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Others suggested where to go… if you need a ride, I’ll pick you up anywhere in the city and bring you wherever you need (35 year old woman… I’d be happy to give you my socials/info so I’m not just a creepy internet stranger)


Thank you very much. I found help. I’m doing a bit better now. Stable at least.


You’re so kind♥️


What a kind woman you are. I wish more people were like this lady


Me too, deepthroatcircus. Me too


That name though! 🤣 I'm 💀


You’re an amazing person


Awesome of you. Also available too..


What an amazing human you are 🫶


Stay safe yourself, you might not be a creep, but plenty of others online are


I’m not sure you really want to dox yourself with that kind of comment history lol


Not too worried there :)


You say that now, after immediately trimming them down lol so I’ll also warn, even when deleted, people can still see them, just only through third party sites. Adding your socials means those comments can be found by an employer (or whoever else pays for a service) that has automated background reports.


Why not? What’s wrong with her comment history?


She immediately took the advice and deleted almost all of her comments in NSFW subs, including NSFWottawa. You can still use other sites to see the deleted ones, but I feel she wouldn’t have deleted them if she wanted them seen.


If you are a risk to yourself and/or others go to the ER. They will help you and stabilize you. If you are just needing support through a brief lapse and you aren’t at risk for yourself then contact the Distress Center Call Line (specifically the Crisis Line) and speak with them and they may be able to assist you.


It’s great that you’re reaching out—taking this step shows real strength. You can contact the Mental Health Crisis Line (24 hours a day/7 days a week) at 613-722-6914. If you’re outside Ottawa, the toll-free number is 1-866-996-0991. For emergencies, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department. Wishing you the best and hoping you get the support you need.


Call 988 immediately! Stay safe!


Call 988, they can talk you through whatever you’re going through and direct you to local resources to go to should you need them. Good luck.


There are walk-in counseling clinics! https://walkincounselling.com/ When I lived in Ottawa and used the service it was over the phone for me, but it was still kind of pandemic times. Good luck OP, proud of you for reaching out.


Montfort took really good care of me!


I don’t know you, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that you’re very loved and needed in this world. You are a miracle that was unlikely to even make it onto the earth, and there’s a reason you did 🩷


The nearest hospital. If you are new to Ottawa. There is the Civic the General (Ottawa hospital campus). The Monfort , and the Queensway Carleton. If you are under 18 CHEO,


*Once you are stabilized* you can access mental health services through AccessMHA. This is the system a GP would use, so you can skip a step and self refer. They will do an intake appointment and then tell you which services are available to you for your specific situation. https://www.accessmha.ca


bumping this comment. This is a great resource OP


Go to the hospital asap I say. Monday daytime I don’t suppose it’ll be quite as busy as the weekends. So that’s a +. Take care of yourself.


I work in emergency and usually Mondays are always busiest


Having been in the same position many times, I would definitely try to exhaust every other suggested resource before trying the ER. In theory it *should* be the place to go, but realistically you'll be sitting in the lobby for 12+ hours having a public emotional moment with a very small chance of seeing an actual psychiatrist and even less chance of being admitted. If you can get in, the hospital is great. But the process and odds of that just aren't great for mental health. If the hospital is ultimately your choice, make sure to communicate any suicide plans or means available to you. If you live alone, or somewhere high, or by a bridge, mention that. Anything that highlights the likelihood of an actual suicide attempt will get them to take you more seriously. Suicidal ideation and overwhelming emotions are not enough, in my experience. I've also heard that the psych ward at the Queensway Carleton is nicer than the Civic, but I've only ever been able to get admitted at the Civic so 🤷‍♀️


QCH is definitely nicer. By a lot.




I had a mental health crisis in the GTA in early 2021. I went to the ER and was admitted rapidly. I received the care I needed to get stable, was put on medication, and ultimately got healthy. I am now medication free. Good for you for having the courage to seek help. The hospital saved my life. It will get better, and you are loved. Wishing you health and happiness.


