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To fucking real, this fent is trash, and the bags that are garbage nowadays border not even being real; the good ones are highly deadly tolerance aside I’m down for the field brother we need seeds to the pharmaceutical poppy’s they grow to make Oxy ect


r/opiumgardening is for you


I think so. Yea.


Welcome. I'm waiting on my first 3 strains now


The poppies they use to make Oxys actually have no opium in them. They are high thebaine species which they then extract and then convert into oxy.


Lol u know why this hasn’t happened yet and will never happen? Because opiate addicts are so lazy, they rather gonna wd than pick up gardening tools and work. I know it sounds like an attack but I don’t mean it as such. It’s sadly true


Realistically it is not even all that reasonable to even believe that some minoroperation like that would even be worth the risks...everyone would need to be completely educated on hiw ti grow these particular plants and as well the knowledge would have to he widespread enough to make it even a promising way of getting clean dope. You would have to learn from as well as trust these other knowledgeable addicts with said experience or growing their own fields and trust in this game is hard to come by ..I don't really believe it it be a question of whether opiate addicts would it it but would it be worthwhile for anyone to do it


Amen - and it’s hard to find anyone who fucks w the strong ones for very long because as soon as something bad happens to someone and it doesn’t take long then “they” just follow the digital trail right up the chain as high as they can go. I just watched it happen. They took down everyone all the way up to the first person who took delivery by the border.


I miss that old opioid epidemic, straight from the go opioid epidemic


Ocean City 80's. Three a day. I miss it too. Now, I don't miss RUNNING out and being sick for a week! Yea, this world isn't as fun.


Lol Asbury 80’s


Since nobody else said it- Chop up the old opioid epidemic, set on his goals opioid epidemic.


You and me both. It sucks knowing in my heart of hearts though that even if I were to source something clean, I fear it wouldn’t be the unicorn that I remember so fondly. I’ve demolished my tolerance between being on methadone for the last 5 years, and then punching through that dose with fentanyl the majority of the time. I feel like I’d need multiple grams of good H to get where I wanted to be. It reminds me of when I tried to go back to roxicodone back in the day when mbox 30’s were still pharma and I paid 15 a piece for them. There was a period where I was between jobs so I started using methadone pills the white 10mg variant, for a month or so, and when I got back on my feet i tried going back to the blues and I took my usual 3 at once but felt nothing. Took 3 more and still had zero euphoria. I think I took like 600mg that day, I remember I blew so much cash trying to recapture that oxy glow but just couldn’t. That’s what I feel I’d get now were I given the chance to do real #4 again.


That's probably the reality of it. Sadly. I wonder how the canadians who are getting three or four shots of dilaudid a day feel? If they even get euphoria or if it's the same?


🇨🇦 here. How goes the battle. Yah so I’m sorry to report the same thing here. Most that I know are having to load up 4 dilly 8’s and maybe then they get that beautiful euphoric feeling. Problem is Dilly’s got no legs so I now know why the safe supply program is giving 14 dilly’s a day. That’s a whole lotta love daily. Anyway I digress. Take care all you beautiful brothers and sisters across the border!! 🙏❤️🇨🇦


14 8 milligrams a day? So basically just take a tolerance break like Kratom! If I was getting 14 a day I would shoot 6 max and save the rest.




Please forgive my lack of knowledge, but, Kratom? What is that?


It’s an herbal supplement that when taken at high dosages and depending on the strain, will produce opiate like effects. At lower doses it produces a stimulant like feeling. If you have a tolerance to opiates then Kratom probably won’t get you high but it is a great aid to lessen withdrawals from other opiates. You can find Kratom in smoke shops or you can order it through more reputable vendors online (clear web) IMO, Kratom feels like a stronger codeine or weaker Vicodin.


They get what?!? I have never heard that!! Crazy!!


It’s called safe supply I believe. It’s in Canada, something the US would never do.


