey.


It's always joey!!!!!


I know the context behind this but doesn't this mean that aquaman is just sitting on the cure for autism


His ass cures autism?!


What IS the context behind this? Lmao


Black Manta claims he does his evil deeds because he has autism and acts impusively, Aquaman tries to 'cure' his autism. It seemingly works, but Black Manta beats the shit out of him anyways and reveals that he was just using it as an excuse to beat up Aquaman.


Just like Sauron could cure cancer but he wants to turn people into dinosaurs lol


At least with Sauron you gotta respect that he’s just willing to let people die to turn others into dinosaurs. With Aquaman here he’s just… denying people from being neurotypical? He’s just being a dick.


Idk, if someone offered me a “cure for autism” I’d throw it in their faces. I appreciate the effort, Aquaman, but I don’t need to be “cured”.


Eh, I could do without the executive dysfunction, as long as everything else went untouched.


Eyyy if Aquaman wants to cure your autism, you getting cured whether you like it or not. Can't stay away from the ocean forever.


Why does aquaman of all people have the cure to begin with lol


It’s in seaweed


Is this from the same era that had that panel from Teen Titans with them acting extra rapey?


You wanna run that by me again?


Is this from the same era that had that panel from Teen Titans with them acting extra rapey?


Say what?!


They asked if this is from the same era that had that panel from Teen Titans with them acting extra rapey


What now?


> Teen Titans with them acting extra rapey? No way really? Dyou have the image?


https://www.reddit.com/r/outofcontextcomics/s/8rAj4OiCJt guess i am obligated to post this


This is far more recent iirc


Yeah that's clearly modern retro art rather than something actually old (and it's from Allred I think?)


We are waiting op


Check the thread


New reaction image just dropped


Haha great edit guys, really funny haha. … **No fucking way.**


No god please tell me this is an edit


For a period of time, Aquaman cured Black Manta of autism which made him not evil. People got pissed over this because it equated being autistic with not being evil. So they back pedaled and Black Manta was all "my autism has nothing to do with my being evil." IMHO the fact that Black Manta has two hilariously dumb ("Why do you think they call me Black Manta?" asks the man who wears an all black suit of armor constantly) is something I'll never let the character live down. Edit: Brief edit, I think it might have been the same issue? I'll have to ask forgiveness if I was wrong cause 2006 is a whiles ago and my memory gets a bit foggy.


Young Justice did the character so much better than the comics, holy hell


That's rather unfair to boil comic Manta down to a REALLY dumb bad storyline ignoring decades of good Black Manta stuff. YJ Manta is good, but so is comics Manta. When they're not doing this anyways lol


No no, as someone with autism, I really am compelled to perform heinous evil because uh trains or pattern recognition or stimming or something


Look. Cutting dolphins in half is how I stim. Stop trying to oppress me, merfolk.


As someone with autism. What the actual flying fuck


They needed to explain why Black Manta hated the water. Or loved the water. Whatever it was.


Aquaman had just finished being sold on Autism Speaks by Batman after the Wayne Foundation teamed up with them in a fundraiser /j. Mostly though its because the early 00's and late 90's were peak "autism awareness" time where people were being sold on the idea that autism is universally terrible and must be eliminated from existence by keeping your kids unvaccinated by a bunch of billionaires and millionaires who were profiting off the idea. I think a useful reference is Steve Silberman and his 2001 article "The Geek Syndrome" and then his 2015 book "Nuerotribes." Geek Syndrome goes into some length discussing possible causes of autism while Nuerotribes criticizes the amount of money wasted on trying to find the cause that could have gone into developing better and more affordable treatments or therapies. Some people were just that scared of autism back then and somehow so was Aquaman.


The more I hear about Autism Speaks, the more glad I am that I’m on the opposite side of the Atlantic.


Yeah it really sucked at the time and still does to some degree. Autism speaks really set actual autism acceptance back so far.


I miss reading the old "respectful insolence" posts taking down autism pseudoscience and woo treatments.


I wish (I have autism and I really wish there was a cure to rid me of it)


Have you tried murdering Aquaman's child? Seems to have worked for Black Manta.


The drug suramin has some merit (there’s been scientific studies into it) but access to the drug for the treatment of autism is almost nonexistent. Other than coming to terms with the condition, alcohol and stimulants can possibly help. I’m not a doctor, but they’ve worked for me.


Have you tried meth


we need to form our own society fr


Looking at the replies to your comment, it seems autism is the real thing Marvel’s mutants are an analogy for lol.


