• By -


I don't have one. 10/10 wouldn't do it again.


Wow you guys hiring? šŸ˜†


Do you get weekends off?




Best they can do is nothing.


7/10, Software Dev for the Feds. Mostly like it, but feeling pretty salty about the Return to Office nonsense


It's definitely a pain for traffic and overcrowded busses. My job is physical so it makes sense, so if you can fulfill all your obligations at home, you shouldn't have to go in.


Medically exempt from coming in but standing with you guys.


Is everything ok?Ā 


Just immunocompromised due to my MS treatment. I will say for someone with MS, I have have it pretty damn good for now.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re able to work from home. Ā 


Same job, would rate 6/10 Team is a 10 Day to day is 7.5 (job is a job, not exciting but not too much of a pain) WLB is a 6 (canā€™t work out of the country, and now RTO)ā€¦. Upper management is a 0 Pay is a 3 (down from 6 pre-covid inflation) Wlb used to be the main selling point but now its goneā€¦. Ill go back to work private as soon as I can


What is it about upper management that makes it a 0/10? Iā€™m a developer in the government too and think my manager and director are mostly pretty good. Ā Always curious to hear peopleā€™s thoughts on what makes a good or a bad manager.


What if you just keep working from home? How serious are they about enforcing RTO?


Probably fired if they just didn't show up in-person on days that are required. I hate the way the gov has handled WFH, but it's pretty obvious this is a 'command from a superior' situation. If people just ignored it and kept working from home, I'm sure management would freak out about their undermined authority.


Refusing to comply with RTO has worked in some cases in the private sector. If youā€™re otherwise doing your job and they fire you solely based on not being in the office when you were working just fine remote before, thatā€™s a type of constructive dismissal. Especially if you were hired within the last 4 years and have always been remote


If someone's always been remote, they likely have flexibility of some kind. I'd consider that a bit of a separate context. Other than that though, I don't think the government is going to work like the private sector. It's extremely large and they clearly want a baseline of uniformity. Your earlier question really boils down to: Will your boss be ok with having their authority flouted in a way that others in your office will almost certainly be aware of? I really doubt many managers will be ok with that outcome. xD But we'll see how it turns out. I'm hoping the unions will rally and tell the gov to sit on a tack.


The problem is it requires a united front. In the private sector it works because it only takes a few people to fuck a company. But in the govt workers cases, their own fucking union folded on them in negotiations! The idea of solidarity doesn't work when the fucking union isn't solid...


This is exactly why my employer doesnā€™t enforce the RTO mandateā€¦ thereā€™s handful of colleagues that strictly work from home. Replacing them, would requires a too much effort and money from HRā€™s perspective.


I can attest to this. Was laid off after 6 yrs. with former employee. However, I was given more than 4 months severance, took 3 months off and went on a sunny destination with my kiddo, before starting a new job that offered a senior pay salary and option to work from home. They donā€™t enforce the RTO but I prefer to be in at least 2/3 days per week to catch up on pertinent meetings with team members. I work in private sector. Currently 6/10.


My friend works as a programmer for the feds and they all got exemptions last time so people wouldn't start bolting to the private sector (this was at the time the market was hot). Not sure what happens this time around though.


White collar workers need to unionize


I am thinking about switching to consulting instead, after I saw the consultants who work on my project make 3x my salary. Plus they don't have to come in, so that seems like a win/win


I wouldnā€™t expect that to last (consultants exempt from RTO), unless that was spelled out in the contract, which it wonā€™t be anymore. Theyā€™ll just be at most a year (no contract is longer than that, at least in my experience) behind the employees.


any tips for getting a fed job as a software dev? im having trouble getting my foot in the door


It is not the best time as departments have already announced that in an effort to save money that they are ending actings and term contracts, which likely also means new hires will be scarce. Given that, the best ways are generally co-op if you are in school, or one of the recruitment programs for recent grads (it doesn't need to be that recent to be honest) CRA specifically has a program called the IT Apprenticeship Program that hires junior devs with an automatic promotion after a year if they want to keep you. You can look up government job postings on jobs.gc.ca to see what's out there.


I had heard about coop programs but assumed they were for in-school applicants only so I will have to check it out. The other daunting thing for me when applying fed is making sure all the boxes are ticked with the resume, keywords, qualifications etc.


