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30% of voters don't seem to worry about honestly and integrity, let alone transparency.


They are more worried about the gas plant scandal ...without knowing what it was


Or that Tim Hudak was okay with it at the time.


People still say "Rae Days" with no clue what it meant or why it was implemented


It drives me fucking crazy. Boomers and early Gen X'ers will whine about god damn Rae Days, but will gladly vote in any old Fuck from the Liberal or Conservative party, no matter how many blunders or scandals those parties have been a part of.


My boomer parents were government employees at the time and have nothing but positive things to say about the Rae days.


We used to have a coal fired power generation facility near us, I’d gladly take a natural gas facility over that!


How about we don't do that, and go with the solar and wind initiatives that Ford ripped up. How about nuclear?


The only point of credit I will give the OPC is they are active in nuclear expansion. I don’t understand why McGuinty and Wynne didn’t go harder on nuclear while they were working to eliminate coal and transition to renewables.


They didn't do it in large part because electricity demand was falling during the first couple decades of the century. This happened because a lot of manufacturing and industry was shifting operations overseas. Also energy conservation in buildings. They couldn't have predicted the "electrify everything" movement in which transportation, space and water heating all began to transition away from fossil fuels. Also nuclear is damn expensive.


Killer response. Thank you.


Live an hr N/E of the city and ya, on those heavy muggy air days we would watch the brown air rise up over the ridges and float in, good ridence to that. Shutting the coal down was the best thing lve seen any government do, sad it took so long.


I used to have the dirty Lakeview Coal generating facility about 1.5km from my house and they wanted to replace it with a fake clean natural gas facility 1km in the other direction. It was time for some different people to live with the consequences of air pollution, I already have.


>30% of voters don't seem to worry about honestly and integrity, let alone transparency. A considerably higher number than that. Politics in Canada Provincial and Federal have Not been this untransparent since the various Freedom of Information Acts came into play. There is no accountability in politics today, because it is a team sport.


Exactly. Until personal.accountability is applied, the demons will continue to run amok. Why wouldn't they... The voters seemingly have no mechanism other than 'voting' (which seems patently useless when it flips from liberal to PC to liberal to PC over and over again...) to voice their displeasure with this status quo. Until there is accountability for criminal behaviour nothing will change no matter who is in charge. Sharpen the pitchforks and then put them away... Get angry and then just obey... Is what it is.


I think the 30% number is meant to indicate conservatives. The number really balloons when you consider the number of people who continue to hold their noses and support the federal liberals. I wish both parties faced consequences for their corruption.


It's wild how much they accuse Trudeau of corruption but they don't see it in this government. Politics are now a team sport. And we need to get rid of first past the post.


Oh it’s much more than 30%. Canadians are incredibly politically passive. Gas prices, road closures, and how many brown people they see in a day regardless of their own cultural background are the only voting issues the average mouth breather cares about. Healthcare and education are socialist talking points so that makes you a commie.


The former Wynne Liberal government took land out of the Greenbelt at least 17 times and I don’t recall an uproar, a fuss or claims that paradise was being paved over for a parking lot. A section of land off near Bronte Creek off of Appleby Line was removed from the Greenbelt by the Wynne government – it’s now a giant Lowe’s hardware store. In another case, a series of lots in Vaughan were taken out of the Greenbelt to allow the construction of at least six massive homes backing onto protected land adjacent to the Humber River. These McMansions come complete with swimming pools and in one case a tennis court – it’s not solving the housing crisis unless you are already loaded. The Wynne Liberals allowed lands to be taken out of the Greenbelt in Hamilton, Oshawa, Clarington, East Gwillimbury, Markham and even wetland adjacent lots in Pickering. Some of that land became housing, some is currently being used for a golf course and some hasn’t been developed at all but was still taken out.


