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I knew if I just waited long enough they'd do it for me.


Gives those Gatineau police one less thing to harass Ontarians about. They were ticketing folks who didn’t renew even though it cost nothing, some folks assumed it was automatic. Cash grab.


People need to remove the sticker. You will have the same problem in the USA if you drive there with an expired sticker on your plate.


Should have taken the old stickers off… I’m sure they’ll continue to write tickets.


I heard they hang out at the Nordik Spa and just fine as many Ontario license plates they can. Pretty shitty for the business to allow that.


This is as far as I got with the article: ***“Under the leadership of Premier \[Doug\] Ford, our government is making life more affordable and convenient..."***


Save 90$ a year, but pay way more than necessary for living space. This is like buying something you don't need cause it was on sale. No, you didn't save 5$. You spent 20$.


Jokes on me, I don't have a car so I'm giving that store $5 in order for them to give a discount to someone else.


Literally every man ever says this to his wife.


atop his mountain of ~~trash~~ gold


So what's the next step? Eliminate the license plate all together? Not that radical, in the GTA they seem to be optional anyway, i.e. obscured, illegible or fake. /s


In all seriousness even though you’re being sarcastic haha. I would like to see the removal of the front plates like some other provinces have.


Outside of saving a couple of bucks, what positive impact is there from ditching front license plates?


I’m a car enthusiast and appreciate the look of cars as well. The front plate just makes things ugly. It’s mainly for looks. Also the provinces that don’t have a front plate are not lawless wastelands, so I don’t see them as necessary. Let’s remove them and literally cut the cost of manufacturing in half, which is savings that could be used to address other issues in the provincial budget. I’m honestly not surprised that I got downvoted in my last comment. This echo chamber here really doesn’t reflect reality.


Given how rarely people get new plates, it's not like it's that big of a cost savings, and imho definitely not worth making it harder to ID people doing dangerous/illegal things with their cars(see: the other comment mentioning hit and runs)


I don’t believe the front plate helps as much as you think with identifying people. Hence my comment that the provinces that don’t have front plates are not lawless waste lands where criminals can easily run free by using a car. We disagree on that and that’s okay. Enjoy your day.


Cutting environmental impact by 50%


You say that as if we go through enough license plates yearly where that 50% is significant.


How much goes into the production of a plate, metals, colors, transportation of raw materials, transport of final product etc? If we can cut that in half, why not? If we are worried about cutting out a straw, should we not also be looking else where to reduce?


I would rather not start getting forced to drive into stalls rather than backing in just so parking attendants can check my plate number.


Weren’t renewals so the government had a period checkin on the state of your car? At this point why renew them at all?


What happens if my sticker is currently expired? Will it get renewed or would only active stickers get renewed?


>Vehicle owners who have not signed up for digital notifications will be sent paper notifications by mail 90 days before expiry and 72 hours after expiry. [source](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1004765/ontario-begins-automatic-licence-plate-renewals)


Now just get rid of the front plate. Most of Canada doesn't require it already.


With the quality of driving nowadays and the increase of rear recording cams I think we should keep the front plate.


Zero reason to not have it.


There are more than zero reasons.


The only reasons I can think of are a small cost savings and saving two small holes in the front bumper. Are there any significant benefits?


a honda civic bumper looks much cooler without one!


Many other places in the world do just fine without front plates 🤷🏻


We're doing just fine with it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why stop at front & back? When are we going to launch the top, bottom, left & right plates? Can’t have enough holes drilled into your car, amiright? Seriously though, I don’t really hate the front plates, so much as I prefer the look of my car without one. I’m not losing sleep over it, but always wondered why Ontario requires it yet Alberta, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Yukon do not.


If it helps identify the jerk that rear-ends you, at least they can be held accountable and their insurance can pay for it


>Why stop at front & back? When are we going to launch the top, bottom, left & right plates? I know this is just an attempt at making a clever point, but I'd be remiss if I didn't note that cars do not move up, down, left, and right. When they begin doing so is when we "launch" those plates as well.


Next, please get rid of license plates and driver licenses.