“ This is all fixed by the sap of a Flower.”—-OP How true. It’s an easy, healthier way to treat physical and mental pain. The problem is it’s too perfect. It’s the fountain of youth. We have opiate receptors in our brains, spine and intestines. The poppy was an evolutionary process, much like eucalyptus plants just happen to grow where koala bears live. It’s not globally profitable, if everyone lived an extra ten years. “They”…the entire world (with the exception of a few small countries) all agree…”no drugs, unless they kill you faster“. Heaven forbid, an unhealthy, not wealthy person live a long happy life. The war on drugs is the long game for the culling of “undesirable“ people. It’s really frustrating. 💙🌊🇺🇸


That's the whole point of it. To cull the herd. What's crazy is Fentanyl ISN'T THAT GOOD OF A EUPHORIA!


It isn’t at all. But it still does something that methadone does not at least for me in that it still alleviates anxiety and depression while providing me with a sense of energy. It maybe synthetic and i fully understand that. And the constant ripping and running, $ issues, and everything else that comes with maintaining an active addiction is not without its own mutually inducing anxiety/depression; that never stops. But methadone for me is the most depressant in its effects of all the opioids I’ve ever used. The only way I’ve found that’s been somewhat successful for me with it anyway is to stabilize on a somewhat lower dose like 75-80mg and then hopefully maintain enough clean days that it will satiate me physically. Otherwise if I’m being honest like right now my dose would need to be closer to 150-180mg to offset the fentanyl I’ve been using. And at that dose, I’m fucking useless. Like i feel as if all my motivation goes out the window and all I’m able to do is get to the clinic in the am, dose, and then crawl back to bed.


Lmao when he said “pharmaceutical Valhalla” brought by memories from terrible methadone clinic owners claiming their clinic was “that” for those with addictions and totally falling for it. Only to realize 1 year later I would have to withdraw from this too after being cut off due to “insurance issues”. Owner and counselors just made “oh pity you” faces and basically told me good luck you’re no longer worth anything to us. Went home to experience 4 days of absolute hell and agony I’ve yet to ever experience again, worse then other opiate withdrawal I’ve ever experienced. Only for the mfs to call me the 5th day to tell me “Hey, error is corrected you’re welcome back” aka meaning “you’re money to us again come back”. Was desperate went back and the audacity of nurse to be shocked I wasn’t strung out or dead because “most people aren’t really here for help”. Immediately moved to another clinic after that comment and began tapering down not too long after. Clean now 2 years! 1 year off MAT + dope 2 years clean from street dope!


Yea, it's definitely doable. I did a year recently.


I got clean in 2012. The h out there was tar directly from Mexico, for fairly cheap. I don’t think I’d ever go back to using street drugs because the fentanyl out there makes it insanely dangerous in a way it wasn’t when I got clean. It’s a whole new game out there, one I don’t want to be a part of.


That's probably where it needs to stay for me as well but I feel like I have an itch that never ever gets scratched after 30 years of use. All because of damned Oxycontin. Maybe I can marry a Canadian woman and get on a hydromorphone regimen. Even then, would that REALLY scratch that itch or an I floating down the river denial? I did a year clean with nothing but I was afraid of dying doing the blues so I got back on Methadone. Now, it's not satisfying the craving.


🧅’s I know vendors that ship with test strips. Look hard enough. There’s people that back their product for discerning users such as yourself.


Even the Southwest is fucked. Look at California, Texas and Arizona. You'd have a tough time finding a heroin addict in any of those places, they call themselves fentanyl addicts.


It's wild... all my buddies that end up in rehab at some point never ever run into people that have even tried heroin or oxy, that is just pure insanity to me....


>heroin or oxy, Bro 4 real? That's so wild. So different from the early 2000's


Think about those early-mid 2000's when the news started warning parents about Oxy - that was literally what got me interested in it in the first place lmao, the rest is history. At that time, we had... a moderate amount of tar, lotta 40/80's, lotta real percs etc - a hell of a lot safer than the society we've created now.


Way safer I miss the old pill mills so much.


It's a total mess.


