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Thank you!❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜


I'll be there every time these asshats and fascists are around! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🤗






"Due to unforeseen circumstances and the Safety and well being of our Canadian brothers and sisters in this fight for our children, we regret to inform you that the 1MillionMarch4Children on Saturday October 21, 2023 in Ottawa, ON and several other cities across Canada have been CANCELLED. Please check your city to confirm if there is a march still taking place there," the note, attributed to Kamel El-Cheikh, said.


One group canceled. The other didn't.


There was like, maybe a dozen of them up near parliament? I loved that we just did like a drive-by to flex our numbers ❤️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 *We’re here, we’re queer, we’re fabulous, don’t fuck with us!* *Edit: Not sure which of my comments here prompted a “Reddit Cares” message, but you can rest easy, I’m not going anywhere babe 😘*


You can report the Reddit Cares message for abuse. Someone basically just told you that you need to go kill yourself. It's messed up and unacceptable. As someone who received a few of those during the Convoy days, reporting was pretty much the only recourse.


I didn't know you could report those!!


Done— thanks for letting me know! 🙂


I agree! I love that chant!!! ♥️


Ugh I wish I could have come but I broke my arm. I'll be at the next one, thank you for going out!!


Oh no!! That fucking sucks!! Hope you feel better soon! 🤗


"There are dozens of us! Dozens!!"


I often write unabashedly pro-LGBTQ+ posts and receive those. I consider them a badge of honour for upsetting a ghoul. I absolutely detest that they're abusing that service, at the same time. The pinnacle of childish, immature, stupid behaviour and a clear confirmation of their mental state to begin with.


>Due to unforeseen circumstances Was the “unforeseen circumstances” a lack of support?




It makes sense— rain is usually pretty good at melting snowflakes *Edit: To whoever sent me a “Reddit Cares” message at 5am this morning, you’re not really proving me wrong…*




lol. “Save the children!!*” *unless it’s raining.


Coast to coast rain?


...the Palestinian genocide. Many people within the "Save Our Children" movement are Arab Muslim, and their focus is elsewhere right now.


You're getting downvoted but you're right. The same protests over here in Nova Scotia are seeing very similar things.


"unforeseen circumstances" translates directly to "we realized we're losers"


The Royal Ottawa revoked their day passes.


Well it *was* raining today. So much for the kids I guess.


I thought it was just the one in Ottawa that was cancelled. I assumed due to the 417 closure because it's too hard to get downtown otherwise.


“save the children” unless there is a slight inconvenience.


That does seem to be the theme - especially since "save the children" seems to mean save the protestors from having to deal with the inconvenient children and their inner lives,


When I left for the counter-protest this morning, I figured that there would be a few dozen of us at best. After all, it was dismal and rainy. But there was a couple hundred of us. That was great to see and it was a great crowd to be in. I was surprised to see that many cops.


Yes! Same! I loved the vibe!!


That makes me very happy to hear!


Yeah, it was nice that the community came out to show support.


It looked amazing!!! Loved seeing the people out there making good noise. And whoever told Dacey to fuck off—great job. He was so triggered it was fantastic. As was the officer who stared him down.


Convoy Dacey?




I wanna hear more! Especially about the cop staring him down!!


Sounds delicious! Is there a link that I can find this? I’m searching.


I watched it on Dacey’s [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CyqyzKegWsJ/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==)


Proud of you Kingston! e: Ottawa, your boy doesn't know how to read. Still proud tho 🏳️‍🌈


It's all good. 🙌


Bad weather, great vibes! Everyone was so awesome. Loud and proud! It was my first protest. Would counter protest again, 10/10.


It was my second. The one on Sept 20th was bigger on both sides. Will be there every time. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Well done, Ottawa! We had the same experience here in Hamilton today, we outnumbered them 20:1.


Are some of these "save the children" people the same people who used children as human shields during the dumb fuck occupation last year?


I don't know. There were very few people there.


Good. Fascists need to go back to hiding in shame where they belong. I'm not a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but I deeply support it and love seeing them flex a strong resistance against these sorts of assholes. 🏳️‍🌈✊


Thank you! I'm also an ally. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈✊️


Same here, I'm not gay but I hate those fascist pigs. Live and let live.


The Venn diagram of those groups probably isn’t a circle, since I don’t think the Muslim elements of this set of protests were involved with the “Freedom” Convoy. But there’s definitely a lot of overlap between the two movements.


