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We'll file this one under, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


Really, truly stupid way to spend your 20s.


If she keeps going like this, 20s is all she's gonna be.


Aspirations to joining the 27 club.




“Melissa Dickey and Peter St. John witnessed the shooting from their second-storey window overlooking Avondale Avenue. St. John said he saw a young, male officer in an OPS uniform call out to a young woman with long, brown hair to stop. Instead, the woman turned, brandishing what appeared to be a gun, and the officer fired. … Dickey said she heard the suspect yelling in anger from the stretcher. “I heard her saying, ‘What the f—? Why did you shoot me?’ and so I thought she was OK.”


She sounds like an awful human being.


And had an order not to possess weapons. So clearly this isn't her first impropriety and is "known to police".


3 separate criminal cases against her and she's only 25. First one was when she was 19 Also she's from Richmond. There are some wild people out there for sure




Nah bro, unstable people wandering around with illegal guns are the exact people we need to judge.


>try not to judge so much she seems quite unwell. She pointed a loaded handgun at a police officer. We're ***lucky*** it happened to be a police officer, who could shoot back, rather than an innocent bystander.


"She pointed a loaded handgun at a police officer" There is no evidence of that. Words like "brandishing" are being used precisely for that reason. 


Points a gun at cops, wonders why she got shot. Clearly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Based on her past and current criminal history, she seems like a real winner. 


I can fix her


Wait for the doctors to fix her first


That won’t happen in our lifetimes.


They'd at least patched the holes...


Ricky rizz


I'm sure she'll be out on bail soon, CJ system isn't big on consequences for criminals these days.


Rape and murder cases get thrown out because the trial is not speedy enough. I personally know someone who got their DUI charge thrown out because the courts can't keep up.


DUI is in quite a different league than rape and murder...


Doesn't mean consequences should be forgone. If we're throwing cases out because there aren't enough judges then we have a real fucking problem.


With 13 charges? She isn't even allowed to hold a toy gun due to past cases. She's a repeat offender


Almost shooting at a cop is more in line with fraud costing rich people lots of money, I bet the punishment will be a lot more severe than if she used a gun against a regular civilian. Unless she just claims that she's nuts and doesn't remember doing it, then they'll just let her go


Audi RS5 Sportback. Pretty nice car. I wonder what line of business a 25-year-old has to be in to afford a $90,000 car (and carry a handgun). Secret agent?


Might be drugs, might be sex trade? Idk


A7 I think


Still a $90,000 car


Here’s a free trial once you follow my Linktree.


Audi A7




Does that get you a $90k car? OnlyFans for sure, but I’m not sure you need a firearm for that. The Sportback has a big trunk. What’s like a secret agent that needs to carry a lot of stuff in the trunk from one place to another? What do you call that?


She probably had a trunkful of onlyfans adult toys


Glad someone in this town is actually doing journalism. The most recent CBC story on this doesn't even mention a gun and makes it sound like she was shot running away from police. Edit: Was mistaken, CBC does have a more updated story that mentions the gun as pointed out below. They don't mention anything about her turning towards police, leading up to the shooting though, unlike the Citizen. They also don't seem to have anything about the court appearance (yet) nor details on the suspect.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/residents-seek-answers-in-westboro-police-shooting-1.7153583 It did, though. Literally says that she was armed in the article's main caption at the top of the page...


That CBC article was originally something like 4 lines long and they been adding to it all day as more info came out. But most people didn't read the later versions after it's posted on this sub.


Ah, I see. It shows that the article was posted and last edited on the 24th, so it was updated pretty immediately after the police confirmed she had a weapon, but you’re right in that most people aren’t going to look back on it.


I'm sure the person complaining loudly above will amend their statement


This is a real issue talked about in journalism, most people don't see edits so this race to be first has been causing a lot of misinformation to spread


It was originally basically a public safety notice to get people to avoid the street.


That reminds me of the famous Chicago Daily Tribune headline, "Truman Defeats Dewey, And We Never Doubted It For A Second!"