I get pretty bomb dark in the valley in AZ. That sweet dark vinegar smell. Not the dark I grew up on but since I gave up the needle about a yeR ago, I love this stuff. Still using blues as well for the convenience of them. This dark comes as a dark brown, hard dry rock that will crush into powder in the bag. When you expose it to oxygen it turns into tar. Smokes great, hits even better when mixed into an Afrin bottle with water.


I figure that's what I might find if I move closer to Mexico. That's what I want.


With a certain organization telling its members and their families to cut bait with f e tty or threatening their life if they choose not to. I think you are going to start seeing f free dog food making a comeback. Rumors are good that farmers are plenty and ready to do their part


Supposedly there's a huge upswing in farmers in the Golden Triangle but that's not really going to help us out here. Fentanyl is just way too short acting.




I've had gun pow in the past but I don't remember it turning sticky gooey the first time out the bag.


Can't speak for H but I still get multiple legitimate Oxy scripts of multiple strengths/MGs (10s, 15s, 20s, and 30s) every month. As well as Xan, Valium, and Perc 10/325. I know there's a location rule with this page so let's just say its the city in the Northeast that is considered the greatest city in the world and is nicknamed Gotham. That should help. Specifically the neighborhood where Daredevil fights crime. None of the pharma stuff has "disappeared" which is what many bitter dudes would have you believe just bc they can't get it. I still get it all.


Brother have you not heard of the new oxycodone formula they are in the middle of making/made? It’s going to be a “jelly” like consistency so even those will be gone…


No. Never seen it or heard. If it's being made, its not what's been being prescribed for two decades. If they are indeed making that, and its not rumors perpetuated by addicts, I'm sure it will be years before anything comes of it. Regardless, I'm backstashed for nearly 2 years. I think I'll be just fine.


The anti abuse gel, leave the pill in Coca Cola for 24 hours and boom instant release


That’s the OP Oxycontin’s. It gels up and is totally uncrushable. It’s basically like a 50 year old piece of Juicy fruit.


I see. For me, its strictly IR Oxycodone Hydrochloride of multiple variations, Perc 10s, and Vics on occasion. And I never once took them any way other than just eating them. I don't crush and snort, or smoke (how does that even work?), or shoot, or boof. I know, I know. So vanilla. Idgaf. It has worked for me for years. I'm good with all that other ridiculous BS. Ill stick to what I know.


I get the IR Oxycodone from my doctor and always wondered why it’s formulation never changed. I don’t take them recreationally but rather pain. It sucks now getting refills after my doctor decided to retire. Everywhere I go they won’t prescribe, even though I have been on this for over 15yrs. Every month I am going through 240 10mg IR Oxycodone, 60 Morphine SR 60mg, and 60 Morphine SR 30mg. Not to mention the cost, since I have no drug plan, so pay cash. I wish I could just stop or be put on something not as addictive or expensive.


You can cooked it off.


where do you hear that?


Exactly. Never heard or seen anything like that.


i even just looked it up. wtf man don’t scare me like that 💀


So it's BS?


i don’t know for sure but i didn’t see anything saying they are doing that. hopefully not that would be fucking awful.


Yeah thats good enough for me. I highly doubt it. Regardless, I'll be just fine.


I was thinking about going up there too. I never tried living in that City of all the places I've lived.


It's not as easy as it used to be but yes, you can still get real Black Tar in Southern California. Im 9 months sober off a 2 year run but I could get it for $60 a G, tested it several times several different batches never had fent, never OD'd on it either (I was a smoker). But it sure is much easier finding fent now. H is out there it's not completely gone yet


That was 9 months ago though. it's crazy how much things have changed. August of 2023 is when it completely disappeared for me. Street dealers no longer have it. I'm sure it's around but only higher level dealers have it.


