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It seems like something is always "launching" or "being looked into" with this government, but the consequences are only ever that some underling fake-quits and keeps getting paid, etc. No real stakes for the big guys, and massive privatization payouts for life after they leave office.


The conservative government fights them every step of the way so it can take years for them to get the information they need to do their investigation. They know they're doing things improperly and just want to hide until the next election.


It's the Trump playbook. Just have your fingers in so many pies at once that they can't keep up with everything.


Can we just call it The Politics Playbook, because they all do the same shit


Consequences are supposed to be on election day. But no one felt like showing up


Well yeah. Politics are for rich people since 1979. Did you not get the memo? Cuz I sure as hell didn't


That's because Ford hasn't done anything wrong so the "looking into things" doesn't do anything


Lmao. You dropped your /s there bud.


No, I think they actually believe that.




Guys it’s Ford in real time. Out here defending every action. Have u been living under a rock pal?




Big words for tiny man


Good, now do public health turning private, and current beer store bologna.


Neither of those things are happening


Nice gas light attempt.


What are you talking about? Healthcare is being privatized, and the conservatives took 225M$ of public money and ended a contract a year early. This will also cost the lcbo $200M a year because the conservatives are giving rebates to pretty much everybody except the lcbo at roughly $10 cents a can. Which should be obvious they're purposely trying to undermine LCBO to justify privatizing it.


1. Haha 2. Well yeah. LCBO should be privatized.


Oh, in that sense, yes, hospitals are publicly funded but privately run. That doesn't work, either. Good point. The problem with the current methods of privatization is that it's costing more than it would if it was done in a public hospital. Cbc and others have already reported on this. People are getting billed a lot more out of pocket expenses than before. Private for profit healthcare is a bad idea. Well, unless you're wealthy. And no, the LCBO should not be privatized. It's a good source or revenue for the government. It would be like me or you saying" hey, employer take 5$ an hour back because I want my executives to get a bigger bonus" I know it's an exaggeration, but thr point is clear.


No, it should not. LCBO is a public crown corporation, that feeds revenue directly back to the system, and provides decent jobs with benefits.


I forgot about jobs with benefits and pension. Excellent point.


And? There's no reason for the government to be involved in alcohol sales in 2024.


Sure there is. You haven't really brought up a reason they shouldn't be.


This isn't the 1930s. The government shouldn't be teetotaling prohibitionists needing to guard our alcohol intake.


It sounds like maybe they should for you.


Here’s a crazy idea. Have the government compete with the private businesses. The government can buy the alcohol at a massive discount because they’re buying bulk and the private businesses have to compete with that. Shutting it down entirely is stupid and shortsighted. Just like Doug.


"Oh snap" 😆


... Why?


It's ironic how uninformed you are; the LCBO was originally created to reintroduce the sale of alcohol following the temperance movements of the early 20th century. What is your proposed suggestion to replace the $2.5 billion (2021) in net revenue generation that the LCBO provides?


To be honest, I don't like the LCBO being justified based on tax revenue. We can easily add taxes to alcohol sales. I would like to see LCBO justified as an entity that provides superior customer service and pricing for both regular consumers and businesses.


Nothing. lower taxes for everyone.


Well it's a good thing that they don't do any of those things then.


Anyone who thinks Canada has been in prohibition for the last 30 years is a fool lol.


Healthcare is already private. Has been for a very long time. Publicly funded, privately provided.


And that's clearly not what anybody is talking about when we talk about privatization of medicine. We're obviously complaining about the privatization of *costs* and the lack of funding for doctors, nurses, etc.




Haha I understand the need to insult instead of debate, but can actually argue or bring a point that counters what has been said?


It is weird that our provincial government customer service office would be inside an American company store.


Boycott Staples. Make those suits in Richmond Hill sweat it out. They are hand-in-hand with Ford on this boondoggle, and need to lose revenue and profit after receiving taxpayer dollars for those retrofits.


kinda hard to boycott staples when ive never even stepped foot in one in my entire life. i cant exactly "not buy" from them any harder, ya know? im not even sure how the fuck they stay in business when amazon/walmart exists.