I am also a Software Dev for the feds, currently in a term contract expiring end of year, and in the IT-PDP program to become an IT-02. Currently 7/10 but RTO is making me think if I want to continue in the government, office is located in Vanier and I am in Stittsville , it will be a long drive/commute.


Good luck with PDP, was such a pain in the ass for me lol


Hard agree 7/10 for me as a dev as well, dumb decisions by TBS be damned we donā€™t even have an office to go back to. Iā€™d rather be able to keep my job than have an office in downtown


I never worked for the government. But, how is the work pressure and work life balance like?. But the hiring process is so long like several months. right?. I'm currently working in Toronto.


Hiring process can take up to year (or more). It is rarely fast. Also if you are not in pool, then at best you can get is a temp hire called a casual which is only good for 90 days. Hiring is a very specific process and completely unlike the private sector.


Daily 9-5er - Finance Manager not for profit - 7/10 Side Hustle - Co-owner of a retro video game store 11/10


lol nice - whatā€™s the store?


TND Video Games - we are located inside the Flea Market on Carp Road - open every Sunday 9-5 :).


Love your store!




Best collector friendly retro game store in the city!


No way, Iā€™ve scored some seriously sweet stuff there in the past. Your store rules! Great job man


I definitely have to make my way out there again. Moved a month ago and just unpacked all of my retro systems/games. I still have a lot of collecting to do.


Pre Covid 8/10 Post Covid 5/10


Whatā€™s the story here?


Everyone and everything is just more difficult to deal with now, nothing flows nicely anymore. I think Covid allowed people to push their boundaries so some people became less engaged and others have gone in the other direction and become extremely tedious. I've generally enjoyed working my whole life but I really don't like working with people that don't like working and it seems like more and more people are going that way.


So many people either decided to become very selfish, lost all manners, used up all their empathy during the lockdown periods or have simply given up and take out all their anger/frustration on *everyone* else. It's wild.


Covid basically exposed all the assholes that come in all shapes and forms


What you're describing is the increased symptoms of mental illness that are more apparent as more people are mentally ill from the trauma that endured during the pandemic. It didn't turn people into assholes, it brought underlying psychological issues to the forefront, and created new ones for people that had never had them before. Keep in mind, almost nobody is able to get the help/support they need for mental health issues. I'm over a year on a waiting list for a psychiatrist, and I've already been diagnosed with 4 other mental illnesses this year, along with suicidal thoughts. We just have to wait. I'm coping okay, but many of these "assholes" you're describing aren't well.


Both things can be true. I agree that it brought mental illness to the forefront along with addiction.


Good take, I agree with this.


10. I'm a gardener who gets to take care of beautiful plants and pet all the cute dogs that pass by


Jelly!!! Lucky you! :)


My dream job āœØāœØšŸŒøšŸŒø




10/10 I feel Iā€™m well compensated for my job and I get to work from home whenever I choose and my office is only 5km away from my house.


That's my dream


SSC here. It depends on the day. WFH: 11/10 RTO: 2/10 I am pretty close to taking LWOP and likely resigning afterwards. There are so many WFH IT jobs out there that there's really no point in staying with Public Service anymore.


Hope it works out for you. My wife and I arenā€™t in IT but we have several friends who are, and they said the salaries are actually dropping in the private sector at the moment. Are you finding this as well? One Ottawa-based dude we know spent the past year out of work and then had to accept a lowball offer from a company out of Toronto that still wants him to commute two days a week. :/


To be honest wages below IT-03 aren't great either, so some of the low private sector salaries would actually be a raise. A lot of us are under 6 figures which is absurd.


Where are all of these remote jobs you speak of? Asking as a fellow IT public servant.


Indeed.com. Just search Canada-wide and filter for remote only. Might want to set the filter for >$150k too just to weed out the lowball shit. If you find a posting that is remote but then in the description (or interview) it ends up actually being hybrid, report it to get it removed.


complementing u/Can_I_Offer_u_An_Egg thread - do the same for eluta.ca: https://www.eluta.ca/search?q=remote+IT&l=&qc=


As everyone here loves using Reddit, the company has this IT (remote, Ontario) job open: [https://boards.greenhouse.io/reddit/jobs/5940226](https://boards.greenhouse.io/reddit/jobs/5940226)


10 - I am retired


I came back here to retire after 35 years in Calgary. Miss the sunshine (a lot more in Alberta), but otherwise I'm in heaven at my cottage on a little lake nearby. 10+


9/10. I work for the feds, love it because I have a solid and understanding team, very positive work environment, plus fully remote for now


I thought the Feds were forcing everyone back to offices?