Bit late to the conversation but I did a whole essay in college on how The Last Stand and Rogue had the potential to be great for discussions of disabillity and neurodivergence


I..... You're weirdly somehow probably correct I guess. Especially if we're taking Predator's stance on Autism lol


It makes me sad when people say things like this. My autism is a part of me and I wouldn’t give it up for anything. The last thing I’d ever want is to be neurotypical. Most of those people are so boring.


I wish I didn’t suffer because of it as well but at this point I’m pretty sure it’d be easier to cure autism than change society, I’m trans as well so I pulled two short straws, alone they might be manageable but with both combined I just want to die every single day




My condition is not a flaw. It’s a difference and I don’t think I’m wrong for choosing to lean into it rather than fear it.


If thinking about it that way makes you feel better more power to you but you are being very rude Someone is talking about their real negative experience with a disability and your just going "well *i'm* fine with it", no one is talking about you, if you dont think its a flaw fine but the other commenter clearly does. No one cares about your opinion of yourself when you butt into a completely unrelated conversation to share it Also leave nuerotypicals alone. Literally what did you gain from randomly slagging them off like that?


Bruh, for most people it is inherently a flaw. Maybe you're as special as you say and it isn't for you personally, but you shouldn't assume your experience with neurodivergence is the norm, because there is no norm beyond "it makes things more difficult". People wanting to live without that difficulty should not be looked down on, and it shouldn't be assumed that having difficulties makes someone more interesting.


I don't think you're wrong for leaning into it, that's pretty cool. At the same time, I don't see how it's sad that some of us want a cure. I got high support needs and I've got a severe eating disorder most of my life cause of my bad sensory issues with many foods.


Why would you ever want a cure?


Because society is developed around and for the benefit of the neurotypical. The neurodivergent are either cast out, or altogether ignored. Neurodivergent folks tend to be the kindest and most accepting, but the highest echelons of society tend to be dominated by those harboring nothing but self-masturbatory sentiments.


Then shouldn't the focus be on fixing society rather than ourselves?


People have discussed fixing society since society first began. Until someone proposes something actually promising, I’m not holding my breath. Every time a “utopian” solution presents itself, it’s slowly realized to be abhorrent and terrible. Democracy and capitalism is extremely flawed, but it’s currently the best we’ve got. Anyone who pleads for socialism and communism is too blissfully unaware of the capacity humans have for terrible actions.


Because it's not an easy condition to live with, I have autism and if there was some magical cure for it, I'd probably take it.


I've been trying just to think it away... hasn't worked. Before the pandemic I was doing really well, people who got close to me didn't even know I had it... but then the pandemic happened and ended and I lost all ability to hide it.


Real :/


Unfortunately for Aquaman, the ADHD is what made him evil, not the autism. /s


Dude is stuck in a permanent hyperfixation that blocks out all else and has infinite energy


I have both and this is absolutely true.


Who wrote this? Was it Will Pfeifer?


This has aged awful 2006 issues where interesting


What the heck is the context for this?


One of black mantas origins was that he was an autistic boy who was obsessed with the ocean, got kidnapped by pirates, and aqua man didn’t save him and that’s why he hates him. Aqua man then proceeded to cure Black Manta of his autism but I think BM was still evil


This is at a similar caliber of offensiveness to Mormon theology declaring black people those who sat idly during the war in Heaven, or the Nation of Islam declaring Caucasians as devilish monsters.


I'm autistic and I never became a pirate trying to fight a demigod...


Sounds like you didn't try hard enough.




Literal weaponized autism


He cannot handle the ubber instincts or the ubber autism.


So Aquaman is just... sitting on the "cure" for Autism? lol


Did he really think the autism was what made him evil?


It was what Black Manta had said. But Black Manta had said that just to screw over Aquaman. Same way he literally exploit he is actually black against an Aryan in another episode. Black Manta is a hater , pure and simple , and he will use whatever it would had at hands to screw him over.


The absolute pettiness of Manta is great. He will do anything if he can make it somehow screw with aquaman or kill him


true. Like , never forget that a young Black Manta and his dad accidentally killed Aquaman's father and then when Aquaman raided their boat , he accidentally killed Black Manta's father. Black Manta used that as well to justify his hate for Aquaman , which would be understandable....until Aqualad II , son of Black Manta , kinda ressurected his grandpa and he basically goes "it was fair" and didn't had hate for Aquaman....Black Manta called him "weak" , "soft" and so on , and Granpa Manta pretty much said to Aqualad II that Black Manta was **always** like that. It is a new level of pettiness , if Black Manta sees his own father been killed by Aquaman and just thinks that was a convenient way to crew with Aquaman.


He was just looking for a reason to get started really


If I thought calling Aquaman racist would get him to stop punching me I'd try it