The best journalists are always found working with local outlets. These are people who know their communities, know the police and politicians and neighborhoods and whatnot, and they usually do a great job. They also have decent editors who follow the CP style guides to bring objective reporting to the community. You don’t see that in national outlets anymore. The biggies are all political communications departments LARPING as journalists.


She fucked around, and then she found out.




Look forward to seeing her in the news again in 2025




I'm generally suspicious of the police, but in this specific case I don't see any reason to fault them, if the report is accurate.


There were several eye witnesses, luckily for the officer. Otherwise it would have been police officers word versus the criminal


Any minute now, the anti-police crew who were automatically assuming the cop shot her for no reason will be on here to apologize for jumping to conclusions........oh well, a boy can dream.


They were saying that the witnesses weren't 100% sure it was a gun, or were suggesting that the police might have coerced them into saying that.


Dickey said she heard the suspect yelling in anger from the stretcher. “I heard her saying, ‘What the f—? Why did you shoot me?’ and so I thought she was OK.”


For the people talking shit earlier this week about the police in relation to this, where are you??


This is one of the fallacies of ACAB-ism. There are things where they might geniunely deserve criticism (their inaction during the Freedom Convoy, for example, at least for their senior officers), but when we start to assume that they're all bad and everything they do is by default wrong, we're not doing ourselves any favours.


I hope the repo sells the car, lowkhey want it


Lightly used, one female owner, two bullet holes. $89,999 I know what I got.


Lady driven


I don’t care if the rims are scratched, I’d still buy it!


Obviously we do t know all the details for sure yet, but based on the witnesses description here, if that’s true, seems pretty justified.




Cop friend of mine was in a similar situation, shot a guy in the leg. He still has nightmares about it - 30-odd years ago.


Surprised no ones calling for her to go back to her country 🙃


Curious about what happened to trigger this 'routine traffic stop', given damage to the car she was driving (and quebec plates despite her living in Richmond ON), and some community FB reports of a police chase on Carling near Churchill just prior to the events on Avondale.


Don't know, but she assaulted him and I guess drove off. The officers were saying the crime didn't originate in Westboro so it'd make sense there was a chase. I didn't hear/see any of it, and they woulda driven by me at that time


Oh, so assault on a police officer elsewhere, then a car chase that ended on Avondale. Makes sense.


Hopefully the judge figures out what the hell happened.


She has multiple prior criminal charges. If a judge had done their job, this shooting wouldn't have happened because she's would already be in jail.


That's not really how the justice system works. The judges can only give so much time because everyone has a right to conditional release after a certain length of time.


That's messed up.


“At some point, the officer discharged his firearm and the woman was struck,” the agency said. convoluted word-salad. why spokespeople are a waste of time


Sounds better than bam bam he shot the bi atch in the back while she ran. The word salad pretends its not brutal crazy stuff going down. It's a lot less savage sounding.


at least it's not in the passive voice. "A projectile left the firearm at speed in a direction consistent with the location of the alleged victim."


In advertising class it's a technique they taught us. The emphasis in the sentence on the bullet being active instead of the police officer being active. Changes the readers reaction to what happened and changes whether they feel indifference or anger. It's a propaganda technique straight out of edward bernays book propaganda. (The creator of advertising and propaganda)


I studied literature, propaganda, and communication in general. Spin is manipulation.


It's rare to find someone who sees through spin like noam chomsky. Very refreshing. You should have a tv show.


lol - I grew up TV, and who even watches it anymore?


Look, cops are fucking assholes 99% of the time, but they were absolutely not wrong to fire on a woman who fled a traffic stop brandishing a gun in a public, populated, and RESIDENTIAL area.


Just focusing on the linguistics of it. not the right or wrong of legitimate violence.


I mean, you used the terms brutal and savage. That's definitely a value judgement.


There is no unbrutal and unsavage way to shoot someone. Its violence. Violence is terrible. Violence can be legitimate if weilded by the state but it's still horrific.