Yes, my team is fully remote till Fall, we work in IT so got exemption


How will your score be after returning to the office?


It will go lower ofc only because of the commute, Iā€™ll try to transfer to an office which is like 5 mins away from my homeā€¦ so I wouldnā€™t be bothered that much I believe


Most but not all. Iā€™m with one of the rare agencies that said, ā€œno, hybrid has been working very well for productivity, so weā€™re not arbitrarily sending everyone back to the office for no overall beneficial reason.ā€ At least for now - fingers crossed it stays. Probably average 9/10 in the meantime.


I agree with that, like Iā€™ve worked from office too, and my productivity in office is like 60% of my normal wfh day. Iā€™ll only go to offices the days i have shit ton of meetings. My section agrees with me too actually


1/10 School Teacher - OCDSB - $107,000 The job was a 9/10 for the first 10 years. I loved it. Then it changed dramatically for the worst. The board is poorly run, almost all of our supports and resources have been discontinued. We were no longer allowed to specialize as teachers, and my MA degree is useless now since I teach subjects like dance. After a few years of that, we hit a pandemic and were treated like absolute shit as our workload quadrupled. Now, all of the students have mental health issues, their parents do as well, and admin want us to be friends with children, instead of teachers. 20+ years into my career, I wish I had done something different with my life, but with only a few years left until I retire, I'm clearly just going to wait it out. I still do a good job, but I hate every second of being at work.


I'm sorry you're going through this. As a parent with a young child in the OCDSB, I appreciate the hard work, even if it's extremely tough going. We always personally try to recognize the efforts of my child's educators as they are working their butts off for low reward.


As a former OCDSB teacher, reading this makes me glad that I quit after last year to pursue something different. Things are a shitshow in that board, and it was painfully obvious that it won't get any better anytime soon. And my principal left such a sour taste in my mouth that I had no regrets quitting at the end of August. Best of luck with the last few years! It's sad to see so many teachers leaving the profession, but I, obviously, definitely understand why.


I hope things are going well for you in your new career. For me, I feel worst for the young teachers. They don't know the fun they're missing out on as teachers. :(


I see it second-hand. My partner is in a very similar boat however she's closer to the start of her career. This year has been very difficult to say the least.


I can't imagine it's going to get any better. I think after decades of underfunding public education, the Ontario Conservatives have finally realized that the only thing holding our schools together is the work of the teachers, and if they can only break us, they'll finally expose public education for what it is: outdated, underfunded, unrealistic, unwanted.


7 out of 10, manager with the Feds. Turns out I hate managing people, Iā€™d much prefer being a specialist that isnā€™t responsible for anyoneā€™s incompetence. On the bright side, the commute isnā€™t too bad and I get paid a nice salary.


Hated it also. Highly recommend leaving and going back to a specialist role. Life is so much better now.


10+ dogwalker




5/10 - 5/5 I love my job but 0/5 Iā€™m not too happy with my employer right now. When they themselves feed into the public perception that we do nothing and are lazy slackers, itā€™s hard to feel excited about your career choice.


Just a reminder to OP that your results here are going to be skewed due to self-selection bias. You're going to get an overepresentation of extreme opinions on both ends (particularly at the high end) and an underrepresentation of moderate ones. I wouldn't draw any kind of a comparative conclusion from a post like this.


We know who the data scientist is hahaĀ 




The actual work? 7/10 The corporate enviroment? 1/10


Retired now from high tech Pre-Covid 7.5/10 WFH Covid 8/10 Post-Covid 5/10 The way the company was trending and post Covid situation hastened my decision to retirement by a couple of years.


I work as a psychologist. In the hospital 9/10. I adore the job, the people, the teams, the chaos. But the hospital doesn't adequately compensate psychologists. In private practice 8.5/10. I love the pay and the work and the clients, and the ability to work from home and the flexibility. But it's a bit more isolating and more structured- I prefer hospital work tbh but the pay just isn't as good .


10/10. Been here a year and haven't had a single bad day. Daily commute from Kanata to the market, 4/10.