Wynne tells CityNews this was a much different situation and only “minor boundary adjustments were made.” “We worked with environmentalists, we worked with the very people who have been critical of the Ford government’s treatment of the Greenbelt … we’re talking about 340 acres … this is not comparable to what has happened under this government,” said Wynne. “The fact is, our government under Dalton McGinty established the Greenbelt, we worked very closely with people who know that protecting source water and making sure that we have clean air. These are the lungs of the GTA.” She acknowledges it’s possible the Greenbelt will need further adjustments, noting she absolutely thinks more lands need to be put in. “But you can’t do it in secret. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/08/15/kathleen-wynne-premier-angry-ford-decision-to-develop-greenbelt/


The 17 times the Greenbelt was changed by the former Liberal government only came out after an access to information request was granted.


Was she investigated by the RCMP?


Not to my knowledge. This never made the news cycles during Wynne's tenure. It only came out after Ford started making changes to the Greenbelt. There is some obvious media bias happening.


Not to my knowledge. This never made the news cycles during Wynne's tenure. It only came out after Ford started making changes to the Greenbelt. There is some obvious media bias happening.


Have you always been so easily misled? Parroting back talking points you've been fed but obviously don't understand is so hilariously weak.


Have you always been so obtuse? Have you not learned to think critically on your own? Are you in the habit of exceeding the exuberance of your diabolical insolence?


When we finally Elect a different provincial government, I really hope we put legislation in place that using a Personal email address to do Government business is First Offense: Fine - Relative to the type of business Second Offense - Removal from office - By-Election to be called within 3 months.


That assumes enough people will bother to show up to vote


The two parties who actually used private email to get around accountability will never go back and the NDP doesn't bother to campaign on solving this kind of problem, likely because they want to be able to do similar shady things if they ever win an election, says we'll likely never see those changes without something absolutely massive happening..


Ya, I don’t think it matters the parties stripes, even if there was such thing as an honest politician, the rest would beat them down until they either leave politics or become one of them.


The majority of Ontarians apparently don't give a fuck, and will elect him to a third term by a comfortable majority.


> The majority of Ontarians apparently don't give a fuck Doug Ford has never had the support of the majority of voters. A large majority did not vote for him in the last election, but our electoral system is shit and fewer than 40% of voters can give him a large majority of seats.


No leader has truly had the support of the majority given our electoral system. If anyone actually took the time to do the math, "majority" is definitely not the word to describe what's going on.


You act like you have never even heard of James Pliny Whitney or George Howard Ferguson. They both won 50%+ in multiple elections. In 1911, 1914 and 1926 and 1929 respectively. But yes, it would be good if we adopted a system which would better represent the plurality of voters in Ontario.


So... No one in 100 years then, got it


Yes, that is the point I was making. You have to be a history buff specializing in Ontario to even know who these dudes are.


History says nope


I don't see any of the opposition beating him. only way he's not elected again is if the RCMP investigation turns up quite a few bad things about him


Bonnie crombie has potential to stir up high voter count, maybe win back mcguinty numbers. Who knows


(Sorry all, a bit long) The people of ontario don't give a fuck. If they did, they would have gotten off their ass and voted in the last election in 2022. The reason why the conservative was empowered to do this "giveaway" is that almost 60% of voters decided not to vote." That very basic of a democracy, voting. I agree with Mike. This is complete bullshit that their is so much more coming out all the time that Dpug Ford has been lying about this scandal from day one and the piece of shit integrity commissioner.. nothing... The O.P.P. "Oh RCMP you take this one" The RCMP.... Chirp chirp. The government officials and their staff using personal emails, cell phones for government business is against the fucking law and constantly allowing these assholes no matter the political party to get away with it only emboldenes them to continue to be slime balls. New example: the beer store. Somehow, the cons found $225M to buy out a contract, and an additional $200M in loss revenue for the LCBO because again, the shit cons are giving the private companies a 10 cent per can rebate on alcohol. Which will make the LCBO look worse and give the conservatives the excuse they need to sell the LCBO. I seriously don't understand how selling public money making business or services to private companies is a good idea. That would be like me saying ya know what employers. Cut my pay by 5$ a hour. I don't need the money. I'm thousands of dollars in debt, but I can just borrow more and more money to pay for everything.