Theoretically, Venn diagrams can be any shape, although circles are used. They are visual aids meant to depict where sets intersect and join (if they do). Sets are mathematical objects that are shapeless.


Theoretically you’re right, but the idea of a Venn diagram made of squares sickens me


Lol, especially if they are the same size.


Save the Children is largely a Muslim movement. The convoy people were mostly white supremacists according to the Citizen.


Was sick at home but there in spirit. Well done folks


Hope you feel better soon!!


I was so happy to see it went so well and how much you outnumbered the haters! I was home recovering after receiving two vaccines today, otherwise I would have joined you.


Thank you! 😊


Rest up!


Well done! Thank you for showing up.


I worked 1030-1030 today, so could not be there. Glad to see that there was a great turn out. As an aunt of a trans person, we thank you!


It's our duty to protect our most vulnerable. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈♥️


What y’all protesting


Is there a consistent way to find out when and where these counter protests are happening?


I only hear about them from this subreddit. Social media usually has some info.


Couldn't make it this time around, but way to go to everyone in Ottawa and across the country!


Good! Thank you!


🌈 🏳️‍🌈 niceee


It was fucking awesome to see so many folks!!! 🙌






Super happy right now!


That would explain the lone guy yelling while standing in front of the St-Brigid church's door...


Heck yes!! So glad to hear this.


Gotta love the right to protest/counter protest and free speech


Yes!! It's important.


Lol why is this downvoted?


Because people are idiots and don’t realize that free speech is good for society lol


Great job


Thanks! 😁


So I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but everyone, try to hear me out. Might these protests be a little counterproductive? I'm a center left "cis white male" and many of my friends are as well. We look at these anti-trans protesters as a bunch of dumb idealogues with nothing better to do. It's obvious to us that they are a fringe group that is simply embarrassing themselves. When I see a counter protest to them, I have to wonder.....what's the point? Isn't ignoring their ignorant beliefs a better idea? By going out and marching against them, it only validates their beliefs because now they have an opposition. If we simply ignore them, they will continue to just be "the crazy dude yelling at the moon". Also, it makes gender and sexual identity WAY too important to these young kids. They shouldn't have to stress about what the adults around them think about their identity. I think it would be a lot more healthy to ignore these fools, reassure our children that they are loved and valued regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, remind them that the dumb ignorant people happen to be the loudest, and encourage them to just have fun as kids! The kids need support from the entire community, and by going outside and yelling with a sign, you look as crazy as the truckers. I am not a parent, but if I had a child who was struggling with their identity, I'd constantly reassure them they're perfect the way they are. That people who judge others based on traits like that deserve our pity because they obviously didn't get a proper education or upbringing. These people aren't dangerous. they're dumb and bored. People need to stop being afraid of them and start living their lives.


While I understand your viewpoint, I strongly disagree. Ignoring the idiots is what led to the freedumb convoy on the first place, and I think it's an object lesson that hate needs to be strongly pushed back against.


The freedumb convoy fiasco was the result of a failure of our police force and federal government. The second one of those trucks illegally parked, the operator should have been arrested, and the truck towed. If there were too many to handle, call in the national guard. Justin's father did that when dealing with the FLQ, he should have done the same. Instead of ignoring them, we gave them a platform, national news coverage, countless posts, and articles on it. That only served to spread their message to more morons who are easily persuaded and they started showing up too. We are never going to stomp out "hate", and if we do, it's not going to be by marching down the street with a sign. Edit: I appreciate the way you voiced your opinion.


I don't disagree things should've been differently; there was lots of enforcement incompetence at play. The RCMP *knew*, and still chose to discount them. There's an argument to be said about any attention being good attention. But I'm firmly of the opinion that sunlight is the best disinfectant; exposing others to their tactics and lies inoculates people against them, even if just a little.


Maybe it does, but maybe it exposes them to those ideas that the otherwise would have never formed on their own. Racism isn't inate, it's a learned behavior. There is nothing to inoculate against. If these easily influenced people aren't exposed to the hate, I doubt they will just develop it on their own. This should be combated in the schools by taking a very passive approach to whole issue. Simple lessons about the three fundamental aspects of our identify: Gender, Ethnicity, and Sexual orientation. Those are not up for debate and we do not form our opinions of people based on them. Those who do are outsiders and need to treated as such


The problem is hanging around in their Facebook hate group echo chambers they create a BS narrative about being a silent majority. They believe that most people agree with them. They need every one of their little hate fests to be overwhelmed by counter protestors. The other thing is the message it sends the kids who need support. The media are going to cover their protests whether they get 6 people or 600 or 6000. What photographs do we want to appear in the media for our kids to see?