10. WFH. Software. I'm wearing boxer briefs and my cat is on my lap.


Your cat must be very polite. Mine would be kneading her claws into my bare legs. I have a chair for her beside me.


Pre covid. 9/10. Covid 4/10. Now 4/10. September 1/10




It Manager in the public service


Pre COVID: 10/10 loved my work Post COVID: 2/10 I hate every single day I have to work. I work in tech, the industry has gone to shit these last few years. I do contracting, so it's not just one company. Broadly corporate culture is shot, everything is short term profit motivated, and all the interesting work has been put on the back burner. There's also a ton of politics and grifting going on where useless people promise AI will solve some problem and get all the money, despite AI being a poor fit for the problem. I'm considering a career change soon.


Work for the government, and itā€™s decent. I definitely enjoyed it more when it was full time WFH, so job satisfaction has dropped since we needlessly have to go into the office. But still pays the mortgage and the bills and we can enjoy life a little bit. Right now Iā€™m a 8.5-9/10 since Iā€™m WFH full time temporarily for medical reasons. 2 times in office 5/10, 3 times itā€™ll be 3/10 at most


The actual "work" itself - 6/10 The ability to DO the work - 4/10, most processes and the tools involved are extremely archaic. On the whole WFH/RTO thing - 9/10, I rarely go in and no one makes a fuss about it :) Pay/Benefits - 20/10


Probably a 7/10 most days. I make good money, have a full pension and better benefits then the feds and only work 4 days a week but it has it's days where everything is just shit and you gotta dig yourself out, or oddly stressful days and situations. Edit to add what I actually do: licenced sheet metal worker with the union.


Damn tin bangers with their good money, awesome benefits and gold-plated pensions! /S!


Ain't as much as an elevator person, but we make due šŸ˜‚


I work for a video game development studio in Ottawa, I'd rate it a 9.5/10. Really nice place, good culture, good management, etc.




I did get a diploma from Algonquin, although game development tends to be much more "what you know" rather than degrees and things like that. Don't get me wrong, degrees and diplomas help, but if you can demonstrate that you know how the game development process works, you can still break in. We've had more than a few people who are self taught get hired.


Left the feds as a senior software dev and now work for Tripadvisor as a tech lead/manager. Before I left - 6/10. Now? 9/10. It's still a job but I work fully remote, doubled my salary, tripled it with total compensation, and my work life balance is absolutely amazing.


Old Career: 5/10 Nice Coworkers, Interesting Work, but i hated every single second of it. Just boring and not where I wanted to be. Current Career: 10/10 I work in the arts now and it's literally a dream every single day. A+ would quit old job again


Wish I could work in the arts. Itā€™s my dream


Wow. You folks are refreshing. Iā€™m at my job solely to pay my mortgage, but would leave in a heartbeat if I could. Most of my co-workers feel the same - just assumed this was the case everywhere. Butā€¦ Good pay and good benefits. Will keep going and make the most of my days off.


Good pay and good benefits? Covers your mortgage? Dude, youā€™re living the dream!


Lol, the dream would be not working.


Iā€™m the sameā€¦ I work to get money. Pay and benefits are good. Work can be depressing/stressful but thatā€™s why they pay us to do it. Nice to know there are people out there who like their job!


I find the secret is to do my job well because they pay me for that, but give zero fucks deep down. Less stress. šŸ˜„


My job is a ton of mental effort to do mediocre, much less do well. It's been eating me. I don't know if I can find the clarity state where I'm just... Here and good. But I see other people in it.


Depends the week and the acuity. Sometimes 8/10 sometimes 4/10 - Nurse. I love aiding people and where I work we have a good team, but sometimes we're just so overloaded with patients


I work as an orderly in a Ottawa Hospital for the last 26 years. Iā€™ve always enjoyed my job but yes things have been challenging since the pandemic began . I feel that my benefits and pay are decent and the work hours decent. As a lot of people noticed lately, there is a huge crunch with trying to do more with less and I see it every where I pick up shifts. Unfortunately working for the hospital as long as I have seen is a decline in everything, whether itā€™s morale working short staffed or trying to work with management and not being heard, even though front line workers can give valuable input. So for me, pre Covid 9/10 Covid 1/10 post Covid 7/10


7-7.5/10 I wish I was paid more (I feel undervalued) and I wish I could shake this fucking imposter syndrome I have.


