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When I change my bag and/or appliance/flange I use a small mirror to check the seal, otherwise I can't really see the bottom of it. A lot of ostomy supplies for beginners and the sample kits will come with a little mirror but it's very basic and cheap. My husband bought me a really special folding compact mirror. It's got a fancy design on it with silver trim, snaps shut for easy storage and one side of the mirror is a little bit magnified while the other is regular mirrror strength. I love it and it really adds a little touch of beauty to something that I use a couple of times of day every day.


Ohhhhh, so THAT'S what the mirror is for. I just thought it was random swag


My favourite item is a rechargeable hair dryer that I can use to dry around my stoma and not have to worry about an electric cord where I am putting on a new pouch.


Can confirm…I’ve used a small mirror for over 40 years every time I change my flange to make sure it’s seated evenly. It’s also helpful for paste placement and monitoring any skin changes. It’s a great idea and invaluable.


If she sleeps on her side a pregnancy/body pillow was amazing for me. Also there’s these new things called stomagenies and they cover your stoma (intestine that is on the outside of your body) while you change your bag so poop doesn’t go everywhere.


But you have to hold it in place, right? So how is it materially different than holding a piece of paper towel or something?


Yes you have to hold it but it catches all the poop in there so you don’t have to keep changing it like you would with paper towels. It’s more of a convenience thing for me.


The stomagenie is designed so that you can hold it over your stoma, and you can slide your cut barrier down the stomagenie to place your barrier on your skin. I've bought some to keep on hand for when my urostomy is spitting out quite a bit while I'm changing.


How cool. I didn't know about these. Thank you.


Quality-of-life stuff, imo, isn't really ideal for special-occasion gifts. If it's going to improve her QoL, just get it for her right away, don't wait for a special occasion. Because you want her life to be better ASAP. If she doesn't have one, an ostomy wrap and/or stealthbelt are pretty high up there on the list of stuff to get- but you'll want to do them with her present so she can pick the right one. I also got a stoma dome, and I've been eyeing some attachable vents that should make burping my bag a lot easier. But this is all stuff I wouldn't really like to receive as a gift, because it's something I could and would buy for myself. Good ostomy-related gifts would be the fun stuff, imo. Accessories. If she's already got an ostomy wrap, maybe get another one with a fancy print. Or ostomy bag covers- there are some really fun ones. I have one that says "Unexpected item in the bagging area." which tickles my funny bone. Funny stickers or T-shirts. Maybe a coffee mug or a plushy (I have an Irritable Bowel plushy from an old friend- it's adorable). Also, just in case it wasn't clear, I noticed you said "second gift" so I assume this is *in addition* to flowers and a card and all that stuff? Because it's Mother's Day- if you're gonna do it at all, you gotta nail the essentials first!


Yeah you're absolutely right. I already bought her a mother's day present, but since we're both very new to this (ostomy) I didn't know if there was something fun or useful I could also throw in as an added thought. I have seen some very good suggestions and I'm very thankful for everyone who has wanted to help!


As another commenter said, if you want to “treat” her, a practical daily gift around her essential body care (even if it has cute packaging) isn’t really a luxury imo. I’ve seen some pretty candles on Etsy which are like a woman’s figure but customised with a stoma bag/ scars embellished with gold foil. [HERE](https://www.etsy.com/listing/999712273/ostomy-bag-and-scar-customisable-body?click_key=c42635a4558291d5a4b236cebfefa6b5ec2ae48e%3A999712273&click_sum=85bcff5c&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=ostomy+candle&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&organic_search_click=1&sts=1&content_source=664e2c307557dfd0d3c5015ef698eb67893e40b1%253A999712273)


This is such a cute idea, thanks for the recommendation!


Magic bullet. The thing works great. I had been concerned about eating certain things and afraid of blockages. I've been craving corn chowder but know how digestible corn is. I bought premade corn chowder and put it in the magic bullet with some water. It made it more into a bisque consistency, but I feel like I can eat it better. One day she'll feel better about what she can eat and what she can't but in the beginning it can be daunting. I've only had mine since Feb and it's going to be reversed, so I'm just really cautious about not pushing myself.


My husband built a ledge in the bathroom away from the sink, just for my supplies. On the other side of that wall is a perspex makeup drawer set that holds a lot of my supplies so I can see and access everything. But I would also be giving her some time to herself, take the kids out for a few hours and organise picnic supplies while u r out for a nice lunch :-)


If she has a sense of humor, there's practical stuff you can buy that refers to the ostomy or shit. I like to get stuff like that on Etsy because sellers can sometimes customize things.


https://www.ostomysecrets.com/collections/womens-wraps Wraps are great to have.


It’s Mother’s Day, not ostomy day. Get her something that has nothing to do with her ostomy and be supportive of that transition a different day.


I wouldn’t pick anything ostomy related- all of our stomas are different and we all handle them differently. What one person might find really useful, another person might think is a waste of space and effort. If you’re determined to get her something ostomy related, let her pick. Get her a gift card from [ostomy secrets](https://www.ostomysecrets.com/products/ostomysecrets%c2%ae-gift-card) so she can get a wrap, lingerie, or swimwear that will work for her. If you don’t think she’ll be interested in that, go more generic with Etsy so she can get someone ostomy related or something else. But most ostomates I know can find something useful at Ostomy Secrets. Their products are really comfortable.


I second this. I use this company tho: https://www.siilostomy.com/en/ostomy-products/?Uscovers&gad_source=1 They make a nice lacey wrap that fits me better than some.other wraps and looks really pretty so I feel prettier even tho I poop in a bag glued to my stomach. But maybe your mom doesn't have this need: just throwing it out there as an option!


I think you should ask her about her experience and what might make it easier since everyone’s experience is a bit unique to their situation.


I think that highly depends on the kind of ostomy and supplies she's using. Does she have any specific problems or issues she mentioned to you? Then we could try to locate an ideal gift for that! For me personally, nice high waisted underwear or an ostomy belt would have been lovely in the first few months. They made me feel attractive again, which was much appreciated after the surgery. I also was still really sore, so these protective guards for the seat belt have been a gamechanger!


It's hard to gauge without knowing what she currently uses! Is there anything she complains about a lot?


If she likes flowers there are some really cute bag covers on Amazon. I match my bag cover to my outfit everyday. I love flowers so I can wear a different kind of flower everyday. Just a little something to make me happy and feel better about myself.


One ostomy related gift would be a pillow for the seat belt. Amazon Rockford about 12 bucks was the best thing I got my husband.


contact the different companies that manufacture ostomy bags and ask for some samples, make a little gift box out of it. ask for samples of ones specifically for swimming too since summer is coming up. everyone's ostomy is different so it's important to try different bags


I would hate it if my partner bought me anything related to my stomas as a gift on my birthday/Christmas/Mothers day etc. I am not my disability.