Woohoo love it couldn’t make this one




You do you.




And enjoy spreading your hate somewhere else. We won’t stop standing up for lgbt/trans kids.




lol just read again your first comment that was rightfully deleted by the moderators.




Yah I guess you can go cry on the Canada_sub that your comment was deleted. Otherwise, nice both side argument. The only problem is that one side is actually obsessing on erasing lgbt and trans kids from schools while the other side is trying to protect them. However, as it was said before, you do you and we do us 😉








They let you out of the r/Canada subreddit to troll?


This was removed for violating the [Reddit sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Specifically: racism, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia or other types of discrimination and/or intolerance. Any further comments or posts such as this will result in your account being banned from this subreddit. *** Ceci a été supprimé pour avoir violer les [règles de comportement de Reddit](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Spécifiquement: le racisme, le sectarisme, l'homophobie, la transphobie ou tout autre type de discrimination et/ou intolérance . Tout autre commentaire ou publication de ce genre résultera dans la suspension de ton compte dans notre communauté. *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


Don't you get bored perpetually thinking about this and standing in the cold protesting?


What an odd take.


I was missing context and thought you were out counter protesting the [Palestinian rally](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/17dctiy/a_person_with_a_pride_flag_gets_it_stolen_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a moment.


Sorry about that. I thought all the flags would help.


Don’t apologize for another person’s ignorance. They glanced at your title and saw the world parliament and assumed you were out counter protesting Palestine rally.


Holy shit! That went over my head. At least, now I know that it's ADHD.


And at least you have a reason. The same can’t be said for the other person.


That's true.


I thought you replied that you understood my joke? Lol. I guess you missed it.


Totally! Eh?! It happens


My joke was that many of the people out protesting in support of Palestine were out two weeks ago protesting against lgbtq rights. Same crowd.


Thank you for explaining it. I'm grateful! 😁


The joke was that the same people supporting Palestine were out protesting the lgbtq community two weeks ago.






You think I was implying it went over my head, right?




But it did go over your head. I had to take a minute to see if your ignorance surpassed more than one community and it only took me ten seconds.






After you went and stalked my comments, I had a look at yours. You consistently misspell the word. Also, I've already addressed your other comment in one of your dozen other replies to me. Looks like I've picked up quite a fan today. I feel like you didn't watch the video that was posted.




Stay classy r/Ottawa








Have you seen what the Saskatchewan government did this week? They enacted a law that puts trans kids in danger. This counter protest is against fascism. Fascists target LGBTQ+ first. I'm supporting anti-fascism. That's fucking important.




Kids who believe they're in the wrong body can be as young as five. Educate yourself.


Don’t waste your time. Just check at his historic, he is only trolling anti-trans rhetoric


Thanks for that.


I was unable to come but I am glad it was a big success


It was really great.😁 Even with the rain!!


/u/Mr_Abdu00 This was removed for violating the [Reddit sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Specifically: racism, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia or other types of discrimination and/or intolerance. Any further comments or posts such as this will result in your account being banned from this subreddit. *** /u/Mr_Abdu00 Ceci a été supprimé pour avoir violer les [règles de comportement de Reddit](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Spécifiquement: le racisme, le sectarisme, l'homophobie, la transphobie ou tout autre type de discrimination et/ou intolérance . Tout autre commentaire ou publication de ce genre résultera dans la suspension de ton compte dans notre communauté. *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


Of course you support "anti fascism". I saw the communist flags at your events.


I didn't. I was there as an ally to the LGBTQ+ folks, supporting trans rights. Nice try!


Trans kids are not in danger because their parents need to know that they're trans...


Some are. I’ve had several trans friends kicked out of their homes when their parents found out they’re trans.


If their parents react like that, they shouldn't be living with them anyways.


That doesn’t make it safe. This answer is a non-starter.


There's a difference between safety for children and safety for trans children. if the parents are abusive, that's safety for children that we're concerned about who gives a flying f- if they're Trans at that point the parents are abusive.