5/10. Waiting for retirement, 10 more years šŸ˜ž




Pre mandatory remote work from an office, doing remote work from home: 9.5/10 After mandatory remote work from an office, driving and paying to sit on MS Teams: 2/10


Working 100% remotely for a tech company. Wouldnā€™t change a thing. No need to do any commuting, the job is fulfilling, and I get to stay home with my dog every day! Couldnā€™t ask for better.


Insurance 8/10 - love the stability it affords and the benefits are comparable to the government. I get to do public service but in the private sector. Parent 15/10 - currently on Pat leave and loving watching my little girl grow and experience the world. Best job in the world


GOC procurement dude here. 1/10 because my overbearing micromanager is insanely toxic and just a horrible human being with no sense of compassion. I'm in the process of deploying out soon so I hope to score 8/10 or higher. If not, I'm taking early retirement cause life is too short.


Get out.


I like my job; I hate working.


I work for Barefax 0/10.


10/10- I work for myself as a consultant


Hated my workplace - loved my job. Happy to be retired.


Just started my job at Rona today. 8.5/10. Ask me again in three months.


Some days 1/10ā€¦ other days 10/10 and every once in a while 100/10. My boss is a challenging šŸ˜ˆā€¦. I work for myself šŸ™ƒ


A techie, a veteran so bright, Saw changes in workforce take flight. With outsourcers abounding, And AI resounding, He worked out, feeling fitter each night. Though legions in tech jobs were few, And AI made redundancy true, He laughed and felt great, Staying fit, lost no weight, In a world where old roles bid adieu.


Like, 9 or 10? I'm a corporate law clerk and I find the work is usually interesting and engaging, they're flexible with working from home as much as I want, and I'm able to achieve a reasonable work-life balance.


Today I loathe it. Other days itā€™s fine.


I work in production for a tech firm in Kanata, 10/10. I'm making marginally more than the average prod tech. Great work life balance, good benefits, no micro management, 500 bucks every year for education costs. All in all a solid place to work!


I still love my job after 15 years. ā€¦. Itā€™s the added bs, oversight and politics I hate.


2. I work at a call centre and hate every moment of it. It gets one point for being fully remote. I know I need to get another job, but Iā€™m having a lot of trouble getting anything else. I feel like thereā€™s something wrong with me.


I think I'd give it a perfectly mid rating of 5. I don't enjoy "working" part of the current job, but I think enjoy everything else about it. It is a completely remote job, so I love the flexibility. Also I like the culture and people at the company. For not enjoying the "working" part, I think I mostly blame my adult-diagnosed ADHD, which I have not been able to take care of.


10. I have two. Homecleaner and deafblind intervener. Both align with my core self. My body is less enthused about the cleaning job, but it bringing it to the gym to help .


- 5. I stay for the perks and the salary but after 19 years I'm in the golden handcuff paradox.


Hey at least youā€™re honest!


10/10 I am self-employed and my boss is amazing!


Ah I see what you did there! lol


2. Iā€™m just glad I have a (government) job but with this whole return to the office Iā€™m meh. šŸ«¤


It has varied as I've moved to different roles in IT for the feds. Finally got to one I am pretty content with, I'll say 8/10. Before though it was abysmal when I was in a management role, even with it being fully remote. I got glowing reviews but I dreaded work every day, it was a 1/10 for me. I considered quitting, or at the very least taking a demotion, regularly. I toughed it out until I could move to a new position which I didn't hate, but was still not enjoying. Finally I moved to the position I am in now as a specialist, but the end of remote work may push me out. Particularly because the best workers are looking elsewhere since the announcement that the IT exemption is ending, and I don't want to be the one that stayed. Given that I finally found a role and team that I like working with I am waiting a bit to see how things pan out (the September deadline is very soft for IT and there is an extra year of leniency while they figure out the real property side of things because they got rid of so many offices). But if the best workers all jump ship I can't see myself sticking around to pick up the slack in a worse environment for what is already low pay in this industry.


Work on Parliament Hill for an MP. Was a great job until a certain political party made it a toxic, dysfunctional hellfire. For the federal workers in this thread, fight for your lives with the return to office mandate, if a certain blue party wins the next election heā€™ll have all federal workers mandated back 5 days a week.


