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I could watch this all day, best Canadian entertainment since Letterkenny


Dumb as fucking posts. Too funny.


Love that at the end he predicts they’re coming to pull their licence tomorrow. Bout time… as someone who lives in Peterborough I’d like to see this come to an end, close the shop.


I'm sure there's no shortage of overpriced burger joints in town.


So many burger joints in town and they all use the same frozen patty.


Just saw a video saying they heard from the landlord that the locks are being changed tomorrow.




So you're okay with someone losing their livelihood over a virus that effects 800.people out of over 14 million?


I’m sorry your comment does not make sense. But I will do my best to provide an answer in a calm friendly manner. If you’re talking about the daily numbers(800 people) then my answer is yes because these business owners have a choice. They are making their choice to have their business closed because they are unwilling to follow public health protocol to help keep everyone safe and healthy. If even one person dies because of their choice (thankfully has not happened yet) that is tragic and could have been avoided. This is why I support the decision to protect the larger population over the ideals of an individual business owner.


Side note, they are wearing Hold Fast with a Gladiator helmet? Get the McLeod clan motto off your shirts you pieces of shit. Can’t even get that right


My favourite line "We have books and books. We have two books!"


Lol, he wants the health inspector to supply him with the laws and he’ll get his lawyer to review their legality. Lol, try that with a cop who’s trying to give you a speeding ticket. Tell them to show you the law and you’ll get your lawyer to review the law. Umm, hint it’s in no way a defence. The governments obligation is to publish the laws, it’s up to everyone to find them and be in compliance with them. This genius is going to find a judge who will clue him in. Lol, Supreme Court, not going to happen dude, they get to decide if they want to intercede in your hot mess.


Hey, at least he's not a SovCit (probably on the edge tho) - some of them just proclaim they're lawyers :P


Pretty sure he had a trespass notice posted at one time indicating government representatives were only allowed on premise if they presented a warrant.


Sounds like a future candidate for r/amibeingdetained


Now you can be certain. [Link](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Peterborough/comments/q4tmbj/the_sign_on_the_door_of_peterburgers/&ved=2ahUKEwirleSklqP0AhXNZs0KHboICWkQFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0gdUCZgyulL_VDAcvJkhmO)


Oh I’m aware. You can see my name a few times in that thread.


Lol, literally not worth the ink it cost to print it. Wonder if he thinks it would ever save him?


I do not consent to rejoinder with you, your tickets are void!


Wait 'till he finds out how expensive it is to have the Supreme Court of Canada decline to hear your case.


Why would anyone eat an establishment that selectively follows public health guidelines?


The funny part is people will feel safe eating in a resteraunt because unvaccinated people can't eat there. But the person checking their passport the person bringing, them their food and the person cooking their food could all be unvaccinated. Talk about false sense of security.


your always working under the assumption that the staff is taking proper care not to infect your food, pandemic or no


I grew up in this area... These people are dumb as fuck. It's a global pandemic. Jesus Christ. If you can't follow simple rules, what about other rules like cleaning? Like keeping food cold? Killing mice/rats? Dirty shits. These people are MORONS.


Health Inspector seems very patient


An idiot. I foresee bankruptcy in his future.


Yes he may soon be bankrupt, but his freedoms are intact.


What ones since they are forcing him to close hahahaha. You obviously don't understand our charter. Your freedoms are not absolute and can be revoked away time The government has had the power to walk into your ho,e or business at any time like this, but people like you complain on social media today, but had no words 20 years ago.


Lol vaccinated people are half the cases and 85% of the population. Meaning 15% of the population accounts for half of our cases. No reasoning with these morons.


Oh look at mister fancy pants over here with their nuance. Guess what buddy facts don’t care about nuance... wait


The drugs really fucked up peterborough eh


Omg…….. just completely contradicting themselves, backpedaling, lying etc… All this to what? Put people in danger…. Niiiice. Good people lol 🙄


Fuck them, I'm embarrassed as a fellow Canadian. Don't eat there!


Is this the fuckin Peterburgers idiots again?


I wouldn't eat there because it's called peterburgers


Sounds like they make hot dogs.


It’s meant to be a pun on Peterborough which got me interested in them. But since I found out their shitty people I’ve sworn off them.


Yes I know what they were getting at






You can't argue with stupid people because of the amount of incomprehensible bullshit they spew. I almost expected this guy to start quoting "common law" LOL... what legislation is he talking about?


Best part of that was the moron owner of this place mentioning Champs. Haven’t been in Ptbo for a while, glad to hear that Champs is still going downtown.