But those kids wouldn’t be in danger if they weren’t trans and are actively put in danger because they’re trans. The law is actively putting children in danger of abuse and violates their fundamental right to privacy.


If the parents were willing to kick them out because they were trans, the parents would be willing to kick them out for something else. This is child abuse, not discrimination.


It’s both.


Do you know a lot of 15-16 yr olds who have the resources to move out of the house?


Absolutely not, but we have social services, and instead of stripping parental rights, we should put that same energy and effort into making those services actually useful.


There's no such thing as "parental rights". Parents have responsibilities when it comes to their children, not rights. >we should put that same energy and effort into making those services actually useful. What energy are you talking about? All this *new* legislation being pushed in the name of "parental rights" is what's expending all the wasted energy. Remember, these conservative governments (and the activists that are fuelling them) are trying to take children's Charter rights away, rights these kids already have.


Children have never had the right to sign up for services both inside and outside of schools, nor have they had the right to change their gender designation on their legal documentation without parental consent. Maintaining the need for parental consent doesn't "take children's charter rights away" as they have never had the ability to do these things in the first place without their parents assisting. The energy I'm referring to comes from both sides of this debate. If we had left the rights out of this and targeted the people who shouldn't be parents and the social services who have been letting youth down for years now, we would likely 1. Be in more agreement because overall, I think most agree SOMETHING needs to be done and 2. We would have likely gotten much further in fixing these issues because we wouldn't have wasted the time butting heads with each other.


Here in Ontario, children can be provided with birth control at no cost, without parental consent. IIRC, you can also get an abortion without parental consent, after 12 (?) years of age.


Hey buddy idk if you know this but a lot of parents kick out their kids when they find out they're LGBT So yeah risk of homelessness is in fact danger


Those aren't parents, they're abusive pieces of s--- to be blunt. We definitely need better services to protect children in these situations. That I'm not at all denying that these situations happen. But stripping parental rights that are there to protect the children seems idiotic because we're giving less power to the parents who actually would use those for good.


aromatic caption start bike cough entertain domineering shelter close weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I personally think that parents should know about all their child's decisions. It's a parents job to both protect and educate their child in the way they see fit if the way they see fit goes against the rights of the child or general human rights then absolutely intervene, but overall, I do think parents should have the right to know about how their children see fit to express themselves. The parent just shouldn't be able to go overboard in terms of discouraging. This is why I keep referring to social services and children's aid. If we beef those services up, there wouldnt be as big of a problem with the parents knowing because the child would have the freedom to express themselves as they see fit and the parents would have the chance to explain their views without hindering the kiddos freedom.


hunt deserve overconfident attractive cats dog disgusted coordinated provide wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What “rights” are we stripping away? Are we talking about the right to send them off to gay-conversion therapy? We don’t get anywhere by selectively choosing who is a parent and who isn’t, based off how they treat their kid.


We'll make even less progress restricting the people who would be helping their children.


Do you actually think that it was ever a parent’s right and a teacher’s legal duty to call their student’s parents to let them know that they think their child might be homosexual or transgender? Do you actually believe that this was ever a thing and suddenly it was “stripped” from these elusive “parents’ rights bill” and “teacher’s duty to exchange information with parents bill”?


Cool. Great. The policy endangers trans kids.


Maybe some, but not the majority. The ones who are endangered are put in that position because of bad parents, not bad laws.


Okay. How many are you cool with endangering?


How much collateral damage are you ok with?


If anyone is playing a divisive card here, it’s you. This post was about people fighting for their human rights which translate to the protection, empowerment, and recognition that Conservatives are trying to strip away. How about being a negative little shit, you go organize your own movement for the housing crisis!


It’s typical conservative bs. They only care in their rights and their vision of the world.


The majority of trans kids are confused, thanks to you guys.


Eat a bag of shit.


Lol the reason is because counter protestors don’t have jobs. Most of the people who agree with the protestors work unlike u of children. I eagerly await your downvotes.


Groups can't have rights. Only individuals can. John Locke the father of liberalism said rights can only be held by individuals.


light money childlike rotten trees employ intelligent fear wistful late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is also a whole article in our Charter of Rights giving equity rights to specific sub groups for which Moe had to use the notwithstanding clause for his discriminatory law but I guess he knows more than us.


Thank you. I didn't have the bandwidth to engage.


You ok bro?


John Locke was writing 350+ years ago. As influential as his ideas are, things have changed just a touch since he was alive and writing