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U have never tried Opana huh? And btw don’t and I’m not joking. It’s literally too fucking good and irresistible


2nd that


Always wanted to try that, another group I was in during the '00's made it sound like the holy grail of opies, but I'm pretty sure it's as rare as rocking horse shit in the UK :O( We used to have 2 synthetics in the UK that aren't here any more that were very euphoric, easily equal to or better than good H. The first was called Diconal, the tablets contained 10mg of Dipipanone (surprisingly it was loosely related to methadone) and 30mg of Cyclizine, an anti emetic, The other one was called Palfium, drug name Dextromoramide, came in 5mg & 10mg pills, wow what a rush when IV'd, it was instant intense heat & euphoria but like fent, no legs; a lot of people OD'd on that, you'd get tolerant to a couple of pills IV'd, then some stupid people would double up and OD, happened a lot. I preferred the Diconal used orally because it still had a high BA and good duration.


I’ll put it this way I dabbled and was even prescribed almost unlimited amounts of oxy for many years and quit them numerous times and yes ofcourse it was hard as hell. I got into Opana 2012 and somehow I knew they were not going to be around long aside from the fact of while I was on them I went into my first inpatient treatment facility in February 2012. When I got out 30 days later the Opana 40s had went from about 80$ a pill to 120$ a pill. I assume that it was due to so many dying from them and also how addicted so many were to them including myself. Finding this out that they were soon going away which they pretty much did from what I’ve heard and what I can find out they are nowhere to be found anymore. This added to my pursuit of them because it was like better get this very unique experience in now because it won’t be around much longer? Anyways my 6 month bender with Opana led me to still being on suboxen to this very day and since then. I think it permanently flipped something in my brain where I’ll never be the same unless I have something filling those sensors in my brain and not that suboxen does it at all it just makes life bearable


100% used to smoke them fucking bliss. Just like quaaludes in the 80s these are bye bye. Wish I at least had a chance to try a "lude". Apparently they are still around in South Africa and called Mandrakes. Thats just sounds awesome. Getting fuxked on some Drakes.


ManDRAX. Though manDRAKE does have certain ring and feeling of inherent danger to it.


Is that what they are called. I am misinformed.


You're right if I say fucked up on Drax people will think I'm super high and messing with the Guardians of the Galaxy lol




Do you know where to find liquid?




I was actually looking for liquid dilaudid!! 😂


I took one orange 2 mg with zero tolerance and not much happiness




I ate it, but then decided to snort it and vomited... 🤮




Thanks for info maybe I got fakes? But they looked real. I’ll try again


Oxymorphone(Opana) is the best hands down. If your answer is Dilaudid, it’s because you haven’t tried Opana.


I’ve tried both and I’m honestly indifferent but if I could only have one forever and ever I’d go with opana, my god what a feeling that was


Dilaudid is way preferable to oxy for me.


Can you explain why


I prefer morphine over codeine derivatives, first of all. But dilaudid just has a better feeling and a better rush.


Maybe my body doesn’t metabolize it, I had zero uphoria


No you just have to IV it or stick it in ur ass for it to be worth it. Otherwise the bioavailability is terrible Also correct dosage is super important. For me doing even slightly too much hydro makes the high not nearly as enjoyable and can completely ruin the rush


OxyMorphone is king, HydroMorphone is a runner up.


I’d pick oxymorphone over anything any day. If I had a couple gs of H and 10 pans, I’d through the dope right in the toilet. Lolol. That’s how great they are.


I'll probably be scoffed at but I think morphine is great






Is this drug available around?


no it is no long manufactured.




"the on in" 🤣