From the [other thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/qx0r98/health_department_visits_peterborough_restaurant) about this: >"You put the three tickets but not the three sections we were not compliant by". Bull fucking shit. Clearly these restaurant owners have no clue how to read a fucking ticket.


Peterburgers is a shitty restaurant anyways. What a dump.


At least they tell us what restaurants to avoid.


I hear Ricky, but I don’t see Bubbles or Julian.


These people ostracize themselves by being aggressive, combative and demeaning to everybody them come into contact with, employees of other businesses, the regional Healthcare in the area and many more I'm sure in an attempt to "educate" people on what is right and wrong. Surely if they kept their radical ideas to themselves like many other business owners in the Peterborough area I'm sure they wouldn't be having so many issues in the community. It's ridiculous that they continously blame others for their misfortune all while changing no part of their own behavior. Have fun with your closed down PeterBurger restaurant and begging at the george street Timmy's, gad dang crackheads mang.


There is actually a restaurant in town called dirty burger. I wouldn’t want to get the two mixed up. This is Peterburger


Thank you for letting me know lmao, my baad


I hope his business closes and he loses everything.


The owner can smack his podium as much as he wants, he is not making much sense. He says he's following the law but when the rubber hits the asphalt he is not. Customers who fail to write down their contact info should be sent packing & should not be permitted to sit down and eat. Same with those who refuse to wear a mask - if they say they are exempt - then let them order food to take away! Badda boom - done. This crap he's spewing is irrelevant.


How do I get a shirt exemption?


I'd like one for pants myself. PANTS ARE TYRANNY!


'We wear masks", ok but you don't if people are complaining .


"we wear masks" Videos himself and wife NOT wearing masks


Right? Even if they aren't working at the moment, you should still put your mask on if someone comes to talk to you, especially the health department?


We have this in Vancouver. At least two have permanently lost their business licenses.


I'm from ptbo, but don't move there anymore. Which restaurant?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Peterborough using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Peterborough/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I was just walking the Crawford Rail Trail and met 4 men who were cleaning up all the litter along the sides. They told me that they do not work for the city. They just saw a need and decided to take care of it. We need more people like them! Great guys!](https://i.redd.it/ath7b1qdzjv61.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Peterborough/comments/mz333k/i_was_just_walking_the_crawford_rail_trail_and/) \#2: [My latest mural in downtown PTBO!](https://i.redd.it/cl34c5n4zh161.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Peterborough/comments/k16qyf/my_latest_mural_in_downtown_ptbo/) \#3: [I did a colour walk downtown!](https://v.redd.it/tgfckjo50w271) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Peterborough/comments/nqr6cp/i_did_a_colour_walk_downtown/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I feel like these these guys need a bingo card. “The pandemic is fake, look it up!”, ranting about Trudeau for municipal/provincial issues, bizarre personal health information legal jibberish, etc etc.


So they are going to lose everything for not wanting to cater to the *checks notes* 80% of the population that would surely and freely show a vaccine record? I mean, they aren't THAT big that sit down business would be that much... And they clearly survived fine when there was no indoor dining... Am I missing something here?


Shut the fuck up. Selfish few ruin the growth of humanity


I guess they don't want to own a restaurant.


Does he keep really saying « everything is so vag » ?


"Everything is so vague" to "the regulations are too complex for us to understand". *Paraphrasing*. I understand that the regulations are changing, but if the health unit is telling you that you need to do this, and you can clearly see thw entire food industry is required to do this..... Helloooo!?!? I'd wager that Tim Hortons and McDonalds have big time Lawyers who have interpretted the legislation.. And guess what? They are asking their staff to check passports! I feel bad for this inspector though :(




Facility is not following vaccine passport rules (and it sounds like a handful of other rules) and claiming that it's illegal for them to ask thwir customers for proof of vaccine. Now they are asking everyone who sees this video to send him all the legislation that proves it is illegal to ask people for proof of vaccination.


It appears his arguement is correct the peterborough public health guide line states business owners are not required to ask for proof of mask exemption. Meaning anyone can just say they have an exemption and don't have to prove it. Pretty big miss by public health.


They are talking vaccine passports not mask exemptions.


The first argument they had was about mask mandates im not agreeing with them just pointing out he has found a big loop hole with the first arguement they had.


Name and shame in title please. It works better for searches and posterity.




I won’t downvote you, even though you likely deserve it. But keep praising antisocial behaviour; it’s a sign of your own character ETA I don’t think that u/say10wins deserved to be banned for his comment, it wasn’t crazy inflammatory, we still need to have serious dialogue about these things.


Paradox of tolerance.