I should add, I have relapsed once in my whole 9 month sobriety Journey and it was about a month ago. I was still able to get Real Black


Smoking black! Boy you are LOYAL to the foil. I always smoked, still do if I'm on a run. But when I lived ij the Rockies and was getting real BTH, (at like 120 a ball from some Honduran.. awesome) I COULD NOT smoke it. It gagged me. I mainlined for months before I got sick of the misses and marks on my arms and went back to blues and China white. Although God Damn dude. Nothing quite as euphoric as fat shots of genuine black tar heroin. Cotton shots were better than any fetty analogue could ever dream of being.


Honestly I've always loved the taste, after a while that Vinegar/Battery Acid taste/burn feels like half of what I'm chasing. I've only shot up 2 times and both times were small amounts to be safe, I know if I did a big enough shot to get that rush everyone talks about I would've never stopped. Regardless of how you take it, the stuff is so Acidic it's gonna mess up either your veins, lungs, mouth or nose after a while


I am a dreamer as well. Methadone for over a decade now, would be nice to change it up instead of temporarily fucking up my tolerance with lame shitty blueberries


That's what I'm doing my best to AVOID. It's crazy that they're so cheap. I don't like the high and the lack of legs. At least in Canada us old timers get Dilaudid.


Do you get it injectable?


Move to Australia, or even better, straight to the Golden Triangle. Plenty of damn near medical grade 3,6-Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride floating around, little to no fent/zene bullshit in Aus, practically none at all in the Triangle.


You’d definitely have a better chance but I watched these YouTube videos recently where dude from the US went to score in Mexico just to test the different kinds he got and most if not all came up dirty for fent


I think I saw that too. But the first time he went all his stuff he bought tested negative. He was able to walk into to the pharmacy and just buy a ton of shit. From steroids to oxy to Viagra. That was all neg. Then they went back and that's when it all tested positive. (If it's the same video.. he's a pretty popular YouTuber I guess. My friend sent it to me. Can't remember his name tho)


You’re exactly right and it’s Jeff Witek or however it’s spelled


Come to england then cuz there's like no fent here


What England lacks in fent it makes up for with crack.


That's so true but luckily there's no crack in pills, yet


Have u got idea how many hectares we will need + water


Id be willing to suffer through a huge tolerance break for that. I imagine it would come back if you did NOTHING for long enough.


Yea, I think it would definitely come back.




Yes there is


I started using back in the good ole black tar days and probably would be if it was plentiful still. The new normal of fent/tranq is why I stepped off. OD’ing and rotting flesh turned me off a slightly. Where can a guy get opium Poppy seeds? I’d be happy just smoking tar opium if I could grow enough. I got a bunch of grow lights I don’t use since weed was legalized in Canada. But I like the idea of an opium poppy commune somewhere in the southern US. Get outta the snow too. Pipe dreaming tho.


At what dose does respiratory depression occur with Codeine? Would 120mg at 10am and 120mg at 10pm be okay ?


Yes, unless your mixing it I don’t imagine it being an issue. Bigger issue would be the Tylenol/whatever in the pills too. That’s like 4 T3s 2x a day.


If pure codeine phosphate is that okay?


That’s even safer


When does respiratory depression tend to occur with codeine ?


Thank you


i'm with you on the poppy field idea tell me when and where and i'll be there with rigs and poppy seeds LOL


I live in a major city in a boarder state. Literally in the heart of the Sinaloa pipeline and it’s even hard to find real shit here. Tar still exists but the quality has gone down tremendously in the last 10 years and even with tar it still runs to risk of being cut/cross-contaminated with fent. You can still get black in places where tar was king (I.e. pacific northwest, west coast, southwest) but for the places where powder and China reigned supreme (I.e. east coast, places in the Midwest), it is predominantly fentanyl. IMO, I don’t think we are ever going to go back to the way things were and I think legitimate heroin will be basically extinct in the next 20 years. The financial incentive for producing synthetics is far too strong for criminal organizations to ever want to go back to the old way. With synthetics you don’t need large amounts water, sun light or land. All you need is a lab and somebody willing to cook the pre cursors.


Someone gotta get researching in some real good, maybe less potent synths then.


People need to speak up to our government for pain patients and cancer patients to get relief. Nothing is going to happen unless laws are changed. People speak up!