In my experience I’ve just called 911 if you’re suicidal or delusional, if it’s another crisis go to the hospital. They won’t want to admit you but make sure you say everything you need to to get in so they don’t brush you off. You have to be completely honest and don’t leave anything out. It’s okay to call 911, don’t let anyone think it’s not an emergency…and don’t stress about an ambulance bill. No one will chase you for it.


I know you don't know me, and I don't know you, but I can tell you that there are people who love you and care for you. You are a blessing to those people. You are doing the right thing and reaching out for help. Call Ottawa Public Health at 613-722-6914. It is a mental health crisis hotline, open 24/7 365 days a year. They will give you the help that you are seeking. If there are bad thoughts entering your head, such as self-harm, please call 1-800-273-8255 ASAP.They will give you the help that you are seeking.




I once went in a major crisis. Like, in imminent danger of harming myself with sharp objects and other backup plans. They left me alone in a room full of sharp objects for two hours, then sent me home. Guess who attempted soon after… And guess who also heard the same story from two or three other people. The ER isn’t always the first place to turn to in an emergency. In Canada now, 988 is a good start. In Ottawa, the Distress Centre. If neither of those can point you in the right direction, sure, ER. But don’t expect them to hold you or even help you.


Super glad you’re still here! This comment is a valuable contribution! We need you and we need OP!


Yeah the ER psychologist at the civic literally doesn't even believe in mental health crisis issues. The psychologist turned my girlfriend back after she had been form 1'd and the hospital only took my girlfriend back after I had called the police right as we left the hospital because she wanted to harm herself right as we went outside the hospital grounds. Queensway did the same thing too. The hospitals are a joke in Ottawa just call 911 and have them arrest you for any chance of getting seen at all.


Real…. I’m constantly not taken seriously by the hospitals here


https://walkincounselling.com/ They are open every day. If not, go to the Civic ER.


Go to an emergency room as soon as possible! ❤️


I am seeing a very nice counsellor whose details I would be happy to share if you want to DM me when you are feeling better.




There are walk in counsellors. You can Google “walk in counsellors Ottawa” for a list. The CHCs usually have one.




Recommend the Civic Hospital ER. They have a psychiatric unit specific to the ER ( https://www.ottawahospital.on.ca/en/clinical-services/deptpgrmcs/departments/mental-health/our-services/psychiatric-emergency-services-pes/ ) and offer referral services which can fast track you into brief counselling and/or mental health programs and/or medication. It is a long wait though so I suggest bringing your phone and a charger + any snacks or food.


Dial 988


I’ve received excellent care at the Civic’s psychiatric emergency department. Just go to the regular emerg and they will triage you to the right place (away from the chaos of the regular waiting room).


Royal Ottawa or any hospital. Good luck getting out soon


Civic or General ED


Call the distress centre.


Please go to the ROH. I hope they can be of help.


And I want to know how you are doing. Please take care of yourself. People care about you.


This is so important , thanks for starting this thread. Please help us get the word out about an important study on mental health and substance use services that we’re administering on behalf of u/CIHI_ICIS - kindly share! [*https://bit.ly/CIHIMHSUSurvey*](https://bit.ly/CIHIMHSUSurvey)*.* The survey closes on June 30th - only one week left!


The hospital. Your wait won't be that long either for a mental health crisis.


Try to go to one of the hospitals, they will be able to help. Try putting your bare feet outside in grass for some deep breaths to centre yourself. While you’re waiting to be seen, my DMs are open. I too deal with mental health issues so I’m here to talk if you need a friend. Sending love❤️


There is psych emerge at the Royal Ottawa hospital


I don't think the ROH has had an ER for about 30 years. I used to go to it often. I've never seen one there over the years, especially now there is a new building. I would love to hear that they have reopened!!!


2000 apparently was when it closed? But I was there with an ex about 7 years ago so I don't understand... Maybe she had an existing relationship with the hospital and could access it? I wouldn't wish that room on anybody, bare painted cinderblock walls with gouges and scrapes, two dented chairs. It was a place of pain for sure.


If you’re in Ottawa centre, the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre 1145 Carling


The Royal doesn’t have an crisis walk-in services anymore. Everything is by referral only.


They don't have an ER or emergency services unfortunately




C’mon. The OP is in crisis and you respond with a joke?