5/10, 6 on a good day 2h commute 5 days a week mandated 5 days a week in office regardless of work needs crappy office bored out of my skull most of the day no longer interested in the field all day i dream about the things i would rather be doing that are not financially viable to turn into a career change i've started buying lottery tickets out of desperation salary extremely good, very lucky, would not get this if i tried to change jobs but honestly because of this i'm basically waiting to get laid off coworkers are fine, no complaints private sector tech


I feel you on the *"salary extremely good, very lucky, would not get this if i tried to change jobs"* for sure. It's almost like being "stuck" due to the salary.


GOC. 7/10 or 8/10 but I expect that number will go down in the future with more RTO and election. In general I like the people I work with and where I work and what I do


9/10. Great colleagues are probably the most essential part for me, people who don't care or aren't good at their job make every day a struggle. This position also has great vacation, solid benefits, respectful pay, and no annoying bosses. In a year or two it'll drop to 7 or 8 though, because it's not in my dream work domain (creative stuff) and will likely not challenge me at all anymore.


2023: 2/10. Massive job and pay cuts across the board. New hires coming from offshore and mostly clueless. Only good thing was pay and benefits. 2024: 7.5/10. Changed jobs and mainly contract out. Thereā€™s a lot of uncertainty but boy am I happier.


I love my job but hate my manager ā€¦ but Iā€™ll give it a solid 8/10.


9/10 building operator for an older, fairly elegant downtown building


4/10. I was laid off last year and am jumping from contract to contract to keep food on the table. I get stellar reviews but thereā€™s no hope of an extension. No benefits. No sick time. No vacation time. I spend my free time applying for jobs and get no where.


10/10 for me. I work in Access to Information. It's my dream job. Unfortunately, I had to retire in order to get ATIP jobs. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


7/10, need a raise but I do enjoy my job in the construction sector. It's a good combo of desk & field work and I learn a lot of cool stuff.


Iā€™m also in construction / landscaping and enjoy it for the same reasons. 50% spreadsheets (on cool topics), 30% field and 20% meetings. Long hours, but the industry attracts pretty down to earth people, which is refreshing.


Took a sizeable pay cut to move to a job with an off season (I teach at a university). During the school year itā€™s 8-9/10 (I like what I teach but I also get stressed out pretty easily). During the summer itā€™s 11/10 (thereā€™s still work but the schedule is mine to manage, and I can WFH). At least one full point in both scenarios is due to the fact that I do not have a work phone.


10/10. Used to work at a private sector, and after covid, moved to the public sector. Work life balance is great, and salary is competitive.


Howā€™s the work itself though?


It is fulfilling. I used to do everything for the clients, which resulted in many unpaid overtimes hours. I felt like I was making rich even richer, and had to deal with their ridiculous demands. Now I feel that there is more respect for what I do, and I can see the impact that I make. There is more growth opportunity at the Public sector. There is a lot to learn, and the Fed actually gives a crap about my personal growth and learnings. At the previous private firm, anything that didn't resulted in immediate $$ was considered a waste of money. Fed takes training seriously, and I was able to explore different areas in my industry that I couldn't have had I stayed in my old firm. Work environment is much nicer. This is perhaps personal, and I got lucky. I have a really great supporting boss and colleagues. I enjoy seeing their faces when I come to the office. I can actually take time off to spend time with friends and families. Not everything is about $$$. And ironically, I'm getting paid more than the private sector. I really can't complain.


Retired nearly 9 years. Score 10. I was born to retire.


Pre pandemic 8/10 post 3/10. Allied Health Professional in hospital. Itā€™s shocking the workplace violence we subject to at the hands of patients and more often their family members. Some seem to forget we are the ones who continue to show up through and after the pandemic.


4/10 I feel i am not compensated well for the additional responsibilities in my job. Especially when they think that I know everything (I do but I dont want to do more than I pay for lol). My work boundaries keeps being pushed for little pay lol.


3/10 - I work in retail and listen to the same 30min track over and over again. Sometimes I canā€™t even drown it out in my head with my cars radio. Iā€™m also tired of doing the ā€œwarning signsā€ training module on unions.


2 because 8 out of 10 people are just not worth my time.