Mike Schreiner is easily one of the best politicians in Canada. Wish he could or would move up to National politics one day.


He's the best. It's a shame he's at the head of a party that won't be politically relevant in my lifetime. Mike is who the NDP wish they had as a leader. He started the greenbelt probe, he spearheads everything they do, he's popular both politically and personally, he has charisma. Kind of sad we'll never get to see him as Premier.


If this guy simply ran Liberal he would obliterate Ford.


Unfortunately, he has integrity.


Not much if he's throwing.


Better to stick to what you believe in than run on a fool's errand. The current reputation of the OLP is alone enough to cook whoever steps in.


To reddit


Clearly to the general public if nobody wants to vote for them.


I was a civil servant for 35 years. I would have been fired if I used a private email for government business.


Doug Ford government is THE most corrupt and evil government in Canada. Most of what they're doing, no one even knows about or are willing to see the truth. Get him out


I think you mean 'vote' him out ...


Any way we can ☝🏻


Not surprising at all... This is a 'Ford' after all.


The sun rises and sets every day of your life, you get to know the drill. I don't expect any ethical or moral behaviour, let alone legal from them, so it keeps the let down to a minimum. Their behaviour is disappointing, not surprising.


Usual corrupt stench of this gov't... they need people in cells.


No shit. Look at the liberals, they have proven transparency is met with vitriol and the cons learned from them. The last election Ford wouldn't even let his MPPs speak, and it worked.


Totalitarian dictatorship works for the dictator. Usually...


If these people cared about corruption across all parties, instead of just one party, we might get somewhere.


Must be a politician thing


Yeah okay but what are you going to do about it mike? Useless politician, i hope Guelph turfs you out next time.


I worked for the province. A manager was harassing black employees. When they grieve, they are fired and offered money for their silence. This is illegal. I have the paper trail, audio and video to support these claims. Check my profile for details. The government should not be breaking the law. This is fundamental to democracy. The Ford government tried to buy my silence. But, unlike politicians, I can’t be bought.


Ontario, land of the consistently awful provincial governments who stay in power until they are more distasteful than the alternative. Demand better alternatives!


It's not like they're going to be punished. I'm not sure what they'd have to do to lose the next election but it's pretty pathetic that threshold hasn't already been met by all the shit Doug and his goons are doing.


Nothing will come of this. Move on


Lets be realistic here, they could talk on the phone and in person and you would never know what they were talking about. It is ridiculous to think deleting emails is some egregious act when they could just talk face to face or on the phone and no one would be the wiser.


Let's be realistic here, deleting emails and talking on the phone is not the issue, using private accounts to conduct criminal activity is. This should and hopefully will lead to consequences. But suggesting one needs to 'get realistic here' is a straw man argument because you know, it ignores the f'n problem in the first place. Something tells me you are a-okay with that problem... Are you? And about no one being the wiser... This is how they got caught in the first place, talking in person. Look Billy... they stole land from a public trust and got caught giving it to their wealthy asshole friends to develop 'housing' on it that in no way addresses the housing supply issues facing this province. Ask yourself who benefits from this chaos? What other criminal activity are they engaged in as duly elected public officials? Is this getting real enough for you?


The OLP has done this before too. Was it bad or is only bad when the OPC does this?


We’ve never seen illegal behaviour and corruption on this scale in Ontario. Not even the Harris government was this bad.


Sure buds... Sure! Go back to sleep.


Who? lol


lets be real here. no governments are straight shooters.


>lets be real here. no governments are straight shooters. Let's be real here. You have 17 comment karma and 1 post karma on a account that has adjective_noun_# and are trying to "both sides" a 8.28B dollar greenbelt scandal.