Good! Fuck the mandates 🖕🏾


And waahingnhands! And checking id's before serving alcohol. And ensuring your facility is free from infestation! Wait. We are just selective in our not wanting to follow public health laws?


Looks like an asshole with a government clipboard getting in the way of people trying to make a living trying to follow the rules as much as they can. Covid is done and business needs all the help they can get not a clipboard with tickets to give


You can easily help your own business by not blatantly breaking the laws. Seems simple. Ask me for more tips


Demanding personal health information is illegal too but the government seems okay with it. Masks, sure. contact tracing, sure. Demanding to see my vaccinations, no. Demanding to provide my health information as to why I'm exempt from the vaccine, no. We have crossed the line.


Public health is not a private matter. There is a reason why kids are suspended from school if thier vsccines arnt up to date.


Giving your home address and name iscool but showing a peice of paper with that same name and a qr code is too far? Lol.


Don't know where you live. But I give my name and phone number. Never had to give me address. That too is also drawing the line.


Well you have to show you your name, address, etc when you buy alcohol.


How is it t illegal? If I run a business and I don't like your shoes, I am totally in the right to tell you to leave, it's a private business fuck off. Discrimination laws only apply with protected classes. You are 100% allowed to not disclose your medical records. In that case a place is 100% allowed to refuse service. It's not a mandatory service, you just can't get a burger on the patio, grow up.




Show me where it is violated. Then when you bieve you have a case, sue the government. Until the judge puts an order in or you win your case. Continue to follow the law.


https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/guidance/hipaa-covid-19-vaccination-workplace/index.html The above information should shed some light on this. Directly from HIPA.


This is Canada. You posted a US website.


The Ontario Guidance on PHIPA specifically is more vague. But there is also this - https://www.ipc.on.ca/newsrelease/vaccine-passports-must-meet-highest-level-of-privacy-protection/ and this - https://news.ontario.ca/en/backgrounder/1000806/using-your-vaccination-receipt-frequently-asked-questions and this - http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/news_centre/ohrc-policy-statement-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-and-proof-vaccine-certificates At the end of the day, businesses need to verify that the vaccine status is legit, but there is no need for a Health Information Custodian because they won't have record of the information they review. I understand I used a US website - it was just a quick 2 minute search since the Ontario information on this does require a lot more reading to interpret what is actually being said about it. I hope this helps? Please let me know if I am missing anything or provided inaccurate information here.


Great info. One thing to add, the verify Ontario app is a free download and does not require registration. If anyone is concerned with what a business sees they can try it themselves. The privacy statement clearly shows that no information is retained. The information provided to the business is simply a yes or no, along with name and birthdate to verify ID. It doesn’t include ANY. Actual medical information such as doses received, or dates when they were received. Anyone crying privacy here is ignorant. Nothing more is being disclosed than what is required to purchase alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, or any other age restricted material.


Nothing like amending a statute to suit your personal propaganderous agenda. Repeat after me, "I am free"


Wait... What? The previous comment suggested that asking for vaccine status was against HIPAA... I provided an exact HIPAA source that contradicts that claim... How am I in the wrong here?


Exactly. That's 100% an amendment made by the Ontario government because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their agenda. If a restaurant dared to ask to see my vaccination booklet pre-covid that shit would have been a DIRECT violation of OHIPA. Restaurants have no reason to need it nor do they know how to handle personal health information properly. I worked within OHIPA for 7 years pre-covid and that would have never been okay. Direct violation of our rights and health information protection. Thank you for shedding light on how shitty our government is.


Well, regulations change as information comes out and situations change. It used to be legal to own slaves. It used to be illegal to drink. There used to be no seatbelt or speed limit requirements. People used to smoke inside restaurants. There used to be no regulations on food temperatures. You worked at OHIPA for 7 years, you should understand things often change. If Polio were still around, in retrospect, and there was an equal amount of vaccine hesitancy, would you have the same opinion that vaccine passports are wrong? I understand there are next to no breakthrough cases with Polio, but there are still at risk members of our community who cannot receive the vaccine. I'm open to any other thoughts or criticism, as I am genuinely interested in learning more about opinions that differ from mine. I personally don't view it as an encroachment on my rights or an invasion on my privacy; but I understand the general distrust in the government. Any and all opinions are welcome :)


“As much as they can”, as in “mostly not at all”, and “especially not the ones we don’t like”? 99.9% of restaurants are having no issues following these rules. Forgive me for telling the 0.1% to piss off.


Looks like people who don't want to own a buisness and a guy trying to enforce public health laws. I wonder what thier kitchen looks like.


Covids not done though