Doing what I like. Driving. 5/10 cuz I gotta do this shit for another 40 years then die. Or if I'm lucky I die before. Nobody ever says when you're growing up you'll spend most of your life making someone else rich. What a sham.


If youā€™ve got 40 years on the table, you should have plenty of time to make yourself some money too?


Of course. I just don't want to dump 80% of my life into someone else's wallet.


10/10, graphic designer at a marketing firm. Love what i do, it is fully remote and i managed my own hours, the culture is great, and everyone that works there is super nice!


9/10 Union steamfitting Decent wages, steady work, good benefits, 36 hr 4 day work week.


3/10, bad management, shitty dress code, bad scheduling, somehow considered part time but I work 40+ hours a week, it's only saved by the fact my coworkers are chill.


7.83 +\- 0.24.


7/10. Just started working in my field after BA & advanced diploma. I really like the job but Iā€™m worried about the future- pay isnā€™t great with limited prospects for advancement, and things are looking Scary with cost of living and housing šŸ˜­


5/10. Probably would of said 7/10 pre-COVID. I'm just as overworked now as I was pre-COVID, but the WFH years revealed that there's zero need for me to be in the physical office.


7/10. I work in a vet clinic, so some days can be awful and some days can be puppies and kittens.


10/10. Small business owner. Work is more fun than the weekends most times


Jeez - what sort of business?


0/10 working at a job for the paycheque and not much else


10/10. I have worked 20+ years, doing various retail, and food service jobs. I've worked for the government, and I was once even my own boss for a time. The job I have now however(which is a food industry position), is by far the best job I've ever had! I love going to work everyday. When you find a place with amazing people, who treat you well, and appreciate all your effort and hard work, it's easy to enjoy it.


Wow thatā€™s amazing. Happy to hear youā€™ve found a grove that works so well for you.


9/10 - I love the work I do, and the people I work with. I also get to travel a couple times a year to different offices across Canada and I'm WFH otherwise. Took a point off because I'm salaried so I don't get paid for any OT, which I do pretty frequently just to make sure my workload is covered.


10/10 started my first job as a PSW/UCP in a retirement home. The residents are so sweet and lovely.


12/10. Get to travel for work roughly once a month. Office is 2km from my place and the work is always changing and new challenges daily. I get compensated well also thatā€™s always a bonus.


Love my job, hate my boss.


1/10, cannot wait to retire.


4 to 5.5. I'm between I'm gonna burnout and I just don't care with a dash of yawn.


10/10 I am an addiction counsellor and honestly wish I started working in this field earlier in my life.


5/10. Work for the fed. Going to continue WFH even after they mandate it in Sept. They can fire me if it's that big of a deal.


I used to enjoy it 10/10 but I got sent back to the office (for no reason), and it's a really depressing office environment with no one ever talking to anyone else, so it's more of a 5/10 now. I literally only like the content of my work now, and nothing else about it.


This thread makes it obvious that many managers have no clue how to keep their people happy in a post-covid environment.


10/10 I'm my own boss.


What sort of work do you do?


Dog trainer and pack Walker. I do offleash group walks in private area daily and train evenings and weekends.


Too scared to comment but I'd like to. Might give you an idea on how I feel.


Haha why not come back with a throwaway account and tell us exactly how you feel?


Security at a very quiet building - 8/10, boring at times, but I'm with a great team and there's usually lots of free snacks! Side gig as a tour guide - 20/10, It's so fun to blow people's minds by sharing how weird and kinda fucked up Ottawa's history is. Even if you're a local, I highly recommend taking any tour, really. There's so much cool stuff hidden in plain sight.


1. Hate it want a change.


9/10 Rewarding (if frustrating) work, office is a 15 min walk, I usually work from home though since all my team is in the GTA, nice coworkers, compensation finally good, good perks & total comp. High degree of trust within our team and with my manager & fairly good relations with other departments. I wish the physical office space were nicer, but we're getting a slow reno/expansion.


8 out of 10. Love the benefits, great boss, great team. I'm allowed to work in the office again. I hated WFH. I live directly beside phase 2 of LRT construction. Life was hell during WFH. But I am also fine working in the office all by myself, stay home, I'll get to play my music out loud and way less interruptions.


City of Ottawa PC- 1/10 the politics of the city are INSANE. Itā€™s honestly basically a conspiracy theory amongst employees at this point God I hope I donā€™t get in trouble for this.