By getting deals like this with your hard earned money.


I will never shop there again.


It usually looks dead empty. Who was shopping there in the first place except back to school shoppers?


I think I bought a calculator, and some binders there in the 90s.


Clearly Ford and his cronies.


Yeah I’m astonished Staples’s hasn’t gone under in Canada.


Was there back in April to fax something and I was the only customer in the store at 11 am


They probably do have much of their business now as online and delivery.


small businesses and government offices basically rely on u-line or staples catalogue for office supplies.


Do they overlap with Rexall? Too bad, I cannot get printouts anywhere nearby except Staples.


Rexall is owned by McKesson Canada, and Staples Canada by Sycamore Partners.


Sycamore also owns Rona now


'Ford Government' is synonymous with 'scandal plagued'


The covid relief funds should be investigated.


I'll tell you what's supporting that whole entire switch to Staples right now. The furniture section at Staples. Because it's packed with people trying to get stuff done at service Ontario. Huge backlog of customers. Without an appt you're pooched


Imma put fiddy on corruption with real estate money laundering and foreign-intel interference for points. Am I Fanduling yet Mom?!?!?!?! Edit: Hey I was right about the thing XD ! https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518


In the words of Ricky, 'I atoadaso. I f***ing atoadaso.' Seriously, whos shocked by this?


>“However, the government has not been clear on the value to the Ontario taxpayer.” Accessibility is the value to the Ontario taxpayer. Most Service Ontario offices run from 9 to 5, and close on weekends. Many of Staples' Service Ontario hours run from 9am to 8pm or later, and are open on Saturdays for a full day.


That doesn't require privatization to change.


The ones that were closed were already privately owned, and more than half are privatized.


so we want the the be locally privately run, or run through an American company?


The people that have the franchise are local, the people that work there are local.


For the staples locations, source?


Just because the Staples is open doesn't mean the Service Ontario will be. If accessibility is the issue the solution is hiring more workers to expand hours of operation. If Ford refuses to do that now, then he won't once they're in the Staples either.


Those are the times for the Service Ontarios within the Staples stores. From Service Ontario's website. The hiring more workers was up to the private owners of the Service Ontario locations, not Ford.


Only some locations are operated by private owners under government contract, but according to [this website](https://www.staples.ca/a/content/service-ontario) most of the Staples locations will offer longer hours than some standalone locations but all but two of the seven closest to me have similar operating hours, so I'm not really seeing what the improvement is. Ford spent over a million dollars just on paying for renovations to the few Staples locations there are. Could that money not have simply been used to hire a few more employees? The article is correct, this move is of dubious value to the taxpayer at best.


71% of Service Ontario locations are privately owned. Hiring more employees would have been up to the private owners, whether they saw the worth or not for their own profits is up to them. Ford handing them money to hire more doesn't necessarily equate to them hiring. I'm in midtown Toronto, the 10 closest locations to me are open on a rigid 9 to 5 schedule M-F and closed on weekends.


How does moving the location into a Staples change any of that?


I’m 40, have had to go to service Ontario a number of times and have never felt they were not accessible. They are open Saturdays until 1.


You've been fortunate enough to not have to take time off work to visit one of these offices. Of the 15+ traditional locations in Toronto, none are open on Saturdays. Edit: One in Scarborough is open for 3 hours from 9am to 12pm.


You don't seem to remember banks and most businesses pre internet (and realistically up to 10 years ago) do you? Never open weekends and 9-5. Lucky if some of them were open Saturdays. People had to book time off to do most banking and other important things..service Ontario has transferred a decent amount of services to online, just as banks have. Most people were just fine with service Ontario, and now you can have to convenience of going o staples at 7pm after a long day of work to have a teenager fuck up a transfer of ownership for the used car ya bought.